Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Concordance of the Indian Mental Healthcare Act 2017 with the World Health Organization’s Checklist on Mental Health Legislation
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 11 Số 1 - 2017
Richard M. Duffy, Brendan D. Kelly
Correction to: Identifying and treating maternal mental health difficulties in Afghanistan: A feasibility study
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2020
Mark Tomlinson, Deepika Chaudhery, Habibullah Ahmadzai, Sofía Rodríguez Gómez, Cécile Bizouerne, Thandi van Heyningen, Mickey Chopra
An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article.
Operational challenges in the pre-intervention phase of a mental health trial in rural India: reflections from SMART Mental Health
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 16 - Trang 1-15 - 2022
Ankita Mukherjee, Mercian Daniel, Amanpreet Kaur, Siddhardha Devarapalli, Sudha Kallakuri, Beverley Essue, Usha Raman, Graham Thornicroft, Shekhar Saxena, David Peiris, Pallab K. Maulik
Availability of mental health services in low- and middle-income countries is largely concentrated in tertiary care with limited resources and scarcity of trained professionals at the primary care level. SMART Mental Health is a strategy that combines a community anti-stigma campaign with a primary health care workforce strengthening initiative, using electronic decision support with the goal of better identifying and supporting people with common mental disorders in India. We describe the challenges faced and lessons learnt during the pre-intervention phase of SMART Mental Health cluster Randomised Controlled Trial. Pre-intervention phase includes preliminary activities for setting-up the trial and research activities prior to delivery of the intervention. Field notes from project site visit, project team meetings and detailed follow-up discussions with members of the project team were used to document operational challenges and strategies adopted to overcome them. The socio-ecological model was used as the analytical framework to organise the findings. Key challenges included delays in government approvals, addressing community health worker needs, and building trust in the community. These were addressed through continuous communication, leveraging support of relevant stakeholders, and addressing concerns of community health workers and community. Issues related to use of digital platform for data collection were addressed by a dedicated technical support team. The COVID-19 pandemic and political unrest led to significant and unexpected challenges requiring important adaptations to successfully implement the project. Setting up of this trial has posed challenges at a combination of community, health system and broader socio-political levels. Successful mitigating strategies to overcome these challenges must be innovative, timely and flexibly delivered according to local context. Systematic ongoing documentation of field-level challenges and subsequent adaptations can help optimise implementation processes and support high quality trials. Trial registration: The trial is registered with Clinical Trials Registry India (CTRI/2018/08/015355). Registered on 16th August 2018. http://ctri.nic.in/Clinicaltrials/showallp.php?mid1=23254&EncHid=&userName=CTRI/2018/08/015355
Stress, anxiety and depression in clinical nurses in Vietnam: a cross-sectional survey and cluster analysis
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2019
Thi Thu Thuy Tran, Ngọc Bích Nguỹên, Mai Anh Luong, Thi Hai Anh Bui, Thi Dung Phan, Van Oanh Tran, Thi Huyen Ngo, Harry Minas, Thuy Quynh Nguyen
Dementia and associated factors among the elderly in Vietnam: a cross-sectional study
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 13 - Trang 1-7 - 2019
Nguyen Ngoc Bich, Nguyen Thi Thuy Dung, Tran Vu, Lam Thi Quy, Nguyen Anh Tuan, Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh, Nguyen Trong Hung, Le Vu Anh
Dementia poses a serious threat to the wellbeing of the elderly. In the context of the rapidly ageing population of Vietnam however, little is known about the prevalence of symptoms and other related factors. This study aims to detect the prevalence of cognitive symptoms of dementia in the elderly in Vietnam as well as other associated factors. A cross-sectional study was conducted over a period of six communes at the Northern, Central and Southern region of Vietnam. Prevalence of cognitive symptoms of dementia was the outcome of interest and assessed by Mini Mental State Evaluation (MMSE) questionnaire and was standardized according to the age structure of Vietnam. A total of 3308 adults aged 60 and above were included. Association between having cognitive symptoms of dementia and other factors was assessed with logistic regression. Cognitive symptoms of dementia were perceived in 46.4% of the sample group. The symptoms were more common among participants who were older, female, had a lower educational level, were not physically active or have previously had stroke. Prevalence of cognitive symptoms of dementia in adults aged 60 and above was relatively high in Vietnam. Other modifiable associated factors including physical inactivity and social connectedness should also be considered in designing intervention program to prevent dementia in the future.
