Tropical Animal Health and Production

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Wild animal densities as predictors of cattle disease risks and breed types in southwestern Uganda
Tropical Animal Health and Production - Tập 55 - Trang 1-11 - 2023
Nina Pius Mbuya, Samuel Mugisha, Leirs Herwig, Patrick Van Damme
This study investigated the spatial distribution of wild ungulates that pastoralist communities perceive as culprits in the transmission of cattle diseases outside protected areas in southwestern Uganda. Diseases are hypothesized as having influence on pastoralists’ choice of cattle breed types. Until now, there have been no studies conducted on spatial patterns of wild animal species association with cattle breeds reared in Lake Mburo Conservation Area (LMCA), and how diseases transmitted therein potentially influence cattle breed herd sizes. Animal population survey was carried out on cattle and wild ungulate species along transect lines laid perpendicular to the northern boundary of Lake Mburo National Park (LMNP). Data on the costs of cattle mortality and disease control were gathered using face-to-face interviews. We used SPSS version 17 for descriptive statistics to summarize unit cost of disease control at herd level, whereas chi-square (χ2) tests of goodness-of-fit were used to analyze observations on frequency of wild animal sightings, whose association with spatial distribution patterns of cattle breeds was examined using Pearson correlation test. Our results show inverse association of distance away from LMNP with wild animal populations and the cost of cattle disease control. The mean population of exotic cattle significantly increased as that of indigenous cattle decreased with increasing distance from LMNP. In a similar way, the cost of disease control and cattle abortion incidences were much lower in rangelands far away from LMNP (R2 = 0.965, p < 0.001). Spatial distribution of wild ungulates was significantly associated with reported cattle mortality, disease, and cost of disease control. Diseases and their costs of control potentially influenced spatial patterns of cattle breeds and breed herd sizes in LMCA, which in turn could affect range resource use for conserving different species of wild animals outside protected area.
Milk yield and reproductive performance of dairy cattle under smallholder management system in North-eastern Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Tropical Animal Health and Production - Tập 41 - Trang 1597-1604 - 2009
Solomon Abraha, Kelay Belihu, Merga Bekana, Fikre Lobago
This study was conducted in South Wollo Zone of Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia, to assess the milk yield and reproductive performance of indigenous and crossbred cattle under smallholder management conditions. Questionnaire survey was used to collect retrospective data on the performance of dairy cattle in 186 households. Thirty two postpartum cows (16 indigenous and 16 crossbred) were selected purposively and monitored for five months and milk samples were collected twice per week from each cow to determine postpartum ovarian activity using ELISA techniques. Daily milk yields at all stages of lactation were significantly (P < 0.01) higher in crossbred than indigenous cows. Crossbred cows had significantly (P < 0.01) longer lactation length and shorter age at first calving, while calving interval was significantly shorter in cows that gave previous calves during the wet season than the dry season. Only six cows (18.8%) showed heat signs on an average of 136 days postpartum of which one was a crossbred and five were indigenous. While, 11 cows (34.3%) resumed ovarian activity until 150th day postpartum among which three were crossbred and eight were indigenous.
Farm and Personal Characteristics of the Clientele of a Community-based Animal Health Service Programme in Northern Malawi
Tropical Animal Health and Production - Tập 33 - Trang 201-218 - 2001
K. Hüttner, K. Leidl, D.U. Pfeiffer, F.B.D. Jere, D. Kasambara
The social background, farm characteristics, indicators of income and self-evaluation returns of 96 randomly selected users of a Basic Animal Health Service (BAHS) programme in northern Malawi were compared with those of 96 matched past-users and 96 non-users, respectively. All 288 farms were visited between July and October 1997. Data analysis was performed using univariate and multivariate techniques. The results showed that, on average, BAHS users had larger cattle herds (16.3) than part-users (14.7) or non-users (12.4). Similarly, the annual yields of crops were higher for users compared to either of the other groups. Users occupied better houses and owned a larger number of farm and household items than did part-users or non-users. A third of all farmers were engaged in additional income generation to lessen the risk of poverty. However, analysis of the livestock management and the educational background of the farmers suggested that usage of the BAHS programme was not only determined by already existing `wealth'. Improved livestock husbandry and management measures, which do not require capital investment, were more frequently applied by users compared to either of the other groups. Non-users and part-users had attained a lower level of education, were less open towards improved farming methods and felt less knowledgeable than BAHS users. The average straight-line distances from farms using BAHS to their respective village animal health worker (2.2 km) or veterinary assistant (2.9 km) were similar but varied according to ecological zone. Intensified extension and awareness meetings in villages will be required to get more non-users involved in BAHS.
Assessment of ramie leaf (Boehmeria nivea L. gaud) as an animal feed supplement in P.R. China
Tropical Animal Health and Production - Tập 52 - Trang 115-121 - 2019
Lan Mu, Ming Cai, Zongli Wang, Jianyong Liu, Tianliang Liu, Metha Wanapat, Bizhi Huang
Tropical and subtropical regions were quite short of high-quality protein forage. Ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud) leaves as crop by products, are rich in protein and widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions. Thence, the development and utilization of ramie is of great significance to animal production in these regions. But it contained high level of tannins and total phenols, which may produce potentially adverse effect. It is very essential to evaluate the safety of ramie leaves before they are used as feed supplements. To evaluate potential toxic level of ramie leaf, control group, low dose and high dose (0, 1, 2 g/kg·BW) groups of ramie leaf were conducted orally in Sprague-Dawley rats (SD rats). Body weight, hematology, and histopathology was assessed during 28 d of treatment and 14 d of recovery period. The results showed that there were no toxic symptoms appeared in the treated and control groups. There were a few individual indicators showed abnormal, but most indices of body weight, organ weight ratios and hematology were normal. And compared to control group, it showed no significant differences (P>0.05). Histopathological examination of the high dose group and control group showed that there was no lesions related to ramie administration. The pathological changes appeared in the liver, and lungs of rats in individual rat of both groups were common and spontaneous, and had no significant differences (P>0.05). These results suggest that under this experimental condition, up to 2 g/kg·BW intragastric administration of ramie leaf did not produce adverse effect to SD rats. These findings would provide available information for ramie leaf to utilize as a feed supplement, particularly in P.R. China.
