Tạp chí Giáo dục

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Xây dựng học phần “Văn học thiếu nhi” trong chương trình đào tạo cho sinh viên ngành Sư phạm Ngữ văn
Tạp chí Giáo dục - Tập 23 Số 02 - Trang 29-33 - 2023
Nhật Ký Lê
Improving professional competencies for pedagogical students is always the priority of teacher training institutions to meet the requirements for innovation in the current educational context. Accordingly, a number of training curricula - including the Philology Teaching Syllabus - have been adjusted to meet the requirements of the 2018 General Education Curriculum. Children's literature is an integral part of the overall literature, however, in the current pedagogical student training program, this genre has not been given due attention. The article proposes the additional design of the “Children's Literature” module into the program, the content of which involves theories of children's literature, characteristics of different genres such as folk tales, revised old stories, and adventure - travel stories, etc., together with the history of Vietnamese children's literature and foreign children's literature in Vietnam. The study contributes to providing meaningful guidance for higher education institutions, administrators, lecturers, etc., towards the goal of improving the training quality for philology student teachers.
#Children's literature #training program #pedagogy #philology #teacher #junior high school
Vận dụng phương pháp dạy học hợp đồng nhằm phát triển năng lực tự học Hóa học cho học sinh lớp 11 ở trường trung học phổ thông
Tạp chí Giáo dục - Tập 23 Số đặc biệt 8 - Trang 117-124 - 2023
Cẩm Hương Vương, Thị Đặng Chi Lê
One of the goals of general education is to assist students comprehend general knowledge, effectively apply knowledge in life and self-study for life. Therefore, forming and developing self-study competence for students in teaching is very necessary. In this article, we refer to the concept of self-study, students' self-study competence and apply the contract teaching method in teaching chapter alkan, 11th grade chemistry to develop students' self-study competence. The results of pedagogical experiments evaluating students' self-study competence through a range of criteria show that the average score of the criteria and the average score of students' self-study competence are improved, contributing to improving the quality of Chemistry teaching and can be used in Chemistry teaching practice in high school.
#Self-study #self-study competence #contract teaching #evaluating students' self-study competence #11th grade Chemistry
Giáo dục kĩ năng giao tiếp cho học sinh rối loạn phổ tự kỉ học hòa nhập cấp trung học cơ sở: thực trạng và bài học kinh nghiệm
Tạp chí Giáo dục - Tập 22 Số 13 - Trang 41-46 - 2022
Thị Trang Đỗ , Huyền Trâm Quách , Hoài Thương Nguyễn , Thị Hoa Nguyễn , Nữ Tâm An Nguyễn , Thị Thảo Đỗ
Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder encounter many difficulties in communicating and interacting with surrounding people, which are supposedly  huge hampers, directly affecting students’ social integration process. The researcher conducted a survey on the current situation of communication skills education for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in inclusive secondary schools. Most teachers and parents were found to have basic understanding about educational goals, content, methods and forms. However, when the educational activities were applied, many difficulties and hampers emerged. On the basis of the current situation assessment, the article proposes some lessons in the process of setting goals, content and using educational methods, thereby enhancing the coordination of stakeholders in the process of teaching communication skills for students with autism spectrum disorder.
#Communication skills education #students with autism spectrum disorders #secondary school #lessons
Thực trạng quản lí hoạt động dạy học Âm nhạc cho sinh viên chuyên ngành Giáo dục mầm non ở Trường Đại học Tây Bắc
Tạp chí Giáo dục - Tập 23 Số đặc biệt 7 - Trang 321-326 - 2023
Văn Cảng Vũ
The management of music teaching activities for students is the purposeful and lawful impacts of the principal, the dean, and the head of the professional group on the teaching staff and students in order to maximize all educational resources of the school, the community and the society to bring music teaching activities to the goal. A survey of 48 managers and lecturers at Tay Bac University shows that the management of music teaching activities for students majoring in Preschool education is only average. In addition to the management content that has been done well, there are still some things that are not done well, such as: the handling when the lecturer does not properly implement the detailed course outline issued; fostering the core of music for students, etc. The survey results are a practical basis to propose some management measures to contribute to improving the quality of music teaching for students majoring in Preschool education at Tay Bac University.
#Management #teaching activities #music #students #preschool #Tay Bac University
Xây dựng công cụ hỗ trợ sinh viên tự học môn Vẽ kĩ thuật xây dựng
Tạp chí Giáo dục - - Trang 24-28 - 2021
Lê Trầm Hương Đặng , Thị Kim Uyên Nguyễn , Thanh Vân Nguyễn
Nowadays, self-study of students taking technical drawing courses is still limited due to the lack of learning support tools that are fundamentally needed for the improvement of students’ spatial thinking ability, especially for students majoring in Civil Engineering who need to understand the model of structures on construction drawings. In addition, students need instructions to be able to master a Computer-aided design (CAD) for designing and construction future projects. In this study, interactive videos were considered crucial learning materials, which means it is essential for students to carefully review all of the content in these videos before attending each section. The quizzes were created to correspond to the content covering in the interactive videos in order for students to assess their understanding of the lesson. In regard to promoting Blended E-learning, using the BKel website allows lecturers to create a learning environment in which regular interactions between lecturers and their students are maintained through media such as interactive videos, quizzes.
