Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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An Ethnic Identity Scale for East Asian Immigrants
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 4 - Trang 87-94 - 2002
An empirical measure of East Asian ethnic identity was developed and evaluated. One hundred and fifty nonclinical East Asian immigrants (75 males and 75 females) were administered the East Asian Ethnic Identity Scale (EAEIS) and a psychometrically established measure of self-construal. Satisfactory reliability is reported for the overall EAEIS as well as its three factor analytically derived scales, including family values, ethnic pride (language, sense of belonging), and interpersonal distance. While EAEIS and independent self-construal were not associated, individuals who endorsed EAEIS were more likely to report an interdependent self-construal. The findings suggest that the EAEIS may be a useful tool for researchers and clinicians to investigate potentially important themes and individual differences in the experiences of East Asian immigrants.
Measuring Acculturation Among Central American Women with the Use of a Brief Language Scale
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 4 - Trang 95-102 - 2002
The purpose of this study was to test the reliability and validity of a brief language usage scale as a measure of acculturation in 197 Central American immigrant women. This study presents an analysis of cross-sectional survey data collected during face-to-face interviews conducted in Spanish as part of the program evaluation of the Infant Feeding for Hispanic Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Populations a Peer Education Model. The Short Acculturation Scale, a four-item language usage scale exploring the participants' language preferences, was used as a measure of acculturation. The participant's age, length of time in the United States, and perceived social support for breastfeeding were used as validation measures. Results demonstrated good internal reliability for the acculturation summary scale. Consistent with previous studies, significant correlations (p < 0.01) were found between acculturation and mother's age, perceived social support for breastfeeding, and mother's length of time in the United States. The reliability and validity data from this group of Central American immigrants support the continued use of this brief measure of acculturation in diverse Latino subpopulations when multidimensional measures are neither practical nor feasible.
Tuberculosis Among Pennsylvania Migrant Farm Workers
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 2 - Trang 53-56 - 2000
The purpose of this study was to determine the tuberculin positivity rates and the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among a population of seasonal, nonmigrating farm workers. Participants were tested for tuberculosis (TB) sensitivity, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. Patients were afforded follow-up even if they returned home to Mexico during the course of their treatment. We found that the TB rate (15%) and the incidence of STDs to be significantly lower than in other studies of migrant populations. We hypothesize that exposure to urban commercial sex workers who frequent many migrant camps may be involved in the transmission of TB. Further research is needed to determine the incidence of TB among commercial sex workers and the extent to which transmission occurs between these two populations. We also describe our follow-up program and recommend a closer adherence to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines with respect to adequate health education and disease prevention.
Preimmigration Beliefs of Life Success, Postimmigration Experiences, and Acculturative Stress: South Asian Immigrants in the United States
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 6 Số 2 - Trang 83-92 - 2004
Cancer Incidence Patterns Among Chinese Immigrant Populations in Alberta
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 6 - Trang 41-48 - 2004
This study examines the incidence of cancer among Chinese immigrants to Alberta in comparison to the incidence in Canadian-born Alberta residents and in people of Chinese origin still living in China. Cancer cases among Chinese immigrants and Canadian-born Alberta residents were identified from the Alberta Cancer Registry (1974–1993). Incidence rates for Shanghai (1975–1992) were obtained from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) publications. Direct age-standardized incidence rates (ASIRs) were calculated using the “world standard population.” Descriptive analysis and Poisson regression modelling were employed to obtain the rate ratios for certain cancer sites among the three populations. For males, the overall incidence of cancer (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer) was lowest in Chinese immigrants while being similar in Canadian-born Alberta residents and Chinese living in Shanghai (197 vs. 224 and 232/100,000). For females, the overall incidence in Chinese immigrants was lower than Canadian-born Alberta residents but similar to that in Chinese living in Shanghai (154 vs 200 and 150/100,000). For cancers that are common in China (stomach and esophagus), the incidence rates for Chinese immigrants were more similar to those for Canadian-born residents than to rates for Shanghai. However, the incidence of liver cancer was very high in the immigrants, suggesting the possible presence of an initiating event during childhood or early adulthood. For cancers that are traditionally uncommon in China (breast and prostate), rates for immigrants were mid-way between those of the two comparison groups. This study supports observations that the risk of cancer in immigrants tends towards the risk of people in the new host country.
