Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Conjoint analyses of patients’ preferences for primary care: a systematic review
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 23 - Trang 1-16 - 2022
Audrey Huili Lim, Sock Wen Ng, Xin Rou Teh, Su Miin Ong, Sheamini Sivasampu, Ka Keat Lim
While patients’ preferences in primary care have been examined in numerous conjoint analyses, there has been little systematic effort to synthesise the findings. This review aimed to identify, to organise and to assess the strength of evidence for the attributes and factors associated with preference heterogeneity in conjoint analyses for primary care outpatient visits. We searched five bibliographic databases (PubMed, Embase, PsycINFO, Econlit and Scopus) from inception until 15 December 2021, complemented by hand-searching. We included conjoint analyses for primary care outpatient visits. Two reviewers independently screened papers for inclusion and assessed the quality of all included studies using the checklist by ISPOR Task Force for Conjoint Analysis. We categorized the attributes of primary care based on Primary Care Monitoring System framework and factors based on Andersen’s Behavioural Model of Health Services Use. We then assessed the strength of evidence and direction of preference for the attributes of primary care, and factors affecting preference heterogeneity based on study quality and consistency in findings. Of 35 included studies, most (82.4%) were performed in high-income countries. Each study examined 3–8 attributes, mainly identified through literature reviews (n = 25). Only six examined visits for chronic conditions, with the rest on acute or non-specific / other conditions. Process attributes were more commonly examined than structure or outcome attributes. The three most commonly examined attributes were waiting time for appointment, out-of-pocket costs and ability to choose the providers they see. We identified 24/58 attributes with strong or moderate evidence of association with primary care uptake (e.g., various waiting times, out-of-pocket costs) and 4/43 factors with strong evidence of affecting preference heterogeneity (e.g., age, gender). We found 35 conjoint analyses examining 58 attributes of primary care and 43 factors that potentially affect the preference of these attributes. The attributes and factors, stratified into evidence levels based on study quality and consistency, can guide the design of research or policies to improve patients’ uptake of primary care. We recommend future conjoint analyses to specify the types of visits and to define their attributes clearly, to facilitate consistent understanding among respondents and the design of interventions targeting them. Word Count: 346/350 words. On Open Science Framework: https://osf.io/m7ts9
Patients’ preferences for telemedicine versus in-clinic consultation in primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 23 Số 1 - Trang 1-10 - 2022
Mozes, I., Mossinson, D., Schilder, H., Dvir, D., Baron-Epel, O., Heymann, A.
The Hybrid Patient Care system integrates telehealth and in-clinic consultation. While COVID-19 increased telehealth use, healthcare providers are still seeking the best combination of virtual and in-clinic consultation. Understanding patients’ tele-consultation-related preferences is vital for achieving optimal implementation. The discrete choice experiment (DCE) is the stated preference technique for eliciting individual preferences and is increasingly being used in health-related applications. The study purpose was to evaluate attributes and levels of the DCE regarding patients’ preferences for telemedicine versus traditional, in-clinic consultation in primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to facilitate successful implementation. A three-phase structure was used in the qualitative stage of the DCE: (1) a literature review and preparation of interview guides; (2) Eight focus group interviews comprised of 26 patients and 33 physicians; and (3) Attribute selection: a ranking exercise among 48 patients. The Think Aloud technique, in which respondents are asked to verbalize their thoughts, was used in the focus groups. Interview data were analyzed by thematic analysis. Eight attributes were proposed by the patients in the focus groups. The four most important attributes were then selected in pre-testing, and are described in this study: Availability, time until the appointment, severity of the medical problem, patient-physician relationship, and flexible reception hours. This study has a theoretical contribution in post-COVID-19 patients’ preferences in Hybrid Medicine patient care. This provides a foundation to assess the rigors of this stage and provide additional evidence to the limited existing literature on attributes development for DCE patient preferences.
Symptoms and signs of urogenital cancer in primary care
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 24 Số 1
Knut Holtedahl, Lars Borgqúist, Gé Donker, Frank Buntinx, David Weller, Christine Campbell, Jörgen Månsson, Vicky Hammersley, Tonje Br̈aaten, Ranjan Parajuli
Abstract Background

Urogenital cancers are common, accounting for approximately 20% of cancer incidence globally. Cancers belonging to the same organ system often present with similar symptoms, making initial management challenging. In this study, 511 cases of cancer were recorded after the date of consultation among 61,802 randomly selected patients presenting in primary care in six European countries: a subgroup analysis of urogenital cancers was carried out in order to study variation in symptom presentation.