#Self-study #drawing techniques #drawing construction techniques #support tools #interactive videos
Rào cản đối với phát triển nguồn nhân lực dân tộc thiểu số trong bối cảnh cuộc Cách mạng công nghiệp 4.0
Tạp chí Giáo dục - Tập 22 Số 5 - Trang 1-7 - 2022
Thị Thu Hiền Lê , Thu Trang Nguyễn, Thị Thanh Nghiêm
Humanity has experienced three industrial revolutions and is entering the fourth industrial revolution era. Industry 4.0 promises new breakthroughs in all areas of life, helping to connect globally and especially connecting 54 ethnic groups, including 53 ethnic minorities, which account for more than 14% of the Vietnamese population. The project “Digitalized Vietnamese knowledge system” approved by the Prime Minister is a game-changer for Vietnam in the process of international integration, but at the same time poses many challenges concerning human resource development for Vietnam in general, and in ethnic minority areas in particular. This study aims to identify the barriers in order to propose solutions and recommendations for policies to develop human resources of ethnic minorities in Vietnam in the context of the fourth industrial revolution.
#Barrier #ethnic minority people #the fourth industrial revolution
Thiết kế công cụ đo lường năng lực hợp tác dựa theo thuyết ba tầng trí tuệ của Sternberg
Tạp chí Giáo dục - - Trang 7-12 - 2021
Thị Phương Linh Trần , Thị Hương Giang Trần , Quang Minh Phạm
From the school year 2020-2021, the Ministry of Education and Training begins to implement the new program on popularizing educational information and educational science books for grade 1 students. Assessing the effectiveness of students is no longer new for primary school teachers and students, but it is still new for intermediate educational institutions and high school centers. However, teachers at all levels still face many difficulties when evaluating this feature. The article used the method of recovery, data integration to synthesize the content of the concept, the structure of force effect and introduced a tool to evaluate the cooperative competence based on Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence. The authors hope this will be a reference for teachers to apply in assessing students' ability in the teaching process.
#Cooperative competence #measuring tool #Triarchic Theory of Intelligence #Sternberg
Thực trạng nhận thức về giáo dục sở hữu trí tuệ cho sinh viên các trường đại học tại tỉnh Bình Dương
Tạp chí Giáo dục - Tập 22 Số 19 - Trang 41-47 - 2022
Văn Trung Trần
Along with socio-economic development, the legal system on intellectual property has been increasingly improved. The system of documents and laws protecting intellectual property rights in Vietnam is a condition for promoting and developing relations on intellectual property rights and technology transfer in Vietnam in the process of national industrialization and modernization, as well as international integration. The effectiveness of intellectual property education activities for students would exert a significant influence on improving the quality of education and training at universities, gradually raising the rate of learning quality of students and building up the institution’s status, reputation and brand. On the basis of assessing the current situation of intellectual property education for university students, the author proposes a number of measures to improve the efficiency of intellectual property education for students at some universities in Binh Duong province.
#Current situation #intellectual property #university #students
Đề xuất nội dung đào tạo ngắn hạn cho giáo viên giảng dạy STEM bậc giáo dục phổ thông ở Việt Nam
Tạp chí Giáo dục - Tập 22 Số 20 - Trang 36-41 - 2022
Thanh Vương Nguyễn , Thị Hồng Hạnh Bùi
Currently, STEM education is one of the educational trends attracting much attention in Vietnam. However, the implementation of STEM education still faces many difficulties and challenges, especially in the context of implementing a new general education program. In order to effectively implement STEM education at each level and school in Vietnam, it is necessary to have teaching staff trained in teaching STEM in conjunction with the unification of guidelines, program content and implementation methods. The article is based on existing literature review to draw experience lessons from international and Vietnamese practices in the implementation of STEM education programs as well as personnel training and retraining, thereby proposing a short-term training model for STEM teachers with the aim of expanding general and in-depth knowledge, and developing teachers' capacities of integrated teaching complying with the principles of efficiency, quality and science.
#STEM education #general education #teacher training and development #training models
Thiết kế cấu trúc bảo đảm chất lượng ở các trường đại học Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Tạp chí Giáo dục - - Trang 52-58 - 2021
Vũ Phương Nguyễn , Thị Hương Phạm
This paper presents the results of a study on quality/quality assurance policy and the design of internal quality assurance structure (IQA) at universities in Ho Chi Minh City. The research surveyed 769 participants from various relevant stakeholders, including administrators, leaders of quality assurance department, leaders of faculties/offices, lecturers, and support staff as well as quality assurance practitioners. The results show that the importance of quality in quality policy in HCMC universities was perceived inconsistent, and the design of IQA structure tends to be “on paper” and centralised.
#Quality policies #quality assurance policies #internal quality assurance systems #Vietnam higher education
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