Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Assessing and mapping vineyard water status using a ground mobile thermal imaging platform
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 39 - Trang 457-468 - 2021
Salvador Gutiérrez, Juan Fernández-Novales, María-Paz Diago, Rubén Iñiguez, Javier Tardaguila
Water status directly affects yield and crop quality in grapevines. Precision viticulture demands the application of new available technologies and methodologies for accurate irrigation management in vineyards. The objective of this work was the development of an on-the-go thermal imaging application for the assessment and mapping of vineyard water status, building a dataset from a commercial Tempranillo (Vitis vinifera L.) vineyard over two consecutive seasons and validating it in another commercial vineyard from a different winegrowing region. Thermal imaging was performed with a thermal camera mounted in an all-terrain vehicle, moving at 5 km/h and operating at a distance from the canopy of 1.20 m. Stem water potential (Ψstem) was used for validation as the grapevine water status reference method, using a Scholander pressure chamber. Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI) and Stomatal Conductance Index (Ig) from a 4-day dataset were computed and correlated with Ψstem, delivering significant (p < 0.0001) determination coefficients R2 up to 0.71. The prediction capability of this dataset was also validated in another commercial vineyard, achieving a prediction R2 up to 0.82 (RMSE of 0.123 MPa). The predicted values of both indices were thus employed for mapping vineyard water status in the second plot. These results evidence the potential applicability of on-the-go thermal imaging for assessing and mapping water status in commercial vineyards required for precision viticulture.
Effects of different irrigation regimes applied during the final stage of rapid growth on an early maturing peach cultivar
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 27 - Trang 297-306 - 2009
Vincent Mercier, Claude Bussi, Françoise Lescourret, Michel Génard
Different irrigation regimes were performed on container-grown early-season peach trees (cv. Alexandra) during stage III of fruit growth. In the first experiment, three water treatments were applied: T1, control irrigation; T2, light water restriction; T3, high water restriction. In the second experiment, T4, a light water restriction, was compared to T5, the same total amount of water as T4 but with alternating periods of water withholding and subsequent re-irrigation. Compared to T1 and T2, leaf photosynthesis was limited under T3. Fruit yield and quality did not differ between T1 and T2, while fruit yield, average weight and percentage in the higher commercial grade decreased and total soluble solids (TSS) increased under T3, compared to T1 and T2. Comparing T5 to T4, yield, fruit firmness and average weight did not vary, but heterogeneousness of fruit diameter and TSS at the lower fruit grade tended to be higher. Peach sensitivity to brown rot was likely to decrease under T3 compared to T1 and T2. Peach water loss and brown rot incidence after contamination in conidial suspensions were enhanced under T5 compared to T4, implying that re-irrigation after water withholding should be avoided in order to limit brown rot incidence.
Soil-based automated irrigation for a nectarine orchard in two water availability scenarios
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 39 - Trang 421-439 - 2021
María R. Conesa, Wenceslao Conejero, Juan Vera, M. Carmen Ruiz-Sánchez
This work studies the feasibility of using automated drip irrigation based on the volumetric soil water content measured with capacitance probes in early maturing nectarine trees (Prunus persica L. Batsch, cv. ‘Flariba’) grown in a clay–loam soil in Mediterranean conditions. An automated irrigation treatment (AUTO), based on the management allowed depletion (MAD) concept (with a feed-back control system), was compared with an irrigation-scheduling method based on the conventional crop evapotranspiration (100% ETc) as Control, under high (HWA) and low (LWA) water availability scenarios, each during three consecutive growing seasons. With HWA (no water restriction), the AUTO treatment maintained the soil water content at near field capacity (α = 10% depletion of available soil water content), and there were no significant differences between treatments in terms of the plant–soil water status, nectarine yield, or fruit quality parameters. Under LWA conditions (water deficit), the AUTO treatment (α = 10% during pre-harvest and 30% post-harvest) provided 43% less water than the Control, promoting a moderate plant water deficit, which led to a decrease in vegetative growth (winter pruning and tree canopy cover) but no significant differences in total yield and fruit quality parameters (although the total soluble solid content increased). The water use efficiency values in the AUTO treatment increased by an average of 34%. It was concluded that automated irrigation, based on MAD seasonal threshold values and monitored by means of real-time soil water content sensors, could be considered a promising tool for application in semi-arid Mediterranean agro-systems subjected to water scarcity.
