Shaping the tooth profile of elliptical gear with the involute ellipse curve
Tập 4 Số 3 - Trang 1048-1056 - 2021
Thai Hong Nguyen
Non-circular gears (NCGs) with the advantage of compactness and simple mechanical structure in creating transmitters with variable gear ratios in the industry, so this is a topic that is being studied by many scientists. However, up to now the research usually focuses on NCGs with tooth profile that is an involute circle called involute tooth profile, while other curves have not been applied in the design of the non-circular gears. In this paper, the author proposes to apply the involute ellipse curve in shaping the tooth profile of the pair of elliptical gears with a rack cutter. A rack cutter with tooth profiles is trapezoidal weight is determined from the involute ellipse curve selected as the NCGs teeth. In order not to undercut and tip sharpening when shaping the gear, two algorithms for correcting the base ellipse according to the even distribution of teeth on the gear and undercutting avoidance condition are performed. A numerical computational software module is written according to the theory and the algorithm is implemented to explore the different cases in the design process. The results of this study show that the teeth are evenly distributed over the entire circumference of the ring elliptical gear, overcoming the phenomenon of uneven teeth in geometry and size when using the involute of a circle as other studies have shown. Also, with the tooth profile that is involute ellipse curve, the pressure angle is increased to improve efficiency the transmission capacity of a pair of gears. Therefore, this is the advantage of the new profile in creating variable automatic transmission for different script applications in industries such as the automotive industry or modern medical equipment.
#elliptical gears #non-circular gears #involute ellipse #rack cutter.
A new design of the Lobe pump is based on the meshing principle of elliptical gear pairs
Tập 4 Số 2 - Trang 861-871 - 2021
Thai Hong Nguyen, Nguyễn Duy Long
The paper presents a new rotor design of an external coupling Lobe pump driven by pair of elliptical gears. The new rotor is a four-tooth elliptical gear with tooth profile is a improve cylocid curve. The improve cylocid curve is the locus of the fixed point on the generation circle, when the circle a pure rolling without slipping on the elliptical centrode of the rotor. The conditions of the rotor addendum and dedendum profiles are also considered. The limited supply angle addendum and dedendum rotor profiles are determined through an iterative algorithm when the generation circle makes a pure rolling without slipping on the ellipse base of the rotor. From there, we proceed to determine the pump design parameters according to the characteristic design parameters forming the rotor profile. The flow rate of the pump is determined by the area of the pockets on a cross-section perpendicular to the pump shaft. On that basis, a Matlab program is written from the mathematical model established by the paper to calculate the rotor design. In addition, the paper also investigates the effect of the coefficient l (semi-major axis divided semi-minor axis of the elliptical centrode ) on the average flow and axis distance. Survey results show that the design at l = 0.5 flow is 52.17% larger and the axis distance is reduced by 21.43% when compared to the traditional design at l = 1. This is the advantage of the new design proposed by this study.
Research and manufacture of external non-circular gear-pair with improved cycloid profile of the ellipse
Tập 4 Số 2 - Trang 835-845 - 2021
Trung Thanh Nguyen, Viet Hoang Nguyen, Thai Hong Nguyen
Non-circular gears (NCGs) are known as an alternative to conventional mechanical mechanisms in continuous speed converters. In which, the gear profile is the factor that directly affects the performance and quality meshing of the non-circular gear. However, the types of curves that are being used to generating profiles of the non-circular gears still exist limited in meeting the conditions of undercutting and uniformity of tooth sizes at different positions on the centrode. To optimize the profile of the non-circular gear, the paper presents a new profile in which the traditional involute profile of the non-circular gears is replaced by an improved cycloid curve of the ellipse. The mathematical model of new profile of non-circular gear is formed by eccentric circular shaper cutter with the improved cycloid of the ellipse in accordance with the theory of gearing in consideration of undercutting conditions. Based on the mathematical model established by this research, a program was written in Matlab. On that basis, a pair of non-circular gear was designed and fabricated experimentally on a wire breaker to verify the theory. The results show that with the new tooth profile design scheme, the shortcomings of uneven teeth on the non-circular gear of the traditional studies when using the involute profile of the circle have been overcome.
#non-circular gear #shaper cutter #tooth profile #improved cycloid curve.
