Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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The role of DOC in protecting freshwaters subjected to climatic warming and acidification from UV exposure
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 36 - Trang 1-8 - 1997
Aspects of the chemical structure of soil organic materials as revealed by solid-state13C NMR spectroscopy
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 16 - Trang 1-42 - 1992
Solid-state cross-polarisation/magic-angle-spinning3C nuclear magnetic resonance (CP/MAS13C NMR) spectroscopy was used to characterise semi-quantitatively the organic materials contained in particle size and density fractions isolated from five different mineral soils: two Mollisols, two Oxisols and an Andosol. The acquired spectra were analysed to determine the relative proportion of carboxyl, aromatic, O-alkyl and alkyl carbon contained in each fraction. Although similar types of carbon were present in all of the fractions analysed, an influence of both soil type and particle size was evident. The chemical structure of the organic materials contained in the particle size fractions isolated from the Andosol was similar; however, for the Mollisols and Oxisols, the content of O-alkyl, aromatic and alkyl carbon was greatest in the coarse, intermediate and fine fractions, respectively. The compositional differences noted in progressing from the coarser to finer particle size fractions in the Mollisols and Oxisols were consistent with the changes noted in other studies where CP/MAS13C NMR was used to monitor the decomposition of natural organic materials. Changes in the C:N ratio of the particle size fractions supported the proposal that the extent of decomposition of the organic materials contained in the fine fractions was greater than that contained in the coarse fractions. The increased content of aromatic and alkyl carbon in the intermediate size fractions could be explained completely by a selective preservation mechanism; however, the further accumulation of alkyl carbon in the clay fractions appeared to result from both a selective preservation and anin situ synthesis. The largest compositional differences noted for the entire organic fraction of the five soils were observed between soil orders. The differences within orders were smaller. The Mollisols and the Andosol were both dominated by O-alkyl carbon but the Andosol had a lower alkyl carbon content. The Oxisols were dominated by both O-alkyl and alkyl carbon. A model describing the oxidative decomposition of plant materials in mineral soils is proposed and used to explain the influence of soil order and particle size on the chemical composition of soil organic matter in terms of its extent of decomposition and bioavailability.
Chesapeake Bay nutrient budgets — a reassessment
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 4 - Trang 77-90 - 1987
Recently published annual mass balances or budgets for nitrogen, phosphorus, and silicon in Chesapeake Bay have pictured the estuary as retaining a very large fraction, perhaps all, of the nutrients that enter from land drainage, the atmosphere, and anthropogenic discharges. However, these budgets have been based on estimates of the net exchanges of nutrients at the mouth of the bay or on the rates of accumulation of nutrients and sediments calculated from the distributions of various geochemical tracers in the sediments. While conceptually straightforward, the first approach is subject to large errors because it requires the determination of a small "signal" against a large background of tidal "noise". The second approach has led to overestimates of the nutrient trapping efficiency of the bay because tracer-derived sediment deposition rates have been multiplied by the surface area of the whole bay or various parts of the bay rather than by the smaller area of active sediment deposition. This approach is also incorrect because the average, long-term rates of sediment deposition measured by the geochemical tracers, including major floods, have been compared to shorter-term records of nutrient input. The more appropriate calculation of nutrient retention based on contemporaneous measurements of nutrient and sediment input and the chemical compositon of sediments accumulated in the estuary shows that Chesapeake Bay retains only some 3–6% of the nitrogen, 11–17% of the phosphorus and 33–83% of the silicon brought into its waters during a year in which no major flood occurred. This behavior suggests that current problems of estuarine eutrophication are more a consequence of present nutrient inputs than an inevitable or inescapable legacy of past enrichment. It also follows that the management or manipulation of nutrient loadings to esturies may lead to a more rapid response in environmental quality than previously predicted.
