Cyclic behavior and energy approach of the fatigue of shape memory alloys
Tập 31 Số 3-4 - 2009
Wael Zaki, Habibou Maitournam, Ziad Moumni
This paper presents an energy-based low-cycle fatigue criterion that can be used in analyzing and designing structures made from shape memory alloys (SMAs) subjected to cyclic loading. Experimentally, a response similar to plastic shakedown is observed: during the first cycles the stress-strain curve shows a hysteresis loop which evolves during the first few cycles before stabilizing. By adopting an analogy with plastic fatigue, it is shown that the dissipated energy of the stabilized cycle is a relevant parameter for estimating the number of cycles to failure of such materials. Following these observations, we provide an application of the cyclic model, previously developed by the authors within the framework of generalized standard materials with internal constraints [16], in order to evaluate such parameter. Numerical simulations are presented along with a validation against experimental data in case of cyclic superelasticity.
#cyclic loading #residual strain #internal stress #dissipation #fatigue.
Nonlinear postbuckling of eccentrically stiffened functionally graded plates and shallow shells
Tập 33 Số 3 - 2011
Nguyen Thi Phuong, Vu Hoai Nam, Dao Huy Bich
The paper deals with the formulation of governing equations of eccentrically stiffened functionally graded plates and shallow shells based upon the classical shell theory and the smeared stiffeners technique taking into account geometrical nonlinearity in Von Karman-Donnell sense. Material properties are assumed to be temperature-independent and graded in the thickness direction according to a simple power law distribution in terms of the volume fraction of constituents. The shells are reinforced by eccentrically longitudinal and transversal stiffeners made of full metal or full ceramic depending on situation of stiffeners at metal-rich side or ceramic-rich side of the shell respectively. Obtained governing equations can be used in research on nonlinear postbuckling of mentioned above structures. By use of the Galerkin method an approximated analytical solution to the nonlinear stability problem of reinforced FGM plates and shallow shells is performed. The postbuckling load-deflection curves of the shells are investigated and analytical expressions of the upper and lower buckling loads are presented. A comparison of the effectiveness of stiffeners in enhancing the stability of FGM plates and shallow shells is given.
#functionally graded material #plates #shallow shells #stiffeners #upper and lower buckling loads #nonlinear postbuckling
Duality in the analysis of responses to nonlinear systems
Tập 32 Số 4 - 2010
Nguyen Dong Anh
The paper provides a new view on the averaging procedure and equivalent linearization in the study of nonlinear mechanics. It is shown that the duality of those techniques can be used to obtain better approximate solutions or to separate the original nonlinear systems subjected to periodic and random excitations into deterministic and stochastic ones.
An edge-based smoothed finite element for buckling analysis of functionally graded material variable-thickness plates
Tập 43 Số 3 - 2021
Tran Van Ke, Tran Trung Thanh, Pham Quoc Hoa, Tran The Van, Nguyen Thoi Trung
The paper aims to extend the ES-MITC3 element, which is an integration of the edge-based smoothed finite element method (ES-FEM) with the mixed interpolation of tensorial components technique for the three-node triangular element (MITC3 element), for the buckling analysis of the FGM variable-thickness plates subjected to mechanical loads. The proposed ES-MITC3 element is performed to eliminate the shear locking phenomenon and to enhance the accuracy of the existing MITC3 element. In the ES-MITC3 element, the stiffness matrices are obtained by using the strain smoothing technique over the smoothing domains formed by two adjacent MITC3 triangular elements sharing the same edge. The numerical results demonstrated that the proposed method is reliable and more accurate than some other published solutions in the literature. The influences of some geometric parameters, material properties on the stability of FGM variable-thickness plates are examined in detail.
#buckling analysis #critical load #variable thickness plate #edge-based finite element method #ES-MITC3
Shock between absolutely solid body and elastic bar with the elastic viscous frictional resistance at the side
Tập 13 Số 2 - 1991
The problem was solved completely in this paper. In the technical point of view this is model of the problem about shock between hammer and pile.