A narrative review of factors influencing detection and treatment of depression in Vietnam
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 7 - Trang 1-10 - 2013
Maria Niemi, Mats Målqvist, Kim Bao Giang, Peter Allebeck, Torkel Falkenberg
Depression is among the most common psychiatric conditions in primary health care, and constitutes an important part of the global disease burden. However, it is difficult to obtain comparable data on depression worldwide and models for treatment and intervention need to be locally adapted. We conducted a narrative review of research literature on factors that influence depression screening, diagnosis and treatment among the Vietnamese population. This explorative approach included studies describing: a) culturally or contextually specific risk-factors for depression; b) any depression treatment seeking or treatment acceptability/adherence aspects or; c) depression screening among Vietnamese patients. We searched the PubMed and Cinahl databases, as well as relevant Vietnamese peer-reviewed journals and this produced 20 articles that were included in the review. Our findings indicate the importance of considering somatic symptoms when screening for depression in Vietnam as well as the use of culturally adapted and dimensional screening instruments. Our study confirms that depression reflects chronic social adversity, and thus an approach to mental health management that focuses solely on individual pathology will fail to address its important social causes. Further studies should elucidate whether neurasthenia is a commonly used illness label among Vietnamese patients that coincides with depression. The tendency among Vietnamese to seek traditional Vietnamese medicine and meditation practice when experiencing emotional distress was supported by our findings.
Making complex interventions work in low resource settings: developing and applying a design focused implementation approach to deliver mental health through primary care in India
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 12 - Trang 1-12 - 2018
Rohit Ramaswamy, Rahul Shidhaye, Sharmishtha Nanda
Globally, there is a large treatment gap for people with mental disorders, and this gap is especially extreme in Low and Middle Income Countries. This gap can be potentially bridged by integrating evidenced based mental health interventions into primary care, but there is little knowledge about how to do this well, especially in countries with weak health systems. Research into the best implementation approaches is a priority, but in order to do so, it is first necessary to adapt implementation science principles and tools for mental health services in low resource settings. The frameworks that have been used to implement evidence-based behavioral health and health care interventions in High Income Countries do not directly apply to contexts where resources and processes for service delivery and support do not exist. We propose an implementation approach for low resource settings, called design-focused implementation, emphasizing the design of delivery systems using systematic design methods as precursor to implementation in severely resource constrained environments. This approach draws from existing literature in design thinking, quality implementation, improvement science and evaluation and we describe its use in creating the processes, organizations and the enabling environment for integration of mental health service delivery into primary care in India. Design-focused implementation will be useful for guiding research and practice in closing the implementation gap for a wide variety of complex interventions in low resource settings.
Structural characteristics of specialised living units for people with dementia: a cross-sectional study in German nursing homes
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 8 - Trang 1-12 - 2014
Rebecca Palm, Sabine Bartholomeyczik, Martina Roes, Bernhard Holle
Living units (LU) specialised for people with dementia are an important feature of nursing homes. Little is known about their structural characteristics, and an international definition is lacking. This study explored characteristics of the environment and staff from defined LU types to identify differences between them. Cross-sectional study comparing five types of LUs. LUs were defined based on their living concept (segregated and integrated), size (small and large scale), and funding (extra funded and not extra funded). Differences were identified using descriptive statistics, Chi-Square resp. Kruskal-Wallis-Test and post-hoc analysis with Bonferroni corrections. In total, 103 LUs from 51 nursing homes participated: 63 integrated and 40 segregated LUs; 48 integrated and 31 segregated LUs were large. Sixteen large segregated LUs were extra funded. Regarding the environment, a distinctive feature of small LUs was a higher percentage of single rooms. Small integrated LUs provided and served meals more in a homelike manner than other LUs. LUs did not differ in their interior and access for the residents to use outdoor areas. Regarding the staff, small LUs provided more staff, but they were not exclusively assigned to the LUs. Large segregated LUs with additional funding provided more registered nurses and nurses with a special qualification per resident than the other large LUs. Nursing homes implemented different features in their specialised LUs. Because single room availability, homelike provision of meals, staff quantity, quality and continuity may influence residents’ outcomes, it is necessary to investigate whether differences are apparent in future evaluation studies of specialised LUs for people with dementia.
