Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology
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Antibacterial activities and characteristics of some marine fungi strains isolated from Co To beach, Quang Ninh province
Resistance to pathogenic bacteria may lead to serious health problems. Scientists found that discovering novel antimicrobial compounds is possible by exploring rarely investigated environments. Therefore, this work focused on isolating and identifying some fungal strains collected from the Co To sea. We tested whether such strains can produce compounds with vital activities, including antibacterial and antifungal. The antimicrobial activity of the marine fungi crude extracts was performed by the Bioassay method in a 96-well tray. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test results showed that 22 strains of marine fungi from samples with different geographic coordinates and 20/22 strains had antibacterial activity against at least two strains of microorganisms tested. The biological evaluation revealed that strains M257 and M238 inhibited 4 to 5 tested strains with MIC values equal to or lower than positive controls. Using a BLAST analysis in the GenBank database, morphological comparisons of the two selected candidate strains with similar known species and phylogenetic analyses were conducted on the 18S rRNA gene regions, and maximum likelihood revealed that M257 belongs to Talaromyces genus, and M238 belongs to Aspergillus penicillioides. The isolates were analyzed in a phylogenetic tree based on MegaX software.
#Fungus #antimicrobial activity #bioassay #MIC #marine fungi #18S rRNA.
Researching migration methods, entropy and energy diagram to process ground penetrating radar data
Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology - Tập 17 Số 4B - 2017
Electromagnetic wave velocity is the most important parameter in processing ground penetrating radar data. Migration algorithm which heavily depends on wave velocity is used to concentrate scattered signals back to their correct locations. Depending wave velocity in urban area is not easy task by using traditional methods (i.e., common midpoint). We suggest using entropy and energy diagram as standard for achieving suitable velocity estimation. The results of one numerical model and areal data indicate that migrated section using accurate velocity has minimum entropy or maximum energy. From the interpretation, size and depth of anomalies are reliably identified.
#Migration #entropy #energy #processing GPR data.
Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology - Tập 17 Số 4 - 2017
Năm 2009 đê chắn sóng tại cửa Tam Quan được hoàn thành, khu vực này bị bồi một cách nhanh chóng, đặc biệt là vào mùa mưa (trùng hợp với gió mùa Đông Bắc). Các quá trình thủy thạch động lực và xói lở, bồi tụ tại cửa Tam Quan thay đổi theo mùa rõ rệt. Vào mùa mưa (từ tháng 9 tới tháng 12): Gió thịnh hành theo hướng đông bắc (NE), bắc - đông bắc (NNE), bắc (N) và tây bắc (NW). Hầu hết tốc độ gió tập trung từ cấp 2 đến cấp 5. Sóng hình thành bởi gió NE, N có ảnh hưởng lớn nhất đến khu vực cửa Tam Quan. Khi truyền vào trong luồng dẫn sóng giảm nhanh chóng và có xu thế đẩy vật liệu từ ngoài biển vào, gây nên quá trình bồi - xói xen kẽ ở khu vực cửa và trong luồng dẫn. Dòng chảy có xu thế làm vật liệu đáy di chuyển từ sông ra biển gây ra sự bồi, xói xen kẽ ở khu vực luồng dẫn. Phía ngoài cửa vật liệu được bồi trên một khu vực có dạng vòng cung xung quanh cửa. Vào mùa khô (từ tháng 1 tới tháng 8): Hướng gió chủ đạo là đông nam (SE), nam - đông nam (SSE) và nam (S) với tốc độ gió khá nhỏ, từ cấp 2 đến cấp 4. Gió hướng đông (E) có tần suất nhỏ nhưng tạo ra sóng gây tác động trực tiếp tới khu vực nghiên cứu. Độ cao sóng giảm nhanh khi truyền vào trong luồng dẫn. Tác động của sóng do gió SE có xu thế đẩy vật liệu đáy từ ngoài biển và khu vực mũi nhô Trường Xuân vào lắng đọng ở khu vực cửa. Dòng chảy sóng hình thành bên bờ bắc làm vật liệu di chuyển vào khu vực trung tâm luồng làm nông hóa khu vực này. Dòng chảy chỉ làm vật liệu đáy di chuyển vào thời điểm triều rút mạnh và lắng đọng trên một khu vực rộng, đều ở cửa nhưng với cường độ không đáng kể. Kết quả tính toán những thay đổi địa hình đáy từ 15/12/2014 đến 20/5/2015 khá phù hợp với kết quả đo đạc. Đây chính là cơ sở để đưa ra các giải pháp ổn định luồng dẫn lâu dài.
