Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences

SCOPUS (2018-2023)ACI (2016-2022)ESCI-ISI



  Việt Nam

Cơ quản chủ quản:  Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam

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Contamination of microplastic in bivalve: first evaluation in Vietnam
Tập 41 Số 3 - 2019
Duong Thi Thuy, Le Thi Phuong Quynh, Phuong Ngoc Nam, Pham Quoc Tuan, Frederic Amiard
Microplastics (MP) are omnipresent in ecosystems. Some studies focus on MP fates and their toxicology on biota for the last ten years in the world. In the present study, MP was identified in bivalve (Perna Viridis) collected in Vietnam for the first time using micro-Fourier transform infrared Microspectroscopy (µFTIR) technique. Organisms were digested by KOH 10% solution then separated using KI 50% solution. The average concentration evaluated at 2.60 MP/individual and 0.29 MP/gram of wet tissue. Six types of MP were found with a high proportion of polypropylene (PP) (31%) and polyester (23%). MP characterizations were also observed which bring to much important information such as the source of MP contamination in bivalve from Vietnam. Nevertheless, more work needs to be invested in the future such as on different species or environment compartments which permit to the global view of MP contamination in Vietnam.
#Microplastic contamination #bivalve #Perna viridis #µFTIR #Vietnam
Sea-level rise and resilience in Vietnam and the Asia-Pacific: A synthesis
Tập 40 Số 2 - 2018
Tran Dinh Lan, Nguyen Van Thanh, Luc Hens, Ngo Sy Cuong, Dang Thanh Le, Tran Hong Hanh, Nguyen An Thinh
Climate change induced sea-level rise (SLR) is on its increase globally. Regionally the lowlands of China, Vietnam, Bangladesh, and islands of the Malaysian, Indonesian and Philippine archipelagos are among the world’s most threatened regions. Sea-level rise has major impacts on the ecosystems and society. It threatens coastal populations, economic activities, and fragile ecosystems as mangroves, coastal salt-marches and wetlands. This paper provides a summary of the current state of knowledge of sea level-rise and its effects on both human and natural ecosystems. The focus is on coastal urban areas and low lying deltas in South-East Asia and Vietnam, as one of the most threatened areas in the world. About 3 mm per year reflects the growing consensus on the average SLR worldwide. The trend speeds up during recent decades. The figures are subject to local, temporal and methodological variation. In Vietnam the average values of 3.3 mm per year during the 1993-2014 period are above the worldwide average. Although a basic conceptual understanding exists that the increasing global frequency of the strongest tropical cyclones is related with the increasing temperature and SLR, this relationship is insufficiently understood. Moreover the precise, complex environmental, economic, social, and health impacts are currently unclear. SLR, storms and changing precipitation patterns increase flood risks, in particular in urban areas. Part of the current scientific debate is on how urban agglomeration can be made more resilient to flood risks. Where originally mainly technical interventions dominated this discussion, it becomes increasingly clear that proactive special planning, flood defense, flood risk mitigation, flood preparation, and flood recovery are important, but costly instruments. Next to the main focus on SLR and its effects on resilience, the paper reviews main SLR associated impacts: Floods and inundation, salinization, shoreline change, and effects on mangroves and wetlands. The hazards of SLR related floods increase fastest in urban areas. This is related with both the increasing surface major cities are expected to occupy during the decades to come and the increasing coastal population. In particular Asia and its megacities in the southern part of the continent are increasingly at risk. The discussion points to complexity, inter-disciplinarity, and the related uncertainty, as core characteristics. An integrated combination of mitigation, adaptation and resilience measures is currently considered as the most indicated way to resist SLR today and in the near future.References Aerts J.C.J.H., Hassan A., Savenije H.H.G., Khan M.F., 2000. 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#sea-level rise #coastal zone #hazard #resilience Vietnam #SE-Asia
Determination of maximum tilt angle from analytic signal amplitude of magnetic data by the curvature-based method
Tập 40 Số 4 - 2018
Pham Thanh Luan, Le Huy Minh, Do Duc Thanh, Erdinc Oksum
