The role of tumour-associated tissue eosinophilia as a prognostic indicator in head and neck squamous cell carcinomaThe Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology - Tập 37 Số 1 - 2021
Naveen Sharma, Neha Salaria, Sanjay Kumar, Nimmy Thomas, Nidhi Beniwal, Ranvir Singh
Eosinophils are bone marrow-derived granulocytes known to have an imperative role in tissue inflammation. The mechanism of tumour-associated tissue eosinophilia (TATE) in head and neck cancers is however not well understood, and its role as a prognosticator is under evaluation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of TATE with factors associated with head and neck cancer and to assess its role as a prognostic marker in such patients.
102 males and 24 females comprised the study population, and 34.9% of which were in the age group of 41 to 50 years. Amongst these 126 patients, most (37.3%) presented in stage III followed by stage IV (28.6%). 29.4% had well-differentiated SCC, 55.6% had moderately differentiated SCC, and 15% were diagnosed with poorly differentiated SCC. 42.8% had TATE grade II, followed by grade III (29.4%) and grade I (27.8%). Correlation studies showed that factors significantly associated with TATE were age, site and tumour differentiation. While 45.7% poorly differentiated tumours showed grade I eosinophilia, 51.4% of well-differentiated tumours had grade III TATE.
TATE showed a highly significant association with tumour differentiation, suggestive of eosinophils partaking a tumouricidal role. This association may be utilised as a convenient early prognosticator for head and neck cancers and should be made a regular feature of biopsy reports. Furthermore, it may be utilised in planning and adopting appropriate treatment modalities in malignancies predicted to have an aggressive course.
Incus buttress approach as an alternative safe technique for cochlear implantation; preliminary results with review of literatureThe Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology - - 2018
Mahmoud F. Mandour, Mohammed A. Khalifa, Hossam M. Adel Khalifa
Report our preliminary experience with an alternative technique for cochlear implantation. Tertiary referral cochlear implant center. Retrospective case series. Fifteen patients have been operated using incus buttress approach. The procedure involves classical cortical mastoidectomy and identification of short process of the incus. Bony incus buttress was removed moving inferiorly toward facial recess. Round window was identified then marginal cochleostmy was performed and finally insertion of the electrode into the cochlea via the widened aditus. Fifteen implants were performed on 15 patients. All were children (mean age of 3.2 years). All the children were pre-lingual. A Med-el SONATA implant (MED-EL, Innsbruck, Austria) was used in all patients. Mean duration of surgery was 12015 minutes. The minimum follow-up was 6 months. No complications were observed during the procedure or during postoperative follow-up. Here, we describe a new alternative technique for cochlear implantation and report our preliminary results. The procedure has advantages over the existing alternatives techniques and avoids the potential complications of posterior tympanotomy.
Inner ear dysfunction in patients with Behcet’s diseaseThe Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology - Tập 33 - Trang 78-83 - 2017
Mohamed Fawzy Moustafa Ahmed
Behcet’s disease (BD) is a rare immune-mediated small-vessel systemic vasculitis that often presents with mucous membrane ulceration and ocular problems. Alajouanine and colleagues first described inner ear involvement in BD in 1961. The cochlea is more frequently involved than the vestibular labyrinth or the central vestibular tracts. Hearing is commonly impaired in BD and rates vary between 24 and 62%. The current study investigated the incidence, relationship, and characteristics of audiovestibular disturbances in patients with BD compared with age and sex-matched healthy individuals. The participants of this prospective study classified into two groups. The study group consisted of 15 patients (six men and nine women) with BD and the control group consisted of 15 healthy volunteers (five men and 10 women) without otological symptoms. A wide range of tests were conducted; all patients were evaluated by conventional pure-tone audiometry (0.25–8.0 kHz), high-frequency audiometry (8.0–16.0 kHz), and vestibular test battery in terms of bithermal caloric test and computerized dynamic posturography testing. There was no significant differences between the two groups in terms of sex and age. Abnormalities of the pure-tone audiometry showed that 34% of patients demonstrated variable degrees of sensorineural hearing loss, while 60% of patients demonstrated abnormal audiograms at the high-frequency audiometry. In terms of vestibular assessment, 34% of patients demonstrated abnormalities at the caloric test, while 47% demonstrated abnormalities at the computerized dynamic posturography testing. The outcome of this study confirms the association between the inner ear dysfunction and the BD. Inner ear dysfunction in BD could be attributed to the presence of vasculitis or neuropathy that could happen on top of chronic inflammation process associated with BD. Therefore, patients with BD should be regularly subjected to otolaryngological evaluation to diagnose and for follow up of any audiovestibular involvement.
