Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Influence of cellular models and individual factor in the biological response to chest CT scan exams
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 6 - Trang 1-12 - 2022
Clément Devic, Larry Bodgi, Laurène Sonzogni, Frank Pilleul, Hervé Ribot, Charlotte De Charry, François Le Moigne, Didier Paul, Fanny Carbillet, Mélodie Munier, Nicolas Foray
While computed tomography (CT) exams are the major cause of medical exposure to ionising radiation, there is increasing evidence that the potential radiation-induced risks must be documented. We investigated the impact of cellular models and individual factor on the deoxyribonucleic acid double-strand breaks (DSB) recognition and repair in human fibroblasts and mammary epithelial cells exposed to current chest CT scan conditions. Twelve human primary fibroblasts and four primary human mammary epithelial cell lines with different levels of radiosensitivity/susceptibility were exposed to a standard chest CT scan exam using adapted phantoms. Cells were exposed to a single helical irradiation (14.4 mGy) or to a topogram followed, after 1 min, by one single helical examination (1.1 mGy + 14.4 mGy). DSB signalling and repair was assessed through anti-γH2AX and anti-pATM immunofluorescence. Chest CT scan induced a significant number of γH2AX and pATM foci. The kinetics of both biomarkers were found strongly dependent on the individual factor. The topogram may also influence the biological response of radiosensitive/susceptible fibroblasts to irradiation. Altogether, our findings show that a chest CT scan exam may result in 2 to 3 times more unrepaired DSB in cells from radiosensitive/susceptible patients. Both individual and tissue factors in the recognition and repair of DSB after current CT scan exams are important. Further investigations are needed to better define the radiosensitivity/susceptibility of individual humans.
Ultrasound-guided percutaneous procedures in pancreatic diseases: new techniques and applications
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 3 - Trang 1-8 - 2019
Mirko D’Onofrio, Alessandro Beleù, Riccardo De Robertis
Ultrasound (US) is not only an important diagnostic tool for the evaluation of the pancreas, but is also a fundamental imaging technique to guide percutaneous interventions for several pancreatic diseases (fluid aspiration and drainage; invasive diagnosis by means fine-needle aspiration and core-needle biopsy; tumour ablation by radiofrequency, microwaves, irreversible electroporation, cryoablation, and high-intensity focused US). Technical improvements, such as contrast media and fusion imaging, have recently increased precision and safety and reduced procedure-related complications. New treatment US techniques for the ablation of pancreatic tumours, such as contrast-enhanced US and multimodality fusion imaging, have been recently developed and have elicited a growing interest worldwide. The purpose of this article was to review the most up-to-date role of US in percutaneous procedures for pancreatic diseases.
A 72-channel receive array coil allows whole-heart cine MRI in two breath holds
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 6 - Trang 1-13 - 2022
Hugo Klarenberg, Mark Gosselink, Bram F. Coolen, Tim Leiner, Aart J. Nederveen, Adrianus J. Bakermans, Hildo J. Lamb, S. Matthijs Boekholdt, Martijn Froeling, Gustav J. Strijkers
A new 72-channel receive array coil and sensitivity encoding, compressed (C-SENSE) and noncompressed (SENSE), were investigated to decrease the number of breath-holds (BHs) for cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). Three-T CMRs were performed using the 72-channel coil with SENSE-2/4/6 and C-SENSE-2/4/6 accelerated short-axis cine two-dimensional balanced steady-state free precession sequences. A 16-channel coil with SENSE-2 served as reference. Ten healthy subjects were included. BH-time was kept under 15 s. Data were compared in terms of image quality, biventricular function, number of BHs, and scan times. BHs decreased from 7 with C-SENSE-2 (scan time 70 s, 2 slices/BH) to 3 with C-SENSE-4 (scan time 42 s, 4–5 slices/BH) and 2 with C-SENSE-6 (scan time 28 s, 7 slices/BH). Compared to reference, image sharpness was similar for SENSE-2/4/6, slightly inferior for C-SENSE-2/4/6. Blood-to-myocardium contrast was unaffected. C-SENSE-4/6 was given lower qualitative median scores, but images were considered diagnostically adequate to excellent, with C-SENSE-6 suboptimal. Biventricular end-diastolic (EDV), end-systolic (ESV) and stroke volumes, ejection fractions (EF), cardiac outputs, and left ventricle (LV)-mass were similar for SENSE-2/4/6 with no systematic bias and clinically appropriate limits of agreements. C-SENSE slightly underestimated LV-EDV (-6.38 ± 6.0 mL, p < 0.047), LV-ESV (-7.94 ± 6.0 mL, p < 0.030) and overestimated LV-EF (3.16 ± 3.10%; p < 0.047) with C-SENSE-4. Bland-Altman analyses revealed minor systematic biases in these variables with C-SENSE-2/4/6 and for LV-mass with C-SENSE-6. Using the 72-channel coil, short-axis CMR for quantifying biventricular function was feasible in two BHs where SENSE slightly outperformed C-SENSE.
Ý nghĩa thống kê: giá trị p, ngưỡng 0,05 và ứng dụng trong radiomics - lý do cho một cách tiếp cận bảo thủ Dịch bởi AI
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2020
Giovanni Di Leo, Francesco Sardanelli
Tóm tắt

