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Metainferences from a Proof-Theoretic Perspective, and a Hierarchy of Validity Predicates
Tập 51 - Trang 1295-1325 - 2021
Rea Golan
I explore, from a proof-theoretic perspective, the hierarchy of classical and paraconsistent logics introduced by Barrio, Pailos and Szmuc in (Journal o f Philosophical Logic, 49, 93-120, 2021). First, I provide sequent rules and axioms for all the logics in the hierarchy, for all inferential levels, and establish soundness and completeness results. Second, I show how to extend those systems with a corresponding hierarchy of validity predicates, each one of which is meant to capture “validity” at a different inferential level. Then, I point out two potential philosophical implications of these results. (i) Since the logics in the hierarchy differ from one another on the rules, I argue that each such logic maintains its own distinct identity (contrary to arguments like the one given by Dicher and Paoli in 2019). (ii) Each validity predicate need not capture “validity” at more than one metainferential level. Hence, there are reasons to deny the thesis (put forward in Barrio, E., Rosenblatt, L. & Tajer, D. (Synthese, 2016)) that the validity predicate introduced in by Beall and Murzi in (Journal o f Philosophy, 110(3), 143–165, 2013) has to express facts not only about what follows from what, but also about the metarules, etc.
Yablifying the Rosser Sentence
Tập 43 - Trang 827-834 - 2013
Graham Leach-Krouse
In a recent paper (Cieśliński and Urbaniak 2012), Urbaniak and Cieśliński describe an analogue of the Yablo Paradox, in the domain of formal provability. Just as the infinite sequence of Yablo sentences inherit the paradoxical behavior of the liar sentence, an infinite sequence of sentences can be constructed that inherit the distinctive behavior of the Gödel sentence. This phenomenon—the transfer of the properties of self-referential sentences of formal mathematics to their “unwindings” into infinite sequences of sentences—suggests a number of interesting logical questions. The purpose of this paper is to give a precise statement of a conjecture from Cieśliński and Urbaniak (2012) regarding the unwinding of the Rosser sentence, and to demonstrate that this precise statement is false. We begin with some preliminary motivation, introduce the conjecture against the background of some related results, and finally, in the last section, move on to the proof, which adapts a method used by Solovay and Guaspari.
Orthomodularity and relevance
Tập 8 - Trang 415-432 - 1979
G. N. Georgacarakos
The Intensional Many - Conservativity Reclaimed
Tập 43 - Trang 883-901 - 2013
Harald Andreas Bastiaanse
Following on Westerståhl’s argument that many is not Conservative [9], I propose an intensional account of Conservativity as well as intensional versions of EXT and Isomorphism closure. I show that an intensional reading of many can easily possess all three of these, and provide a formal statement and proof that they are indeed proper intensionalizations. It is then discussed to what extent these intensionalized properties apply to various existing readings of many.
Counterfactual Logic and the Necessity of Mathematics
Tập 50 - Trang 97-115 - 2020
Samuel Z. Elgin
This paper is concerned with counterfactual logic and its implications for the modal status of mathematical claims. It is most directly a response to an ambitious program by Yli-Vakkuri and Hawthorne (2018), who seek to establish that mathematics is committed to its own necessity. I demonstrate that their assumptions collapse the counterfactual conditional into the material conditional. This collapse entails the success of counterfactual strengthening (the inference from ‘If A were true, then C would be true’ to ‘If A and B were true, then C would be true’), which is controversial within counterfactual logic, and which has counterexamples within pure and applied mathematics. I close by discussing the dispensability of counterfactual conditionals within the language of mathematics.
First-Order Frege Theory is Undecidable
Tập 30 - Trang 613-616 - 2001
Warren Goldfarb
The system whose only predicate is identity, whose only nonlogical vocabulary is the abstraction operator, and whose axioms are all first-order instances of Frege's Axiom V is shown to be undecidable.
What is referential opacity?
- 1973
J. M. Bell
Tập 21 - Trang 233-233 - 1992
Ceteris Paribus Conditionals and Comparative Normalcy
Tập 36 - Trang 97-121 - 2006
Martin Smith
Our understanding of subjunctive conditionals has been greatly enhanced through the use of possible world semantics and, more precisely, by the idea that they involve variably strict quantification over possible worlds. I propose to extend this treatment to ceteris paribus conditionals – that is, conditionals that incorporate a ceteris paribus or ‘other things being equal’ clause. Although such conditionals are commonly invoked in scientific theorising, they traditionally arouse suspicion and apprehensiveness amongst philosophers. By treating ceteris paribus conditionals as a species of variably strict conditional I hope to shed new light upon their content and their logic.
Indefinite topological logic
Tập 2 - Trang 102-118 - 1973
James W. Garson