Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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Aberrant activity and connectivity of the posterior superior temporal sulcus during social cognition in schizophrenia
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 267 - Trang 597-610 - 2016
Schizophrenia is associated with significant impairments in social cognition. These impairments have been shown to go along with altered activation of the posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS). However, studies that investigate connectivity of pSTS during social cognition in schizophrenia are sparse. Twenty-two patients with schizophrenia and 22 matched healthy controls completed a social-cognitive task for functional magnetic resonance imaging that allows the investigation of affective Theory of Mind (ToM), emotion recognition and the processing of neutral facial expressions. Moreover, a resting-state measurement was taken. Patients with schizophrenia performed worse in the social-cognitive task (main effect of group). In addition, a group by social-cognitive processing interaction was revealed for activity, as well as for connectivity during the social-cognitive task, i.e., patients with schizophrenia showed hyperactivity of right pSTS during neutral face processing, but hypoactivity during emotion recognition and affective ToM. In addition, hypoconnectivity between right and left pSTS was revealed for affective ToM, but not for neutral face processing or emotion recognition. No group differences in connectivity from right to left pSTS occurred during resting state. This pattern of aberrant activity and connectivity of the right pSTS during social cognition might form the basis of false-positive perceptions of emotions and intentions and could contribute to the emergence and sustainment of delusions.
Relationship between exploratory eye movements and brain morphology in schizophrenia spectrum patients
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 255 - Trang 104-110 - 2004
The exploratory eye movements of schizophrenia
patients and their relatives have been shown to
differ from those of patients without schizophrenia and
healthy controls. However the mechanism of exploratory
eye movement disturbances in schizophrenia
patients remains elusive. We investigated the relationship
between the exploratory eye movements and brain
morphology in 39 schizophrenia spectrum patients.
Voxel–based morphometric analysis on three–dimensional
magnetic resonance imaging was conducted by
means of statistical parametric mapping 99. The decrease
in the responsive search score, which is the total
number of sections on which the eyes fixed in response
to questioning in a comparison task, was significantly
correlated with the decreased gray matter in the right
frontal eye field (rFEF) including the right supplementary
eye field (rSEF), right parietal eye field (rPEF), and
right inferior frontal region. These results suggest that
disturbance in exploratory eye movement in schizophrenia
spectrum patients may be related to neural network
dysfunction in FEF, SEF and PEF, which are the eye
movement related areas, and in the inferior frontal region
that may be related to information organization.
Die Hydranencephalie (Blasenhirn) als Sonderform der Großhirnlosigkeit
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 117 - Trang 595-640 - 1944
A spectroscopic approach toward depression diagnosis: local metabolism meets functional connectivity
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 267 - Trang 95-105 - 2016
Abnormal anterior insula (AI) response and functional connectivity (FC) is associated with depression. In addition to clinical features, such as severity, AI FC and its metabolism further predicted therapeutic response. Abnormal FC between anterior cingulate and AI covaried with reduced glutamate level within cingulate cortex. Recently, deficient glial glutamate conversion was found in AI in major depression disorder (MDD). We therefore postulate a local glutamatergic mechanism in insula cortex of depressive patients, which is correlated with symptoms severity and itself influences AI’s network connectivity in MDD. Twenty-five MDD patients and 25 healthy controls (HC) matched on age and sex underwent resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy scans. To determine the role of local glutamate–glutamine complex (Glx) ratio on whole brain AI FC, we conducted regression analysis with Glx relative to creatine (Cr) ratio as factor of interest and age, sex, and voxel tissue composition as nuisance factors. We found that in MDD, but not in HC, AI Glx/Cr ratio correlated positively with AI FC to right supramarginal gyrus and negatively with AI FC toward left occipital cortex (p < 0.05 family wise error). AI Glx/Cr level was negatively correlated with HAMD score (p < 0.05) in MDD patients. We showed that the local AI ratio of glutamatergic–creatine metabolism is an underlying candidate subserving functional network disintegration of insula toward low level and supramodal integration areas, in MDD. While causality cannot directly be inferred from such correlation, our finding helps to define a multilevel network of response-predicting regions based on local metabolism and connectivity strength.