Initial data capture was by completion of standardised forms containing closed questions about symptoms recorded during the consultation. The general practitioner (GP) provided follow-up data after diagnosis, based on medical record data made after the consultation. GPs also provided free text comments about the diagnostic procedure for individual patients.


The most common symptoms were mainly associated with one or two specific types of cancer: ‘Macroscopic haematuria’ with bladder or renal cancer (combined sensitivity 28.3%), ‘Increased urinary frequency’ with bladder (sensitivity 13.3%) or prostatic (sensitivity 32.1%) cancer, or to uterine body (sensitivity 14.3%) cancer, ‘Unexpected genital bleeding’ with uterine cancer (cervix, sensitivity 20.0%, uterine body, sensitivity 71.4%). ‘Distended abdomen, bloating’ had sensitivity 62.5% (based on eight cases of ovarian cancer). In ovarian cancer, increased abdominal circumference and a palpable tumour also were important diagnostic elements. Specificity for ‘Macroscopic haematuria’ was 99.8% (99.7–99.8). PPV > 3% was noted for ‘Macroscopic haematuria’ and bladder or renal cancer combined, for bladder cancer in male patients. In males aged 55–74, PPV = 7.1% for ‘Macroscopic haematuria’ and bladder cancer. Abdominal pain was an infrequent symptom in urogenital cancers.


Most types of urogenital cancer present with rather specific symptoms. If the GP considers ovarian cancer, increased abdominal circumference should be actively determined. Several cases were clarified through the GP’s clinical examination, or laboratory investigations.

What next for the polyclinic? New models of primary health care are required in many former Soviet Union countries
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 23 - Trang 1-11 - 2022
Nigel Edwards, Igor Sheiman
There is unfinished reform in primary care in Russia and other former Soviet Union (FSU) countries. The traditional ‘Semashko’ multi-specialty polyclinic model has been retained, while its major characteristics are increasingly questioned. The search for a new model is on a health policy agenda. It is relevant for many other countries. In this paper, we explore the strengths and weaknesses of the multi-specialty polyclinic model currently found in Russia and other FSU countries, as well as the features of the emerging multi-disciplinary and large-scale primary care models internationally. The comparison of the two is a major research question. Health policy implications are discussed. We use data from two physicians’ surveys and recent literature to identify the characteristics of multi-specialty polyclinics, indicators of their performance and the evaluation in the specific country context. The review of the literature is used to describe new primary care models internationally. The Semashko polyclinic model has lost some of its original strengths due to the excessive specialization of service delivery. We demonstrate the strengths of extended practices in Western countries and conclude that FSU countries should “leapfrog” the phase of developing solo practices and build a multi-disciplinary model similar to the extended practices model in Europe. The latter may act as a ‘golden mean’ between the administrative dominance of the polyclinic model and the limited capacity of solo practices. The new model requires a separation of primary care and outpatient specialty care, with the transformation of polyclinics into centers of outpatient diagnostic and specialty services that become part of hospital services while working closely with primary care. The comprehensiveness of care in a big setting and potential economies of scale, which are major strengths of the polyclinic model, should be retained in the provision of specialty care rather than primary care. Internationally, there are lessons about the risks associated with models based on narrow specialization in caring for patients who increasingly have multiple conditions. • The Semashko polyclinic model has lost strengths due to excessive specialization. • Solo and group PHC practices are no longer suitable to manage multimorbidity. • A new ‘extended general practice’ reorients the health system towards PHC. • Restructuring polyclinics is possible by transforming them into outpatient specialty units of hospital structures.
Differences in the healthcare needs of older adults attending primary health centers in urban and rural areas of Taiwan
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 24 - Trang 1-8 - 2023
Chen-I Shih, Hui-Fei Yang, Shu-Li Chia, Tang-Kuei Lin, Sheng-Yu Fan
As the older adult population in Taiwan continues to increase, primary health centers (PHCs) play a crucial role in geriatric care. This study explored the differences in the PHC experiences and usage needs of older adults in urban versus rural areas. A qualitative study was conducted. Twenty-one older adults were recruited from PHCs in northern, central, southern, and eastern Taiwan. Semistructured interviews were used to collect data, and the interview guidelines included their reasons for visiting PHCs, the health-care services they received, their evaluation of the services, and the advantages and disadvantages of these centers. The data were analyzed using thematic content analysis. The PHC usage needs of older adults in urban areas differ from those of older adults in rural areas in the following 3 aspects: (1) Medical services: older adults in rural areas demand clinics specializing in various medical domains, mobile and home medical care, and case management, whereas those in urban areas demand mobile health examinations. (2) Environment and transportation: older adults in rural areas demand diverse medical equipment, shuttle services, and accessible facilities, whereas those in urban areas demand recreational facilities. (3) Active aging: older adults in rural areas demand health education courses, and those in urban areas demand diverse senior citizen courses as well as opportunities to volunteer and build interpersonal relationships. The older adults in urban and rural areas had different PHC usage needs. The older adults in rural areas generally focused on medical care and transportation services in PHCs, whereas those in urban areas generally focused on health promotion as a means of social participation and active aging.
Understanding weight management experiences from patient perspectives: qualitative exploration in general practice
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 24 - Trang 1-9 - 2023
Kimberley Norman, Lisette Burrows, Lynne Chepulis, Rawiri Keenan, Ross Lawrenson
Obesity is a complex health issue affecting the quality of life of individuals and contributing to an unsustainable strain on healthcare professionals and national health systems. National policy guidelines indicate that general practice is best suited to deliver obesity healthcare, however, obesity rates continue to rise worldwide indicating interventions are ineffective in this space. The aim of this study was to explore the weight management experiences from patient perspectives. This qualitative study used semi-structured interviews with 16 rural Waikato general practice patients. Interviews were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. Four themes were identified: Inconsistent Information, Significance of Holistic Factors, Obesity Centre Need, and Education. Participants expressed frustration at contradictory health messages, commercial company and ‘expert’ definition distrust, and that ‘holistic’ aspects to health significant to the weight management journey were unable to be addressed in general practice. Whilst primary care is positioned as suitable for delivering obesity healthcare, this study found that participants do not perceive general practice to be equipped to deliver this care. Instead, participants argued for a specialist obesity centre capable of meeting all their obesity healthcare needs. Further, wider issues including on-line commodification of health and neo-liberal capitalism - factors that exploit people with a stigmatised health issue - can cause further harm to the participant. A radical modernisation of education, information, and resources from regulated, qualified and ‘trusted’ healthcare professionals who can provide safe, non-stigmatising supportive services is recommended to meet the unique and changing food climate, reduce obesity rates and improve health outcomes.
Uptake of signposting to web-based resources: pregnant women’s use of a preventive web-based intervention
Springer Science and Business Media LLC -
Emil Rønn Sørensen, Ida Scheel Rasmussen, Gritt Overbeck, Volkert Siersma, Clara Lundmark Appel, Philip M. Wilson
Abstract Background