Imaging buried geological boundaries is one of a major objective during the interpretation of magnetic field data in Geophysics. Therefore, edge detection and edge enhancement techniques assist a crucial role on this aim. Most of the existing edge detector methods require to obtain special points such as in general the maxima of the resulting image. One of the useful tools in estimating edges from magnetic data is the tilt angle of the analytical signal amplitude due to its value slightly dependence on the direction of magnetization. In this study, the maxima of the tilt angle of analytical signal amplitudes of the magnetic data was determined by a curvature-based method. The technique is based on fitting a quadratic surface over a 3×3 windows of the grid for locating any appropriate critical point that is near the centre of the window. The algorithm is built in Matlab environment. The feasibility of the algorithm is demonstrated in two cases of synthetic data as well as on real magnetic data from Tu Chinh-Vung May area. The source code is available from the authors on request.ReferencesAkpınar Z., Gürsoy H., Tatar O., Büyüksaraç A., Koçbulut F., Piper, JDA., 2016. Geophysical analysis of fault geometry and volcanic activity in the Erzincan Basin, Central Turkey, Complex evolution of a mature pull-apart basin. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 116, 97-114. Beiki M., 2010. Analytic signals of gravity gradient tensor and their application to estimate source location, Geophysics, 75(6), 159-174.Blakely R. J., and Simpson R.W., 1986. Approximating edges of source bodies from magnetic or gravity anomalies, Geophysics, 51, 1494-1498.Chen An-Guo, Zhou Tao-Fa, Liu Dong-Jia, Zhang Shu, 2017. Application of an enhanced theta-based filter for potential field edge detection: a case study of the LUZONG ORE DISTRICT, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 60(2), 203-218.Cooper G.RJ., 2014. Reducing the dependence of the analytic signal amplitude of aeromagnetic data on the source vector direction, Geophysics, 79, 55-60.Cordell L., 1979. Gravimetric Expression of Graben Faulting in Santa Fe Country and theEspanola Basin, New Mexico. In Ingersoll, R.V., Ed., Guidebook to Santa Fe Country, New Mexico Geological Society, Socorro, 59-64.Cordell L and Grauch V.J.S., 1985. Mapping Basement Magnetization Zones from Aeromagnetic Data in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico, The Utility of Regional Gravity and Magnetic Anomaly Maps, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, 181-197.Hsu S.K., Coppense D., Shyu C.T., 1996. High- resolution detection of geologic boundaries from potential field anomalies: An enhanced analytic signal technique, Geophysics, 61, 1947-1957.Le D.C., Application of seismic exploration methods to identify geological structural characteristics supporting for hydrocarbon potential assessment in TuChinh - Vung May basin, Ph.D. Thesis, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology.Li X., 2006. Understanding 3D analytic signal amplitude: Geophysics, 71(2), 13-16.Miller H.G. and Singh V., 1994. Potential Field Tilt a New Concept for Location of Potential Field Sources, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 32, 213-217.Nabighian M.N., 1972. The analytic signal of two-dimensional magnetic bodies with polygonal cross-section: Its properties and use of automated anomaly interpretation, Geophysics, 37, 507-517.Nguyen N.T., Bui V.N., Nguyen T.T.H., 2014. Determining the depth to the magnetic basement and fault systems in Tu Chinh - Vung May area by magnetic data interpretation, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 14(4a), 16-25.Nguyen X.H, San T.N, Bae W., Hoang M.C, 2014. Formation mechanism and petroleum system of tertiary sedimentary basins, offshore Vietnam, Energy Sources, Part A, 36,  1634-1649.Phillips J.D., Hansen R.O. and Blakely R.J., 2007. The use of curvature in potential-field interpretation, Exploration Geophysics, 38(2), 111-119.Rao D.B., and Babu N.R., 1991. A rapid method for three-dimensional modeling of magnetic anomalies, Geophysics, 56(11), 1729-1737.Roest W.R., Verhoef  J., and Pilkington M., 1992. Magnetic interpretation using the 3-D analytic signal, Geophysics, 57, 116-125.Tran N., 2017. Sediment geology of Vietnam, VNU Press.Tran T.D., Tran N., Nguyen T.H., Dinh X.T., Pham B.N., Nguyen T.T., Tran T.T.T.N., Nguyen T.H.T., 2018. The Miocenedepositional geological evolution of Phu Khanh, Nam Con Son and Tu Chinh - Vung May basins in Vietnam continental shelf, VNU Journal of Science: Earth and Environmental Sciences, 34(1), 112-135.Vo T.S., Le H.M., Luu V.H., 2005. Three-dimensional analytic signal method and its application in interpretation of aeromagnetic anomaly maps in the Tuan Giao region, Proceedings of the 4th geophysical scientific and technical conference of Vietnam, Publisher of Science and Engineering 2005.Wijns C, Perez C and Kowalczyk P, 2005, Theta map: Edge detection in magnetic data, Geophysics, 70, 39-43.