Trong bài viết này, chúng tôi tóm tắt cuộc tranh luận chưa được giải quyết về giá trị p và sự phân chia của nó. Chúng tôi trình bày tuyên bố của Hiệp hội Thống kê Hoa Kỳ về việc chống lại việc lạm dụng ý nghĩa thống kê cũng như các đề xuất để từ bỏ việc sử dụng giá trị p và giảm ngưỡng ý nghĩa từ 0,05 xuống 0,005. Chúng tôi nhấn mạnh các lý do cho một cách tiếp cận bảo thủ, vì nghiên cứu lâm sàng cần các câu trả lời phân cực để hướng dẫn việc ra quyết định, đặc biệt trong trường hợp hình ảnh chẩn đoán và can thiệp xạ trị. Với ngưỡng giá trị p giảm, chi phí nghiên cứu có thể tăng lên trong khi nghiên cứu tự phát có thể giảm. Bằng chứng thứ cấp từ các đánh giá hệ thống/ phân tích meta, chia sẻ dữ liệu và phân tích chi phí-hiệu quả là những cách tốt hơn để giảm thiểu tỷ lệ phát hiện sai và thiếu khả năng tái lập liên quan đến việc sử dụng ngưỡng 0,05. Quan trọng là, khi báo cáo giá trị p, các tác giả nên luôn cung cấp giá trị thực tế, không chỉ là các tuyên bố “p < 0,05” hoặc “p ≥ 0,05”, vì giá trị p cho biết mức độ tương thích của dữ liệu với giả thuyết không. Đáng chú ý, radiomics và dữ liệu lớn, được thúc đẩy bởi việc ứng dụng trí tuệ nhân tạo, liên quan đến hàng trăm/nghìn đặc tính được thử nghiệm tương tự như các “omics” khác như genomics, nơi mà việc giảm ngưỡng ý nghĩa, dựa trên các điều chỉnh đã biết cho việc kiểm tra nhiều lần, đã được áp dụng.

