Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Primary intracranial adenoid cystic carcinoma (cylindroma)
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 29 - Trang 85-90 - 1974
Nicholas Willson, Moshe Rosen
A case of Gasserian ganglion region adenoid cystic carcinoma (cylindroma) is presented. Electron microscopic studies of a surgical biopsy specimen from this tumor revealed many morphologic features similar to those described in adenoid cystic carcinomas elsewhere in the body. An unusual feature of this tumor was the presence of glycogen in some of the tumor cells. Possible etiologic significances of the ultrastructural findings are discussed.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 86 - Trang 546-546 - 1993
Even heterozygous loss of CDKN2A/B greatly accelerates recurrence in aggressive meningioma
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 145 - Trang 501-503 - 2023
A. Basit Khan, Collin W. English, William C. Chen, Prazwal Athukuri, James C. Bayley, Vicky L. Brandt, Arya Shetty, Caroline C. Hadley, Abrar Choudhury, Hsiang-Chih Lu, Arif O. Harmanci, Akdes S. Harmanci, Stephen T. Magill, David R. Raleigh, Tiemo J. Klisch, Akash J. Patel
Peripheral neuropathy in ageing rats fed clioquinol and a maize diet
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 24 - Trang 256-262 - 1973
E. L. Jones, C. E. Searle, W. Thomas Smith
Rats fed clioquinol and a maize diet developed much more severe neuropathy in old age than did rats fed only a maize diet. The findings suggest that, in the rat, clioquinol can accentuate other known causes of neuropathy.
TMEM106B is a genetic modifier of frontotemporal lobar degeneration with C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansions
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2014
Michael D. Gallagher, Eunran Suh, Murray Grossman, Lauren Elman, Leo McCluskey, John C. Van Swieten, Safa Al-Sarraj, Manuela Neumann, Ellen Gelpi, Bernardino Ghetti, Jonathan D. Rohrer, Glenda Halliday, Christine Van Broeckhoven, Danielle Seilhean, Pamela J. Shaw, Matthew P. Frosch, Irina Alafuzoff, Anna Antonell, Nenad Bogdanovic, William Brooks, Nigel J. Cairns, Johnathan Cooper-Knock, Carl Cotman, Patrick Cras, Marc Cruts, Peter P. De Deyn, Charles DeCarli, Carol Dobson-Stone, Sebastiaan Engelborghs, Nick Fox, Douglas Galasko, Marla Gearing, Ilse Gijselinck, Jordan Grafman, Päivi Hartikainen, Kimmo J. Hatanpaa, J. Robin Highley, John Hodges, Christine Hulette, Paul G. Ince, Lee-Way Jin, Janine Kirby, Julia Kofler, Jillian Kril, John B. J. Kwok, Allan Levey, Andrew Lieberman, Albert Llado, Jean-Jacques Martin, Eliezer Masliah, Christopher J. McDermott, Ann McKee, Catriona McLean, Simon Mead, Carol A. Miller, Josh Miller, David G. Munoz, Jill Murrell, Henry Paulson, Olivier Piguet, Martin Rossor, Raquel Sanchez-Valle, Mary Sano, Julie Schneider, Lisa C. Silbert, Salvatore Spina, Julie van der Zee, Tim Van Langenhove, Jason Warren, Stephen B. Wharton, Charles L. White III, Randall L. Woltjer, John Q. Trojanowski, Virginia M. Y. Lee, Vivianna Van Deerlin, Alice S. Chen-Plotkin
Hexanucleotide repeat expansions in chromosome 9 open reading frame 72 (C9orf72) have recently been linked to frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and may be the most common genetic cause of both neurodegenerative diseases. Genetic variants at TMEM106B influence risk for the most common neuropathological subtype of FTLD, characterized by inclusions of TAR DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (FTLD-TDP). Previous reports have shown that TMEM106B is a genetic modifier of FTLD-TDP caused by progranulin (GRN) mutations, with the major (risk) allele of rs1990622 associating with earlier age at onset of disease. Here, we report that rs1990622 genotype affects age at death in a single-site discovery cohort of FTLD patients with C9orf72 expansions (n = 14), with the major allele correlated with later age at death (p = 0.024). We replicate this modifier effect in a 30-site international neuropathological cohort of FTLD-TDP patients with C9orf72 expansions (n = 75), again finding that the major allele associates with later age at death (p = 0.016), as well as later age at onset (p = 0.019). In contrast, TMEM106B genotype does not affect age at onset or death in 241 FTLD-TDP cases negative for GRN mutations or C9orf72 expansions. Thus, TMEM106B is a genetic modifier of FTLD with C9orf72 expansions. Intriguingly, the genotype that confers increased risk for developing FTLD-TDP (major, or T, allele of rs1990622) is associated with later age at onset and death in C9orf72 expansion carriers, providing an example of sign epistasis in human neurodegenerative disease.
Mutation analysis of DKK1 and in vivo evidence of predominant p53-independent DKK1 function in gliomas
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 109 - Trang 314-320 - 2005
Wolf Mueller, Ulrike Lass, Sven Wellmann, Frank Kunitz, Andreas von Deimling
DKK1 protein belongs to a family of inhibitors of the Wnt/β1-catenin signaling pathway. Sporadic mutations affecting almost each major player of the Wnt/β1-catenin pathway have been described in a variety of human carcinomas. DKK1 translation can be induced by p53, thereby linking TP53 and Wnt/β1-catenin signaling pathways. These findings raise questions in regard to human gliomas, which similar to carcinomas carry a high rate of mutations in TP53. To analyze DKK1 for its role in initiation or progression, we screened a series of 73 brain tumors for structural alterations in the entire coding sequence by single-strand conformation polymorphism and direct sequencing. While several sequence variants were detected, there were no obvious mutations affecting DKK1. Further, we analyzed the prevalence of mRNA from TP53, DKK1 and CTNNB1 and of p53 and β1-catenin protein in a series of human gliomas with and without mutations in TP53. Transcription and expression of CTNNB1/β1-catenin and DKK1 proved to be independent of TP53/p53. These data support in vivo function of DKK1, independent of p53, in human gliomas with no major impact on their pathogenesis.