Influence of the designing parameters on the profile slippage and flow of the Roots blower
Tập 1 Số 1 - Trang 13-19 - 2019
Tran Ngoc Tien, Nguyen Hong Thai
Nowadays, revolutionary development of industry in general and of manufacturing technology in particular allows to fabricate product with more complex shapes and structures. This is a reason why high-pressure Roots blowers have been designed with improved and more complicated profile. In this paper, the authors report the influence of the designing parameters on the profile slippage as well as on the flow of the type of Roots blowers, of which the profile has been generated by a fixed point of an ellipse rolling on the circle of the instantaneous centers. This work also helps to point out that the designer should select appropriate ratio between semi major axis and semi minor axis in order to reach equivalent wears of the two pump rotors, to obtain the optimal flow and to maintain minimum radial dimension.
LLC Inverter Design Procedure for Induction Heating with Quantitative Analysis of Power Transfer
Tập 4 Số 1 - Trang 739-747 - 2021
THUONG PHI NGO, Nam Quang Nguyen
The paper explains the operating principle of an LLC resonant circuit for induction heating applications. Although induction heating has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years, very little consideration on designing the inductor in the resonant circuit for specific requirements has been done. Specifically, a design procedure with the required power and work-head dimension as inputs is still needed, from a practical point of view. In this paper, a quantitative analysis of power transferred to the work-head will be done to help design the resonant circuit. A design procedure for the LLC circuit will be proposed, utilizing results from the quantitative power analysis and taking into account mechanical constraints on the work-head. In addition, a simple technique to monitor the soft switching condition of the power switches in the resonant inverter, utilizing only voltage signals, is also proposed. The feasibility of the proposed design procedure will be demonstrated and verified by simulations and experiments.
#Resonant inverters #Inductive power transmission #Zero voltage switching
Application of response surface methodology for evaluating material removal in rate die-sinking EDM roughing using copper electrode
Tập 1 Số 1 - Trang 20-27 - 2019
Bong Pham Van, Duc Nguyen Van, Phan Nguyen Huu
Die-sinking electrical discharge machining (EDM) is one of the most popular machining methods to manufacture dies and press tools because of its capability to produce complicated shapes and machine very hard materials. In this article, MRR study on die-sinking EDM in rough machinng of SKD11 die steel has been carried out. Response surface methodology (RSM) has been used to plan and analyze the experiments. Current (I), pulse on time (Ton) and voltage (U) were chosen as process parameters to study the die-sinking EDM performance in term of MRR. The results indicated that in order to obtain a high value of MRR within the work interval of this study, Ton should be fixed as low as possible, and conversely, the larger the selected I and U. And the optimal value of MRR was 139.126 mg/min at optimal process parameters I = 10 A, U = 90 V and Ton = 100 s. The mathematical model for the MRR can be effectively employed for the optimal process parameters selection in die-sinking EDM for SKD11 die steel. Empirical tests show that the model can calculate quite accurately predicted by MRR (error 0.6%).
A Compact EES Program to Predict Axial Temperature Distribution in Triple-fluid Heat Exchanger
Tập 3 Số 3 - Trang 452-460 - 2020
Phú Nguyễn Minh
In this paper, a simplified mathematical model is presented to predict the axial temperature distribution of fluids in a three-concentric tube heat exchanger. Calculation results are compared with experimental results to confirm accuracy. The objective of the study is to avoid temperature cross which is very likely to be occurred in triple-fluid heat exchangers. Thereby the designer can adjust the design parameters, e.g. geometric parameters of the exchanger, temperatures or fluid flow rates, so that the temperature cross does not occur. The result of calculating a case shows that at the tube length of 21.5 m, the temperature cross occurs between the hot fluid and the intermediate fluid at a certain position. The shorten tube length to 8.5 m yields desirable gain. EES code and calculation procedure in detail are presented in the current study.