Perceptions and experiences of perinatal mental disorders in rural, predominantly ethnic minority communities in northern Vietnam
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 10 - Trang 1-10 - 2016
Daniel Abrams, Liem T. Nguyen, Jill Murphy, Younji (Angie) Lee, Nhu K. Tran, David Wiljer
Preliminary research has suggested that perinatal mental disorders (PMDs), including post-partum depression, are prevalent in Vietnam. However the extent to which these disorders are recognized at the community level remains largely undocumented in the literature. PMDs have also never been investigated within Vietnam’s significant ethnic minority populations, who are known to bear a greater burden of maternal and infant health challenges than the ethnic majority. To investigate knowledge and perceptions of PMDs and their treatments at the community level in a rural, predominantly ethnic minority region of northern Vietnam. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted on the topic of common PMDs. Participant groups were primary health workers (PHWs) working at local community health centers, and pregnant or postpartum women enrolled in a program for maternal and infant health that was not mental health related. Interviews included vignette scenarios that asked respondents to interpret cases of women experiencing PMDs, as well as open-ended questions about mental disorders and their treatments. Twelve PHWs and 14 perinatal women completed the study. Major themes that emerged from the interviews included (1) Family relationships impact psychological well-being, (2) Nutrition contributes to perinatal mental health, (3) Both traditional and western medicine play roles in perinatal health, (4) There was a lack of personal experience with women experiencing PMDs, (5) Descriptions of mental health symptoms focused on behaviours, and (6) Community care is the primary mental health support. PHWs reported having almost never treated a woman with a PMD. However, anecdotal evidence from the women interviewed suggests that there are incidents of mental disorders during the perinatal period that go largely unaddressed. Willingness to present to primary care appears to be high, and presents an opportunity to address this need by training PHWs in effective screening, treatment, and referral. Such training should account for culturally specific presentations of mental disorders as well as the importance of the patient’s social context. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this research presents the first evidence of a PMD burden within Vietnam’s ethnic minority communities.
A qualitative exploration of a family self-help mental health program in El Salvador
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 10 - Trang 1-17 - 2016
Samuel V. Nickels, Nelson A. Flamenco Arvaiza, Myrna S. Rojas Valle
There is a significant gap in our knowledge regarding community-based self-help groups and their benefits for persons living with mental conditions and their family caregivers in low and middle income countries. This study describes a such a program in El Salvador and explores participants’ perceptions of program effectiveness and benefits. The Family Education, Support and Empowerment Program is a multi-component program in the capital that is facilitated by nonprofit professionals but carried out primarily by volunteers. A focus group methodology to build evaluation and research capacity in the organization was used. The study consisted of a questionnaire completed by participants individually, followed by two focus group sessions with the same ten people. The study found perceptions of multiple benefits across social, functional, and economic dimensions and a variety of achievements at organizational and national levels. This study identified a family self-help program in El Salvador as a potentially highly beneficial program for its participants. This appears to be the first study to explore benefits across micro, mezzo and macro social levels and to include discussion of more diverse potential benefits such as individual and organizational social capital, leadership, and advocacy. These factors should be explored in future quantitative studies to help determine the relative importance and usefulness of such programs in meeting World Health Organization goals for access to mental health treatment and quality community-based services.
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