Một bài tổng quan về các mô hình vật lý chiều thấp của động mạch thể hệ: ứng dụng trong việc ước tính áp lực động mạch chủ trung tâm Dịch bởi AI Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 18 - Trang 1-25 - 2019
Shuran Zhou, Lisheng Xu, Liling Hao, Hanguang Xiao, Yang Yao, Lin Qi, Yudong Yao
Các quá trình sinh lý và cơ chế của hệ thống động mạch rất phức tạp và tinh vi. Các mô hình dựa trên vật lý đã được chứng minh là công cụ rất hữu ích để mô phỏng hành vi sinh lý thực tế của các động mạch. Các mô hình dựa trên vật lý hiện tại bao gồm các mô hình chiều cao (mô hình 2D và 3D) và các mô hình chiều thấp (mô hình 0D, 1D và mô hình tải ống). Các mô hình chiều cao có thể mô tả thông tin huyết động học địa phương của các động mạch một cách chi tiết. Tuy nhiên, đối với một mô hình chính xác của toàn bộ hệ thống động mạch, mô hình chiều cao không khả thi tính toán do cần cung cấp hình học phức tạp, độ nhớt hoặc các thuộc tính đàn hồi và đầu ra vectơ phức tạp. Đối với các mô hình chiều thấp, chỉ cần cung cấp cấu trúc, đường trung tâm và độ nhớt hoặc các thuộc tính đàn hồi. Do đó, mô hình chiều thấp với chi phí tính toán thấp hơn có thể là một cách tiếp cận thích hợp hơn để đại diện cho các thuộc tính huyết động học của toàn bộ hệ thống động mạch và ba loại mô hình chiều thấp này đã được sử dụng rộng rãi trong nghiên cứu động học tim mạch. Trong vài thập kỷ qua, việc áp dụng các mô hình dựa trên vật lý để ước tính áp lực động mạch chủ trung tâm đã thu hút sự quan tâm ngày càng tăng. Tuy nhiên, theo hiểu biết của chúng tôi, chưa có nhiều bài báo tổng quan về việc tái cấu trúc áp lực động mạch chủ trung tâm bằng cách sử dụng các mô hình dựa trên vật lý này. Trong bài báo này, ba loại mô hình vật lý chiều thấp (0D, 1D và mô hình tải ống) của các động mạch thể hệ được xem xét, ứng dụng của ba loại mô hình này trong việc ước tính áp lực động mạch chủ trung tâm được đưa ra làm ví dụ để thảo luận về những ưu điểm và nhược điểm của chúng, và đưa ra những lựa chọn mô hình phù hợp cho các nghiên cứu và ứng dụng cụ thể.
#huyết động học #mô hình vật lý #áp lực động mạch chủ #động mạch thể hệ #mô hình chiều thấp
3-Dimensional printing in rehabilitation: feasibility of printing an upper extremity gross motor function assessment toolSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 20 Số 1 - 2021
Naaz Kapadia, Mathew Myers, Kristin E. Musselman, Rosalie H. Wang, Aaron Yurkewich, Miloš R. Popović
AbstractBackgroundUse of standardized and scientifically sound outcome measures is encouraged in clinical practice and research. With the development of newer rehabilitation therapies, we need technology-supported upper extremity outcome measures that are easily accessible, reliable and valid. 3‐Dimensional printing (3D-printing) has recently seen a meteoric rise in interest within medicine including the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of designing and constructing a 3D printed version of the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute-Hand Function Test (TRI-HFT). The TRI-HFT is an upper extremity gross motor function assessment tool that measures function at the intersection of the International Classification of Function’s body structure and function, and activity domain. The secondary objective was to assess the preliminary psychometrics of this test in individuals with stroke.
Results3D design files were created using the measurements of the original TRI-HFT objects. The 3D printed objects were then compared to the original test objects to ensure that the original dimensions were preserved. All objects were successfully printed except the sponge and paper which required some modification. The error margin for weight of the objects was within 10% of the original TRI-HFT for the rest of the objects. Nine participants underwent the following assessments: the Chedoke Arm and Hand Activity Inventory (CAHAI), Fugl Meyer Assessment-Hand (FMA-Hand), Chedoke McMaster stages of recovery of the arm (CMSA-Arm) and Chedoke McMaster stages of recovery of the hand (CMSA-Hand) and the 3D TRI-HFT for assessment of psychometric properties of the test. The video recorded assessment of the 3D TRI-HFT was used for reliability testing. Construct validity was assessed by comparing the scores on 3D TRI-HFT with the scores on CAHAI, CMSA-Arm, CMSA-Hand and FMA-Hand. The 3D TRI-HFT had high inter-rater reliability (Intra-Class Correlation Co-efficient (ICC) of 0.99;P < 0.000), high intra-rater reliability (ICC of 0.99;P < 0.000) and moderate-to-strong correlation with the CMSA-Arm, CMSA-Hand and FMA-Hand scores.
