The VLDB Journal
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Interleaving with coroutines: a systematic and practical approach to hide memory latency in index joins
The VLDB Journal - Tập 28 - Trang 451-471 - 2018
Index joins present a case of pointer-chasing code that causes data cache misses. In principle, we can hide these cache misses by overlapping them with computation: The lookups involved in an index join are parallel tasks whose execution can be interleaved, so that, when a cache miss occurs in one task, the processor executes independent instructions from another one. Yet, the literature provides no concrete performance model for such interleaved execution and, more importantly, production systems still waste processor cycles on cache misses because (a) hardware and compiler limitations prohibit automatic task interleaving and (b) existing techniques that involve the programmer produce unmaintainable code and are thus avoided in practice. In this paper, we address these shortcomings: we model interleaved execution explaining how to estimate the speedup of any interleaving technique, and we propose interleaving with coroutines, i.e., functions that suspend their execution for later resumption. We deploy coroutines on index joins running in SAP HANA and show that interleaving with coroutines performs like other state-of-the-art techniques, retains close resemblance to the original code, and supports both interleaved and non-interleaved execution in the same implementation. Thus, we establish the first systematic and practical approach for interleaving index joins of any type.
G-thinker: a general distributed framework for finding qualified subgraphs in a big graph with load balancing
The VLDB Journal - Tập 31 - Trang 287-320 - 2021
Finding from a big graph those subgraphs that satisfy certain conditions is useful in many applications such as community detection and subgraph matching. These problems have a high time complexity, but existing systems that attempt to scale them are all IO-bound in execution. We propose the first truly CPU-bound distributed framework called G-thinker for subgraph finding algorithms, which adopts a task-based computation model, and which also provides a user-friendly subgraph-centric vertex-pulling API for writing distributed subgraph finding algorithms that can be easily adapted from existing serial algorithms. To utilize all CPU cores of a cluster, G-thinker features (1) a highly concurrent vertex cache for parallel task access and (2) a lightweight task scheduling approach that ensures high task throughput. These designs well overlap communication with computation to minimize the idle time of CPU cores. To further improve load balancing on graphs where the workloads of individual tasks can be drastically different due to biased graph density distribution, we propose to prioritize the scheduling of those tasks that tend to be long running for processing and decomposition, plus a timeout mechanism for task decomposition to prevent long-running straggler tasks. The idea has been integrated into a novelty algorithm for maximum clique finding (MCF) that adopts a hybrid task decomposition strategy, which significantly improves the running time of MCF on dense and large graphs: The algorithm finds a maximum clique of size 1,109 on a large and dense WikiLinks graph dataset in 70 minutes. Extensive experiments demonstrate that G-thinker achieves orders of magnitude speedup compared even with the fastest existing subgraph-centric system, and it scales well to much larger and denser real network data. G-thinker is open-sourced at
with detailed documentation.
Structural optimization of a full-text n-gram index using relational normalization
The VLDB Journal - Tập 17 - Trang 1485-1507 - 2007
As the amount of text data grows explosively, an efficient index structure for large text databases becomes ever important. The n-gram inverted index (simply, the n-gram index) has been widely used in information retrieval or in approximate string matching due to its two major advantages: language-neutral and error-tolerant. Nevertheless, the n-gram index also has drawbacks: the size tends to be very large, and the performance of queries tends to be bad. In this paper, we propose the two-level n-gram inverted index (simply, the n-gram/2L index) that significantly reduces the size and improves the query performance by using the relational normalization theory. We first identify that, in the (full-text) n-gram index, there exists redundancy in the position information caused by a non-trivial multivalued dependency. The proposed index eliminates such redundancy by constructing the index in two levels: the front-end index and the back-end index. We formally prove that this two-level construction is identical to the relational normalization process. We call this process structural optimization of the n-gram index. The n-gram/2L index has excellent properties: (1) it significantly reduces the size and improves the performance compared with the n-gram index with these improvements becoming more marked as the database size gets larger; (2) the query processing time increases only very slightly as the query length gets longer. Experimental results using real databases of 1 GB show that the size of the n-gram/2L index is reduced by up to 1.9–2.4 times and, at the same time, the query performance is improved by up to 13.1 times compared with those of the n-gram index. We also compare the n-gram/2L index with Makinen’s compact suffix array (CSA) (Proc. 11th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching pp. 305–319, 2000) stored in disk. Experimental results show that the n-gram/2L index outperforms the CSA when the query length is short (i.e., less than 15–20), and the CSA is similar to or better than the n-gram/2L index when the query length is long (i.e., more than 15–20).