Clinical and treatment-related predictors of cognition in bipolar disorder: focus on visual paired associative learning
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 267 - Trang 661-669 - 2016
Bipolar disorder (BD) is associated with impairment in cognitive domains such as verbal memory and executive functions. However, visual paired associative learning (PAL) has been far less researched. Neurocognitive dysfunction in BD patients has been related to several clinical factors, but data on the effect of medication are relatively scarce and inconsistent. The aim of our study was to explore the effect of clinical and treatment-related parameters on executive functions and visual memory/learning, including PAL, in BD. Cognitive performance of 60 bipolar I patients and 30 healthy subjects was evaluated by using CANTAB battery tasks targeting spatial recognition memory, PAL and executive functions (set shifting, planning, inhibitory control). Bipolar patients showed poorer performance in PAL, set shifting, planning and inhibitory control than healthy subjects; however, only differences in PAL and planning survived correction for multiple comparisons. Number of previous manic episodes and illness duration predicted worse performance in set shifting and PAL, respectively, whereas current treatment with valproate predicted better performance in PAL. This is one of the first studies to assess clinical and treatment-related predictors of PAL in BD. We report a possibly beneficial effect of valproate on PAL, which warrants further investigation.
Psychiatric training in Switzerland
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 247 - Trang S41-S43 - 1997
Über epileptiforme Anfälle und psychopathologische Veränderungen bei Hirntumoren
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 193 - Trang 645-658 - 1955
Symptomatische epileptische Anfälle bei hirntumorkranken Patienten finden sich nach einer Zusammenstellung einiger Ergebnisse aus der Literatur unter 5375 Fällen in 28%. Neben dem relativ seltenem Vorkommen einer epileptischen Wesensveränderung auch bei symptomatischer Epilepsie wird an Hand von 380 Krankengeschichten von Hirntumorpatienten dargetan, daß psychopathologische chronische Allgemeinveränderungen (‚'organisches Psychosyndrom“ nach E. Bleuler) bei Patienten mit epileptiformen Anfällen viel häufiger beobachtet werden als bei Tumorpatienten ohne Anfallsleiden. Besonders oberhalb einer Altersgrenze von 30–40 Jahren, von wo an die Anfallshäufigkeit deutlich nachläßt, ist dies der Fall. Prognostisch ist das von Bedeutung, wenn es nicht gelingt, ein symptomatisches Anfallsleiden nach Hirntumoroperation zu beseitigen. Sowohl fokale wie auch generalisierte Anfallstypen, wenn auch letztere viel häufiger als erstere, bedingen ein solches Anwachsen der psychischen Veränderungen. Schließlich wird darauf hingewiesen, daß bei unauffälligem neurologischen Befund die Kombination von generalisierten Krampfanfällen mit einem organischen Psychosyndrom den Verdacht auf das Vorliegen einer symptomatischen Epilepsie lenken muß.
Experimentelle Studien zur Symptomatologie der Simulation und ihrer Beziehungen zur Hysterie
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 1925
6. Jahresversammlung der Vereinigung südostdeutscher Psychiater und Neurologen am 28. Februar 1931 in Breslau
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 95 - Trang 163-188 - 1931
Clozapine-associated elevation of plasma cholinesterase
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 251 - Trang 269-271 - 2001
Objective The goal of this study was to identify adverse effects of the atypical neuroleptic clozapine on liver function and lipid metabolism. Methods Data which included serum levels of clozapine and its hepatic metabolite N-desmethyl clozapine were collected from medical records of patients treated with clozapine and controls. Results We identified a clozapine-associated marked elevation of plasma cholinesterase (ChE) with unchanged levels of AST, ALT or g-GT. ChE was correlated to the serum level of clozapine and even closer to N-desmethyl clozapine. For the total patient group we observed significant correlations of ChE with the body-mass index and body weight. However, clozapine-treated patients and controls did not differ with regard to body-mass index, triglycerides, and cholesterol. Conclusion We report for the first time a clozapine-associated and dose-dependent elevation of plasma ChE, which may be related to clozapine-associated effects on hepatic lipid metabolism or ChE enzyme induction.
Tổng số: 6,513
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