Pilonidal sinus of external auditory canal as unpredicted lesion: rarest case presentation and review of literaturesThe Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology -
Khaled Mohamed Bofares, Huda M. Abdallah Hassan, Mohammed Faraj Ali
Pilonidal sinus (PNS) is considered as a benign lesion of hair-bearing areas, particularly at the sacrococcygeal area. It is presented as a hole or tunnel in the skin. It may be filled with fluid or pus resulting in the formation of a cyst or abscess. Although PNS is a well-established lesion in general surgery as well as dermatology specialties by its occurrence at the sacrococcygeal region, but the surprising presentation of PNS is that at ENT specialty by its appearance at the external auditory canal (EAC), which is deemed unpredicted lesion at this particular region.
Case presentation
Nine years female Libyan child has been presented with a history of persistent offensive bloody stained yellowish discolored left ear otorrhea a few months before her presentation. The local examination including the microscopic examination revealed evidences of a grayish-pinkish pedunculated polypoidal mass raised from the junction of the superior wall with the anterior wall of the EAC, at the site of the junction between the cartilaginous and bony portions of EAC. The temporal bone CT scan revealed evidences of radiolucent soft tissue density mass arising from the wall of the EAC at its anterior-superior junction, with the intact tympanic membrane as well as the middle ear cavity. This was most probably in favor of the suggestion of granulation tissue or aural polyp. The mass was completely excised as one piece from its pedicle and sent for histopathological evaluation, which was in favor of the diagnosis of PNS.
We consider this case for reporting because of its scarcity and unexpected lesion at EAC. To the best of our knowledge, our case constitutes the second case of the EAC specifically, and the third case of external ear generally reported in the world. Thus, we tried to illustrate this unique and rare EAC lesion concerning how it is clinically as well as pathologically presented. In addition, we tried to review the literatures to elucidate whether this rare lesion has been reported before.
The effect of otitis media with effusion on phonological performance of preschool childrenThe Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology - Tập 40 - Trang 1-6 - 2024
Mosaad Abdel-Aziz, Omar Aly Sabry, Ahmed Salah Ahmed, Heba Mahmoud Farag
Phonological development is dependent on the integrity of the auditory system. Otitis media with effusion (OME) may affect speech perception in children and therefore phonological development. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of persistent OME on the phonological performance of preschool children. Sixty children with persistent OME who were candidates for myringotomy and ventilation tube insertion were included in this prospective observational study. We assessed their phonological skills before and after surgery (3 and 6 months) by phonological production tasks that included calculation of percentage of consonants correct (PCC) and process density index (PDI). We detected preoperative poor phonological performance in 91.7% of children. We found statistically significant differences in PCC and PDI between the three time periods. Also, there was a significant improvement after 6 months compared to 3 months. OME has an adverse consequence on the phonological performance of preschool children, it can affect different domains such as PCC and PDI. The findings of this study revealed that myringotomy with ventilation tube insertion for children with persistent OME could aid in the development of intact phonological skills.
Quincke’s disease: a case reportThe Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology - Tập 36 - Trang 1-4 - 2020
Rakshita R. Kamath, S. Juthika Rai
Isolated angioneurotic edema of the uvula is termed Quincke’s disease. It is a rare clinical disorder of acute onset with few known causes. It may be encountered in any emergency setup and must be dealt with rapidly and with utmost vigilance for prevention of progression and complications. A young adult, 3 months post Frey’s procedure for chronic pancreatitis, presented with acute onset throat discomfort and gagging progressive over 8 h. Examination showed isolated edematous hyperemic uvula with normal oropharyngeal structures and adequate airway. Prompt antihistaminic and corticosteroid therapy caused relief of symptoms over 2 h with no recurrences. Any symptom suggesting orofacial edema must not be trivialized. Awareness about this rare but acute condition, even in the background of unknown etiology, in all medical personnel is essential. Early diagnosis with appropriate management can prevent life-threatening airway obstruction and hypoxemia.