Signposting to web-based interventions is becoming increasingly popular in primary care. Most resources are focused on individuals with clinical problems, but less is known about the uptake of general practice (GP) signposted web-based interventions. GPs in Denmark are responsible for scheduled preventive care during pregnancy and the child’s first five years. In the “Family Well-being in General Practice” trial the web-based intervention “Resilientchild.dk” is introduced at these consultations. Resilientchild.dk is designed to improve the capacity of parents to understand the mental state of themselves, their partners, and their children. In this study we assess the uptake and use of this web-based intervention.


To describe participant and practice characteristics associated with the use of a web-based psychoeducational intervention. Eligible participants were pregnant women presenting at their first antenatal assessment, usually around 6–10 gestational weeks.


The study was nested in a cluster randomised trial of resilientchild.dk. We conducted a relative importance analysis, which allows for determination of the variables most strongly associated with website use. To assess the direction and magnitude of the influences of the identified variables, we applied multinomial generalized linear mixed modelling. A practice random effect allows us to account for clustering of women within practices.


Parity and the absence of a nurse or midwife in the practice were important factors driving a decrease in the likelihood of using resilientchild.dk. Being a student or living outside the capital city were important factors driving an increase in the likelihood of using resilientchild.dk.


The data offer unique opportunities to assess the utilisation of a web-based mental health-promotion intervention following advice from a clinician. This study draws conclusions about which patients are likely to access similar resources and which practice characteristics encourage their use.

Trial registration

Registered in clinicaltrials.gov, Trial number: NCT04129359 Date of registration: 16/10/2019 (https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04129359).

