Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Assessment of interplay between UV wavelengths, material surfaces and food residues in open surface hygiene validation
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 51 - Trang 3977-3983 - 2013
Stephen Abban, Mogens Jakobsen, Lene Jespersen
The use of UV-visible radiation for detecting invisible residue on different surfaces as a means of validating cleanliness was investigated. Wavelengths at 365, 395, 435, 445, 470 and 490 nm from a monochromator were used to detect residues of beef, chicken, apple, mango and skim milk. These were on three surfaces: aluminium, fibre re-enforced plastic (FRP; Q-Liner®) and stainless steel, pre- and post a cleaning step using commercial detergent. The area covered by residues as detected by specific wavelengths was compared statistically. The sensitivity of the wavelengths for detection differed significantly (p < 0.05) for various residues depending on the material surfaces. Generally, wavelengths 365–445 nm were consistently able to illuminate all residue before cleaning, though sensitivity varied, while 490 nm showed more of the surface structural features instead of residue. The 365–395 nm wavelengths were significantly more sensitive (p < 0.05) for detecting beef and chicken residues on aluminium and stainless steel both before and after cleaning. The 435–445 nm wavelengths were significantly more sensitive for detecting apple and mango residues on the FRP both before and after cleaning. It is important when UV-systems are used as real-time tools for assessing cleanliness of surfaces that the surface materials being illuminated are taken into account in the choice of lamp wavelength, in addition to expected residue. This will ensure higher confidence in results during the use of UV-light for real-time hygiene validation of surfaces.
Chemical stability of rainbow trout in icing medium containing pistachio (Pistachia vera) green hull extract during chilled storage
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 55 - Trang 449-456 - 2017
Fatemeh Sadat Nazeri, Nafiseh Soltanizadeh, Sayed Amir Hossein Goli, Sheida Mazaheri
In this study, the effect of icing medium containing different concentration of pistachio (Pistacia vera L. cv. Akbari) green hull extract (PHE) was investigated on the chemical stability of rainbow trout. The fishes were stored for 12 days in flaked ice containing 0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3% PHE and the parameters of pH, total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N), histamine, free fatty acids, peroxide and thiobarbituric acid index (TBA-i) were periodically evaluated. In all experiments, a significant difference was evident between control and fish muscles stored in ice containing PHE. Fish icing with 0.3% PHE could considerably retard the oxidative and hydrolytic rancidity. In addition, it had significant effect on prevention of pH increase and production of volatile basic nitrogen during 12 days storage. PHE could diminish histamine accumulation in fish muscle and improve safety of rainbow trout. Consequently, PHE could have potential of application in icing medium for preservation of fish quality especially fatty ones.
Effect of ultrasound treatment on functional properties of reduced-salt chicken breast meat batter
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 52 - Trang 2622-2633 - 2014
Ke Li, Zhuang-Li Kang, Yu-Feng Zou, Xing-Lian Xu, Guang-Hong Zhou
The effect of ultrasound treatments (40 kHz, 300 W) for different times (10, 20, 30 and 40 min) combined with different salt contents (1.0 %, 1.5 % and 2.0 %) on gel properties and water holding capacity (WHC) of chicken breast meat batter were investigated. Results showed salt level significantly (p < 0.05) affected the texture, storage modulus (G′), loss modulus (G″), cooking loss and WHC. Ultrasound treatments for 10 min and 20 min improved the texture and WHC, and had higher G′ values. Compared with the controls (2 % salt), ultrasound treatment for 20 min with reduced-salt (1.5 %) had not significant effect (p > 0.05) on texture, cooking loss or WHC. However, longer ultrasound (40 min) treatment resulted in a decrease in hardness, G′ value and WHC. Microstructural analysis revealed that gels treated with ultrasound for 20 min had a compact structure whereas those treated for 40 min contained more protein aggregations and more cavities. Low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR) indicated that ultrasound treatment for 20 min lowered the values of spin-spin relaxation time (T2) and increased the proportion of myofibillar water. Overall, high power ultrasound technology is a promising process which can improve the gelation properties and thereby allowing for a partial reduction in the salt levels in chicken meat gels.