ConclusionsThe TRI-HFT could be successfully 3D printed and initial testing indicates that the test is a reliable and valid measure of upper extremity motor function in individuals with stroke.
Experimental validation of convection-diffusion discretisation scheme employed for computational modelling of biological mass transportSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 9 - Trang 1-13 - 2010
Gráinne T Carroll, Paul D Devereux, David N Ku, Timothy M McGloughlin, Michael T Walsh
The finite volume solver Fluent (Lebanon, NH, USA) is a computational fluid dynamics software employed to analyse biological mass-transport in the vasculature. A principal consideration for computational modelling of blood-side mass-transport is convection-diffusion discretisation scheme selection. Due to numerous discretisation schemes available when developing a mass-transport numerical model, the results obtained should either be validated against benchmark theoretical solutions or experimentally obtained results. An idealised aneurysm model was selected for the experimental and computational mass-transport analysis of species concentration due to its well-defined recirculation region within the aneurysmal sac, allowing species concentration to vary slowly with time. The experimental results were obtained from fluid samples extracted from a glass aneurysm model, using the direct spectrophometric concentration measurement technique. The computational analysis was conducted using the four convection-diffusion discretisation schemes available to the Fluent user, including the First-Order Upwind, the Power Law, the Second-Order Upwind and the Quadratic Upstream Interpolation for Convective Kinetics (QUICK) schemes. The fluid has a diffusivity of 3.125 × 10-10 m2/s in water, resulting in a Peclet number of 2,560,000, indicating strongly convection-dominated flow. The discretisation scheme applied to the solution of the convection-diffusion equation, for blood-side mass-transport within the vasculature, has a significant influence on the resultant species concentration field. The First-Order Upwind and the Power Law schemes produce similar results. The Second-Order Upwind and QUICK schemes also correlate well but differ considerably from the concentration contour plots of the First-Order Upwind and Power Law schemes. The computational results were then compared to the experimental findings. An average error of 140% and 116% was demonstrated between the experimental results and those obtained from the First-Order Upwind and Power Law schemes, respectively. However, both the Second-Order upwind and QUICK schemes accurately predict species concentration under high Peclet number, convection-dominated flow conditions. Convection-diffusion discretisation scheme selection has a strong influence on resultant species concentration fields, as determined by CFD. Furthermore, either the Second-Order or QUICK discretisation schemes should be implemented when numerically modelling convection-dominated mass-transport conditions. Finally, care should be taken not to utilize computationally inexpensive discretisation schemes at the cost of accuracy in resultant species concentration.
Monitoring and analysis of dynamic growth of human embryonic stem cells: comparison of automated instrumentation and conventional culturing methodsSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 6 - Trang 1-8 - 2007
Susanna Narkilahti, Kristiina Rajala, Harri Pihlajamäki, Riitta Suuronen, Outi Hovatta, Heli Skottman
Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are a potential source of cells for use in regenerative medicine. Automation of culturing, monitoring and analysis is crucial for fast and reliable optimization of hESC culturing methods. Continuous monitoring of living cell cultures can reveal more information and is faster than using laborious traditional methods such as microscopic evaluation, immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. We analyzed the growth dynamics of two hESC lines HS237 and HS293 in a conventional culture medium containing serum replacement and a xeno-free X-vivo 10 medium. We used a new automated culture platform utilizing machine vision technology, which enables automatic observation, recording and analysis of intact living cells. We validated the results using flow cytometry for cell counting and characterization. In our analyses, hESC colony growth could be continuously monitored and the proportion of undifferentiated cells automatically analyzed. No labeling was needed and we could, for the first time, perform detailed follow up of live, undisturbed cell colonies, and record all the events in the culture. The growth rate of the hESCs cultured in X-vivo 10 medium was significantly lower and a larger proportion of the cells were differentiated. The new automated system enables rapid and reliable analysis of undifferentiated growth dynamics of hESCs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the system by comparing hESC growth in different culture conditions.