Finite element analysis of laminated composite plates using high order shear deformation theory
Tập 29 Số 1 - 2007
Tran Ich Thinh, Ngo Nhu Khoa
A rectangular non-conforming element based on Reddy's higher-order shear deformation plate theory is developed. Although the plate theory is quite attractive but it could not be exploited as expected in finite-element analysis. This is due to the difficulties associated with satisfaction of inter-elemental continuity requirement and satisfy zero shear stress boundary conditions of the plate theory. In this paper, the proposed element is developed where Reddy's plate theory is successfully implemented. It has four nodes and each node contains 7 degrees of freedom. The performance of the element is tested with different numerical examples, which show its precision and range of applicability.
Non-linear dynamical analysis of imperfect functionally graded material shallow shells
Tập 32 Số 1 - 2010
Vu Do Long, Dao Huy Bich
Dynamical behaviors of functionally graded material shallow shells with geometrical imperfections are studied in this paper. The material properties are graded in the thickness direction according to the power-law distribution in terms of volume fractions of the constituents of the material. The motion, stability and compatibility equations of these structures are derived using the classical shell theory. The non-linear equations are solved by the Newmark's numerical integration method. The non-linear transient responses of cylindrical and doubly-curved shallow shells subjected to excited external forces are obtained and the dynamic critical buckling loads are evaluated based on the displacement responses using the criterion suggested by Budiansky and Roth. Obtained results show the essential influence of characteristics of functionally graded materials on the dynamical behaviors of shells.
Dispersion equation of Rayleigh waves in transversely isotropic nonlocal piezoelastic solids half-space
Tập 41 Số 4 - 2019
Do Xuan Tung
This study is devoted to investigate the propagation of Rayleigh-type waves in transversely isotropic nonlocal piezoelastic half-space. When the stress-free boundary is maintained at charge-free condition, the dispersion equation for the propagation of Rayleigh waves at the free surface of transversely isotropic piezoelastic solids has been obtained. Based on the obtained dispersion equation, the effect of the nonlocality on the speed of Rayleigh wave is numerically considered. The dependence of velocities of plane waves in transversely isotropic nonlocal piezoelastic medium on the direction of propagation as well as non-dimensional frequency parameter has been also illustrated.
#dispersion equation #nonlocal #piezoelastic
Dual approach to averaged values of functions: A form for weighting coefficient
Tập 37 Số 2 - 2015
N. D. Anh
Averaged values play major roles in the study of dynamic processes. The use of those values allows transforming varying processes to some constant characteristics that are much easier to be investigated. In order to extend the use of averaged values one may apply the dual approach which suggests a consideration of two different aspects of a problem in question. In this short communication the main idea of the dual conception is further extended to suggest a new form for weighting coefficient and then a new averaged value of functions. This new averaged value depends on the parameter \(s\) and contains the classical averaged value when \(s=0\). In the example of Duffing oscillator it is shown that the parameter \(s\) can be chosen as \(s=n/(2\pi)\) and for \(n=4\) one gets the solution that is much accurate than the conventional one obtained by the classical criterion of equivalent linearization.
#Weighting coefficient #averaged value #dual approach #Duffing oscillator
Free vibration analysis of 2-D FGM beams in thermal environment based on a new third-order shear deformation theory
Tập 40 Số 2 - 2018
Nguyen Dinh Kien, Tran Thi Thom
Free vibration analysis of two-directional functionally graded material (2-D FGM) beams in thermal environment based on a new third-order shear deformation theory is presented. The material properties are assumed to be graded in both the thickness and longitudinal directions by a power law distribution, and they are considered to be temperature-dependent. Equations of motion, in which the shear rotation rather than the cross-sectional rotation is considered to be an independent variable, are constructed from Hamilton's principle. A finite element formulation is derived and employed to compute the vibration characteristics of the beams. The numerical results reveal that the developed formulation is accurate, and it is capable to give accurate natural frequencies by using a small number of elements. A parametric study is carried out to highlight the effects of material composition, temperature rise on the vibration characteristics of the beams.
#2-D FGM beam #temperature-dependent properties #new third-order shear deformation theory #shear rotation #free vibration analysis