Michele Scaraggi, Francesco P. Mezzapesa, Giuseppe Carbone, Antonio Ancona, Luigi Tricarico
We present measurements of friction coefficient of lubricated laser surface textured (LST) microstructures with two different geometries. The former is made of a square lattice of microholes; the latter is constituted by a series of microgrooves. We analyze sliding velocities spanning more than two orders of magnitude to cover the entire range from the boundary to the hydrodynamic regime. In all cases, the interfacial pressure is limited to values (relevant to particular manufacturing processes) which allow to neglect macroscopic elastic deformations, piezo-viscosity and oil compressibility effects. The measured Stribeck curves data are compared with those obtained for the flat control surface and show that the regular array of microholes allows to reduce friction over the entire range of lubrication regimes with a decrease of about 50 % in the hydrodynamic regime. On the contrary, the parallel microgrooves lead to an increase of friction compared to the flat control surface with a maximum increase of about 80–100 % in the mixed lubrication regime. These remarkably opposite friction results are then explained with the aid of numerical simulations. Our findings confirm that LST may have cutting edge applications in engineering, not only in classical applications (e.g., to reduce piston-ring friction losses in internal combustion engines) but also, in particular, in technological processes, such as hydroforming, superplastic forming, where the mapping of the frictional properties of the mold has a crucial role in determining the final properties of the mechanical component.