VNU Journal of Science: Education Research

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Vietnamese Teachers’ Attitudes Toward English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) and Classroom EFL Teaching Practices
Tran Quoc Thao
This paper reports high school teachers’ attitudes toward English as a lingua franca (ELF) and their classroom EFL teaching practices in a province in Vietnam. This mixed-methods study involved 109 high school teachers from 11 high schools in answering the questionnaires, and 22 of them were invited for semi-structured interviews. The findings indicated that high school teachers had positive attitudes toward ELF in three attitude components, including cognitive, affective, and behavioral attitudes. Additionally, they integrated activities for the promotion of ELF to their students in relation to eight sub-variables from cultural knowledge, vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar to four language skills of students. Although facing difficulties in designing activities for ELF promotion, high school teachers still tried their best to introduce the existence of ELF and help their students accessible to the use of ELF in language learning. This study featured some limitations, but it can be of reference for the research context and other similar ones.
Inert Knowledge in Tertiary Teacher Training and How to Activate it
Nguyễn Thị Phương Hoa, Nguyễn Thanh Hương
The progress of the education development in Vietnam is impressive as recently shown in the very successful performance of Vietnamese students of the last PISA round. On the other hand the problems are still tremendous, above all in tertiary teacher training: many colleges and pedagogic universities are under-equipped, their scientific level is poor and their ability to carry out effective reform steps is low. In this situation it is stunning, that the approach of Action Research is still so undervalued in Vietnamese colleges and universities The approach of Action Research is an established strategy that aims on behavioral change by systematic self reflection and do not need expensive financial means nor highly qualified personnel. The article presents a reform strategy which avoids detailed external defaults and motivates the persons directly involved to put into practice self directed new teaching/learning schemes instead. This self learning by doing promises very effective results as they are based on the direct experience of individuals and groups. To promote the sustainability of this learning scheme and to foster the scientific skills of the participants at the same time the necessary reflection must be conducted by simple means of and according to systematic research. Learning by practising science - even in a simple way - means to join the most effective way of sustainable learning human civilisation has developed: learning systematically according to basal scientific principles. An additional appeal occurs out of the fact that this plan can be realized under the poor conditions of many Vietnamese colleges and universities, that it takes into consideration the particular preconditions in situ and that it tends to establish an enlarging new learning culture. 
Design and Teaching Process of Stem Project "Smart Night-Lamp" for High School Students
Tran Quang Huy
In Vietnam general education curriculum 2018, a learning model called STEM education is being interested in and encouraged in teaching and learning. Choosing a STEM topic will  engage students to explore knowledge. The  topics which selected need to be linked to reality and have a direct impact on human life. In the era of industry 4.0, besides data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc., the role of automation is indispensable. The previously developed STEM topics are quite diverse, including topics on physics, chemistry, biology, informatics, etc. However, STEM topics about automatic control field are rarely exploited to increase students' awareness of the role of automation in life in the era of technology revolution 4.0, and also enrich the topics of learning and experience in the contents of smart home, warning system, etc. in the general education program issued in 2018. In this paper, therefore, we propose a new STEM project in the field of smart models, which is the smart night-lamp. Furthermore, we use the 6E teaching model to design the teaching process, which emphasis on two elements of technical design and practice in STEM-oriented teaching. After proposing a new STEM topic and designing a teaching process according to the 6E process, we also conducted a pedagogical experiment to ensure the feasibility of the proposed topic in STEM education.
Science Competence Assessment at Middle School: Teacher's Perception and Practice
Science competence is one of the most vital learning outcomes of  natural science subjects in general education. The research presents a guideline to develop assessment criteria/toolkits following the science competence components containing science awareness, science inquiry and scientific problem-solving. A topic titled "how to classify mixtures and separate the mixture" in natural science six is presented to illustrate the guideline. A deep interview method was applied with thirteen natural science teachers to gather information about teachers' perceptions and practices in teaching and assessing activities to support students in enhancing their science competence. Feedback from teachers about the proposed guidelines was also collected. The research results created a picture of implementing natural science subjects in secondary schools with information about the challenges and needs of teachers to improve the issues. This paper is expected to provide teachers with valuable tools in the innovation phase toward competence-based teaching and assessment.
