Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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Management of High Acuity Patients in Pediatric Medical Settings: The Role of Consultation/Liaison Psychologists During the Growing Mental Health Crisis
Springer Science and Business Media LLC -
Điều trị Trầm cảm Trước sinh để Cải thiện Kết quả Phát triển Trẻ sơ sinh: Nghiên cứu về Tiểu đường trong Thai kỳ Dịch bởi AI
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 19 - Trang 285-292 - 2012
Việc liệu và cách mà sự đồng hiện của trầm cảm và tiểu đường trong thai kỳ có làm trầm trọng thêm sự phát triển của trẻ sơ sinh hay không vẫn chưa được báo cáo. Những phụ nữ mang thai mắc tiểu đường và có (n = 34) hoặc không có (n = 34) rối loạn trầm cảm nghiêm trọng (MDD) đã được theo dõi trong thời kỳ mang thai và 6 tháng sau sinh. Nhóm MDD được điều trị ngẫu nhiên bằng liệu pháp nhận thức hành vi (CBT) hoặc tư vấn hỗ trợ (SC). Mức độ nghiêm trọng của trầm cảm được đo bằng Thang đo Trầm cảm Beck (BDI); các kết quả phát triển của trẻ sơ sinh được đo bằng Thang đo Phát triển Trẻ sơ sinh Bayley (BSID) và Thang điểm Đánh giá Hành vi (BRS) của nó. Trẻ sơ sinh của những phụ nữ có MDD có điểm BRS thấp hơn (p = .02). Việc giảm điểm trầm cảm có liên quan đến kết quả tốt hơn của trẻ sơ sinh trên BSID và BRS (giá trị p < .03). Những phát hiện sơ bộ này cho thấy trầm cảm xảy ra ở những phụ nữ mang thai mắc tiểu đường có liên quan đến sự phát triển kém hơn của trẻ sơ sinh và việc cải thiện trầm cảm trước sinh có liên quan đến sự cải thiện trong các chỉ số phát triển của trẻ sơ sinh.
#trầm cảm #tiểu đường #thai kỳ #phát triển trẻ sơ sinh #liệu pháp nhận thức hành vi
Noncompliance in end-stage renal disease: A threat to quality of care and cost containment
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 3 - Trang 399-412 - 1996
Noncompliance to treatment regimen after kidney transplantation is a threat to health outcomes and cost containment. Although there are methodological challenges to obtaining reliable compliance data, the results of noncompliance are increased morbidity and mortality in posttransplant patients. In addition, recent research suggests that patients who incur repeated rejection episodes leading to graft failure have higher levels of medical utilization. Some psychosocial factors related to compliance and medical utilization are potentially modifiable through cognitive-behavioral intervention.
Fear of Cancer Recurrence and Death Anxiety: Unaddressed Concerns for Adult Neuro-oncology Patients
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 28 - Trang 16-30 - 2019
Primary brain tumor (PBT) patients may experience existential distress; however, few studies have examined this issue. The objectives of this study were to (1) systematically review PBT representation in psycho-oncology literature regarding fear/anxiety related to progression, recurrence, and death and (2) preliminarily assess the prevalence of fear of dying in a sample of PBT patients. Systematic searching of three databases yielded 1555 articles for review. Of these, 327 studies met inclusion criteria (patient sample N = 132,951). Only eight studies (0.18% of the participants) included patients with a PBT diagnosis, potentially due to exclusion criteria such as cognitive impairment or specific treatment parameters which may prohibit PBT patient participation. Review of the results from the eight included studies revealed mixed methods and limited demographic analyses; existential distress was correlated with heightened depression and anxiety, and overall worsened quality of life. From the original data collection, approximately one-third of PBT patients endorsed fear of dying, which was positively related to depression severity. Taken together, results suggest that PBT patients are considerably underrepresented in existential psycho-oncology literature, despite preliminary findings suggesting prevalence of these concerns. Future research on existential distress in neuro-oncology is warranted.