Interactions between lithology and biology drive the long-term response of stream chemistry to major hurricanes in a tropical landscape
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 116 - Trang 175-186 - 2013
Humid tropical forests play a dominant role in many global biogeochemical cycles, yet long-term records of tropical stream chemistry and its response to disturbance events such as severe storms and droughts are rare. Here we document the long-term variability in chemistry of two streams in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico over a period of 27 years. Our two focal study watersheds, the Río Icacos and Quebrada Sonadora, both drain several hundred hectares of tropical wet forests, and each received direct hits from Hurricanes Hugo (1989) and Georges (1998). They differ primarily in lithology (granitic vs. volcaniclastic) and elevation. Changes in major cations, anions, silica, and dissolved organic carbon were minimal over the study period, but the concentrations of nitrate show a strong response to hurricane disturbance and the longest time to recovery. Potassium also showed a large, although less consistent, response to disturbance. In the granitic terrain, nitrate concentrations exceeded long-term pre-hurricane background levels for over a decade, but were elevated in the volcaniclastic terrain for only 1–2 years. Lithology appears to be the primary driver explaining the different response trajectories of the two watersheds. In the granitic terrain, which showed slow recovery to pre-hurricane conditions, the quartz diorite bedrock weathers to produce coarser soils, deeper groundwater flow paths, and riparian zones with sharp spatial variation in redox conditions and very high nitrogen levels immediately adjacent to the stream. Groundwater flow paths are shallow and the levels of N in streamside groundwater are much lower in the volcaniclastic terrain. The recovery of vegetation following hurricane disturbance appears similar in the two watersheds, suggesting that the extent of structural damage to canopy trees determines the magnitude of NO3 increases, but that the duration of elevated concentrations in stream water is a function of lithology.
Sources and flowpaths of dissolved organic carbon during storms in two forested watersheds of the Precambrian Shield
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 41 - Trang 175-197 - 1998
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and export were studied in two small catchments in central Ontario to examine DOC sources and to assess the hypothesis that organic matter adjacent to the stream is a significant contributor of DOC during storms. Different DOC dynamics and exports were observed according to the depth of the riparian water table. In Harp 4-21, riparian flowpaths were predominantly through A and upper B soil horizons and riparian soils contributed between 73 and 84% of the stream DOC export during an autumn storm. In Harp 3A, riparian flowpaths were predominantly through lower B horizons. Consequently, riparian soils were less important and hillslopes contributed more than 50% of the stream DOC export in subcatchments without wetlands during storms. Wetlands and adjacent soils contributed significantly to DOC export in Harp 3A; 8% of the total catchment area exported 32 to 46% of the storm runoff DOC. DOC export dynamics in wetlands and riparian soils were distinctly different. In wetlands, transport was affected by leaching and flushing of DOC at the wetland surface leading to lower DOC concentrations with successive storms. In riparian soils, groundwater flowpaths were more important and stronger positive relationships between discharge and DOC concentration were observed. Precipitation, throughfall and stemflow were minor sources of stream DOC during storms and contributed less than 20% of the total export.
Divergent controls of soil organic carbon between observations and process-based models
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 156 - Trang 5-17 - 2021
The storage and cycling of soil organic carbon (SOC) are governed by multiple co-varying factors, including climate, plant productivity, edaphic properties, and disturbance history. Yet, it remains unclear which of these factors are the dominant predictors of observed SOC stocks, globally and within biomes, and how the role of these predictors varies between observations and process-based models. Here we use global observations and an ensemble of soil biogeochemical models to quantify the emergent importance of key state factors – namely, mean annual temperature, net primary productivity, and soil mineralogy – in explaining biome- to global-scale variation in SOC stocks. We use a machine-learning approach to disentangle the role of covariates and elucidate individual relationships with SOC, without imposing expected relationships a priori. While we observe qualitatively similar relationships between SOC and covariates in observations and models, the magnitude and degree of non-linearity vary substantially among the models and observations. Models appear to overemphasize the importance of temperature and primary productivity (especially in forests and herbaceous biomes, respectively), while observations suggest a greater relative importance of soil minerals. This mismatch is also evident globally. However, we observe agreement between observations and model outputs in select individual biomes – namely, temperate deciduous forests and grasslands, which both show stronger relationships of SOC stocks with temperature and productivity, respectively. This approach highlights biomes with the largest uncertainty and mismatch with observations for targeted model improvements. Understanding the role of dominant SOC controls, and the discrepancies between models and observations, globally and across biomes, is essential for improving and validating process representations in soil and ecosystem models for projections under novel future conditions.
