Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Công bố khoa học tiêu biểu
* Dữ liệu chỉ mang tính chất tham khảo
Sắp xếp:
Experimental investigation of thermal conductivity and the temperature jump in nonreactive gases at low pressures
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 1984
Stretching of a plane anomalously viscous film under nonisothermal conditions
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 43 - Trang 750-756 - 1982
A solution is obtained for the problem of the stretching of an anomalously viscous film under nonisothermal conditions. The solution is analyzed.
Determination of the dissipative effects during sinter treatment of ceramics
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 26 - Trang 618-623 - 1974
The feasibility is established here of analyzing and describing the sinter treatment of ceramics by solving the differential equations of heat and mass transfer on the basis of nonequilibrium thermodynamics.
Two-phase heat transfer in a one-dimensional channel
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 1980
Sóng sốc nhiệt trong môi trường chuyển động với sự tính đến sự thỏa mãn của dòng nhiệt Dịch bởi AI
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 79 - Trang 685-698 - 2006
Nghiên cứu giải phương trình khí động học với việc tính đến sự truyền nhiệt trong quá trình thỏa mãn của dòng nhiệt được phân tích. Các mối quan hệ biểu diễn các định luật bảo toàn trên mặt phẳng đứt gãy mạnh của các đại lượng tìm kiếm, bao gồm sự đứt gãy của nhiệt độ và mật độ dòng nhiệt, được thảo luận. Khả năng tồn tại của hai sóng sốc với dữ liệu ban đầu cố định được chỉ ra bằng cách sử dụng giải pháp tự tương tự của bài toán về chuyển động khí phía trước pít-tông. Sự xuất hiện của hai đứt gãy mạnh là do sự hiện diện của tốc độ lan truyền khác nhau của các rối loạn khí động và nhiệt — tốc độ âm thanh và tỷ lệ truyền nhiệt hữu hạn tại thời điểm thỏa mãn dòng nhiệt khác không.
#sóng sốc nhiệt #môi trường chuyển động #phương trình khí động học #truyền nhiệt #dòng nhiệt
Plasma Chemical Conversion of Spent Lubricating Materials
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 94 - Trang 1344-1356 - 2021
A thermodynamic analysis has been performed using a universal TERRA program. The analysis has made it possible to identify the optimum parameters of the process of plasma chemical conversion of spent lubricants for various gasifying agents (air and water vapor). Based on the calculations, a closed-cycle scheme has been proposed for their integrated plasma chemical treatment, the scheme being a wasteless method of waste conversion. This method makes it possible to simultaneously obtain synthesis gas suitable for the production of methanol and electricity and isolate precious nonferrous and rare metals with minimal environment impact.
Rheological properties of elastomers in compression
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 32 - Trang 458-461 - 1977
Creep processes associated with the uniaxial compression of rubber samples are studied in relation to the applied load and preliminary stressing. It is found that the delay time is influenced by the degree of compression.
Methods of Emergency Heat Removal from Pools and Storages of Spent Fuel of Nuclear Power Plants
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 92 - Trang 553-561 - 2019
In the paper, consideration is given to possible methods of heat removal from water pools and storages of spent nuclear fuel of atomic power plants, which can be employed in an emergency due to failure of the regular cooling system of the pool. The authors present results of investigation of two passive methods of emergency cooling of spentfuel water pools: the first method is to use emergency accumulator reservoirs with a cooling-water supply, and the second, to use boiling channels whose action is based on the effect of creating driving head in the emergency system of natural circulation of the cooling pond of the coolant.
Modeling of Heat and Moisture Transfer in Wood in Finish Drying by the Energy of a Microwave Field
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 88 - Trang 35-41 - 2015
A physicomathematical model of heat and moisture transfer in drying materials in the region below the hygroscopicity limit, including also the heating by the energy of a microwave field, has been developed. The developed system of equations has been solved numerically for three cases of drying of a wooden plate: convective drying, drying by the microfield-field energy, and drying combining the above two methods, i.e., combined drying. Results of numerical calculations of the temperature, vapor-pressure, and moisture-content distributions in the cross section of the plate at different instants of time, and also of the change in the average moisture content and temperature in the process of drying, have been presented. The calculation results have been analyzed; conclusions on the differences and distinctive features of convective, microwave, and combined heating and drying have been drawn.
Application of the temperature wave method to measure the thermophysical properties of materials
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 60 - Trang 267-269 - 1991
A theoretical foundation is given to the methodology for measuring the thermo-physical properties of substances and the applicability of the temperature wave method here is analyzed. On the basis of an examination of a two-dimensional heat conduction problem for a disc specimen and a circular modulated thermal flux, the influence of heat transfer on different specimen surfaces is investigated on the temperature wave parameters therein.
Tổng số: 9,376
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