Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Sắp xếp:  
Palinspastic reconstruction and geological evolution of Jurassic basins in Mongolia and neighboring China
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 2 - Trang 306-317 - 2013
Wu Genyao
Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental changes documented by microfaunas and shell stable isotopes in the southern Pearl River Delta plain, South China
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 2 - Trang 344-361 - 2013
Liu Chunlian, Franz T. Fürsich, Wu Jie, Dong Yixin, Yang Tingting, Yin Jian
A new ‘superassemblage’ model explaining proximal-to-distal and lateral facies changes in fluvial environments, based on the Proterozoic Sanjauli Formation (Lesser Himalaya, India)
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 5 - Trang 391-408 - 2016
Ananya Mukhopadhyay, Priyanka Mazumdar, A.J. (Tom) van Loon
Petrography and tectonic provenance of the Permian Tunas Formation: Implications on the paleotectonic setting during the Claromecó Foreland Basin evolution, southwestern Gondwana margin, Argentina
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 11 - Trang 427-447 - 2022
María Belén Febbo, Renata N. Tomezzoli, Nora N. Cesaretti, Giselle Choque, Natalia B. Fortunatti, Guadalupe Arzadún
First record of ostracods from the Upper Ordovician red-coloured marine sandstones of the Tierekeawati Formation in Tarim Basin, NW China: implications on palaeoenvironment and palaeobiogeography
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 9 - Trang 1-10 - 2020
Jun-Jun Song, Yi-Xin Shen, Peng Tang, Xiao-Le Zhang, Qi-Jian Li, Zheng-Jiang Luo
Ostracods are described for the first time from the red-coloured marine sandstones of Arisu section (Arisu red beds) of the Upper Ordovician Tierekeawati Formation in Kalpin area of northwestern Tarim Basin, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (Xinjiang), Northwest China. Twenty-two species belonging to thirteen genera are described and figured. The ostracod fauna suggests a probable Sandbian–Katian age for these beds. The palaeoecological assemblage of ostracod fauna implies the deposition in a nearshore-offshore environment during a regression when the Arisu red beds of the Tierekeawati Formation were laid down in the Tarim Basin. Many cosmopolitan and provincial genera were present in diversified ostracod fauna of the Arisu red beds, suggesting the possible biogeographic relationships among the Tarim, Tibet, and South China plates, as well as Europe and North America continents during the Late Ordovician. Ostracods experienced faunal exchanges between Laurentia and the Tarim Plate during the Late Ordovician Period.
The Jurassic fossil wood diversity from western Liaoning, NE China
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 8 - Trang 1-11 - 2019
Zi-Kun Jiang, Yong-Dong Wang, Ning Tian, Ao-Wei Xie, Wu Zhang, Li-Qin Li, Min Huang
Western Liaoning is a unique region in China that bears diverse types of Jurassic plants, including leaves, fern rhizomes, and wood, providing significant proxy for vegetation and palaeoenvironment reconstruction of the well-known Yanliao Flora in East Asia. In particular, the silicified wood is very abundant in the fossil Lagerstätte of the Jurassic Tiaojishan Formation in Beipiao, western Liaoning. Previous and recent systematic investigations documented a high diversity of the Jurassic wood assemblages. These assemblages are dominated by conifers, followed by cycads and ginkgoaleans. In total, about 30 species belonging to 21 genera of fossil wood have been recorded so far, which are represented by Cycadopsida, Ginkgopsida, Coniferopsida, and Gymnospermae incertae sedis. The evolutionary implications of several distinctive fossil wood taxa as well as palaeoclimate implications are summarized based on their anatomical structures and growth ring patterns. This work approaches the vegetation development and evolutionary significances of the wood taxa and their relatives, and provides clues for the further understanding of the diversity of the Jurassic Yanliao Flora in East Asia.
Textural and geochemical characteristics of late Pleistocene to Holocene fine-grained deep-sea sediment cores (GM6 and GM7), recovered from southwestern Gulf of Mexico
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 7 Số 1 - 2018
Abigail Anaya-Gregorio, John S. Armstrong‐Altrin, M. L. Machain-Castillo, Patricia C. Montiel-García, Mayla A. Ramos‐Vázquez
Lithofacies and sedimentary characteristics of the Silurian Longmaxi Shale in the southeastern Sichuan Basin, China
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 2 - Trang 238-251 - 2013
Jiang Zaixing, Guo Ling, Liang Chao
The response of stromatolites to seismic shocks: Tomboliths from the Palaeoproterozoic Chaibasa Formation, E India
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 5 - Trang 381-390 - 2016
A.J. (Tom) van Loon, Rajat Mazumder, Shuvabrata De
Diversity patterns and palaeobiogeographical relationships of latest Devonian–Lower Carboniferous foraminifers from South China: What is global, what is local?
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 3 - Trang 35-59 - 2014
Markus Aretz, Elise Nardin, Daniel Vachard
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