The primary stability of different implants for intra-articular calcaneal fractures: an in vitro studySpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 17 - Trang 1-9 - 2018
Ming Ni, Jiong Mei, Kun Li, Wenxin Niu, Ming Zhang
Calcaneal fractures account for around 2% of all fractures and most of them are intra-articular fractures. Many implants have been used in the fixation of calcaneal fractures, but their biomechanical stability has not yet been well investigated. The aim of this study was to compare the primary stability of four fixations of calcaneal fracture. Eight cadaveric calcaneus samples were used to simulate the Sanders’ types III fracture pattern and fixed through four different implants, namely, K-wires, cannulated screws (CS), absorbable screws (AS), and plate-screw system (PSS). Each specimen was then placed into a custom-made jig and was loaded through a material testing machine to simulate the physiological condition. The primary stability was measured in the vertical direction as the stiffness and anterior–posterior direction as the calcaneocuboid force. One-way analysis of variance was used for data analysis. The results showed the highest stiffness of 634 (383–891; SD 226) N/mm in the intact model. It was significantly higher than the models fixed with K-wires, CS or PSS. There was no significant difference in vertical stiffness between fractures fixed with AS and the intact model or other fixed models. The intact model showed the lowest calcaneocuboid force of 153 (120–218; SD 39) N, while the fractures fixed with AS showed the greatest force of 242 (146–398; SD 84) N. The significance was only detected between these two models. The global stiffness was similar when the calcaneal fractures were fixed by K-wires, CS and PSS. The stability of the AS fixation differed along both the vertical and anterior–posterior directions, and was greatly influenced by the bone quality. AS for fracture fixation should be designed with greater strength and pull-out resistance.
Impact of flow rates in a cardiac cycle on correlations between advanced human carotid plaque progression and mechanical flow shear stress and plaque wall stressSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 10 - Trang 1-11 - 2011
Chun Yang, Gador Canton, Chun Yuan, Marina Ferguson, Thomas S Hatsukami, Dalin Tang
Mechanical stresses are known to play important roles in atherosclerotic plaque initiation, progression and rupture. It has been well-accepted that atherosclerosis initiation and early progression correlate negatively with flow wall shear stresses (FSS). However, mechanisms governing advanced plaque progression are not well understood. In vivo serial MRI data (patient follow-up) were acquired from 14 patients after informed consent. Each patient had 2-4 scans (scan interval: 18 months). Thirty-two scan pairs (baseline and follow-up scans) were formed with slices matched for model construction and analysis. Each scan pair had 4-10 matched slices which gave 400-1000 data points for analysis (100 points per slice on lumen). Point-wise plaque progression was defined as the wall thickness increase (WTI) at each data point. 3D computational models with fluid-structure interactions were constructed based on in vivo serial MRI data to extract flow shear stress and plaque wall stress (PWS) on all data points to quantify correlations between plaque progression and mechanical stresses (FSS and PWS). FSS and PWS data corresponding to both maximum and minimum flow rates in a cardiac cycle were used to investigate the impact of flow rates on those correlations. Using follow-up scans and maximum flow rates, 19 out of 32 scan pairs showed a significant positive correlation between WTI and FSS (positive/negative/no significance correlation ratio = 19/9/4), and 26 out of 32 scan pairs showed a significant negative correlation between WTI and PWS (correlation ratio = 2/26/4). Corresponding to minimum flow rates, the correlation ratio for WTI vs. FSS and WTI vs. PWS were (20/7/5) and (2/26/4), respectively. Using baseline scans, the correlation ratios for WTI vs. FSS were (10/12/10) and (9/13/10) for maximum and minimum flow rates, respectively. The correlation ratios for WTI vs. PWS were the same (18/5/9), corresponding to maximum and minimum flow rates. Flow shear stress corresponding to the minimum flow rates in a cardiac cycle had slightly better correlation with WTI, compared to FSS corresponding to maximum flow rates. Choice of maximum or minimum flow rates had no impact on PWS correlations. Advanced plaque progression correlated positively with flow shear stress and negatively with plaque wall stress using follow-up scans. Correlation results using FSS at the baseline scan were inconclusive.
Towards patient-specific cardiovascular modeling system using the immersed boundary techniqueSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 10 - Trang 1-17 - 2011
Wee-Beng Tay, Yu-Heng Tseng, Liang-Yu Lin, Wen-Yih Tseng
Previous research shows that the flow dynamics in the left ventricle (LV) reveal important information about cardiac health. This information can be used in early diagnosis of patients with potential heart problems. The current study introduces a patient-specific cardiovascular-modelling system (CMS) which simulates the flow dynamics in the LV to facilitate physicians in early diagnosis of patients before heart failure. The proposed system will identify possible disease conditions and facilitates early diagnosis through hybrid computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation and time-resolved magnetic resonance imaging (4-D MRI). The simulation is based on the 3-D heart model, which can simultaneously compute fluid and elastic boundary motions using the immersed boundary method. At this preliminary stage, the 4-D MRI is used to provide an appropriate comparison. This allows flexible investigation of the flow features in the ventricles and their responses. The results simulate various flow rates and kinetic energy in the diastole and systole phases, demonstrating the feasibility of capturing some of the important characteristics of the heart during different phases. However, some discrepancies exist in the pulmonary vein and aorta flow rate between the numerical and experimental data. Further studies are essential to investigate and solve the remaining problems before using the data in clinical diagnostics. The results show that by using a simple reservoir pressure boundary condition (RPBC), we are able to capture some essential variations found in the clinical data. Our approach establishes a first-step framework of a practical patient-specific CMS, which comprises a 3-D CFD model (without involving actual hemodynamic data yet) to simulate the heart and the 4-D PC-MRI system. At this stage, the 4-D PC-MRI system is used for verification purpose rather than input. This brings us closer to our goal of developing a practical patient-specific CMS, which will be pursued next. We anticipate that in the future, this hybrid system can potentially identify possible disease conditions in LV through comprehensive analysis and facilitates physicians in early diagnosis of probable cardiac problems.
