Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Towards a unified protocol for handling of CSF before β-amyloid measurements
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 11 Số 1 - 2019
Shorena Janelidze, Erik Stomrud, Britta Brix, Oskar Hansson
Diffusion kurtosis imaging allows the early detection and longitudinal follow-up of amyloid-β-induced pathology
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 10 - Trang 1-16 - 2018
Jelle Praet, Nikolay V. Manyakov, Leacky Muchene, Zhenhua Mai, Vasilis Terzopoulos, Steve de Backer, An Torremans, Pieter-Jan Guns, Tom Van De Casteele, Astrid Bottelbergs, Bianca Van Broeck, Jan Sijbers, Dirk Smeets, Ziv Shkedy, Luc Bijnens, Darrel J. Pemberton, Mark E. Schmidt, Annemie Van der Linden, Marleen Verhoye
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder and the most common cause of dementia in the elderly population. In this study, we used the APP/PS1 transgenic mouse model to explore the feasibility of using diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) as a tool for the early detection of microstructural changes in the brain due to amyloid-β (Aβ) plaque deposition. We longitudinally acquired DKI data of wild-type (WT) and APP/PS1 mice at 2, 4, 6 and 8 months of age, after which these mice were sacrificed for histological examination. Three additional cohorts of mice were also included at 2, 4 and 6 months of age to allow voxel-based co-registration between diffusion tensor and diffusion kurtosis  metrics and immunohistochemistry. Changes were observed in diffusion tensor (DT) and diffusion kurtosis (DK) metrics in many of the 23 regions of interest that were analysed. Mean and axial kurtosis were greatly increased owing to Aβ-induced pathological changes in the motor cortex of APP/PS1 mice at 4, 6 and 8 months of age. Additionally, fractional anisotropy (FA) was decreased in APP/PS1 mice at these respective ages. Linear discriminant analysis of the motor cortex data indicated that combining diffusion tensor and diffusion kurtosis metrics permits improved separation of WT from APP/PS1 mice compared with either diffusion tensor or diffusion kurtosis metrics alone. We observed that mean kurtosis and FA are the critical metrics for a correct genotype classification. Furthermore, using a newly developed platform to co-register the in vivo diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging with multiple 3D histological stacks, we found high correlations between DK metrics and anti-Aβ (clone 4G8) antibody, glial fibrillary acidic protein, ionised calcium-binding adapter molecule 1 and myelin basic protein immunohistochemistry. Finally, we observed reduced FA in the septal nuclei of APP/PS1 mice at all ages investigated. The latter was at least partially also observed by voxel-based statistical parametric mapping, which showed significantly reduced FA in the septal nuclei, as well as in the corpus callosum, of 8-month-old APP/PS1 mice compared with WT mice. Our results indicate that DKI metrics hold tremendous potential for the early detection and longitudinal follow-up of Aβ-induced pathology.
Alzheimer’s Research UK 2016 Conference report
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 8 Số 1 - 2016
Rosa M. Sancho, Carla J. Cox, Laura E. Phipps, Simon H. Ridley

The annual Alzheimer’s Research UK (ARUK) Conference was hosted by the Manchester and North West Network Centre on March 8–9, 2016. In this report, we provide a summary of the research presented.

