Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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Sắp xếp:
Abstracts of papers presented at the 2nd International Conference on Biobehavioral Self-Regulation and Health
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 17 - Trang 221-244 - 1992
A long-term, single-group follow-up study of biofeedback therapy with chronic medical and psychiatric patients
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 1988
Use of Paced Respiration to Alleviate Intractable Hiccups (Singultus): A Case Report
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2013
Reliability of the Heartbeat Tracking Task to Assess Interoception
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 48 - Trang 171-178 - 2022
Interoception refers to the competence in perceiving and interpreting internal sensations emerging from the body. The most common approach to assess interoception is through cardiac interoceptive tests like the heartbeat tracking task (HTT), which measures the accuracy on perceive and counting heartbeats during a period. However, the literature is scarce in providing adequate reliability evidence for this measure so that the interoception assessment may be threaten. In addition to HTT accuracy, it is possible to determine sensibility (self-reported confidence) and interoceptive awareness (correspondence between accuracy and sensibility). Thus, we measured the test–retest reliability of HTT and also investigated the behavior of HTT outcomes along the task. Therefore, 31 healthy adults (16 males) with 27.8 (9.4) years old performed two consecutive HTT interspersed by one day. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), standard error of measurement (SEM) and minimal detectable difference (MD) analyzes showed 'Good' relative reliability for interoceptive accuracy (ICC = 0.880; SEM = 0.263; MD = 0.728; p < 0.001) and 'Moderate' for sensibility (ICC = 0.617; SEM = 0.648; MD = 1.797; p < 0.001) and awareness (ICC = 0.593; SEM = 0.227; MD = 0.628; p < 0.001). The absolute reliability shows low threshold values for observing true effects in HTT outcomes. The results also showed that reducing the number of HTT blocks did not impact the outcomes. The HTT showed to be reliable in determine the interoceptive competences in healthy adults.
Peripheral Visual Performance Enhancement by Neurofeedback Training
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 38 - Trang 285-291 - 2013
Peripheral visual performance is an important ability for everyone, and a positive inter-individual correlation is found between the peripheral visual performance and the alpha amplitude during the performance test. This study investigated the effect of alpha neurofeedback training on the peripheral visual performance. A neurofeedback group of 13 subjects finished 20 sessions of alpha enhancement feedback within 20 days. The peripheral visual performance was assessed by a new dynamic peripheral visual test on the first and last training day. The results revealed that the neurofeedback group showed significant enhancement of the peripheral visual performance as well as the relative alpha amplitude during the peripheral visual test. It was not the case in the non-neurofeedback control group, which performed the tests within the same time frame as the neurofeedback group but without any training sessions. These findings suggest that alpha neurofeedback training was effective in improving peripheral visual performance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to show evidence for performance improvement in peripheral vision via alpha neurofeedback training.
Effects of sham feedback following successful SMR training in an epileptic
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 1 - Trang 227-235 - 1976
After 1 year of SMR biofeedback training of a severe epileptic teenage male, incidence of atonic seizures decreased from 8/hr to less than 1/3 hr. SMR increased from 10% to 70%. Epileptiform discharges decreased from 45% to 15%. Unknown to the patient, his family, or certain members of our research staff, noncontingent feedback was introduced on 7/22/74, ending 9/11/74. A significant decrease occurred for SMR(down 8%), and a significant increase for epileptiform discharges(up 4%). Rate of seizures increased, but was not statistically significant over preceding months of contingent feedback. Incidence of seizures associated with urine loss increased from approximately 6/month to 23/month during noncontingent feedback, a significant increase. Urine-loss results suggest that although seizures did not become more frequent, those the patient did experience were “harder,” i.e., more severe. Contingent feedback was reinstituted following the 7-wk sham, and recovery of all variables to their former levels(prior to sham) occurred.
Self-regulation of slow cortical potentials in psychiatric patients: Depression
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 17 Số 3 - Trang 203-214 - 1992
Reliability and Stability of Contingent Negative Variation
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 25 - Trang 33-41 - 2000
Reliability parameters of a test indicate the stability (and quality) of the test itself. Reliability coefficients greater than 0.70 suggest an attribute as being sufficiently stable over time to be characterized as a trait. Reliability parameters of contingent negative variation (CNV) amplitudes in 27 healthy individuals were determined using a test-retest design. CNV was recorded at Cz, with an interstimulus interval of 3 s, on 2 separate occasions: initial session and 10 days later. Correlation coefficients between the 2 recording sessions were 0.675 for the total-CNV (tCNV), 0.855 for the early component (iCNV), 0.631 for the late component (lCNV), and 0.420 for the post-imperative negative variation (PINV). Statistical retest parameters for Spearman Brown were 0.806 for tCNV, 0.922 for iCNV, 0.774 for lCNV, and 0.655 for PINV. The iCNV, more than the other parameters, remained stable over the period of 10 days. It is suggested that the described standardized CNV recording procedure ensures reproducible and stable results in healthy subjects.
Negative side effects of self-regulation training: Relaxation and the role of the professional in service delivery
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 16 - Trang 191-197 - 1991
Procedures used for relaxation training can resolve or precipitate dysfunction in patients undergoing self-regulation treatments. The present article discusses the role of the clinician in administering relaxation training via thermal biofeedback and coping with unforeseen negative effects of treatment. A case illustration involving the biobehavioral treatment of chest pain is presented and discussed to remind the reader of the significance of the therapist's role in helping tailor treatment programs to unique responses of the individual patient. The case highlights the value of thorough case management and clinical formulation in the successful resolution of relaxation-induced leg pain.
Skin Conductance Reactivity to Standardized Virtual Reality Combat Scenes in Veterans with PTSD
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 42 - Trang 209-221 - 2017
Interest in virtual reality (VR) as a clinical tool to augment posttraumatic stress (PTSD) treatment has grown substantially in recent years due to advances in VR technology. Moreover, its potential assisted use in the PTSD diagnostic process has been recognized. In this study we examined physiological responding, skin conductance, to a standardized presentation of non-personalized combat-related VR events (e.g. encountering enemy fire; explosions) as compared to non-combat classroom VR events in 19 Veterans with and 24 Veterans without combat-related PTSD who had been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. Veterans watched a total of 12 VR scenarios—six combat-related and six non-combat-related—with each scenario gradually increasing in emotional intensity by adding more VR events in addition to repeating prior VR events. Results show that Veterans with PTSD displayed larger skin conductance reactivity across VR combat events, but not for non-combat VR events, as compared to combat Veterans without PTSD. Nevertheless, Veterans with and without PTSD showed a similar reduction of emotional arousal to repeated presentation of the same VR combat events. Within the PTSD sample, the elevated level of VR combat-related arousal correlated marginally with severity of hyperarousal symptoms. This study confirms that the use of a non-personalized and standardized VR presentation successfully distinguishes Veterans with PTSD from those without on a measure of psychophysiological arousal to combat-related VR stimuli. The assessment of physiological reactivity during the repeated presentation of standardized, trauma-related VR events highlights its use for PTSD assessment as well as treatment.
Tổng số: 1,076
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