Reaching exercise for chronic paretic upper extremity after stroke using a novel rehabilitation robot with arm-weight support and concomitant electrical stimulation and vibration: before-and-after feasibility trialSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 19 - Trang 1-19 - 2020
Yumeko Amano, Tomokazu Noma, Seiji Etoh, Ryuji Miyata, Kentaro Kawamura, Megumi Shimodozono
Our group developed a rehabilitation robot to assist with repetitive, active reaching movement of a paretic upper extremity. The robot is equipped with a servo motor-controlled arm-weight support and works in conjunction with neuromuscular electrical stimulation and vibratory stimulation to facilitate agonist-muscle contraction. In this before-and-after pilot study, we assessed the feasibility of applying the robot to improve motor control and function of the hemiparetic upper extremity in patients who suffered chronic stroke. We enrolled 6 patients with chronic stroke and hemiparesis who, while sitting and without assistance, could reach 10 cm both sagitally and vertically (from a starting position located 10 cm forward from the patient’s navel level) with the affected upper extremity. The patients were assigned to receive reaching exercise intervention with the robot (Yaskawa Electric Co., Ltd. Fukuoka, Japan) for 2 weeks at 15 min/day in addition to regular occupational therapy for 40 min/day. Outcomes assessed before and after 2 weeks of intervention included the upper extremity component of the Fugl-Meyer Assessment (UE-FMA), the Action Research Arm Test (ARAT), and, during reaching movement, kinematic analysis. None of the patients experienced adverse events. The mean score of UE-FMA increased from 44.8 [SD 14.4] to 48.0 [SD 14.4] (p = 0.026, r = 0.91), and both the shoulder–elbow and wrist–hand scores increased after 2-week intervention. An increase was also observed in ARAT score, from mean 29.8 [SD 16.3] to 36.2 [SD 18.1] (p = 0.042, r = 0.83). Kinematic analysis during the reaching movement revealed a significant increase in active range of motion (AROM) at the elbow, and movement time tended to decrease. Furthermore, trajectory length for the wrist (“hand path”) and the acromion (“trunk compensatory movement”) showed a decreasing trend. This robot-assisted modality is feasible and our preliminary findings suggest it improved motor control and motor function of the hemiparetic upper extremity in patients with chronic stroke. Training with this robot might induce greater AROM for the elbow and decrease compensatory trunk movement, thus contributing to movement efficacy and efficiency. Trial registration UMIN Clinical Trial Registry, as UMIN000018132, on June 30, 2015. https://upload.umin.ac.jp/cgi-open-bin/ctr/ctr_view.cgi?recptno=R000020398
Non-contact, synchronous dynamic measurement of respiratory rate and heart rate based on dual sensitive regionsSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 16 - Trang 1-21 - 2017
Bing Wei, Xuan He, Chao Zhang, Xiaopei Wu
Currently, many imaging photoplethysmography (IPPG) researches have reported non-contact measurements of physiological parameters, such as heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), etc. However, it is accepted that only HR measurement has been mature for applications, and other estimations are relatively incapable for reliable applications. Thus, it is worth keeping on persistent studies. Besides, there are some issues commonly involved in these approaches need to be explored further. For example, motion artifact attenuation, an intractable problem, which is being attempted to be resolved by sophisticated video tracking and detection algorithms. This paper proposed a blind source separation-based method that could synchronously measure RR and HR in non-contact way. A dual region of interest on facial video image was selected to yield 6-channels Red/Green/Blue signals. By applying Second-Order Blind Identification algorithm to those signals generated above, we obtained 6-channels outputs that contain blood volume pulse (BVP) and respiratory motion artifact. We defined this motion artifact as respiratory signal (RS). For the automatic selections of the RS and BVP among these outputs, we devised a kurtosis-based identification strategy, which guarantees the dynamic RR and HR monitoring available. The experimental results indicated that, the estimation by the proposed method has an impressive performance compared with the measurement of the commercial medical sensors. The proposed method achieved dynamic measurement of RR and HR, and the extension and revision of it may have the potentials for more physiological signs detection, such as heart rate variability, eye blinking, nose wrinkling, yawn, as well as other muscular movements. Thus, it might provide a promising approach for IPPG-based applications such as emotion computation and fatigue detection, etc.