Book review
Tropical Animal Health and Production - Tập 14 - Trang 248-248 - 1982
Duncan Brown
Anthelmintic and antimicrobial activity of methanolic and aqueous extracts of Euphorbia helioscopia L.
Tropical Animal Health and Production - - 2013
Bashir A. Lone, Suhaib A. Bandh, M. Z. Chishti, Fayaz Ahmad Bhat, Hidayatullah Tak, Humeera Nisa
Effect of LPS and LTA stimulation on the expression of TLR-pathway genes in PBMCs of Akkaraman lambs in vivo
Tropical Animal Health and Production - Tập 53 - Trang 1-9 - 2021
Esma Gamze Aksel, Bilal Akyüz
This is the first study investigating the changes in some gene expressions related to the TLR pathway in vivo in sheep. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and lipoteichoic acid (LTA) molecules were administrated separately and in combination to the Akkaraman lambs via intranasal route. For this purpose, 28 lambs were distributed into four groups (LPS, LTA, LPS + LTA, and control, n = 7). Blood samples were collected to isolate the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) at 24 h and on day 7. Expression levels of TLR2, TLR4, MyD88, TRAF6, TNF-α, IL-1ß, IL-6, IL-10, NF-κß, and IFN-γ genes were determined by qRT-PCR. Increases were determined in the expression data of TLR2 [LPS (P < 0.05) and LTA + LPS (P < 0.01)], TLR4 [LTA + LPS (P < 0.05)], TNF-α, IL-10 [LTA + LPS (P < 0.05)], and IFN-γ genes in all groups in the mRNA expression analysis of PBMCs isolated at 24 h whereas decreases were determined in the expression levels of these genes on day 7. The combination of LPS + LTA stimulated lamb PBMCs more effectively than separate administration of LPS and LTA at 24 h. Therefore, this article may contribute to the understanding the host-pathogen interaction of respiratory-transmitted bacterial diseases concerning PBMCs at 24 h and on day 7. Also this study may contribute to the dose adjustment for bacterial vaccine studies in sheep. Experimental application doses will be helpful for in vivo and in vitro drug and vaccine development studies in the fields of pharmacology and microbiology.
Tropical Animal Health and Production - Tập 30 - Trang 197-203 - 1998
E.Z. Mushi, J.F.W. Isa, R.G. Chabo, T.T. Segaise
Thirty-seven ostrich chicks raised artificially had their weights, lengths of metatarsus and heights measured weekly from hatching to the 16th week. Despite weight loss during the first week due to utilization of egg yolk by the chicks, the chicks showed an exponential growth up to the twelfth week with an overall mean weekly weight gain of 1.3 kg. Female chicks showed a superior mean weekly gain of 1.6 kg compared to 1.2 kg for males. The metatarsal length grew rapidly at a weekly rate of 2.5 cm, but began to decline in the 11th week even though the weights and heights of the chicks were still increasing. The correlation coefficient between body weight and metatarsal length was 0.97. Individual chicks also maintained their respective heavy or light weight hierarchies throughout the study period. Thus isolation of chicks into groups by weight and raising them separately could have a role in the artificial rearing of ostrich chicks. Furthermore, ostrich chick rearing may be improved by regularly weighing chicks as a means of detecting changes in the growth patterns.
Ovine haemonchosis: a review
Tropical Animal Health and Production - Tập 53 - Trang 1-11 - 2020
Muhammad Naeem, Zahid Iqbal, Nabila Roohi
Sheep farming is the backbone of a rural economy in developing countries, and haemonchosis is a major impediment in the way of its progress. Haemonchus contortus (H. contortus) infection persists all over the world particularly in the tropical and sub-tropical regions. Various review articles have been published to substantially cover one or more aspects of its morphology, prevalence, pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis, immune response, drug resistance, treatment, and control measure. The objective of this paper is to briefly review past and present information available in the aforementioned areas in one place to enable the readers to fully understand the problem from a broader perspective. H. contortus parasite harbours in abomasum of affected animal and feeds on its blood, producing mild to severe symptoms and even death in acute form. The parasite thus inflicts heavy production losses and is of economic importance. H. contortus has developed diverse characters over the years leading to limited success in the production of vaccines. Indiscriminate use of the anthelmintics has produced drug resistance against almost all conventional products. Efficacy of medicinal plants and non-conventional chemicals has been reported under controlled experiments; however, research on their adverse effects on growth and fertility is yet to be studied. Research on molecular tools for identification and introduction of resistant genes into the flock is also underway but still a long journey to find its field application. Crossbreeding may compromise the production traits of the existing flock. In given circumstances, a targeted selective treatment approach along with selective breeding, culling of more susceptible animals, and maintaining a good body condition score through the provision of a balanced diet remains a workable strategy to control haemonchosis in sheep.
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