
Springer Science and Business Media LLC




Cơ quản chủ quản:  SPRINGER , Springer Netherlands

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Geography, Planning and DevelopmentEconomics and EconometricsDevelopment

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Empirical evidence on growth and business cycles
Tập 44 - Trang 547-566 - 2016
Martin Zagler
This paper empirically investigates the relationship between long-run economic growth and output volatility for the time series experience of 25 OECD countries between the years 1960 and 2013. Given the low number of observations, we reject, based on Monte Carlo simulations, the obvious choice of Garch estimation, and instead propose a pooled OLS estimator between a filtered GDP series that eliminates the cyclicality and the fluctuations around this trend. We find strong empirical evidence for a positive relationship between output variability and economic growth. This relationship seems to confirm theoretical literature which proposes such a positive relation.
No buck for the bang: revisiting the military-growth nexus
Tập 45 - Trang 639-653 - 2017
Serhan Cevik, John Ricco
This paper investigates the empirical relationship between military spending and economic growth in a large panel of advanced and developing countries over the period 1984–2014, with a particular focus on whether the growth impact of military expenditures varies with the type and level of security threats. Although there is extensive literature on the military-growth nexus, there is still no consensus on the nature and magnitude of this relationship. Using an expansive dataset and controlling for country-specific effects and potential endogeneity, we revisit this issue and reach two firm conclusions. First, military spending has no statistically significant direct (positive) effect on growth. Second, the nature and level of security threats do not alter the relationship between military spending and growth. Overall, the empirical results documented in the study suggest that military spending is simply not important or large enough in most countries to have a meaningful impact on growth.
Testing for monetary policy effectiveness in Austria: Reply
- 1986
Michael J. Driscoll, James L. Ford, Willi Kohler, Andy Mullineux
The Finnish Corporate Income Tax Reform and the Financial Strategy of Firms: A General Equilibrium Approach
Tập 28 - Trang 219-239 - 2001
Tarmo Valkonen
This paper simulates the effects of the recent Finnish corporate tax reform with a computable general equilibrium model. It shows that the impact of the reform on the capital stock depends on the reactions of firms. If the financial strategy is changed to prefer dividend distribution and share issues, the cost of capital falls and the capital stock increases. On the other hand, if the criterion of financial policy is to minimise the welfare loss of current shareholders, the earlier financial behaviour should be continued. In that case,the induced higher cost of capital leads to a lower capital stock. The overall welfare evaluation of the tax reform is not sensitive to the regime shift: the reform should not have been implemented. This is because the increase in interest income taxation distorts saving decisions, expands the net foreign debt of the economy and weakens the terms of trade.
The nonlinear effect of financial literacy on wealth: evidence from Germany
Tập 49 - Trang 627-661 - 2022
Jia Hou, Sebastian Schuler
This paper investigates the nonlinearity in the relationship of financial literacy and wealth and addresses the potentially inadequate measurement of financial literacy. Using data from the Panel on Household Finances, a nationally representative survey for Germany, we show a positive relationship between financial literacy and wealth that declines in wealth. Among households with positive wealth, which constitute approximately 94% of the observations in the sample and represent 91% of the whole population, we find the highest positive correlation at the 5th percentile of wealth. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the current measurement of financial literacy may not be adequate to differentiate among households above approximately the 80th percentile of wealth. By exploiting an additional question on the compound interest rate, we highlight the sensitivity of the coefficients of interest to the measurement of financial literacy.
Form of Ownership and Financial Constraints:Panel Data Evidence From Flow of Funds and Investment Equations
Tập 27 - Trang 175-192
Fabio Schiantarelli, Alessandro Sembenelli
This paper analyzes the effects of the form of ownership on the substitutability between internal and external sources of finance in Italy. In particular, we test whether financial constraints are more severe for independent firms compared to members of large national business groups and subsidiaries of foreign multinational corporations. The results obtained from flow of funds and investment equations estimated for a panel of Italian companies imply that independent firms face more severe financial constraints. In fact, not only members of national groups and subsidiaries of multinational corporations find it easier to substitute cash flow with external finance when the former falls but they do not display excess sensitivity to cash flow and debt in their investment decisions.
Demography and welfare economics
- 1995
Amartya Sen
Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions in the Euro Area
Tập 31 - Trang 205-227 - 2004
Willi Semmler, Wenlang Zhang
The problem of monetary and fiscal policy interactions is an important issue for the euro area, since the individual member states of the EMU are responsible for their fiscal policies but monetary policy is pursued by a single monetary authority, the ECB. This paper is concerned with empirical evidence on monetary and fiscal policy interactions in the euro area. We first explore fiscal regimes with a VAR model and find empirical evidence that a non-Ricardian fiscal policy has been pursued in both France and Germany. As an example, we then study how one member state of the EMU, namely, Italy, is responding to the common monetary policy with its fiscal policy and find that Italian fiscal policy seemed to be counteractive to the common monetary policy between 1979 and 1998. In order to study monetary and fiscal policy interactions in a more general way, we explore time-varying interactions by estimating a State-Space model with Markov-switching for some Euro-area countries. There appear to be some regime changes in monetary and fiscal policy interactions in France and Germany, but the interactions between the two policies are not strong. Moreover, the two policies have not been accommodative but counteractive to each other. Finally we explore forward-looking behavior in policy interactions and find that expectations do not seem to have played an important role in the policy designs.
Linking Knowledge to Productivity: A Germany-Italy Comparison Using the CIS Database
- 2001
Francesca Lotti, Enrico Santarelli
This paper employs micro-aggregated data from the FirstCommunity Innovation Survey for assessing the contribution of the level and type of R & D spending, the purchase of new machinerywith embodied technological change, economies of scale, and information sharing with client and suppliers to productivity(total sales per employee) in German and Italian firms in 20 manufacturing industries. The regression analysis confirms theresults of previous studies that R & D and technological change embodied in new machinery and capital equipment aremajor factors affecting productivity at the firm level. However, the elasticity of productivity to both R & D and embodiedtechnological change is higher in Germany than in Italy. Conversely, information sharing with clients and suppliersrelated to innovation projects does not result in higher productivity, with the exception of a few industries (inparticular those producing traditional consumer goods) in Germany.