Comparative analysis of micro-physical characteristics of sprayed droplets using various measurement technologies
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2024
Rui Zhang, Yichuan Liu, Delan Zhu, Pute Wu, Wenbo Xia, Changjuan Zheng, Xiaomin Zhang
The study of the micro-physical characteristics of spray droplets provides crucial insights into the impact of sprinkler water on soil erosion, leaf impact, and the microclimate of agricultural environments. However, the variability in measurement outcomes across different technologies due to their distinct measurement principles is a significant challenge. This research aims to evaluate and compare the droplet diameter, velocity, application rate, and kinetic energy rate using four distinct measurement technologies: the paper stain method (PS), flour pellet method (FP), laser precipitation monitor (LPM), and two-dimensional video disdrometer (2DVD), alongside a rain gauge (RG) in the context of sprinkler irrigation conditions. The results reveal that: (1) The FP method struggled to capture small droplets under the same spray conditions, while the PS method recorded a maximum droplet diameter exceeding 7 mm. The LPM registered the highest droplet count per unit area and time, notably capturing a significant number of small droplets (< 1 mm). Conversely, the 2DVD provided a more uniform distribution of droplet sizes, with the LPM’s mean equivalent droplet diameter (dv) being 0.86 times that of the 2DVD. (2) Although droplet diameters and velocities measured by the 2DVD, LPM, FP, and PS, decreased with increased working pressure, these technologies concurred when assessing low-velocity and small-diameter droplet. (3) The 2DVD’s larger sampling area compared to other methods enables the acquisition of more representative droplet characteristics, including their irregular shapes, suggesting its utility in measuring the micro-physical properties of sprayed droplets. (4) Based on the kinetic energy rate measured by the 2DVD under identical conditions, kinetic energy rate calibration factors of 0.88, 1.15, and 1.10 are suggested for the LPM, FP, and PS, respectively. This study provides essential data for calibrating and applying various droplet measurement technologies.
Root system parameters determining water uptake of field crops
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 1991
W. Ehlers, A. P. Hamblin, D. Tennant, R. R. van der Ploeg
The distribution of a crop rooting system can be defined by root length density (RD), root length (RL) per soil layer of depth Δz, sum of root length (SRL) in the soil profile (total root length) or rooting depth (z r . The combined influence of these root system parameters on water uptake is not well understood. In the present study, field data are evaluated and an attempt is made to relate a daily “maximum water uptake rate” (WUmax) per unit soil volume as measured in different soil layers of the profile to relevant parameters of the root system. We hypothesize that local uptake rate is at its maximum when neither soil nor root characteristics limit water flow to, and uptake by, roots. Leaf area index and the potential evapotranspiration rate (ET p ) are also important in determining WUmax, since these quantities influence transpiration and hence total crop water uptake rate. Field studies in Germany and in Western Australia showed that WUmax depends on RD. In general, there was a strong correlation between the maximum water uptake rate of a soil layer (LWUmax) normalized by ET p and RL normalized by SRL. The quantity LWUmax · ET was linearly related to (RL/SRL)1/2. The data show that the single root model will not predict the influence of RD on WUmax correctly under field conditions when water-extracting neighboring roots may cause non-steady-state conditions within the time span of sequential observations. Since the rooting depth z r was linearly related to (SRL)1/2, the relation: LWUmax · ET = f (RL1/2/z r ) holds. Furthermore it was found that the maximum “specific” uptake rate per cm root length URmax was inversely related to RD1/2 and to SRL1/2 or z r of the profile. Observed high specific uptake rates of shallow rooted crops might be explained not only by their lower RD-values but also by the additional effect of a low z r . The relations found in this paper are helpful for realistically describing the “sink term” of dynamic water uptake models. Growing plants extract water from the soil to meet transpiration needs. Rates of transpiration and of water uptake are set by evaporative demand and by plant and soil factors which influence capacity to meet that demand. These factors include crop canopy size and leaf characteristics, root system characteristics and hydraulic properties of the soil and the soil-root interface. Soil and root system properties vary with depth and all factors vary in time, so that parameters related to them require constant updating over a crop season. Dynamic simulation models describe water uptake by root systems under field conditions as a function of soil depth and time. Many of these simulation approaches are based on Gardner's (1960) single root model (Feddes 1981). These simulation procedures follow the assumption that water uptake is proportional to a difference in water