Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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Measurements on polar liquids at a microwave frequency — evaluation of molecular parameters — a new method
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2003
A simple method of estimating the dipole moment (μ) and relaxation time (τ) of polar molecules in liquid state, from a single set of dielectric measurements at high frequency, is proposed by using the concept of dielectric virial coefficients and employing Onsager model. The proposed method is tested in a number of polar liquids and the results are discussed.
Relativistic compact objects in isotropic coordinates
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 65 - Trang 185-192 - 2005
We present a matrix method for obtaining new classes of exact solutions for Einstein’s equations representing static perfect fluid spheres. By means of a matrix transformation, we reduce Einstein’s equations to two independent Riccati-type differential equations for which three classes of solutions are obtained. One class of the solutions corresponding to the linear barotropic-type fluid with an equation of statep =γρ is discussed in detail.
Heat transfer enhancement in a power-law nanofluid flow between two rotating stretchable disks
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 96 - Trang 1-11 - 2022
The advanced thermal characteristics of nanomaterials allow better heat transfer efficiency in engineering, industrial and technological processes. In this report, the outcome of a comparative analysis between the dynamics of blood carrying Cu nanoparticles and blood carrying single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) due to the stretching and rotation of two disks at various levels of rotation, stretching, power-law index and heat source/sink is presented. By using appropriate similarity variables, the leading partial differential equations (PDEs) are altered into one-dimensional equations (ODEs). The resulting ODEs are handled using the shooting method. The impact of governing parameters on the boundary layer profiles is analysed graphically. Fluid velocity gets enhanced in three dimensions during the rotation of the disk, but they predict different behaviours for the stretching parameters of the upper and lower disks. The temperature decays for power-law index, rotation and stretching parameters. Also, the rates of heat transfer are more extensive for shear-thinning. Finally, the effects of the Cu–blood(blood) nanofluid are dominant over the base fluid (blood) and SWCNTs–blood nanofluid.
Structure and cluster formation in granular media
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 64 - Trang 893-902 - 2005
The two most important phenomena at the basis of granular media are excluded volume and dissipation. The former is captured by the hard sphere model and is responsible for, e.g., crystallization, the latter leads to interesting structures like clusters in non-equilibrium dynamical, freely cooling states. The freely cooling system is examined concerning the energy decay and the cluster evolution in time. Corrections for crystallization and multi-particle contacts are provided, which become more and more important with increasing density.
Mössbauer effect studies of Tb0.27Dy0.73(Fe1−x Co x )2 intermetallics at 295 K
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2010
Development of online quasimonochromatic X-ray backlighter for high energy density physics studies
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 81 - Trang 829-838 - 2013
Monochromatic X-ray backlighting has been employed with great success in various laser plasma experiments including inertial confinement fusion (ICF) research. However, implementation of a monochromatic backlighting system typically requires extremely high quality spherically bent crystals which are difficult to manufacture and are also expensive. In this paper, we present a quasimonochromatic X-ray backlighting system using flat thallium acid pthalate (TAP) crystal. The detailed characterization of the system is discussed. The X-ray backlighter spectral range is caliberated using Cu spectrum in the spectral range 7–9 Å (1.38–1.77 keV). Gold plasma produces continuous X-ray spectrum (M band) in this range. The spectral, spatial and temporal resolutions of the system measured are 30 mÅ, 50 μm and 1.5 ns respectively. The spectral width of the X-ray pulse is 2 Å (ΔE = 0.39 keV).
Temperature dependence of dc photoconductivity in CdTe thin films
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2003
The temperature dependence of dc photoconductivity in the measuring range 303–417 K has been studied in CdTe thin films having thicknesst < 4000 Å. The photoactivation energy decreases in dark which is explained on the basis of grain boundary (GB) effect. The current lost to recombination at GB space charge region causes a negative effect on the photosensitivity of the films. A decrease in photosensitivity with increase in temperature is attributed to the reduction of photoexcitation process. It is observed that the minority carrier lifetime varies inversely with light intensity which supports the sublinear relationship of photoconductivity with the intensity of light and thereby confirms the defect-controlled photoconductivity in CdTe thin films
Black-hole thermodynamics: Entropy, information and beyond
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 63 - Trang 797-815 - 2004
We review some recent advances in black-hole thermodynamics including statistical mechanical origins of black-hole entropy and its leading order corrections from the view points of various quantum gravity theories. We then examine the problem of information loss and some possible approaches to its resolution. Finally, we study some proposed experiments which may be able to provide experimental signatures of black holes.
Hàm phân bố hướng trong tinh thể lỏng nematic bằng tia X: Phương pháp Fourier Dịch bởi AI
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 52 - Trang 67-74 - 1999
Các phương pháp hiện có để xác định hàm phân bố hướng f(β) trong các tinh thể lỏng nematic bằng cách sử dụng tia X đã được tổng quan. Một phương pháp Fourier đơn giản, cho phép tính toán f(β) dựa trên cường độ đo được, đã được phân tích. Sử dụng hàm phân bố này, độ chính xác mà các tham số thứ tự có thể được đánh giá đã được thảo luận và các kết quả cho thấy sự tinh tế của phương pháp Fourier được sử dụng ở đây.
#tinh thể lỏng nematic #hàm phân bố hướng #phương pháp Fourier #tia X
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