Investigation into cardiac sympathetic innervation during the commencement of haemodialysis in patients with chronic kidney disease
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 1 - Trang 1-7 - 2017
Walter Noordzij, Akin Özyilmaz, Andor W. J. M. Glaudemans, René A. Tio, Esther R. Goet, Casper F. M. Franssen, Riemer H. J. A. Slart
Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) who undergo chronic haemodialysis (HD) show altered sympathetic tone, which is related to a higher cardiovascular mortality. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of transition from pre-HD to HD on cardiac sympathetic innervation. Eighteen patients aged 58 ± 18 years (mean ± standard deviation [SD]), 13 males and five females, with stage 5 CKD and nine healthy control subjects aged 52 ± 17 (mean ± SD), three males and six females, were included in this prospective study between May 2010 and December 2013. All patients underwent 123I-labelled meta-iodobenzylguanidine (123I-MIBG) scintigraphy for cardiac sympathetic innervation and electrocardiographically gated adenosine stress and rest 99mTc-labelled tetrofosmin single-photon emission computed tomography for myocardial perfusion imaging prior to (pre-HD) and 6 months after the start of HD. Results of 123I-MIBG scans in patients were compared to controls. Impaired cardiac sympathetic innervation was defined as late heart-to-mediastinum ratio (HMR) < 2.0. Mean late HMR was lower in patients during HD (2.3) than in controls (2.9) (p = 0.035); however, in patients it did not differ between pre-HD and after the start of HD. During HD, two patients showed new sympathetic innervation abnormalities, and in three patients innervation abnormalities seemed to coincide with myocardial perfusion abnormalities. CKD patients show cardiac sympathetic innervation abnormalities, which do not seem to progress during the maintenance HD. The relationship between sympathetic innervation abnormalities and myocardial perfusion abnormalities in HD patients needs further exploration.
Ultra-high-field MRI of postmortem human fetal wrist joints: initial experience
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 7 - Trang 1-12 - 2023
Sabine H. Josemans, Anne-Sophie van der Post, Gustav J. Strijkers, Yousif Dawood, Maurice J. B. van den Hoff, Sjoerd R. J. Jens, Miryam C. Obdeijn, Roelof-Jan Oostra, Mario Maas
This study aimed to assess the feasibility of postmortem ultra-high-field magnetic resonance imaging (UHF-MRI) to study fetal musculoskeletal anatomy and explore the contribution of variation in iodine and formaldehyde (paraformaldehyde, PFA) treatment of tissue. Seven upper extremities from human fetuses with gestational ages of 19 to 24 weeks were included in this experimental study, approved by the Medical Research Ethics Committee. The specimens were treated with various storage (0.2–4% PFA) and staining (Lugol’s solution) protocols and the wrist joint was subsequently imaged with 7.0 T UHF-MRI. Soft-tissue contrast was quantified by determining regions of interest within a chondrified carpal bone (CCB) from the proximal row, the triangular fibrocartilage (TFC), and the pronator quadratus muscle (PQM) and calculating the contrast ratios (CRs) between mean signal intensities of CCB to TFC and CCB to PQM. UHF-MRI showed excellent soft-tissue contrast in different musculoskeletal tissues. Increasing storage time in 4% PFA, CRs decreased, resulting in a shift from relatively hyperintense to hypointense identification of the CCB. Storage in 0.2% PFA barely influenced the CRs over time. Lugol’s solution caused an increase in CRs and might have even contributed to the inversion of the CRs. UHF-MRI is a feasible technique to image musculoskeletal structures in fetal upper extremities and most successful after short storage in 4% PFA or prolonged storage in 0.2% PFA. The use of Lugol’s solution is not detrimental on soft-tissue MRI contrast and therefore enables effectively combining UHF-MRI with contrast-enhanced micro-computed tomography using a single preparation of the specimen. UHF-MRI can be performed after CE-micro-CT to take advantage of both techniques. • UHF-MRI is feasible to study human fetal cartilaginous and ligamentous anatomy. • Storage in low PFA concentrations (i.e., 0.2%) improves soft-tissue contrast in UHF-MRI. • Limited preservation time in high concentrations of PFA improves soft-tissue contrast in UHF-MRI. • Prior staining with Lugol’s solution does not reduce soft-tissue contrast in UHF-MRI.
Kat-ARC accelerated 4D flow CMR: clinical validation for transvalvular flow and peak velocity assessment
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 6 Số 1
Hosamadin Assadi, Bhalraam Uthayachandran, Rui Li, James Wardley, Tha H. Nyi, Ciaran Grafton-Clarke, Andrew J. Swift, Ana Beatriz Solana, Jean‐Paul Aben, Kurian Thampi, David Hewson, Chris Sawh, Richard Greenwood, Marina Hughes, Bahman Kasmai, Liang Zhong, Marcus Flather, Vassilios Vassiliou, Pankaj Garg
Abstract Background

To validate the k-adaptive-t autocalibrating reconstruction for Cartesian sampling (kat-ARC), an exclusive sparse reconstruction technique for four-dimensional (4D) flow cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) using conservation of mass principle applied to transvalvular flow.


This observational retrospective study (2020/21-075) was approved by the local ethics committee at the University of East Anglia. Consent was waived. Thirty-five patients who had a clinical CMR scan were included. CMR protocol included cine and 4D flow using Kat-ARC acceleration factor 6. No respiratory navigation was applied. For validation, the agreement between mitral net flow (MNF) and the aortic net flow (ANF) was investigated. Additionally, we checked the agreement between peak aortic valve velocity derived by 4D flow and that derived by continuous-wave Doppler echocardiography in 20 patients.


The median age of our patient population was 63 years (interquartile range [IQR] 54–73), and 18/35 (51%) were male. Seventeen (49%) patients had mitral regurgitation, and seven (20%) patients had aortic regurgitation. Mean acquisition time was 8 ± 4 min. MNF and ANF were comparable: 60 mL (51−78) versus 63 mL (57−77), p = 0.310). There was an association between MNF and ANF (rho = 0.58, p < 0.001). Peak aortic valve velocity by Doppler and 4D flow were comparable (1.40 m/s, [1.30−1.75] versus 1.46 m/s [1.25−2.11], p = 0.602) and also correlated with each other (rho = 0.77, p < 0.001).