potential between the bulk soil and the root surface or the plant interior, to the hydraulic conductivity of the soil-plant system and to the “effectiveness” of competing roots in water uptake. The effectiveness factor accounts more or less empirically for the influence of various root system parameters on water uptake such as percentage of “active” roots absorbing water, root surface permeability, root length density determining the distance between neighbouring roots, or total root length and depth of the root system. Such models however, will not always reflect correctly the influence of root system characteristics on water uptake since these assumptions have rarely been tested under field conditions. In many instances, there is better agreement between simulated and measured total water use of plants than between predicted and observed water depletion by roots within individual layers of the soil profile (Alaerts et al. 1985). Water uptake by an expanding root system as a function of depth and time has been studied under field conditions for several crops (listed in Herkelrath et al. 1977a; Feddes 1981; Hamblin 1985). They show that the dynamics of water uptake depend on root length density and the “availability” of soil water. However, the combined influence of root length density, total root length and rooting depth on the water uptake pattern has not been assessed. An evaluation of root system parameters with respect to soil water extraction should aid our understanding of how roots perform under field conditions and may assist our efforts to formulate the water uptake function of roots in dynamic simulation studies more realistically. The aim of the present investigation is to develop an approach that relates measured water uptake rates to relevant parameters of the root systems. This approach will be confined to situations where water uptake in a soil layer is not restricted by unfavorable soil conditions, such as in wet soil, by insufficient aeration and, in dry soil, by reduced water flow towards roots or by increased contact resistance (Herkelrath et al. 1977b). We will define a maximum water uptake rate WUmax that is neither soil-limited nor appreciably limited by the decreasing permeability of aging roots. This WUmax will be related to relevant root system parameters as they exist when WUmax is observed. Hence, water uptake by roots in a very wet, as well as in a dry soil, has been excluded from consideration.
The growth and nitrogen economy of rice under sprinkler and flood irrigation in South East Australia
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 10 - Trang 183-199 - 1989
W. A. Muirhead, J. Blackwell, E. Humphreys, R. J. G. White
The agronomic implications of growing rice under sprinkler irrigation on a duplex soil in inland south east Australia were examined by comparing 3 sprinkler irrigation regimes applied once, twice and three times a week (S1W, S2W and S3W) with continuous flood irrigation (CF). Each sprinkler irrigation treatment was managed to replace evaporative loss since the previous irrigation. Each irrigation main plot was split into subplots receiving 3 levels of nitrogen (N) fertilizer −0, 80 or 120 kg N ha−1 (0N, 80N and 120N). Grain yield on all sprinkler-irrigated treatments was reduced by 50% or more when compared with CF. There was a slight decline in grain yield with lower frequency of sprinkler irrigation. The main factors contributing to the lower yields were reductions in the number of spikelets per panicle and in floret fertility. Panicle density was not significantly influenced by the irrigation treatments. Sprinkler irrigation delayed anthesis by at least 8 days, and the duration of anthesis was extended by 5 to 7 days. The lower yields under sprinkler irrigation did not appear to be due to greater N deficiency and it is uncertain whether any or all irrigation treatments suffered from P deficiency. Irrigation treatment had little effect on plant N concentration, but P concentration in the plant tops was reduced by sprinkler irrigation during the vegetative and reproductive stages. Low night temperatures throughout the reproductive phase reduced floret fertility, but all irrigation treatments at the same N rate (except SlW/120N) were affected to a similar extent. Water stress, as evidenced by leaf rolling in response to high evapotranspiration rates in this semi-arid environment, was considered to be the main factor contributing to the decline in yield on the sprinkler-irrigated treatments. The irrigation and N rate treatments did not interact significantly in their effect on any important parameter measured. Increasing the rate of applied N from 0 to 80 kg N ha−1 increased yield by about 1 t ha−1 by producing more panicles, but 120N was of no further benefit and was associated with increased floret sterility. Nitrogen fertilizer increased both the N uptake and N concentration in the plant material. We conclude that sprinkler irrigation for rice production is unlikely to be a viable strategy for water management on duplex soils in inland south east Australia. Conventional dry-seeded culture with permanent flood delayed until panicle initiation is probably a preferable alternative to sprinkler irrigation for increasing water-use efficiency.