Long Short-Term Memory Based Movie Recommendation
Tập 3 Số SI1 - Trang SI1-SI9 - 2020
Sang Thi Thanh Nguyen, Bao Duy Tran
Recommender systems (RS) have become a fundamental tool for helping users make decisions around millions of different choices nowadays – the era of Big Data. It brings a huge benefit for many business models around the world due to their effectiveness on the target customers. A lot of recommendation models and techniques have been proposed and many accomplished incredible outcomes. Collaborative filtering and content-based filtering methods are common, but these both have some disadvantages. A critical one is that they only focus on a user's long-term static preference while ignoring his or her short-term transactional patterns, which results in missing the user's preference shift through the time. In this case, the user's intent at a certain time point may be easily submerged by his or her historical decision behaviors, which leads to unreliable recommendations. To deal with this issue, a session of user interactions with the items can be considered as a solution. In this study, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks will be analyzed to be applied to user sessions in a recommender system. The MovieLens dataset is considered as a case study of movie recommender systems. This dataset is preprocessed to extract user-movie sessions for user behavior discovery and making movie recommendations to users. Several experiments have been carried out to evaluate the LSTM-based movie recommender system. In the experiments, the LSTM networks are compared with a similar deep learning method, which is Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), and a baseline machine learning method, which is the collaborative filtering using item-based nearest neighbors (item-KNN). It has been found that the LSTM networks are able to be improved by optimizing their hyperparameters and outperform the other methods when predicting the next movies interested by users.
#Deep learning #Long Short-Term Memory #Recommender systems #Sequence mining
Reconstruction finite element model of cars
Tập 4 Số 1 - Trang 680-696 - 2021
Nguyễn Phụ Thượng Lưu, Trần Đình Nhật, Lý Hùng Anh, Nguyễn Thiên Phú
The experimental method used in a frontal crash of cars costs much time and expense. Therefore, numerical simulation in crashworthiness is widely applied in the world. The completed car models contain a lot of parts which provided complicated structure, especially the rear of car models do not contribute to behavior of frontal crash which usually evaluates injuries of pedestrian or motorcyclist. In order to save time and resources, a simplification of the car models for research simulations is essential with the goal of reducing approximately 50% of car model elements and nodes. This study aims to construct the finite element models of front structures of vehicle based on the original finite element models. Those new car models must be maintained important values such as mass and center of gravity position. By using condition boundaries, inertia moment is kept unchanged on new model. The original car models, which are provided by the National Crash Analysis Center (NCAC), validated by using results from experimental crash tests. The modified (simplistic) vehicle FE models are validated by comparing simulation results with experimental data and simulation results of the original vehicle finite element models. LS-Dyna software provides convenient tools and very strong to modify finite element model. There are six car models reconstructed in this research, including 1 Pick-up, 2 SUV and 3 Sedan. Because car models were not the main object to evaluate in a crash, energy and behavior of frontal part have the most important role. As a result, six simplified car models gave reasonable outcomes and reduced significantly the number of nodes and elements. Therefore, the simulation time is also reduced a lot. Simplified car models can be applied to the upcoming frontal simulations.
#Finite element model #internal energy #crashworthiness #simplified vehicle models
Path tracking control for car-like robots by pid controller with time-varying parameters
Tập 5 Số 3 - Trang 1642-1650 - 2022
Khanh Ly Trinh Thi, Hong Thai Nguyen
Wheel mobile robots have been widely applied to many areas of life, from serving people in services and industrial logistics to military fields. Applications of wheeled mobile robots such as floor cleaning robots, supermarket robots, logistics robots in hospitals, autonomous robots that guide automatic guidance in intelligent factories, military robots and agricultural robots. Thereby, we can see the great potential of mobile robots in the future. However, among the wheel mobile robots, the differential-drive mobile robot structure is most commonly used because of its simplicity in structure and control. Nevertheless, the navigation and driving are done synchronously through the two drive wheels, which leads to slippage and difficulty in controlling posture errors when navigating, especially on roads curved with a small radius. In order to overcome the disadvantages of the steering and navigation of differential-drive mobile robots, the structure of the automobile has been applied to design a wheel-mobile robot called a car-like robot. Many studies have shown that the advantage of this design option is that the navigation control and robot drive are separated. As a result, the dynamic control loop can ignore the navigation part, while the kinematic model determines the navigation law. Therefore, the work proposes the design of a PID controller with time-varying parameters for a car-like robot to track a given trajectory with minimum error. The nonlinear kinematic model of the robot is linearized along a reference trajectory, and the obtained linear model is used in the controller design process. A PID controller is designed where the controller parameters are tuned to minimize the tracking error. Our model achieves a tracking error value, including the minor position is 5.1 mm, and the maximum postural error is 2o. The simulation results showed the proposed controller's effectiveness in position and posture errors, and it shows we can apply this research to control car-like mobile robots in logistics services.
#Car-like robot #Path tracking #PID control #NURBS curve.