Neuropsychiatric symptoms with focus on apathy and irritability in sporadic and hereditary cerebral amyloid angiopathy
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2024
Kanishk Kaushik, Anna M. de Kort, Rosemarie van Dort, Reinier G.J. van der Zwet, Bob Siegerink, Sabine Voigt, Erik W. van Zwet, Maaike C. van der Plas, Emma A. Koemans, Ingeborg Rasing, Roy P.C. Kessels, Huub A.M. Middelkoop, Floris H.B.M. Schreuder, Catharina J.M. Klijn, Marcel M. Verbeek, Gisela M. Terwindt, Ellis S. van Etten, Marieke J.H. Wermer
Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) may affect cognition, but their burden in cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), one of the main causes of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and dementia in the elderly, remains unclear. We investigated NPS, with emphasis on apathy and irritability in sporadic (sCAA) and Dutch-type hereditary (D-)CAA. We included patients with sCAA and (pre)symptomatic D-CAA, and controls from four prospective cohort studies. We assessed NPS per group, stratified for history of ICH, using the informant-based Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI-Q), Starkstein Apathy scale (SAS), and Irritability Scale. We modeled the association of NPS with disease status, executive function, processing speed, and CAA-burden score on MRI and investigated sex-differences. We included 181 participants: 82 with sCAA (mean[SD] age 72[6] years, 44% women, 28% previous ICH), 56 with D-CAA (52[11] years, 54% women, n = 31[55%] presymptomatic), and 43 controls (69[9] years, 44% women). The NPI-Q NPS-count differed between patients and controls (sCAA-ICH+:adj.β = 1.4[95%CI:0.6–2.3]; sCAA-ICH-:1.3[0.6-2.0]; symptomatic D-CAA:2.0[1.1–2.9]; presymptomatic D-CAA:1.2[0.1–2.2], control median:0[IQR:0–3]), but not between the different CAA-subgroups. Apathy and irritability were reported most frequently: n = 12[31%] sCAA, 19[37%] D-CAA had a high SAS-score; n = 12[29%] sCAA, 14[27%] D-CAA had a high Irritability Scale score. NPS-count was associated with decreased processing speed (adj.β=-0.6[95%CI:-0.8;-0.4]) and executive function (adj.β=-0.4[95%CI:-0.6;-0.1]), but not with radiological CAA-burden. Men had NPS more often than women. According to informants, one third to half of patients with CAA have NPS, mostly apathy, even in presymptomatic D-CAA and possibly with increased susceptibility in men. Neurologists should inform patients and caregivers of these disease consequences and treat or refer patients with NPS appropriately.
N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and cannabinoid CB2 receptors form functional complexes in cells of the central nervous system: insights into the therapeutic potential of neuronal and microglial NMDA receptors
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 13 - Trang 1-15 - 2021
Rafael Rivas-Santisteban, Alejandro Lillo, Jaume Lillo, Joan-Biel Rebassa, Joan S. Contestí, Carlos A. Saura, Rafael Franco, Gemma Navarro
The cannabinoid CB2 receptor (CB2R), which is a target to afford neuroprotection, and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) ionotropic glutamate receptors, which are key in mediating excitatory neurotransmission, are expressed in both neurons and glia. As NMDA receptors are the target of current medication in Alzheimer’s disease patients and with the aim of finding neuromodulators of their actions that could provide benefits in dementia, we hypothesized that cannabinoids could modulate NMDA function. Immunocytochemistry was used to analyze the colocalization between CB2 and NMDA receptors; bioluminescence resonance energy transfer was used to detect CB2-NMDA receptor complexes. Calcium and cAMP determination, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway activation, and label-free assays were performed to characterize signaling in homologous and heterologous systems. Proximity ligation assays were used to quantify CB2-NMDA heteromer expression in mouse primary cultures and in the brain of APPSw/Ind transgenic mice, an Alzheimer’s disease model expressing the Indiana and Swedish mutated version of the human amyloid precursor protein (APP). In a heterologous system, we identified CB2-NMDA complexes with a particular heteromer print consisting of impairment by cannabinoids of NMDA receptor function. The print was detected in activated primary microglia treated with lipopolysaccharide and interferon-γ. CB2R activation blunted NMDA receptor-mediated signaling in primary hippocampal neurons from APPSw/Ind mice. Furthermore, imaging studies showed that in brain slices and in primary cells (microglia or neurons) from APPSw/Ind mice, there was a marked overexpression of macromolecular CB2-NMDA receptor complexes thus becoming a tool to modulate excessive glutamate input by cannabinoids. The results indicate a negative cross-talk in CB2-NMDA complexes signaling. The expression of the CB2-NMDA receptor heteromers increases in both microglia and neurons from the APPSw/Ind transgenic mice, compared with levels in samples from age-matched control mice.
Compression or expansion of dementia in Germany? An observational study of short-term trends in incidence and death rates of dementia between 2006/07 and 2009/10 based on German health insurance data
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2015
Gabriele Doblhammer, Anne Fink, Stephanie Zylla, Frans Willekens
There have been recent reports about a decline in dementia incidence, but only little is known about trends in the mortality of patients with dementia. Only the simultaneous analysis of both trends can inform whether the reported decline in dementia has led to a compression of dementia into higher ages. We used health claims data from the largest public health insurer in Germany over the two time periods 2004/07 and 2007/10. Dementia was defined according to the International Classification of Disease 10th revision (ICD-10) numbers G30, G31.0, G31.82, G23.1, F00, F01, F02, F03 and F05.1 or by a prescription of cholinesterase inhibitors or memantine or both. In the two time periods, we observed 502,065 person-years of exposure and 10,881 incident dementia cases and 10,013 person-years of exposure among the newly demented and 3049 deaths. We estimated the relative risks of the two time periods applying proportional hazard models and calculated years with or without dementia using the illness-death model. Dementia incidence was significantly higher in 2006/07 than in 2009/10, whereas mortality with dementia tended to be lower in the first period, albeit statistically significant among women only. Mortality without dementia tended to be higher in the first period for men and remained stable for women. Combining these trends, we found that at age 65 remaining life years with dementia were compressed by a yearly 0.4 months for men and 1.4 months for women. At the same time, remaining life years without dementia increased by a yearly 1.4 months for men and 1.1 months for women. This study provides evidence that the increase in dementia-free life years went together with an absolute compression of life years with dementia. This positive trend was particularly strong among women. Results were controlled for trends in multi-morbidity and care need, suggesting that the postponement in dementia incidence is not simply caused by a delay in diagnosis.