Modeling the effects of saline water use in wheat-cultivated lands using the UNSATCHEM model
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 31 - Trang 1009-1024 - 2012
Fatemeh Rasouli, Ali Kiani Pouya, Jiří Šimůnek
Waters of poor quality are often used to irrigate crops in arid and semiarid regions, including the Fars Province of southwest Iran. The UNSATCHEM model was first calibrated and validated using field data that were collected to evaluate the use of saline water for the wheat crop. The calibrated and validated model was then employed to study different aspects of the salinization process and the impact of rainfall. The effects of irrigation water quality on the salinization process were evaluated using model simulations, in which irrigation waters of different salinity were used. The salinization process under different practices of conjunctive water use was also studied using simulations. Different practices were evaluated and ranked on the basis of temporal changes in root-zone salinity, which were compared with respect to the sensitivity of wheat to salinity. This ranking was then verified using published field studies evaluating wheat yield data for different practices of conjunctive water use. Next, the effects of the water application rate on the soil salt balance were studied using the UNSATCHEM simulations. The salt balance was affected by the quantity of applied irrigation water and precipitation/dissolution reactions. The results suggested that the less irrigation water is used, the more salts (calcite and gypsum) precipitate from the soil solution. Finally, the model was used to evaluate how the electrical conductivity of irrigation water affects the wheat production while taking into account annual rainfall and its distribution throughout the year. The maximum salinity of the irrigation water supply, which can be safely used in the long term (33 years) without impairing the wheat production, was determined to be 6 dS m−1. Rainfall distribution also plays a major role in determining seasonal soil salinity of the root zone. Winter-concentrated rainfall is more effective in reducing salinity than a similar amount of rainfall distributed throughout autumn, winter, and spring seasons.
An approach for simulating the hydraulic performance of irrigation laterals
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 26 - Trang 475-486 - 2008
Pedro Vallesquino
A new method for simulating lateral hydraulics in laminar or turbulent flow has been developed. The outflow is considered as a discrete variable and the friction head losses are calculated using the Darcy–Weisbach equation with an equivalent friction factor. Local head losses are also computed by applying equivalent coefficients that can be dependent on Reynolds number. Considering these premises, a compact expression that is valid for any type of regime has been deduced for calculating global head losses along any lateral stretch. The proposed method is useful to workout the hydraulic computation of laterals with the inlet segment at full or fractional outlet spacing, and complex laterals when a different pipeline diameter, slope, flow regime or emitter gap have to be considered.
Energy saving with variable speed pumps in on-demand irrigation systems
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 30 - Trang 157-166 - 2011
Nicola Lamaddalena, Sami Khila
The present work analyzes energy saving in on-demand irrigation systems served by an upstream pumping station. The objective of this work is to identify the best pumping station operating mode to optimize energy consumption. This objective can be achieved by matching the discharge and the pressure head required by the network (characteristic curve of the network) during the whole irrigation season with the pumping station characteristic curves. The characteristic curve of the network can be obtained using an appropriate stochastic generation modeling, and COPAM software was used in the present work. The characteristic curves of the pumps can be adapted to the network characteristic curve by equipping the pumping station with variable speed devices. Several types of regulation based on variable speed techniques were identified and analyzed. The differences in energy consumption for each technique were quantified for two on-demand irrigation districts in Southern Italy and managed by the Water Users Organization “Consortium of Capitanata”. It was demonstrated that in comparison with the current pumping station regulation, energy savings of about 27 and 35% may be achieved for the two districts.
Calibration and validation of SALTMED model under dry and wet year conditions using chickpea field data from Southern Portugal
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 31 - Trang 651-659 - 2012
L. L. Silva, R. Ragab, I. Duarte, E. Lourenço, N. Simões, M. M. Chaves
The SALTMED model is one of the few available generic models that can be used to simulate crop growth with an integrated approach that accounts for water, crop, soil, and field management. It is a physically based model using the well-known water and solute transport, evapotranspiration, and water uptake equations. In this paper, the model simulated chickpea growth under different irrigation regimes and a Mediterranean climate. Five different chickpea varieties were studied under irrigation regimes ranging from rainfed to 100 % crop water requirements, in a dry and a wet year. The calibration of the model using one of the chickpea varieties was sufficient for simulating the other varieties, not requiring a specific calibration for each individual chickpea variety. The results of calibration and validation of the SALTMED model showed that the model can simulate very accurately soil moisture content, grain yield, and total dry biomass of different chickpea varieties, in both wet and dry years. This new version of the SALTMED model (v. 3.02.09) has more features and possibilities than the previous versions, providing academics and professionals with a very good tool to manage water, soil, and crops.
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