Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Synaptic connections of the interplexiform cell in the retina of the cat
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 6 Số 2 - Trang 155-170 - 1977
Helga Kolb, Roger W. West
Specific differential expression of phospholipase A<sub>2</sub>subtypes in rat cerebellum
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 33 Số 3 - Trang 297-307 - 2004
Yoshinori Shirai, Masao Ito
Axonal degeneration in demyelinating disorders
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 6 - Trang 103-117 - 1977
Ricardo E. Madrid, Henryk M. Wiśniewski
Changes in the L7 and S1 segments of the spinal cord and the corresponding dorsal root ganglia (DRG), spinal roots and sciatic nerves of guinea pigs immunized with whole rabbit sciatic nerve in complete Freund's adjuvant have been studied and compared with the changes found in guinea pigs immunized with purified P.N.S. myelin. In both groups of animals, pathological changes were found in the posterior roots, DRG and root entry zones. In the posterior roots, axonal degeneration and segmental demyelination evolved in parallel, affected different populations of myelinated axons and showed no indication of interdependence. The aetiology of axonal degeneration in this and other demyelinating disorders is discussed. It is concluded that axons can be damaged by being in the vicinity of areas where cell-mediated immune reactions are taking place, i.e. as a consequence of the so-called ‘bystander’ effect.
Homer 1b/c expression correlates with zebrafish olfactory system development
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 33 - Trang 671-680 - 2005
Robert Gasperini, Lisa Foa
The zebrafish, (Danio rerio) is an important model organism for the analysis of molecular mechanisms that govern neuronal circuit development. The neuronal circuitry that mediates olfaction is crucial for the development and survival of all teleost fishes. In concert with other sensory systems, olfaction is functional at early stages in zebrafish development and mediates important behavioral and survival strategies in the developing larva. Odorant cues are transduced by an array of signaling molecules from receptors in olfactory sensory neurons. The scaffolding protein family known as Homer is well placed to orchestrate this signaling cascade by interacting with and coupling membrane bound receptors to cytosolic signaling partners. To date, Homer has not been demonstrated in the zebrafish. Here we report that the Homer 1b/c isoform was prominent in the olfactory system from the earliest stages of differentiation. We describe the spatial and temporal distribution of Homer in the zebrafish olfactory system. At 24 hours post fertilization (hpf), Homer expression delineated the boundary of the presumptive olfactory placode. Subsequent expression steadily increased throughout the developing olfactory placode, with a prominent localization to the dendritic knobs of the olfactory sensory neurons. Homer expression in the developing olfactory bulb was punctate and prominent in the glomeruli, displaying an apparent synaptic localization. This work supports the hypothesis that Homer is an important molecule in neuronal circuit development, necessary for crucial behaviors required for development and survival.
Associated particle aggregates in juxtaparanodal axolemma and adaxonal Schwann cell membrane of rat peripheral nerve
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 10 - Trang 679-691 - 1981
C. Stolinski, A. S. Breathnach, B. Martin, P. K. Thomas, R. H. M. King, G. Gabriel
Freeze-fracture observations have been made on unfixed cryoprotected, and glutaraldehyde-perfused and cryoprotected rat sciatic nerve. In the juxtaparanodal region of the internode, numerous particle clusters were observed on the axolemmal E face and rings of particles of uniform size on the P face of the adaxonal Schwann cell membrane. Both of these particle aggregates were concentrated in the internodal region immediately adjacent to the paranode (juxtaparanodal). The findings provide evidence for a close association between the two particle formations, suggesting a unitary structure forming links between the axolemma and Schwann cell membrane. Figures are given for the density distribution of these particles at the juxtaparanodal region. They were very rarely observed on membrane fracture faces of the general internodal regions. It is possible that these particle formations may represent potassium channels or that they could provide channels for other metabolic communication between the Schwann cell and the axon.
Book review
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 24 Số 7 - Trang 545-545 - 1995
Sanford Palay
The number of Schmidt-Lanterman incisures is more than doubled inshiverer PNS myelin sheaths
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 24 - Trang 85-98 - 1995
Robert M. Gould, Anne L. Byrd, Elisa Barbarese
In the PNS, myelin basic protein (MBP) appears not to be essential for myelination, for inshiverer (shi) andmld mutant mice peripheral nerves, where MBP is not or only poorly expressed, myelination occurs normally. Only a few morphological abnormalities, i.e. reduction in axon calibre and myelin sheath thickness, and aberrant Schwann cell-axon contacts, have been reported. Here, we document a consistent difference betweenshi andwild type (wt) myelinated sciatic nerve fibres. The number of Schmidt-Lanterman incisures seen in longitudinally and transversely-sectioned sciatic nerves, or in teased fibres stained for the presence of F-actin, is dramatically increased in homozygousshi mice. With both methods, a twofold increase in Schmidt-Lanterman incisure number is seen in 15-day-old mice, the earliest time examined. The increase is slightly greater in nerve fibres from 30- and 90-day-old mice. The overproduction of Schmidt-Lanterman incisures inshi occurs in spite of the fact that the mean diameter of myelinated fibres inshi sciatic nerves is smaller than inwt sciatic nerves. These results lead us to suggest that the increase in Schmidt-Lanterman incisure density inshi compensates for a defect in Schwann cell-axon communication.