White paper by the Society for CSF Analysis and Clinical Neurochemistry: Overcoming barriers in biomarker development and clinical translation
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 10 - Trang 1-8 - 2018
Charlotte E. Teunissen, Markus Otto, Sebastiaan Engelborghs, Sanna-Kaisa Herukka, Sylvain Lehmann, Piotr Lewczuk, Alberto Lleó, Armand Perret-Liaudet, Hayrettin Tumani, Martin R. Turner, Marcel M. Verbeek, Jens Wiltfang, Henrik Zetterberg, Lucilla Parnetti, Kaj Blennow
Body fluid biomarkers have great potential for different clinical purposes, including diagnosis, prognosis, patient stratification and treatment effect monitoring. This is exemplified by current use of several excellent biomarkers, such as the Alzheimer’s disease cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers, anti-neuromyelitis optica antibodies and blood neurofilament light. We still, however, have a strong need for additional biomarkers and several gaps in their development and implementation should be filled. Examples of such gaps are i) limited knowledge of the causes of neurological diseases, and thus hypotheses about the best biomarkers to detect subclinical stages of these diseases; ii) the limited success translating discoveries obtained by e.g. initial mass spectrometry proteomic low-throughput studies into immunoassays for widespread clinical implementation; iii) lack of interaction among all stakeholders to optimise and adapt study designs throughout the biomarker development process to medical needs, which may change during the long period needed for biomarker development. The Society for CSF Analysis and Clinical Neurochemistry (established in 2015) has been founded as a concerted follow-up of large standardisation projects, including BIOMARKAPD and SOPHIA, and the BioMS-consortium. The main aims of the CSF society are to exchange high level international scientific experience, to facilitate the incorporation of CSF diagnostics into clinical practice and to give advice on inclusion of CSF analysis into clinical guidelines. The society has a broad scope, as its vision is that the gaps in development and implementation of biomarkers are shared among almost all neurological diseases and thus they can benefit from the activities of the society.
Peripheral and central effects of γ-secretase inhibition by semagacestat in Alzheimer’s disease
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 7 - Trang 1-7 - 2015
Rachelle S Doody, Rema Raman, Reisa A Sperling, Eric Seimers, Gopalan Sethuraman, Richard Mohs, Martin Farlow, Takeshi Iwatsubo, Bruno Vellas, Xiaoying Sun, Karin Ernstrom, Ronald G Thomas, Paul S Aisen
The negative efficacy study examining the γ-secretase inhibitor semagacestat in mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease (AD) included a number of biomarkers of the disease as well as safety outcomes. We analyzed these data to explore relationships between drug exposure and pharmacodynamic effects and to examine the correlations among outcome measures. The study was a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of two dose regimens of semagacestat and a placebo administered for 18 months to individuals with mild to moderate AD. Changes in measures of central and peripheral drug activity were compared between the three treatment groups using one-way analysis of variance. The relationship between changes in each of the outcome measures and measures of drug exposure and peripheral pharmacodynamic effect were assessed using Spearman’s correlation coefficient. Assignment to the active treatment arms was associated with reduction in plasma amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides, increase in ventricular volume, decrease in cerebrospinal fluid phosphorylated tau (p-tau) and several other laboratory measures and adverse event categories. Within the active arms, exposure to drug, as indicated by area under the concentration curve (AUC) of blood concentration, was associated with reduction in plasma Aβ peptides and a subset of laboratory changes and adverse event rates. Ventricular volume increase, right hippocampal volume loss and gastrointestinal symptoms were related to change in plasma Aβ peptide but not AUC, supporting a link to inhibition of γ-secretase cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein. Cognitive decline correlated with ventricular expansion and reduction in p-tau. These findings may inform future studies of drugs targeting secretases involved in Aβ generation. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00594568 . Registered 11 January 2008.
A 36-week multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, phase 3 clinical trial of sodium oligomannate for mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s dementia
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 13 Số 1 - 2021
Shifu Xiao, Piu Chan, Tao Wang, Zhen Hong, Shuzhen Wang, Weihong Kuang, Jincai He, Xiaoping Pan, Yuying Zhou, Yong Ji, Luning Wang, Yan Cheng, Ying Peng, Qinyong Ye, Xiaoping Wang, Yun-Cheng Wu, Qing Qu, Shengdi Chen, Shuhua Li, Wei Chen, Jun Xu, Dantao Peng, Zhao Zhi-gang, Yansheng Li, Junjian Zhang, Yifeng Du, Weixian Chen, Dongsheng Fan, Yongmin Yan, Xiaowei Liu, Wei Zhang, Benyan Luo, Wei Wu, Lu Shen, Chunfeng Liu, Peixian Mao, Qiumei Wang, Qianhua Zhao, Qihao Guo, Yanjun Zhou, Yi Li, Lijun Jiang, Wenwei Ren, Yingjun Ouyang, Yan Wang, Shuai Liu, Jianjun Jia, Nan Zhang, Zhonglin Liu, Raoli He, Tingyi Feng, Wenhui Lu, Huidong Tang, Ping Gao, Yingchun Zhang, Lanlan Chen, Lei Wang, You Yin, Qun Xu, Jian‐Kang Xiao, Cong Liu, Xi Cheng, Zhang Hui, Dan Gao, Minghua Xia, Ting Lian, Guoping Peng, Xu Zhang, Bin Jiao, Hua Hu, Xueyan Chen, Yihui Guan, Ruixue Cui, Qiu Huang, Xianliang Xin, Hongjian Chen, Yu Ding, Jing Zhang, Teng Feng, Marc Cantillon, Kewei Chen, Jeffrey L. Cummings, Jian Ding, Meiyu Geng, Zhenxin Zhang
Abstract Background