#Channel #significant wave #discharge #bed materials #accumulate #erosion-deposition.
The application of split step fourier migration to interpreting GPR data in Vietnam
Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology - Tập 17 Số 4B - 2017
Migration methods play an essential role in processing ground penetrating radar data. For estimating electromagnetic propagation velocity distribution, the finite - difference migration is used because of its reliable performance with high noise conditions. To optimize this migration algorithm, we propose using energy diagram as a criterion of looking for the correct velocity. If the velocity varies laterally and vertically, split step Fourier migration is used for creating a true image of subsurface structures. We applied these steps to real data in Vietnam. The results verified on field data show that migrated images with calculated velocity from energy diagram have the best quality.
#Split Step Fourier Migration #energy diagram #finite - difference migration.
Application of satellite images and VNREDSAT-1 images in study on marine environment in Truong Sa region
Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology - Tập 19 Số 3B - 2019
The remote sensing images, including images of MODIS, VNREDSAT-1 and altimeter, are applied for researching marine environment with the different resolutions. On the basis of different time remote sensing images, we concentrated on the assessment of several characteristics including the SST, chlorophyll-a concentration and sea surface current at the different depths in different monsoons as well. With the large areas, we used the images of MODIS and altimeter. The detailed research area focuses on the Nam Yet island, and the images of VNREDSAT-1 are used. The analysis method of environmental parameters of SST and chlorophyll-a used the regression functions based on the single and combined bands to enhance the accuracy of the analysis result. The marine parameters collected at different depths in the latest field surveys on Truong Sa archipelago in the years of 2015 and 2018 are presented in this paper. On the basis of these parameters, we can analyse the relationships and compare the real field survey data and corresponding results interpreted from remote sensing images.
#Remote sensing image #marine environment #sea surface temperature (SST) #chlorophyll-a concentration #sea current.
Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology - Tập 10 Số 4 - 2015
Các mẫu đá cát kết quặng Ti thu được tại các tụ khoáng Duy Nghĩa, (huyện Duy Xuyên), Tam Hiệp, Tam Nghĩa và Tam Hải (huyện Núi Thành), tỉnh Quảng Nam là khá độc đáo và hiếm gặp tại các mỏ sa khoáng cũng như các tụ khoáng dọc ven bờ Quảng Nam nói riêng và ven bờ miền Trung nói chung. Thành phần khoáng của đá bao gồm: Thạch anh, các khoáng vật sắt, các khoáng vật titan gắn với nhau bởi keo sắt. Các keo sắt này có thể được tạo thành trong quá trình phong hóa đá. Trong thành phần đá, các khoáng vật quặng chiếm ưu thế, cho nên tạo ra sự sẫm màu của đá. Chính lớp đá cát kết quặng Ti này, là một trong những nguồn tiếp quan trọng cho các tụ khoáng Ti trong vùng bờ Quảng Nam. Summary: The titanium - ore - bearing sandstone samples from mineral deposits Duy Nghia (of Duy Xuyen district), Tam Hiep, Tam Nghia and Tam Hai (Nui Thanh district), Quang Nam province are quite original and rare for whole Central Vietnam coastal zone in general and Quang Nam province in particular. The titanium - ore - bearing sandstone content is of quartzs, ferromagnesian minerals, and titanium minerals. The constituent is joined to each with others by ferrous cement, which formed from weathering process. The dominant content of ore in the rocks made them to turn into dark color. The titanium - ore - bearing sandstone is just the source of the titanium deposits of Quang Nam coastal zone.
Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology - Tập 8 Số 3 - 2012
The management ofsmall scale fisheries and of marine protected areas (MPA’s) are both hot topics olcurrent marine policy development in Vietnam. Commonalities exist between these two policy areas, and MPA’s are viewed as providing good opportunities to model approaches for co-management involring coastal fishing comm unities. There has been considerable effort made to capture the essence of successful resource management interventions in order to develop appropriate fisheries co-management models for Vietnam’s unique context over the last decade. One of the most significant questions arising from this collation of experience is how to maintain commitment and involvement of all people in the process, from different levels of government to the local community? Against this backdrop of macro-policy change sits the position of Vietnamese small scale coastal fishers, who are often perceived as unwilling to invest in alternative future livelihood opportunities. Lack of long term resource access security access to capital and declining fisheries resources are all potential reasons for this lack ol confidence in future investment resulting in unwillingness to change. Limitations of rural locations, lack of infrastructure, low education and limited life experience outside of the small scale fishing way of life all complicate the transformation of fishers’ lives and livelihoods, and impact on the success of interventions seeking behavioural and livelihood-related change.For participatory interventions to be successful amid this complexity requires the commitment, and not just involvement of local people. For this commitment to evolve, local people need to perceive some benefits from participation. But how can this commitment be maintained when the process itsell is long term and the resulting benefits may take even longer to manfest? Although the form of benefit may be different for higher level stakeholders, its role as a key driver is equally important. These issues will be explored with reference to one island MPA case study in central Vietnam. Cu Lao Cham MPA project com menced in October 2003 and the MPA was formally established in December 2005. The population of around 3000 people is concentrated on the largest island in the Cham islands group, with around 80% of the population dependant on fishing. The island’s size, restrictions on forest use and its military importance also limit land availability for expansion of agricultural or urban development. The islands’ people, fishing seasons and tourism are also impacted by the typhoon season which can limit boat traffic and cut transport between Cu Lao Cham and the mainland for long periods. The last 12 months of the MPA Authority’s operation have focused strongly on community development interventions around alternative livelihood activities, targeting households determined to be most affected by the MPA regulations. Management of household waste has also been addressed during recent years through community participation processes. This presentation will explore the evolution of participatory activities through these experiences, focusing on the key themes of model development and implementation, the involvement and commitment of local people, and the connections to benefit that have arisen.
Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology - Tập 11 Số 3 - 2012
This paper provides some meteo-hydro-dynamical features in Mekong River Mouth area which were based on statistical results from longtime measurement data such as wind, wave, sea water level, and river discharge. Study results show that distribution features of wind and wave characteristics are corresponding to seasonal variation. Predominant wind and wave directions during NE Monsoon period is NE, and in W, SW directions during SW Monsoon period. NE Monsoon period is from November to April (strongest in December and January), SW Monsoon period is from June to September (strongest in August). During NE Monsoon period the wind velocity and wave height were higher than that of SW Monsoon period. Variation of SWL at Vungtau Station shows that the tide is semi-diurnal with maximum value occurred during NE monsoon period (highest in November), and minimum value occurred during SW Monsoon period (lowest in June). Variation of river discharge is similarly at two stations (Mythuan and Cantho). During flood season (from July to December) average monthly discharge was ranged from 4,000 to 15,800 m3/s. During dry season (from January to May) average monthly discharge at both stations was less than 4,000 m3/s. Statistical data show that Mekong River Mouth area is a region of strong and complicated hydro-dynamical interaction processes between river and sea. Key words: Monsoon, North-East (NE), South-West (SW), Sea Water Level (SWL), River discharge, Mekong River.
Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology - Tập 14 Số 2 - 2014
Dựa vào các bộ chỉ thị đánh giá tính bền vững đã công bố, các tác giả nghiên cứu, thiết lập bộ chỉ thị với 6 nhóm chủ đề và 38 chỉ thị và các bậc bền vững (5 bậc) cho các yếu tố phục vụ công tác đánh giá tính bền vững đới bờ, thí điểm tại huyện Phù Cát, tỉnh Bình Định. Nghiên cứu này đã áp dụng phương pháp phân tích tiến trình cấp bậc (AHP) để thiết lập tập hợp trọng số cho từng chủ đề và từng chỉ thị. Sau khi tính toán kết quả đánh giá với phương pháp đánh giá toàn diện mờ (FCE) cho từng chỉ thị theo hàm thành viên, ta có được kết quả đánh giá tổng thể cho toàn bộ huyện Phù Cát. Từ kết quả tính toán và đánh giá các tiêu chí cho thấy mức độ bền vững của huyện Phù Cát ở mức trung bình.
#Sustainability #coastal zone #Phu Cat district.
Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology - Tập 21 Số 1 - 2021
Surface waves are almost dissipated energy as propagating from shallow water to muddy flat and in mangrove forest. The study aims to analyse to spectral density energy by using Blackman Tukey (BT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) methods in order to analyse the wave energy in mangrove areas in Cu Lao Dung (Soc Trang province). BT method is easy to use especially in short time series. Selection of lag number m is very important to determine the energy amount and number of peaks. Whereas, FFT method helps us to analyse the shift of spectral energy as waves propagate into shallower water. The results show that wave is dissipated energy from shallow water to muddy flat and into mangrove forests. The spectral energy shifts from low frequency to higher frequency as propagating into mangrove forests. This can prove that the non-linear characteristics of waves in mangrove forests and the complicated hydrodynamics progresses in mangrove forests.
Tổng số: 914
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