Veterinary Record
Anh Quốc
Cơ quản chủ quản: WILEY , John Wiley & Sons Inc.
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A composite scale for assessing pain in dogs in a hospital setting has been developed on the basis of observations of their behaviour. Initially, 279 words and expressions suggested by 69 veterinary surgeons were reduced into 47 words and expressions which were allocated into seven behaviour categories: demeanour and response to people, posture, mobility, activity, response to touch, attention to painful area and vocalisation. Three statistical methods, hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, and analysis of variance with multiple comparisons and empirical cumulative distributions, were used to validate these procedures, and a questionnaire accompanied by a list of definitions was designed around the expressions. The new composite scale is more detailed than previously reported scales for assessing pain in dogs on the basis of their behaviour, and the methods used in its development are based on sound scientific principles.
In March 1996, a questionnaire was sent to 2000 veterinary surgeons, primarily involved in small animal practice, to assess their attitudes to perioperative analgesic therapy in dogs, cats and other small mammals. This paper is concerned only with the data relating to dogs. The veterinary surgeons considered that pain was a consequence of all the surgical procedures specified, but there were differences in their treatment of pain. Some veterinarians considered that a degree of pain was necessary postoperatively to prevent excessive activity. In general, women and more recent graduates assigned higher pain scores to the procedures and were more likely to treat the pain with analgesics. A significant number of veterinarians consider the use of opiates or non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs before surgical procedures, but relatively few appear to use combinations of different classes of analgesics either before or after operations.