#the curvature-based method #tilt angle #analytic signalamplitude #edge detection #Tu Chinh-Vung May
Landslide susceptibility mapping using Forest by Penalizing Attributes (FPA) algorithm based machine learning approach
Tập 24 Số 3 - 2020
Dao Trung Hoan, Hai-Bang Ly, Indra Prakash, Tran Van Phong, Phan Trong Trinh
Landslide susceptibility mapping is a helpful tool for assessment and management of landslides of an area. In this study, we have applied first time Forest by Penalizing Attributes (FPA) algorithm-based Machine Learning (ML) approach for mapping of landslide susceptibility at Muong Lay district (Vietnam). For this aim, 217 historical landslides locations were identified and analyzed for the development of FPA model and generation of susceptibility map. Nine landslide topographical and geo-environmental conditioning factors (curvature, geology/lithology, aspect, distance from faults, rivers and roads, weathering crust, slope, and deep division) were utilized to construct the training and validating datasets for landslide modeling. Different quantitative statistical indices including Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) were used to evaluate the performance of the model. The results indicate that the predictive capability of the FPA is very good for landslide susceptibility mapping on both training (AUC = 0.935) and validating (AUC = 0.882) datasets. Thus, the novel FPA based ML model can be utilized for the development of accurate landslide susceptibility map of the study area and this approach can also be applied in other landslide prone areas.
#Landslide susceptibility mapping #machine learning #AUC #ROC #GIS #Vietnam
A Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) applied on mangrove shoreline changes along the Giao Thuy coastal area (Nam Dinh, Vietnam) during 2005-2014
Tập 39 Số 1 - Trang 87-96 - 2017
Nguyen An Thinh*, Luc Hens
The paper deals with a combination of the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) and remote sensing, studying historical mangrove shoreline changes and mangrove zoning in the GiaoThuy coastal area of the Nam Dinh province, Vietnam. The results show an over-all mangrove area increase of 2,487 hectares during the years 2005-2014. This dynamics results from both degradation and increase of the mangroves. The calculated degradation rate is 1.41 m yr-1, and the growth rate is 1.26 m yr-1 on average. 4 different mangrove zones were delineated based on the End Point Rate (EPR) values of DSAS transects. The differential evolution of the mangroves in these zones is driven by socio-economic and environmental factors. The results contribute to practices of mangrove planning and management in a coastal area. Furthermore, historical mangrove shoreline change provides indicators to monitor coastal environmental changes for global warming, climate change, storm effects, sea level change, pollution, and sedimentation rates.References Alongi, D.M., 2008. Mangrove forests: Resilience, protection from tsunamis, and responses to global climate change. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 76(1), 1-13. Cohen, M.C.L., Lara R.J., 2003. Temporal changes of mangrove vegetation boundaries in Amazonia: Application of GIS and remote sensing techniques. Wetland Ecology Management 11, 223-231. Ellison, J., 2000. How South Pacific mangroves may respond to predicted climate change and sea  level rise. In: Gillespie A. and Burns W. (Eds.). Climate change in the South Pacific: Impacts and responses in Australia, New Zealand, and small islands states. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers (Chapter 15), 289-301. Hegde, A.V., Akshaya B.J., 2015. Shoreline transformation study of Karnataka Coast: Geospatial Approach. Aquatic Procedia 4, 151-156. Lewis, R.R., 2005. Ecological engineering for successful management and restoration of mangrove forests. Ecological Engineering, 24(4SI), 403-418. Moussaid, J., Fora A.A., Zourarah B., Maanan M., Maanan M., 2015. Using automatic computation to analyze the rate of shoreline change on the Kenitra coast, Morocco.Ocean Engineering, 102(1), 71-77. Nguyen Hai Hoa, McAlpine C., Pullar D., Leisz S.J., Galina G., 2015. Drivers of coastal shoreline change: case study of Hon Dat coast, Kien Giang, Vietnam. Environmental Management, 55(5), 1093-1108. Oyedotun, T.D.T., 2014. Shoreline Geometry: DSAS as a tool for historical trend analysis. Geomorphological Techniques, Chapter 3(2.2), British Society for Geomorphology, 1-12. Pham Quang Son , Nguyen Duc Anh, 2016. Evolution of the coastal zone in Hai Hau district (Nam Dinh province) and nearest region over the last 100 years based on analysis topographic maps and multi-temporal remote sensing data. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 38(1), 118-130 (in Vietnamese). Rebelo, L.M., Finlayson C.M., Nagabhatla N., 2009. Remote sensing and GIS for wetland inventory, mapping and change analysis. Environmental Management, 90, 2144-2153. Sathirathai, S., Barbier E.B., 2001. Valuing mangrove conservation in southern Thailand. Contemporary Economic Policy, 19(2), 109-122. Sheik, M., Chandrasekar, 2011. A shoreline change analysis along the coast between Kanyakumari and Tuticorin, India, using digital shoreline analysis system. Geo-spatial Information Science, 14(4), 282. Thieler, E.R., Himmelstoss E.A., Zichichi J.L., Ergul A., 2009. Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.0 - An ArcGIS extension for calculating shoreline change.U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1278. Dang Van To, Phan Thi Phuong Thao, 2008. A shoreline analysis using DSAS in Nam Dinh coastal area. GeoInformatics, 4(1), 37-42. Tran Thi V., Xuan A Tien Thi., Phan Nguyen Hong, Dahdouh-Guebas F., Koedam N. , 2014. Application of remote sensing and GIS for detection of long-term mangrove shoreline changes in Mui Ca Mau, Vietnam. Biogeosciences ,11, 3781-3795. Vu Van Loi, 2016. Sedimentary facies and engineering geological characteristics of Holocene deposits in the coastal area of Tien Lang district, Hai Phong city. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 38(1), 108-117. 
#Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) #mangrove shoreline changes #mangrove zoning #transect #Giao Thuy coast #Vietnam
Assessment and Simulation of Impacts of Climate Change on Erosion and Water Flow by Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool and GIS: Case Study in Upper Cau River basin in Vietnam
Tập 39 Số 4 - 2017
Tran Hong Thai, Nguyen Phuong Thao, Bui Tien Dieu
The Upper Cau river basin which plays an important role in socio-economic developments the North of Vietnam is sensitive to changes of climate influencing flows, erosion, and water resources. The main objective of this study is to assess and simulate impacts of climate change on erosion and water flow in the basin. Using a GIS database and Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model, the water flow and soil loss were assessed with data in period 1980-1999 called the based period, then simulated until 2100 considering the medium emission scenario (B2). The simulation result showed that the total annual runoff and soil loss tends to increase compared to the base period. For flow, the change rate of the simulation period is higher than the base period; the water flow rate will increase by 0.22% (2020-2039) and up to 1.37% (2080-2100). The total annual soil loss of the simulation period at Gia Bay station tends to increase steadily compared to the baseline, namely by 6.2% (2020-2039) and 25.5% (2080-2100). Overall, the result in this study shows that effects of climate changes on the basin are severe enough under the scenario B2 which is useful for authorities for basin management.ReferencesAli R., McFarlane D., Varma S., Dawes W., Emelyanova I., Hodgson G., Charles S., 2012. Potential climate change impacts on groundwater resources of south-western Australia. Journal of Hydrology, 475, 456-472. doi: Arnell N. W., 2004. Climate change and global water resources: SRES emissions and socio-economic scenarios. Global Environmental Change, 14(1), 31- 52. doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2003.10.006 Arnold J. G., Fohrer N., 2005. SWAT2000: Current capabilities and research opportunities in applied watershed modeling. Hydrol. Proc., 19(3), 563-572. Arnold J.G., Kiniry J.R., Srinivasan R., Williams J.R., Haney E.B., Neitsch S.L., 2012. Soil and water assessment tool. Input/output Documentation: Texas Water Resources Institute. Beare