Diphenylpiperazines enhance regeneration after facial nerve injury
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 26 - Trang 339-347 - 1997
Jianxin X Tong, Keith M Rich
Immature rat facial motoneurons are very sensitive to injury with nearly 80% dying during the first week after axotomy. This motoneuron death is apoptotic, similar to that induced in neurons after tropic factor withdrawal. The diphenylpiperazines, flunarizine and cinnarizine, protect dorsal root ganglion neurons from death after withdrawal of trophic support, i.e., nerve growth factor withdrawal, in vitro. Similarly, the monoamine oxidase inhibitor, deprenyl, promotes survival of facial motoneurons after axotomy. These pharmacological agents were assessed both alone and in combination for their ability to prevent death in non-nerve growth factor dependent CNS motoneurons after facial nerve axotomy in newborn rats. Long-term experiments were done with the diphenylpiperazines to evaluate potential enhancement of regeneration. Facial nerve transection resulted in 78% neuronal loss in the injured compared with the contralateral, uninjured nucleus. Systemic administration of diphenylpiperazines for 1 week after facial nerve transection doubled the number of surviving motoneurons from 23% to 47%. Similar results were obtained with deprenyl. Combinations of diphenylpiperazines and deprenyl provide a similar degree of neuronal protection 1 week after injury as that obtained by either agent alone. We assessed the ability of diphenylpiperazines to protect facial motoneurons from death over a prolonged period and enhance subsequent regeneration. Motor neuron counts in rats treated with diphenylpiperazines for 1 month after injury and assessed 2 months later demonstrated long-term enhancement of neuronal protection with an increase of 45% in the number of horseradish peroxidase-labelled motoneurons. The diphenylpiperazines group had ∼80% more regenerated myelinated axons in the distal facial nerve than the control group. Thus, diphenylpiperazine treatment during the first month after injury provides long-term protection of non-nerve growth factor dependent CNS motoneurons with subsequent potentiation of long-term facial nerve regeneration.
Insulin-like growth factor-I receptors and estrogen receptors interact in the promotion of neuronal survival and neuroprotection
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 29 - Trang 425-437 - 2000
Luis Miguel Garcia-Segura, Gloria Patricia Cardona-Gómez, Julie Ann Chowen, Iñigo Azcoitia
Several in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that estrogen has neuroprotective properties. The neuroprotective effects of estrogen are probably exerted through several mechanisms. It is established that estrogen can provide neuroprotection by actions that are independent of estrogen receptor activation. In addition, in several experimental models, activation of estrogen receptors appears to be indispensable for neuroprotection. This review focuses on neuroprotection mediated by estrogen receptors. The interaction of estrogen with growth factor receptor signaling to induce neuroprotection is discussed. Evidence is presented that estrogen receptors and insulin-like growth factor-I receptors interact in the promotion of neuronal survival and neuroprotection.
Episodic exposure to ethanol during development differentially affects brainstem nuclei in the macaque
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 30 - Trang 973-982 - 2001
Sandra M. Mooney, Michael W. Miller
Neuronal vulnerability to ethanol may be non-specific, i.e., vulnerability may be conferred by the developmental state of the population or by the site of derivation. To address these issues, the effect of developmental exposure to ethanol on three brainstem nuclei; the trigeminal motor (MoV), facial motor (MoVII) and medial superior olivary (MSO) nuclei was determined. MoVII and MSO are generated at the same time and from the same rhombomere, r4. MoV is generated earlier from r2. Macaca nemestrina were exposed to ethanol or a control solution one day per week for six or 24 weeks of gestation. Brainstems of the mature offspring were sectioned and stained. The number of neurons and volume of each nucleus were determined stereologically. Neuron number was lower in MoV and MSO following exposure to ethanol whereas MoVII appeared unaffected. No significant effects of ethanol exposure were seen on the volume and weight of the brainstem, or the volume of the individual nuclei. These findings show that ethanol differentially affects brainstem nuclei in a targeted, rather than non-specific, manner. Furthermore, they show that serious ethanol-induced neurological deficits can be present without gross morphological changes.
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