Health Care Services and Pap Testing Behavior for Chinese Women in British Columbia
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 5 - Trang 143-152 - 2003
The health care services and sociodemographic profiles of Chinese women residing in each of five neighborhoods of Vancouver and Richmond, British Columbia, were examined and compared to Pap testing rates. Information was collected from the provincial medical directory, the cervical cancer screening program, and a community-based survey. A total of 159 Chinese primary care physicians, 3 Chinese gynecologists, and 9 health clinics were identified within these neighborhoods and 769 Chinese women responded to the survey. Significant differences were found between neighborhoods in Pap testing rates, with Chinatown having the lowest rates. Differences between neighborhoods were also found in the availability of Chinese language health care services, sociodemographic profiles of the Chinese population, individual preferences and experiences with health care services, which were also related to Pap testing rates. The implications of these findings upon the planning of effective health care services within local neighborhoods are discussed.
Law Watch: Physicians and Immigration
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 4 - Trang 167-169 - 2002
Immigration Legal Status and Use of Public Programs and Prenatal Care
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 1999
This study assessed impacts of immigrants' legal status on utilization of prenatal care and public programs by non-citizen women. Interviews and chart reviews of 171 women were conducted less than 48 hours after delivery at an urban hospital. Among non-citizens, 67% were legally documented. No differences in prenatal care adequacy by legal status were detected among non-citizens, who as a group had less health insurance, worse socioeconomics, and less program use compared to U.S. citizens. Non-citizens also were less aware of newborn's citizenship and eligibility for public programs and benefits. Non-citizens utilized fewer programs while reporting greater economic hardship than citizens; however, non-citizens selectively used programs important for pregnancy. Given changes in eligibility for federal programs and high rates of reported food insecurity and socioeconomic hardship among non-citizens, monitoring for adverse effects on utilization of prenatal care and birth outcomes is needed.
AIDS Knowledge Among Latinos: The Roles of Language, Culture, and Socioeconomic Status
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 4 - Trang 63-72 - 2002
AIDS has a disproportionate effect on persons of Latino origin, who have lower knowledge of AIDS than other ethnic groups. This study assessed AIDS knowledge among Latino adults in New Jersey according to acculturation and socioeconomic status. Data on 121 Latino adults were collected in spring 2000 using bilingual telephone interviews. Respondents were selected using the Census' Latino surname methodology. Items were adapted from the National Health Interview Survey Supplement on AIDS Knowledge and Attitudes and the Marin acculturation scale. AIDS knowledge was more strongly associated with language exposure than with self-assessed English or Spanish language abilities. Low educational attainment and bilingual language exposure were associated with lower AIDS knowledge; when other factors were controlled, place of schooling, length of time in the United States, age and gender were not statistically significant. Transmission of HIV via casual contact was widely misunderstood, but general facts about AIDS and likely means of HIV transmission were well known. AIDS education materials should be designed in both English and Spanish and should take into account the lower educational attainment of recent Latino immigrants.
Adherence to Travel Health Guidelines: The Experience of Nigerian Immigrants in Houston, Texas
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 3 - Trang 31-45 - 2001
The objective of this study was to learn about the travel health practices of Nigerians in Houston, Texas, and to describe factors affecting adherence to recommendations for the prevention of malaria, typhoid, and hepatitis A set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Data were collected through focus group discussions and one-on-one interviews with travelers and health care providers. Data collection and analysis relied on a process-based framework that included questions about health and health-maintenance strategies before, during, and after travel. The cost of travel health services and the availability of vaccines and medications were important structural barriers to adherence. Perceptions of individual susceptibility and disease severity varied across the infections of interest. Travelers perceive themselves to be at risk for malaria, but are generally not concerned about its consequences. A notable exception is the fear of becoming symptomatic post-travel in the United States. Typhoid was less salient than malaria, and few had heard of or worried about acquiring hepatitis A. Stigma associated with the acquisition of travel-related conditions and the perceived incompetence of physicians to treat illnesses related to overseas travel, and malaria in particular, also affect preventive decisions and strategies. The results of the study have broad relevance for the traveling public and for programs and services that seek to improve travel health and travel health care.
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