S., Heaney A., 2002. Climate Change and water resources in the Murray Darling Basin, Australia, impacts and possible adaptation. Paper presented at the World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Monterey, California, USA. Binh N.D., Tuan N.A., Huong H.L., 2010. SWAT application coupled with web technologies for soil erosion assessment in north western region of Vietnam. Paper presented at the International SWAT Conference Mayfield Hotel. Seoul, South Korea: Hanoi University of Algriculture. Chau T.L.M., Tuan N.Q., 2011. Application of SWAT for soil erosion management at river subbasins in Duong Hoa commune, Huong Thuy town, Thua Thien Hue province. Paper presented at the 3rd National GIS conference Danang University of Education, Danang, Vietnam. CLIMsystems. Department of Geography, L. U. SDSM Statistical Downscaling Model: FAO. Hanratty M.P., Stefan H.G., 1998. Simulating climate change effects in a Minnesota agricultural watershed. J. Environ. Qual., 27, 1524-1532. IPCC, 2000. Special Report on Emissions Scenarios. United States of America. IPCC, 2007. Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007 (AR4). Li Y., Chen B.M., Wang Z.G., Peng S.L., 2011. Effects of temperature change on water discharge, and sediment and nutrient loading in the lower Pearl River basin based on SWAT modeling. Hydrolog. Sci. J., 56, 68-83. Liem N.D., Hong N.T., Minh T.P., Loi N.K., 2011. Assessing water discharge in Be river basin, Vietnam using GIS and SWAT model. Paper presented at the National GIS application Vietnam. McBean E., Motiee H., 2008. Assessment of impact of climate change on water resources: a long term analysis of the Great Lakes of North America. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 12, 239-255. MONRE, 2009. Climate Change, Sea level rise scenarios for Vietnam.  Vietnam. MONRE, 2012. Climate Change, Sea level rise scenarios for Vietnam.  Vietnam. MONRE, 2016. Climate Change, Sea level rise scenarios for Vietnam.  Vietnam. Nhu N.Y., 2011. Researching on the impacts of Climate Change on the extreme of the flow on Nhue-Day rivers basin, Hanoi. (Master), Hanoi University of Science, Hanoi National University, Vietnam. Ouyang W., Gao X., Hao Z., Liu H., Shi Y., Hao F., 2017. Farmland shift due to climate warming and impacts on temporal-spatial distributions of water resources in a middle-high latitude agricultural watershed. Journal of Hydrology, 547, 156-167. Phan D.B., Wu C.C., Hsieh S.C., 2011. Impact of Climate Change and Deforestation on Stream Discharge and Sediment Yield in Phu Luong Watershed, Viet Nam Environmental Science and Engineering, 5, 1063-1072. Phan D.B., Wu C.C., Hsieh S.C., 2011. Impact of Climate Change on Stream Discharge and Sediment Yield in Northern Vietnam. Water Resources, 38(6), 827-836. doi: 10.1134/S0097807811060133. Rossi C.G., Srinivasan R., Jirayoot K., Duc T.L., Souvannabouth P., Binh N.D., Gassman P.W., 2009. Hydrologic evaluation of the lower Mekong river basin with the soil and water assessment tool model. International Agricultural Engineering, 18, 1-13. Son N.T., Tuan N.C., Hang V.T., Nhu N.Y., 2011. Impact of climate change on water resources to transform Nhue-Day rivers basin. Natural and Technological Science, 27, 218-226. Thang T.Q., 2010. Application of remote sensing images and GIS technique to assess soil erosion in Tam Nong Commune, Phu Tho province. Master. Hanoi University of Agriculture, Hanoi. Trong T.D., Viet N.Q., Huong D.T.V., 2012. Assessing the soil erosion possibility in Dakrong Commune, Quang Tri province using RMMF (Rrevised Morgan-Morgan-Finney) model. Scientific journal, Hue University,Vietnam, 74A(5), 173-184. Tu L.H., Liem N.D., Minh T.P., Loi N.K., 2011. Assessing soil erosion in Da Tam watershed, Lam Dong province using GIS technique Paper presented at the National GIS application  Danang, Vietnam. Penginapan Ciawi. (2020). Retrieved 21 May 2020, from Vargas-Amelin E., Pindado P., 2014. The challenge of climate change in Spain: Water resources, agriculture and land. Journal of Hydrology, 518, Part B, 243-249. Winchell M., Srinivasan R., Di Luzio M., Arnold J., 2013. ArcSWAT Interface for SWAT 2012. User's Guide. Texas: Blackland Research and Extension Center; Grassland Soil and Water research laboratory.