New therapies are urgently needed for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Sodium oligomannate (GV-971) is a marine-derived oligosaccharide with a novel proposed mechanism of action. The first phase 3 clinical trial of GV-971 has been completed in China.


We conducted a phase 3, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in participants with mild-to-moderate AD to assess GV-971 efficacy and safety. Participants were randomized to placebo or GV-971 (900 mg) for 36 weeks. The primary outcome was the drug-placebo difference in change from baseline on the 12-item cognitive subscale of the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS-cog12). Secondary endpoints were drug-placebo differences on the Clinician’s Interview-Based Impression of Change with caregiver input (CIBIC+), Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study-Activities of Daily Living (ADCS-ADL) scale, and Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI). Safety and tolerability were monitored.


A total of 818 participants were randomized: 408 to GV-971 and 410 to placebo. A significant drug-placebo difference on the ADAS-Cog12 favoring GV-971 was present at each measurement time point, measurable at the week 4 visit and continuing throughout the trial. The difference between the groups in change from baseline was − 2.15 points (95% confidence interval, − 3.07 to − 1.23; p < 0.0001; effect size 0.531) after 36 weeks of treatment. Treatment-emergent adverse event incidence was comparable between active treatment and placebo (73.9%, 75.4%). Two deaths determined to be unrelated to drug effects occurred in the GV-971 group.


GV-971 demonstrated significant efficacy in improving cognition with sustained improvement across all observation periods of a 36-week trial. GV-971 was safe and well-tolerated.

Trial registration

ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02293915. Registered on November 19, 2014

Neurexin 3 transmembrane and soluble isoform expression and splicing haplotype are associated with neuron inflammasome and Alzheimer’s disease
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 11 - Trang 1-15 - 2019
Akitoyo Hishimoto, Olga Pletnikova, Doyle Lu Lang, Juan C. Troncoso, Josephine M. Egan, Qing-Rong Liu
Synaptic damage precedes neuron death in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Neurexins, NRXN1, NRXN2, and NRXN3, are presynaptic adhesion molecules that specify neuron synapses and regulate neurotransmitter release. Neurexins and postsynaptic neuroligins interact with amyloid beta oligomer (AβO) deposits in damaged synapses. NRXN3 gene variants have been associated with autism, addiction, and schizophrenia, however, not fully investigated in Alzheimer’s disease. In the present study, we investigated an AD association of a 3′-splicing allele of rs8019381 that produces altered expression of transmembrane or soluble NRXN3 isoforms. We carried out RT-PCR (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction), PCR-RFLP (PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism), Sanger sequencing, and in situ hybridization (ISH) assays for NRXN3 neuron expression and genotyping. Genetic associations were analyzed by χ2 tests, and ISH signals were analyzed by FISH v1.0 module of Indica Labs HALO software. We previously identified a functional haplotype in the 3′ region of neurexin 3 (NRXN3) gene that alters the expression ratios between NRXN3 transmembrane and soluble isoforms. In this study, we found that expression and ratio of transmembrane and soluble NRXN3 isoforms were reduced in AD postmortem brains and inversely correlated with inflammasome component NLRP3 in AD brain regions. The splicing haplotype related to the transmembrane and soluble NRXN3 expression was associated with AD samples with P = 6.3 × 10−5 (odds ratio = 2.48) and interacted with APOE genotypes. We found that the SNP rs8019381 of NRXN3 that is located adjacent to splicing site #5 (SS#5) interacts with the APOE ε4 haplotype and alters NRXN3 transmembrane or soluble isoform expression in AD postmortem cortex. Dysregulation of presynaptic NRXN3 expression and splicing might increase neuron inflammation in AD brain.
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