Scientific Publications by Lecturers from VNU University of Education in the Period 2010-2019: A Data Analysis Approach
Bui Thi Thanh Huong
Teaching and scientific research are two main, mutually interactive tasks that help university lecturers improve their competencies  and capacities to integrate into the current science trends of the country, the region and the world. By applying the data science approach, accurate assessment of the quantity, quality and the relationship among lecturers' scientific publications has been modeled based on the published scientific data by the lecturers of VNU University of Education in the period 2010-2019. Techniques of data preparation, data analysis and data modeling initially applied in the case of research as a system of published scientific data, have not been synchronized. These analytical results can be used as a basis for managers at all levels, policy makers and the process of developing scientific and technological capacity of officials and lecturers in the University.
Xây dựng xã hội học tập - một xu hướng đổi mới phát triển của giáo dục thế kỉ XXI
Tóm tắt: Vào những thập kỉ cuối của thế kỉ XX, cuộc cách mạng khoa học và công nghệ hiện đại đã tạo ra những tiền đề quan trọng để nền kinh tế công nghiệp trên thế giới từng bước chuyển sang nền kinh tế tri thức. Xu thế hội nhập quốc tế thông qua dòng chảy toàn cầu hóa đã lôi cuốn nhiều quốc gia vào sân chơi hợp tác và cạnh tranh sôi động. Sự bùng nổ thông tin và việc sản xuất ra những tri thức mới, những công nghệ mới cho thấy, những kiến thức được tiếp thu trong hệ giáo dục ban đầu không thể sử dụng suốt đời, học vấn phổ thông không còn giúp cho con người đi thẳng vào lao động sản xuất. Vấn đề đặt ra là, con người cần biết cách học xử lí thông tin thành tri thức và phải học suốt đời để có thể đối mặt với sự phát triển vũ bão của khoa học và công nghệ trong một thế giới thay đổi vô cùng mau lẹ. Ở Việt Nam, trước xu thế phát triển giáo dục nói trên, Thủ tướng Chính phủ đã ban hành Quyết định 927/QĐ-TTg ngày 22/6/2010 về việc thành lập Ban chỉ đạo quốc gia xã hội học tập giai đoạn 2011 - 2020 chuyển mô hình giáo dục hiện nay sang mô hình xã hội học tập (Nghị quyết Đại hội X của Đảng CSVN). Cần được hiểu xã hội học tập là nội dung cốt lõi của chủ trương đổi mới giáo dục trong những năm trước mắt.Từ khóa: Xã hội học tập; học tập suốt đời; kinh tế tri thức; xử lí thông tin thành tri thức; giáo dục ban đầu và giáo dục tiếp tục; cộng đồng học tập.
Leadership, Governance, Management, Administration in Training Teachers and Education Officers
Le Ngoc Hung
The objective of this paper is to review education management studies in order to test the hypotheses based on the systems approach to the leadership, management and administration of education adapting to the increasing requirements of a restructuring society. The paper uses the methodology of related literature review and scoping university textbooks on education management. The paper tends to demonstrate that recent education management is concentrating on the management of internal elements and inner actions of the education system and school management. The point is to lead, govern, manage and administer the education system facing with surrounding environment to ensure effective adaptation to the conditions of  the market-economy, international integration and digitalization.
Một số giải pháp khắc phục lỗi chính tả của người sử dụng tiếng Việt
Phan Thi Hong Xuan
Chính tả có một vai trò quan trọng trong giao tiếp. Hiện nay, có rất nhiều người mắc lỗi chính tả. Điều đó gây ra nhiều hệ lụy. Có nhiều nguyên nhân dẫn tới việc viết sai chính tả. Muốn khắc phục vấn nạn này cần tìm hiểu những nguyên nhân và có những giải pháp phù hợp. Bài báo này nghiên cứu vấn đề đó.
Foreign Lecturers Management in Higher Education Institutions: International Experiences and Suggestions
Nguyen Thi Nhai
By reviewing previous studies on foreign lecturers and foreign lecturers management, this paper aims at exploring experiences in managing foreign lecturers from an international perspective, which can be applied to higher education institutions (HEIs) in Vietnam. These experiences are expected to attract more foreign lecturers and utilize them successfully, which in turn improves the quality of training, scientific research and international integration of HEIs in Vietnam. To accomplish these purposes, this study has used the method of reviewing documents related to foreign lecturers and managing foreign lecturers. The results of this article demonstrate increasingly important roles of foreign lecturers in HEIs, the diverse difficulties they encounter when working there, as well as various factors motivating them to come to these institutions. By summarizing the experiences of managing foreign lecturers in reviewing countries, the article proposes some policy suggestions and solutions for managing foreign lecturers in HEIs in Vietnam.
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