#Water flow #Erosion #Soil loss #Climate Change #Upper Cau river basin
Analysis of gravity data for extracting structural features of the northern region of the Central Indian Ridge
Tập 45 Số 2 - Trang 147-163 - 2023
Luan Thanh Pham, K.N.D. Prasad
In this study, structural lineaments and fracture zones of the northern region of the Central Indian Ridge have been determined using gravity data from XGM2019e_2159 global gravity model. In this scope, firstly, the edge detection performances of the gradient amplitude of the tilt angle (THDR), theta map (TM), improved local phase (ILP), and improved logistic (IL) methods have been evaluated on synthetic examples. The results show that the IL method effectively avoids false edges and produces high-resolution edges. Then, the methods are applied to the gravity anomaly of the northern region of the Central Indian Ridge. It has been determined that the most prominent structural lineaments observed over the region are in the NE-SW and NW-SE directions. These trends match reasonably with the significant trends of the Tilt depth solutions that show a depth range of 2.2 km to 7 km for different geological structures. In addition, the obtained results are compatible with the known fracture zones of the study area. The findings help us to improve our understanding of the structure and tectonic framework of the study region.
#gravity #edge detection #structural feature #Central Indian Ridge
Tập 38 Số 2 - 2016
Tran Van Phong, Nguyen Phuc Dat, Hoang Quang Vinh, Vu Van Phai, Bui Tien Dieu, Phan Trong Trinh, Ngo Van Liem*
the Day Nui Con Voi (DNCV) area of Vietnam. For this purpose, a spatial database was collected and constructed, including DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and a geological map. The hypsometric curve (HC) analysis method and its statistical moments were adopted to use for the assessment. These methods have been widely used for the assessment of geomorphic processes and active tectonics in many areas in the world showing promising results. A total of 44 sub-basins of the Red River and the Chay river were analyzed. The result shows that 3 curve-types such as "straight- shape", "S- shape", and concave were found; with the concave curve being the dominant and widely distributed in the northeast side and in the south of the southwestern side of the study area. The hypsometric integral (HI) values are rather small with the largest value is 0.37 and the smallest one is 0.128. Other statistical moments of the hypsometric curve, i.e. skew (SK), kurtosis (KUR), and the density function (density skew - DSK and density kurtosis-DKUR) show great values, which increased in the south direction of the area study. Accordingly, recent active tectonics (uplift-lower) in the study area is generally weak; however, they are also not completely homogeneous and can be distinguished by different levels. The southwestern side is being lifted higher than the northeastern side. The northern part is being lifted larger than the southern part. In the region, the uplift activities were increased gradually in the Pliocene-Quaternary and could have stopped at certain time in the past. The current geomorphic processes are mainly headward erosion in the upstream.References Allen, C.R., Gillepie, A.R., Han, Y., Sieh, K.E., Zhu, C., 1984. 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Quaternary evolution of the Marrakech High Atlas and morphotectonic evidence of activity along the Tizi N'Test Fault, Morocco. Geomorphology 118, 262-279.El Hamdouni, R., Irigaray, C., Fernández, T., Chacón, J., Keller, E.A., 2008. Assessment of relative active tectonics, southwest border of the Sierra Nevada (southern Spain). Geomorphology 96, 150-173.Font, M., Amorese, D., Lagarde, J.L., 2010. DEM and GIS analysis of the stream gradient index to evaluate effects of tectonics: the Normandy intraplate area (NW France). Geomorphology 119, 172-180.Gardner, T.W., Sasowsky, K.C., Day, R.L., 1990. Automated extraction of geomorphometric properties from digital elevation models. Zeischrift für Geomorphologie Supplemental Band 80, 57-68.Harlin, J.M., 1978. Statistical moments of the hypsometric curve and its density function. Mathematical Geology 10, 59-72.Howard, A.D., 1990. Role of hypsometry and planform in basin hydrologic response. Hydrological Processes 4, 373-385.Huang, X.J., Niemann, J.D., 2006. Modelling the potential impacts of groundwater hydrology on long-term drainage basin evolution. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 31, 1802-1823.Joshi, P.N,. Maurya, D.M., Chamyal, L.S., 2013. Morphotectonic segmentation and spatial variability of neotectonic activity along the Narmada-Son Fault, Western India: Remote sensing and GIS analysis. Geomorphology 180-181 (2013) 292-306.Keller, E.A., Pinter, N., 2002. Active Tectonics. Earthquakes, Uplift and Landscape. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 362.Le Duc An, 2003. About the exhumation of metamorphic rocks of Con Voi range. Journal of Sciences of the Earth,No.1, 93-95 (In Vietnamese with English abstract).Le Duc An, Dao Dinh Bac, Uong Dinh Khanh, Vo Thinh, Tran Hang Nga, Ngo Tuan Anh, Nguyen Thi Le Ha, 2004. Geomorphology of Red River Fault Zone and natural hazard.P 459-532. Science and Technics Publishing House, Hanoi (In Vietnamese with English abstract).Le Duc An, Lai, Huy Anh, Vo Thinh, Ngo Tuan Anh, Do Minh Tuan, Tran Hang Nga, 2001. Steps of relief of Convoi Mountain characteristics. Journal of Sciences of the Earth, 23(2), 97-104. (In Vietnamese with English abstract).Leloup, P.H., Arnaud, N., Lacassin, R., Kienast, J.R., Harrison, T.M., Trinh, P.T., Replumaz, A., Tapponnier, P., 2001. New constraints on the structure, thermochronology, and timing of the Ailao Shan-Red River shear zone, SE Asia, Journal of Geophysical Research, B, v. 106, 6683-6732.Leloup, P.H., Chen Wenji, Harrison, T.M., Tapponnier, P., 1994. Timing of shear sense inversion along the Red River fault zone. Int. Workshop on Seismotectonics and Seismic Hazard in South East Asia, Hanoi.Leloup, P.H., Lacasin, Tapponnier, P., Scharer, U., Dalai, Z., Xaohan, L., Zhangshan, Shaocheng, J., Trinh, P.T., 1995. 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Prediction of soil unconfined compressive strength using Artificial Neural Network Model
Tập 24 Số 3 - 2020
Thuy-Anh Nguyen, Duc-Dam Nguyen, Hoang-Anh Le, Indra Prakash
The main objective of the present study is to apply Artificial Neural Network (ANN), which is one of the most popular machine learning models, to accurately predict the soil unconfined compressive strength (qu) for the use in designing of foundations of civil engineering structures. For the development of model, data of 118 soil samples were collected from Long Phu 1 power plant project, Soc Trang Province, Vietnam. The database of physicomechanical properties of soils was prepared for the model study, where 70% data was used for the training and 30% for the testing of the model. Standard statistical indices, namely Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Pearson Correlation Coefficient (R) were used in the validation of the model’s performance. In addition, Partial Dependence Plots (PDP) was used to evaluate the importance of the input variables used for modeling. Results showed that the ANN model performed well for the prediction of the qu (RMSE = 0.442 and R = 0.861). The PDP analysis showed that the liquid limit is the most important input factor for modeling of the qu. The present study demonstrated that the ANN is a promising tool that can be used for quick and accurate prediction of the qu, which can be used in designing the civil engineering structures like bridges, buildings, and powerhouses.
#soil unconfined compressive strength #Artificial Neural Network #machine learning
Estimation of Curie point depths in the Southern Vietnam continental shelf using magnetic data
Tập 41 Số 3 - 2019
Erdinc Oksum, Do Duc Thanh, Le Thi Sang, Pham Thanh Luan
This study attempts to estimate the thermal structure in the Southern Vietnam continental shelf by calculating the Curie point depth isotherm using magnetic data. The Curie point depth values, from 49 overlapping blocks 128 × 128 km in size, have been estimated by the exponential approach. This approach is based on the analytical solution of the exponential equations obtained from transforming the magnetic anomaly data into the frequency domain. According to the obtained results, the range of Curie point depths is from 15.3 to 35.6 km. In the study area, the greatest Curie point depth is located in the South-Eastern part, and the smallest depth is located at North-Western part. The heat flows derived from the Curie point depths are also presented. The obtained results are at relatively high resolutions and in agreement with the published information available for the study area. The Curie point depths generally lie below the Moho surface in this region but lie above in some locations, notably the Cuu Long basin.
#Curie point depth #heat flow #exponential approach #magnetic data #Southern Vietnam continental shelf