Seitelberger's connatal form of Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 40 Số 2 - Trang 129-136 - 1977
J. Ulrich, N Herschkowitz
Gene expression, methylation and neuropathology correlations at progressive supranuclear palsy risk loci
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 132 - Trang 197-211 - 2016
Mariet Allen, Jeremy D. Burgess, Travis Ballard, Daniel Serie, Xue Wang, Curtis S. Younkin, Zhifu Sun, Naomi Kouri, Saurabh Baheti, Chen Wang, Minerva M. Carrasquillo, Thuy Nguyen, Sarah Lincoln, Kimberly Malphrus, Melissa Murray, Todd E. Golde, Nathan D. Price, Steven G. Younkin, Gerard D. Schellenberg, Yan Asmann, Tamas Ordog, Julia Crook, Dennis Dickson, Nilüfer Ertekin-Taner
To determine the effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified in a genome-wide association study of progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), we tested their association with brain gene expression, CpG methylation and neuropathology. In 175 autopsied PSP subjects, we performed associations between seven PSP risk variants and temporal cortex levels of 20 genes in-cis, within ±100 kb. Methylation measures were collected using reduced representation bisulfite sequencing in 43 PSP brains. To determine whether SNP/expression associations are due to epigenetic modifications, CpG methylation levels of associated genes were tested against relevant variants. Quantitative neuropathology endophenotypes were tested for SNP associations in 422 PSP subjects. Brain levels of LRRC37A4 and ARL17B were associated with rs8070723; MOBP with rs1768208 and both ARL17A and ARL17B with rs242557. Expression associations for LRRC37A4 and MOBP were available in an additional 100 PSP subjects. Meta-analysis revealed highly significant associations for PSP risk alleles of rs8070723 and rs1768208 with higher LRRC37A4 and MOBP brain levels, respectively. Methylation levels of one CpG in the 3′ region of ARL17B associated with rs242557 and rs8070723. Additionally, methylation levels of an intronic ARL17A CpG associated with rs242557 and that of an intronic MOBP CpG with rs1768208. MAPT and MOBP region risk alleles also associated with higher levels of neuropathology. Strongest associations were observed for rs242557/coiled bodies and tufted astrocytes; and for rs1768208/coiled bodies and tau threads. These findings suggest that PSP variants at MAPT and MOBP loci may confer PSP risk via influencing gene expression and tau neuropathology. MOBP, LRRC37A4, ARL17A and ARL17B warrant further assessment as candidate PSP risk genes. Our findings have implications for the mechanism of action of variants at some of the top PSP risk loci.
Pathogenic T cell responses against aquaporin 4
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 122 - Trang 21-34 - 2011
Maria Pohl, Marie-Therese Fischer, Simone Mader, Kathrin Schanda, Maja Kitic, Rakhi Sharma, Isabella Wimmer, Tatsuro Misu, Kazuo Fujihara, Markus Reindl, Hans Lassmann, Monika Bradl
Inflammatory lesions in the central nervous system of patients with neuromyelitis optica are characterized by infiltration of T cells and deposition of aquaporin-4-specific antibodies and complement on astrocytes at the glia limitans. Although the contribution of aquaporin-4-specific autoantibodies to the disease process has been recently elucidated, a potential role of aquaporin-4-specific T cells in lesion formation is unresolved. To address this issue, we raised aquaporin-4-specific T cell lines in Lewis rats and characterized their pathogenic potential in the presence and absence of aquaporin-4-specific autoantibodies of neuromyelitis optica patients. We show that aquaporin-4-specific T cells induce brain inflammation with particular targeting of the astrocytic glia limitans and permit the entry of pathogenic anti-aquaporin-4-specific antibodies to induce NMO-like lesions in spinal cord and brain. In addition, transfer of aquaporin-4-specific T cells provoked mild (subclinical) myositis and interstitial nephritis. We further show that the expression of the conformational epitope, recognized by NMO patient-derived aquaporin-4-specific antibodies is induced in kidney cells by the pro-inflammatory cytokine gamma-interferon. Our data provide further support for the view that NMO lesions may be induced by a complex interplay of T cell mediated and humoral immune responses against aquaporin-4.
Autosomal dominant leukodystrophy with axonal spheroids and pigmented glia: clinical and neuropathological characteristics
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 111 - Trang 39-45 - 2005
Kyoko Itoh, Kensuke Shiga, Kentaro Shimizu, Manabu Muranishi, Masanori Nakagawa, Shinji Fushiki
We report two autopsy cases of siblings with adult-onset autosomal dominant leukodystrophy characterized by destruction of cerebral white matter, large numbers of axonal spheroids and pigmented glia in the fronto-temporal lobes. Both patients presented with motor and cognitive symptoms and aphasia, 2–3 years before death. At autopsy, the brain showed brown coloration and decreased volume of white matter in the frontal and temporal lobes as well as corpus callosum. Microscopically, marked loss of myelin and axons and abundant axonal spheroids without apparent neuronal loss were observed in the frontal and temporal lobes, which was consistent with hereditary diffuse leukodystrophy with spheroids (HDLS). In addition, glial cells, most consistent with macrophages and containing pigments that were stained by Sudan III and PAS, were found in the white matter lesions. The present cases showed overlapping features with HDLS and pigmentary type of orthochromatic leukodystrophy, suggesting that the pathomechanisms of these two diseases are closely related.
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