Surgical Neurology International
SCOPUS (2011-2023)
Ấn Độ
Cơ quản chủ quản: Scientific Scholar LLC
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Cavernomas arising in the region of the optic apparatus are extremely rare, accounting for <1% of all the central nervous system cavernomas. Most patients are affected by acute visual disturbances related to hemorrhagic events. A prompt resection of the lesion together with a decompression of the optic apparatus may lead to a functional improvement. Almost all patients reported in literature were treated by means of a craniotomy, whereas only few papers described the use of a transnasal approach.
We report the case of a 53-year-old woman with a hemorrhagic, cavernous malformation of the optic chiasm region and we discuss the technical nuances of the endoscopic transnasal approach we employed. We also review literature for patients with cavernomas treated with a transsphenoidal approach. In our case, the patient underwent the gross-total resection of the lesion through a fully endoscopic transnasal route and the visual disturbances improved immediately after the operation. The ventral access allowed an adequate exposure of the chiasm/anterior circulation complex, thus avoiding an excessive dissection and retraction of neurovascular structures. Moreover, with the aid of angled scopes, we were able to identify the frail vascular supply of the chiasm by employing the suprachiasmatic corridor as well as the infrachiasmatic one. We stress the need for a careful reconstruction of the skull base to avoid a postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leak.
With the evolution and spreading of the neuroendoscopic techniques, in selected cases, we advocate the use of the transnasal route for the removal of cavernomas arising in the region of the anterior optic pathways.