Áp xe tuyến giáp trình bày dưới dạng lỗ rò: báo cáo trường hợp Dịch bởi AI The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology -
Vibha Singh, Annanya Soni, Arijit Jotdar, Amit Gupta
Tóm tắt
Đặt vấn đề
Áp xe tuyến giáp là bệnh lý hiếm gặp. Áp xe tuyến giáp hoặc viêm tuyến giáp mưng mủ cấp tính chiếm khoảng 0,7-1% tổng số trường hợp bệnh lý tuyến giáp. Tuyến giáp thường có mức độ i-ốt cao, có một bao bọc tốt và có khả năng kháng nhiễm trùng. Chẩn đoán và điều trị thực thể không bình thường này sẽ được trình bày trong bài viết này.
Trình bày trường hợp.
Một bệnh nhân nam trưởng thành đã đến khám với triệu chứng sưng vùng cổ trước trong 15 ngày và có dịch mủ chảy ra trong 2 ngày. Siêu âm cổ xuất hiện những đặc điểm có thể chỉ ra một áp xe tuyến giáp. Các xét nghiệm chức năng tuyến giáp và các dữ liệu phòng thí nghiệm khác đều nằm trong giới hạn bình thường. Một chụp cắt lớp vi tính có cản quang vùng cổ đã được thực hiện, chỉ phát hiện một áp xe tuyến giáp đơn độc mà không có bất thường nào khác. Sau khi bắt đầu điều trị kháng sinh tĩnh mạch cho bệnh nhân, áp xe được rạch và dẫn lưu. Các triệu chứng của bệnh nhân cải thiện.
Kết luận
Trong thời đại kháng sinh tiên tiến, tỉ lệ mắc áp xe tuyến giáp cực kỳ hiếm. Chẩn đoán và can thiệp sớm có thể cải thiện kết quả điều trị cho tình trạng này. Kiến thức về bệnh lý và các biến chứng tiềm tàng có thể giúp ngăn ngừa bệnh tật.
The potential therapeutic effect of platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of post-COVID-19 parosmiaThe Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology - Tập 38 - Trang 1-6 - 2022
Heba A. Abo El Naga, Reham S. El Zaiat, Ahmad M. Hamdan
COVID-19-related olfactory dysfunction is an emerging problem with a significant impact on the quality of life of affected individuals. Different lines of treatment have been used with varying results. This study aimed to assess the potential therapeutic effect of PRP in the treatment of post-COVID olfactory dysfunction. This work aimed to assess the potential therapeutic effect of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in treating post-COVID-19 parosmia. A pilot study was conducted on 60 patients with post-COVID parosmia without responding to a 3-month course of olfactory training, topical corticosteroids, omega-three, vitamin B12, and zinc supplementation. The patients were distributed randomly and equally among 2 groups. The case group was subjected to three PRP injections in the olfactory cleft at 3 weeks intervals. The control group continued the pre-study treatment protocol for 6 weeks. The degree of parosmia was assessed before and after treatment subjectively using a visual analog scale (VAS) from 0 to 10. Reaching 0–1 on the visual analog scale was a complete improvement. The primary outcome was assessing the post-treatment score for parosmia 1 month after the third injection in the case group. The second outcome was the comparison between both groups regarding the degree of improvement 1 month after cessation of treatment. There was a highly significant improvement in VAS for parosmia (p < 0.00001) in the case group and a significant improvement in VAS for parosmia in the control group (p = P = 0.00148). There was a significant difference between both groups regarding the degree of improvement favoring the case group (p = 0.002). Platelet-rich plasma injection in the olfactory cleft offers a therapeutic option for treating patients with post-COVID-19 olfactory parosmia who failed to respond to traditional conservative treatment.
Frontal sinus nasopharyngeal carcinoma recurrence masquerading as chronic frontal sinusitis: a case reportThe Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology - - 2019
Liew Yew Toong, Lott Pooi Wah, Adzreil Bakri, Narayanan Prepageran
AbstractRecurrence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is still a worrying issue despite the advent and advancement of treatment strategies. Presentation of recurrent NPC is different from primary NPC and indicates poor prognosis. Frontal sinus metastasis without any involvement of other sinuses is very rare and could be mistaken as sinusitis or mucocele. Owing to its rare occurrence, it presents a great challenge for clinicians to make a prompt diagnosis. The background chronic rhinosinusitis symptoms as a result of irradiation for NPC may masquerade the underlying paranasal sinus recurrence.