Cardiovascular risk reduction with integrated care: results of 8 years follow up
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 24 - Trang 1-9 - 2023
Geert H. J. M. Smits, Sander van Doorn, Michiel L. Bots, Monika Hollander
Care groups organize integrated cardiovascular risk management programs in primary care for high risk patients. Results of long term cardiovascular risk management are scarce. The aim was to describe changes in low density lipoprotein cholesterol, systolic blood pressure and smoking between 2011 and 2018 in patients participating in an integrated program for cardiovascular risk management organized by a care group in the Netherlands. To explore whether long-term participation in an integrated cardiovascular risk management program could lead to the improvement of 3 important risk factors for cardiovascular disease. A protocol was developed for delegated practice nurse activities. A multidisciplinary data registry was used for uniform registration. The care group organized annual education for general practitioners and practice nurses on cardiovascular topics and regular meetings for practice nurses only to discuss complex patient cases and implementation issues. From 2015 onwards, the care group started with practice visitations to discuss performance and support practices with organizing integrated care. In patients eligible for primary prevention as well as for secondary prevention similar trends were observed: lipid modifying and blood pressure lowering medication increased, mean low density lipoprotein cholesterol and mean systolic blood pressure decreased, patients on target for low density lipoprotein cholesterol and systolic blood pressure increased and the proportion of non-smokers with both low density lipoprotein cholesterol and systolic blood pressure on target increased. Improved registration between 2011 and 2013 was partly responsible for the sharp increase of patients on target for low density lipoprotein cholesterol and systolic blood pressure. In patients participating in an integrated cardiovascular risk management program, we saw annual improvements in 3 important cardiovascular risk factors between 2011 and 2018.
General practitioner care in nursing homes during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: a retrospective survey among nursing home managers
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 23 - Trang 1-12 - 2022
Anja Kühl, Christian Hering, Wolfram J. Herrmann, Annabell Gangnus, Raphael Kohl, Elisabeth Steinhagen-Thiessen, Adelheid Kuhlmey, Paul Gellert
Though evidence on the detrimental impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in nursing homes is vast, research focusing on general practitioners’ (GP) care during the pandemic in nursing homes is still scarce. A retrospective online survey among 1,010 nursing home managers in Germany was conducted during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic between November 2020 and February 2021. Associations between perceived deficits in GP care (routine and acute visits) and both general and COVID-19-related characteristics of nursing homes were analysed using multiple logistic regression analyses. The majority of nursing home managers reported no deficits in GP care (routine visits, 84.3%; acute visits, 92.9%). Logistic regression analyses revealed that deficits in GP care (routine visits) were significantly associated with visiting restrictions for GPs and nursing home size. Small nursing homes (1–50 residents) were significantly more likely to report deficits in GP care (routine visits) compared to medium (51–100 residents) and large nursing homes (> 100 residents). Further, deficits in GP care (acute visits) were significantly associated with dementia as a focus of care and the burden of insufficient testing for SARS-CoV-2 among residents. Moreover, visiting restrictions for GPs were significantly associated with dementia as the focus of care and the COVID-19 incidence at the federal state level. Finally, COVID-19 cases in nursing homes were significantly associated with size of nursing homes, COVID-19-incidence on the federal state level and the burden of insufficient testing capacities for SARS-CoV-2 among residents. We found structural factors associated with GP care deficits during the pandemic. New concepts for GP care should be implemented in pandemic preparedness plans to ensure high quality, consistent, and reliable GP care as well as effective infection prevention measures in nursing homes.
The effects of family-centered empowerment model on depression, anxiety, and stress of the family caregivers of patients with COVID-19: a randomized clinical trial
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 23 - Trang 1-10 - 2022
Mohammad Namazi Nia, Samira Mohajer, Nasser Bagheri, Tahere Sarboozi-hoseinabadi
Taking care of patients with Covid-19 is regarded as a challenging task for family caregivers. Hence, a Family-Centered Empowerment Model (FCEM) should help them achieve greater psychological strength throughout the home healthcare process. This study is a randomized clinical trial with two groups; besides, pre-test and post-test designs were conducted based on the CONSORT checklist from April to July 2020, in Iran. Seventy family caregivers were randomly assigned to FCEM (n = 35) and control (n = 35) groups. Then, four stages of FCEM in four online sessions were provided to the participants of the intervention group via WhatsApp messenger. The procedure started at the patient's discharge and continued for two weeks. The demographic information questionnaire and Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21) were employed before and five days after the FCEM sessions to gather the required data. The sample was made up of 55.8% women and 44.2% men caregivers, with a mean age of 42.5 years. The results demonstrated a substantial difference in the average score of stress (p = 0.023), anxiety (p = 0.003), and depression (p = 0.012). The combination of a face-to-face orientation session and online methods of FCEM is likely to lower stress, anxiety, and depression in family caregivers, which can be contributed to the practicability, simplicity, and effectiveness of this home health intervention. This study (no. IRCT20180429039463N2 ) was registered in the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials on 10/04/2020.
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