The Relationship of Religiosity and Spirituality to Quality of Life Among Cancer Patients
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 13 - Trang 29-35 - 2006
Most quality of life (QOL) assessments measure patients’ emotional well-being, functional well-being, interpersonal/social well-being, and satisfaction with treatment. Little attention has been given to patients’ spirituality or religiosity. Further, studies that have examined the impact of spirituality or religiosity on QOL have not differentiated between the constructs. The purpose of this study was to examine religiosity and spirituality as separate variables, and to define their relationship to QOL for 61 persons with cancer. Regression analyses indicated that, while spirituality and religiosity are moderately intercorrelated, spirituality has a stronger relationship with QOL than religiosity. When attempting to understand a person's spiritual life and its impact on QOL, there is a need for clear distinction between and separate assessment of spirituality and religiosity.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Older Medical Patients: Diagnostic Recognition, Mental Health Management and Service Utilization
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 16 - Trang 178-185 - 2009
Background Primary care physicians often treat older adults with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Objective To estimate physician diagnosis and recognition of anxiety and compare health service use among older adults with GAD with two comparison samples with and without other DSM diagnoses. Methods Participants were 60+ patients of a multi-specialty medical organization. Administrative database and medical records were reviewed for a year. Differences in frequency of health service use were analyzed with logistic regression and between-subjects analysis of covariance. Results Physician diagnosis of GAD was 1.5% and any anxiety was 9%, and recognition of anxiety symptoms was 34% in older adults with GAD. After controlling for medical comorbidity, radiology appointments were increased in the GAD group relative to those with and without other psychiatric diagnoses, χ2 (2, N = 225) = 4.75, p < .05. Conclusions Most patients with anxiety do not have anxiety or symptoms documented in their medical records.
Characteristics Predicting Effective Outcomes After Coping Effectiveness Training for Patients With Spinal Cord Injuries
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 12 - Trang 93-98 - 2005
Coping effectiveness training (CET), based on R. S. Lazarus and S. Folkman’s (1984) theory of stress and coping, teaches appraisal and coping skills. It has been adapted for use with people with spinal cord injuries and the effect of this intervention on coping, anxiety and depression and self perception has been investigated. Using data from P. Kennedy, J. Duff, M. Evans, and A. Beedie’s (2003) study, the psychological characteristics of people who benefited from CET (no increase in depression and anxiety at the end of CET and 6 weeks after) were compared with those who did not benefit. Coping strategies were not predictive factors but differences in some self-perception items were found between the two groups. Age, gender, level, and type of injury were not shown to be predictive but time since injury was, suggesting that the effectiveness of a CET programme could be maximized by reducing the time between onset of injury and the start of CET.
Mentoring Interns and Postdoctoral Residents in Academic Health Sciences Center
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 14 - Trang 191-196 - 2007
This article was co-authored by a senior mentor and one of her students who worked with her as both an intern and a postdoctoral fellow. It is an expanded version of a presentation given by the first author after receiving the Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers (APAHC) Distinguished Achievement in Teaching Award. The article offers a historical view on mentoring, defines and describes the term, and delineates the characteristics of good mentors and mentees. The significant impact of mentoring on the professional and personal development of psychology interns and postdoctoral residents and their mentors in academic health centers is explored. Techniques for developing, maintaining, and promoting effective mentoring relationships are provided and the ethical considerations related to mentoring are examined.
Factors Influencing Experienced Distress and Attitude Toward Trauma by Emergency Medicine Practitioners
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 10 - Trang 293-296 - 2003
Authors explored whether the dose-response relationship evident in PTSD also applied to cases of vicarious trauma and, if so, which variables serve to moderate such reactions. This study examined the surveyed responses of emergency care workers in a group geographically near the September 11, 2001 New York terrorist site, comparing the results to a group of emergency care workers geographically distant from the terrorist site. Study results lend support to the presence of a dose-response relationship within vicarious traumatization. Specific variables associated with higher distress levels for practitioners included the discipline of the practitioner, treating an injured victim, and personally knowing a victim of the New York terrorist attacks. Past training related to vicarious traumatization was not associated with lower distress levels for practitioners. In addition, practitioners' awareness and interest in psychological issues related to trauma appear to have been enhanced by geographic proximity to the New York terrorist attacks.
Some Thoughts on Trauma, Pain, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 18 Số 2 - Trang 205-206 - 2011
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