Normalization and optimization of schema mappings
The VLDB Journal - Tập 20 - Trang 277-302 - 2011
Schema mappings are high-level specifications that describe the relationship between database schemas. They are an important tool in several areas of database research, notably in data integration and data exchange. However, a concrete theory of schema mapping optimization including the formulation of optimality criteria and the construction of algorithms for computing optimal schema mappings is completely lacking to date. The goal of this work is to fill this gap. We start by presenting a system of rewrite rules to minimize sets of source-to-target tuple-generating dependencies. Moreover, we show that the result of this minimization is unique up to variable renaming. Hence, our optimization also yields a schema mapping normalization. By appropriately extending our rewrite rule system, we also provide a normalization of schema mappings containing equality-generating target dependencies. An important application of such a normalization is in the area of defining the semantics of query answering in data exchange, since several definitions in this area depend on the concrete syntactic representation of the mappings. This is, in particular, the case for queries with negated atoms and for aggregate queries. The normalization of schema mappings allows us to eliminate the effect of the concrete syntactic representation of the mapping from the semantics of query answering. We discuss in detail how our results can be fruitfully applied to aggregate queries.
Efficient structure similarity searches: a partition-based approach
The VLDB Journal - Tập 27 - Trang 53-78 - 2017
Graphs are widely used to model complex data in many applications, such as bioinformatics, chemistry, social networks, pattern recognition. A fundamental and critical query primitive is to efficiently search similar structures in a large collection of graphs. This article mainly studies threshold-based graph similarity search with edit distance constraints. Existing solutions to the problem utilize fixed-size overlapping substructures to generate candidates, and thus become susceptible to large vertex degrees and distance thresholds. In this article, we present a partition-based approach to tackle the problem. By dividing data graphs into variable-size non-overlapping partitions, the edit distance constraint is converted to a graph containment constraint for candidate generation. We develop efficient query processing algorithms based on the novel paradigm. Moreover, candidate-pruning techniques and an improved graph edit distance verification algorithm are developed to boost the performance. In addition, a cost-aware graph partitioning method is devised to optimize the index. Extending the partition-based filtering paradigm, we present a solution to the top-
graph similarity search problem, where tailored filtering, look-ahead and computation-sharing strategies are exploited. Using both public real-life and synthetic datasets, extensive experiments demonstrate that our approaches significantly outperform the baseline and its alternatives.
Sequenced spatiotemporal aggregation for coarse query granularities
The VLDB Journal - Tập 20 - Trang 721-741 - 2011
Sequenced spatiotemporal aggregation (SSTA) is an important query for many applications of spatiotemporal databases, such as traffic analysis. Conceptually, an SSTA query returns one aggregate value for each individual spatiotemporal granule. While the data is typically recorded at a fine granularity, at query time a coarser granularity is common. This calls for efficient evaluation strategies that are granularity aware. In this paper, we formally define an SSTA operator that includes a data-to-query granularity conversion. Based on a discrete time model and a discrete 1.5 dimensional space model, we generalize the concept of time constant intervals to constant rectangles, which represent maximal rectangles in the spatiotemporal domain over which an aggregation result is constant. We propose an efficient evaluation algorithm for SSTA queries that takes advantage of a coarse query granularity. The algorithm is based on the plane sweep paradigm, and we propose a granularity aware event point schedule, termed gaEPS, and a granularity aware sweep line status, termed gaSLS. These data structures store space and time points from the input relation in a compressed form using a minimal set of counters. In extensive experiments, we show that for coarse query granularities gaEPS significantly outperforms a basic EPS that is based on an extension of previous work, both in terms of memory usage and runtime.
Approximate query mapping: Accounting for translation closeness
The VLDB Journal - Tập 10 - Trang 155-181 - 2001
In this paper we present a mechanism for approximately translating Boolean query constraints across heterogeneous information sources. Achieving the best translation is challenging because sources support different constraints for formulating queries, and often these constraints cannot be precisely translated. For instance, a query [score>8] might be “perfectly” translated as [rating>0.8] at some site, but can only be approximated as [grade=A] at another. Unlike other work, our general framework adopts a customizable “closeness” metric for the translation that combines both precision and recall. Our results show that for query translation we need to handle interdependencies among both query conjuncts as well as disjuncts. As the basis, we identify the essential requirements of a rule system for users to encode the mappings for atomic semantic units. Our algorithm then translates complex queries by rewriting them in terms of the semantic units. We show that, under practical assumptions, our algorithm generates the best approximate translations with respect to the closeness metric of choice. We also present a case study to show how our technique may be applied in practice.
Tổng số: 788
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