Kat-ARC accelerated 4D flow CMR quantified transvalvular flow in accordance with the conservation of mass principle and is primed for clinical translation.

Exploring cell membrane water exchange in aquaporin-4-deficient ischemic mouse brain using diffusion-weighted MRI
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 5 - Trang 1-11 - 2021
Takuya Urushihata, Hiroyuki Takuwa, Manami Takahashi, Jeff Kershaw, Yasuhiko Tachibana, Nobuhiro Nitta, Sayaka Shibata, Masato Yasui, Makoto Higuchi, Takayuki Obata
Aquaporin-4 is a membrane channel protein that is highly expressed in brain astrocytes and facilitates the transport of water molecules. It has been suggested that suppression of aquaporin-4 function may be an effective treatment for reducing cellular edema after cerebral infarction. It is therefore important to develop clinically applicable measurement systems to evaluate and better understand the effects of aquaporin-4 suppression on the living body. Animal models of focal cerebral ischemia were created by surgically occluding the middle cerebral artery of wild-type and aquaporin-4 knockout mice, after which multi-b-value multi-diffusion-time diffusion-weighted imaging measurements were performed. Data were analyzed with both the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) model and a compartmental water-exchange model. ADCs were estimated for five different b value ranges. The ADC of aquaporin-4 knockout mice in the contralateral region was significantly higher than that of wild-type mice for each range. In contrast, aquaporin-4 knockout mice had significantly lower ADC than wild-type mice in ischemic tissue for each b-value range. Genotype-dependent differences in the ADC were particularly significant for the lowest ranges in normal tissue and for the highest ranges in ischemic tissue. The ADCs measured at different diffusion times were significantly different for both genotypes. Fitting of the water-exchange model to the ischemic region data found that the water-exchange time in aquaporin-4 knockout mice was approximately 2.5 times longer than that in wild-type mice. Multi-b-value multi-diffusion-time diffusion-weighted imaging may be useful for in vivo research and clinical diagnosis of aquaporin-4-related diseases.
Photoacoustic imaging of tumour vascular permeability with indocyanine green in a mouse model
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 2 Số 1 - 2018
Kenichiro Okumura, Kotaro Yoshida, Kazuaki Yoshioka, Sho Aki, Norihide Yoneda, Dai Inoue, Azusa Kitao, Takahiro Ogi, Kazuto Kozaka, Tetsuya Minami, Wataru Koda, Satoshi Kobayashi, Yoh Takuwa, Toshifumi Gabata
AI applications in musculoskeletal imaging: a narrative review
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 8 - Trang 1-12 - 2024
Salvatore Gitto, Francesca Serpi, Domenico Albano, Giovanni Risoleo, Stefano Fusco, Carmelo Messina, Luca Maria Sconfienza
This narrative review focuses on clinical applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in musculoskeletal imaging. A range of musculoskeletal disorders are discussed using a clinical-based approach, including trauma, bone age estimation, osteoarthritis, bone and soft-tissue tumors, and orthopedic implant-related pathology. Several AI algorithms have been applied to fracture detection and classification, which are potentially helpful tools for radiologists and clinicians. In bone age assessment, AI methods have been applied to assist radiologists by automatizing workflow, thus reducing workload and inter-observer variability. AI may potentially aid radiologists in identifying and grading abnormal findings of osteoarthritis as well as predicting the onset or progression of this disease. Either alone or combined with radiomics, AI algorithms may potentially improve diagnosis and outcome prediction of bone and soft-tissue tumors. Finally, information regarding appropriate positioning of orthopedic implants and related complications may be obtained using AI algorithms. In conclusion, rather than replacing radiologists, the use of AI should instead help them to optimize workflow, augment diagnostic performance, and keep up with ever-increasing workload. Relevance statement This narrative review provides an overview of AI applications in musculoskeletal imaging. As the number of AI technologies continues to increase, it will be crucial for radiologists to play a role in their selection and application as well as to fully understand their potential value in clinical practice. Key points • AI may potentially assist musculoskeletal radiologists in several interpretative tasks. • AI applications to trauma, age estimation, osteoarthritis, tumors, and orthopedic implants are discussed. • AI should help radiologists to optimize workflow and augment diagnostic performance.
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