Storage performance of Taiwanese sweet potato cultivars
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 51 - Trang 4019-4025 - 2013
Che-Lun Huang, Wayne C. Liao, Chin-Feng Chan, Yung-Chang Lai
Three sweet potato cultivars (TNG57, TNG66, and TNG73), provided by the Taiwanese Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), were stored at either 15 °C or under ambient conditions (23.8 ~ 28.4 °C and 77.1 ~ 81.0 % of relative humidity). Sweet potato roots were randomly chosen from each replicate and evaluated for measurement of weight loss, sugar content analysis, and sprouting after 0, 14, 24, 48, 56, 70, 84, and 98 days of storage. Fresh sweet potato roots were baked at 200 °C for 60 min then samples were taken for sugar analysis. After 14 days of ambient condition storage, the sprouting percentages for TNG57, TNG66, and TNG73 were 100, 85, and 95 % respectively. When sweet potatoes were stored at 15 °C, the weight loss became less and no sweet potato root sprouted after 14 days of storage. Because manufacturers can store sweet potatoes at 15 °C for almost 2 month without other treatments, the supply capacity shortage in July and September can be reduced. The total sugar content slowly increased along with increasing the storage time. After baking, the total sugar content of sweet potatoes significantly increased due to the formation of maltose. Maltose became the major sugar of baked sweet potatoes. Raw sweet potatoes stored at 15 °C had higher total sugar contents after baking than those stored under ambient conditions. Raw sweet potatoes were recommended to be stored at 15 °C before baking.
Significance of coarse cereals in health and nutrition: a review
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 51 - Trang 1429-1441 - 2012
Kiran Deep Kaur, Alok Jha, Latha Sabikhi, A. K. Singh
This review assesses the nutritional attributes of coarse cereals and also their utilization as food and as formulated foods. These cereals are laden with phytochemicals including phenolic acids, tannins, anthocyanins, phytosterols, avenenathramides and policosanols. They possess high antioxidant properties in vitro than staple cereals and fruits by different purported pathways. There are also some anti-nutritional factors that may be reduced by certain processing treatments. Several epidemiological studies show that these cereals are helpful in reducing several kinds of chronic diseases like cancers, cardiovascular diseases, type II diabetes and various gastrointestinal disorders. Being coarse in nature, they cannot replace our staple cereals, but can be used in different proportions with rice and wheat to formulate various nutritional products. They can be used to make porridges, biscuits, cakes, cookies, tortillas, bread, probiotic drinks, ladoo, ghatta, flakes and several fermented foods. The coarse cereals also have good potential in manufacturing bioethanol, paper, oil and biofilms.
Effect of coated and uncoated ground flaxseed addition on rheological, physical and sensory properties of Taftoon bread
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2015
M. H. Roozegar, Mohammad Shahedi, J. Keramet, Nasser Hamdami, Sahar Roshanak
Emerging techniques applied to by-products for food fortification
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 57 - Trang 905-914 - 2019
Valeria Marinelli, Sara Spinelli, Luisa Angiolillo, Matteo Alessandro Del Nobile, Amalia Conte
Considering the increasing consumer demand for healthy food, the extract from broccoli by-products was studied. To this aim, in the first step, three extraction techniques were compared in terms of extraction efficiency. The best method was the pressurized liquid extraction. Then, the extract microencapsulation was optimized in terms of type of wall material (between Capsul and maltodextrins), concentration of wall material (10–20–30%, w/v), core/wall material ratio (1:2, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20) and inlet temperature (80, 100, 130, 150, 170 °C). The optimal conditions were found with 10% maltodextrins as wall material, core/wall material ratio 1/2 at 80 °C. Finally, the obtained microencapsulated extract was added at 5% (w/w) to fish burgers. Results demonstrated that total phenolic content, total flavonoids and antioxidant activity of enriched fish products were significantly higher than the control burgers, thus confirming that both process and cooking did not greatly affect the nutritional properties of extracted compounds.