Influence of bioturbation on denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) in freshwater sediments
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2014
Organic phosphorus in soil water under a European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stand in northeastern Bavaria, Germany: seasonal variability and changes with soil depth
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 66 - Trang 287-310 - 2003
Organically bound phosphorus (P) is a mobile form of phosphorus in many soils and thus its dynamics relevant for the leaching and cycling of this element. Despite its importance, little is known about the chemical composition of dissolved organic P. We studied the concentrations, fluxes, and chemical composition of organic P in forest floor leachates and soil solutions in a Rendzic Leptosol under a 90-year-old European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forest over a 27-month period (1997–1999). The chemical composition of organic P was analysed using XAD-8 fractionation and 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Organic P was the dominant P form in forest floor leachates as well as in porewaters of the mineral soil. The largest concentrations of organic P were observed during summer and peaked (330–400 μg dissolved organic P l−1) after rain storms following short dry periods, concurrently with the concentrations of organic carbon (OC). Because of high rainfall, fluxes of organic P (and C) were greatest in autumn although concentrations of organic C and P were lower than in summer. In forest floor leachates, the hydrophilic fraction of dissolved organic matter contained 83 ± 13% of the bulk organic P. In soil solutions from 90 cm depth, organic P was almost exclusively in the hydrophilic fraction. Because of the low retention of the hydrophilic fraction of dissolved organic matter in the mineral soils, concentrations of organic P in soil water remained almost constant with depth. Consequently, organic P contributed > 95% of the total P leached into deeper subsoils. The overall retention of organic P in the weakly developed mineral soils was little and so the average annual fluxes of organic P in subsoils at 90 cm depth (38 mg m−2) comprised 67% of those from the forest floors (57 mg m−2) during the study period. Hence, organic P proved to be mobile in the studied soil. 31P-NMR spectroscopy confirmed the dominance of organic P species in soil water. Signals due to inorganic P occurred only in spectra of samples collected in winter and spring months. Spectra of samples from summer and autumn revealed traces of condensed phosphates. Due to low P contents, identification of organic P species in samples from winter and spring was not always possible. In summer and autumn, monoester and diester phosphates were the dominant organic species and varied little in their relative distributions. The distribution of organic species changed little from forest floor leachates to the subsoil solutions indicating that the composition of P-containing compounds was not influenced by sorptive interactions or biological transformation.
Modeling indirect N2O emissions along the N cascade from cropland soils to rivers
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 148 - Trang 207-221 - 2020
The frequently observed discrepancy between estimations of N2O emissions at regional or global scale based either on field data or inventories (bottom-up) or on direct atmospheric observations (top-down) suggests that riparian areas and river surfaces play a significant role as hot spots of emission. We developed a modeling procedure to assess N2O emissions occurring during the transfer of water masses from the subroot water pool of the watershed to the outlet of the river drainage network, including their passage through riparian wetlands. The model was applied to three river basins of increasing size located in the sedimentary geological area of the Paris basin (France) and validated by its capability to predict river N2O concentrations and fluxes across the river–atmosphere interface. At the scale of the Seine watershed, indirect emissions, i.e. emissions linked to agricultural practices but occurring elsewhere than directly at the field plot, are estimated to represent approximately 20% of the direct emissions from the watershed soils, in good agreement with previous estimates based on empirical accounting approaches. Denitrification in riparian zones is responsible for the largest share of these indirect emissions. The model results are very sensitive to the value of the ratio of N2O versus (N2 + N2O), in the final products of denitrification in rivers and wetlands. By calibration on river N2O concentrations, a value of 0.015 ± 0.05 is proposed for this ratio, in agreement with recent studies. This represents the main uncertainty factor of the model. In basins with conditions prone to increasing the value of this ratio, higher proportions of indirect N2O emissions might possibly be observed.
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