Effect of unsaponifiable matter extracted from Pistacia khinjuk fruit oil on the oxidative stability of olive oil
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 54 Số 9 - Trang 2980-2988 - 2017
Javad Tavakoli, Parviz Estakhr, Aniseh Zarei Jelyani
Bột hạt cà chua tách béo một phần như một chất thay thế cho chất béo: ảnh hưởng đến các đặc tính lý hóa và cảm quan của bánh quy làm từ sorghum Dịch bởi AI
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 58 - Trang 4530-4541 - 2021
S. Sahana, M. Yashini, C. K. Sunil, S. D. Hemanth
Chất béo là thành phần thiết yếu cho cấu trúc và đặc tính cảm quan của bánh quy, nhưng cần phải thay thế hoặc mô phỏng chất béo để ngăn ngừa các bệnh do lối sống. Do đó, nghiên cứu này đã điều tra ảnh hưởng của sản phẩm phụ công nghiệp, cụ thể là bột hạt cà chua tách béo một phần (PDTSF) như một chất thay thế cho chất béo đối với các đặc tính lý hóa và cảm quan của bánh quy làm từ sorghum ở mức độ thay thế chất béo 10, 20, 30, và 40% (w/w). Các đặc tính lý hóa và chức năng của PDTSF đã được phân tích. PDTSF thể hiện hồ sơ dinh dưỡng và các đặc tính chức năng xuất sắc. Bánh quy bổ sung PDTSF cho thấy sự gia tăng đáng kể (p ≤ 0.05) về độ cứng, protein, tro, và hàm lượng carbohydrate, cũng như sự giảm đáng kể về tỷ lệ lan truyền, chất béo, và giá trị năng lượng theo sự gia tăng của PDTSF. Đánh giá cảm quan mô tả của bánh quy làm từ sorghum ở tất cả các mức độ thay thế chất béo cho thấy sự chấp nhận tốt. Phân tích bảo quản trong 30 ngày tiết lộ rằng sự chấp nhận của bánh quy không bị ảnh hưởng do sự hấp thu độ ẩm và độ cứng. Do đó, kết quả xác nhận tác động tích cực của PDTSF như một chất thay thế chất béo thực phẩm toàn phần để sản xuất bánh quy sorghum giảm béo ở mức độ thay thế chất béo 10 và 20%.
#bánh quy #bột hạt cà chua #thay thế chất béo #đặc tính lý hóa #đánh giá cảm quan
Effect of almond genotypes on fatty acid composition, tocopherols and mineral contents and bioactive properties of sweet almond (Prunus amygdalus Batsch spp. dulce) kernel and oils
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 57 - Trang 4182-4192 - 2020
Mehmet Musa Özcan, Bertrand Matthäus, Fahad Aljuhaimi, Isam A. Mohamed Ahmed, Kashif Ghafoor, Elfadıl E. Babiker, Magdi A. Osman, Mustafa A. Gassem, Hesham A. S. Alqah
Oil content of almond kernels ranged from 36.7% in the cultivar T12 to 79.0% in genotype T27. The major fatty acid in almond oil is oleic (62.43% in T7-76.34% in T4) followed by linoleic (13.97% in T4-29.55% in T3) and palmitic (4.97% in T2-7.51% inT3). The main tocopherol in almond oil was α-tocopherol (44.25 mg/100 g in T25-75.56 mg/100 g in T13) that was 44 folds higher than other tocopherols in the oil. Total tocopherol contents of almond oils ranged between 47.42 mg/100 g (T14) and 80.15 mg/100 g (T16). Among macro minerals, K was the highest (5238–14,683 mg/kg), followed by P (3475–11,123 mgkg), Ca (1798–5946 mg/kg), and Mg (2192–3591 mg/kg), whereas Na was the least (334–786 mg/kg) in almond kernel. The total polyphenol was observed in T16 (98.67 mg GAE/100 g), while the least was found in T24 (23.75 mg GAE/100 g). Antioxidant activity was high in T7 (91.18%) and low in T12 (44.59%).
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