Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Inkjet Printing of Proteins: an Experimental Approach
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 19 - Trang 234-243 - 2016
Miguel Montenegro-Nicolini, Víctor Miranda, Javier O. Morales
Peptides and proteins represent a promissory group of molecules used by the pharmaceutical industry for drug therapy with great potential for development. However, the administration of these molecules presents a series of difficulties, making necessary the exploration of new alternatives like the buccal route of administration to improve drug therapy compliance. Although drop-on demand printers have been explored for small molecule drugs with promising results, the development of delivery systems for peptides and proteins through inkjet printing has seen little development. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of using a thermal inkjet printing system for dispensing lysozyme and ribonuclease-A as model proteins. To address the absorption limitations of a potential buccal use, a permeation enhancer (sodium deoxycholate) was also studied in formulations. We found that a conventional printer successfully printed both proteins, exhibiting very high printing efficiency. Furthermore, the protein structure was not affected and minor effects were observed in the enzymatic activity after the printing process. In conclusion, we provide evidence for the usage of an inexpensive, easy to use, reliable, and reproducible thermal inkjet printing system to dispense proteins solutions for potential buccal application. Our research significantly contributes to present an alternative for manufacturing biologics delivery systems, with emphasis in buccal applications. Next steps of developments will be aimed at the use of new materials for printing, controlled release, and protection strategies for proteins and peptides.
Land O’Lakes Workshop on Microsampling: Enabling Broader Adoption
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 22 - Trang 1-7 - 2020
Enaksha R Wickremsinhe, Qin C. Ji, Carol R. Gleason, Melanie Anderson, Brian P. Booth
The microsampling workshop generated recommendations pertaining to blood sampling site (venous blood versus capillary blood), when to conduct a bridging study, statistical approaches to establish correlation/concordance and deciding on sample size, opportunities and challenges with patient-centric sampling, and how microsampling technology can enrich clinical drug development. Overall, the goal was to provide clarity and recommendations and enable the broader adoption of microsampling supporting patients’ needs, convenience, and the transformation from clinic-centric to patient-centric drug development. The need and adoption of away-from-clinic sampling techniques has become critical to maintain patient safety during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Correction: A Tangeretin Derivative Inhibits the Growth of Human Prostate Cancer LNCaP Cells by Epigenetically Restoring p21 Gene Expression and Inhibiting Cancer Stem-like Cell Proliferation
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 25 - Trang 1-1 - 2023
Guor-Jien Wei, Yen-Hsiang Chao, Yen-Chen Tung, Tien-Yuan Wu, Zheng-Yuan Su
Investigation of the Performance of the Disintegration Test for Dietary Supplements
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 12 - Trang 602-607 - 2010
May Almukainzi, Mahnor Salehi, Nadia Araci Bou-Chacra, Raimar Löbenberg
The aim of this study was to investigate how beaker size, basket assembly, use of disk, and immersion medium impact the disintegration time of dietary supplements. The disintegration times were determined for five tablet and two capsule products. A two-station disintegration tester was used with Apparatus A or Apparatus B as described in the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) chapters, <701> and <2040>. Two beakers complying with the harmonized specifications were used, one with a volume of 1,000 mL and one with a 1,500-mL volume. The disintegration data were analyzed using ANOVA for the following factors: beaker size, equipment (App A and B) and condition (with/without disk). Two tablet products were not sensitive to any changes in the test conditions or equipment configurations. One product was only partially sensitive to the test conditions. The other products showed impact on the disintegration time for all test conditions. The results revealed that these tablet products might pass or fail current USP disintegration requirements depending on the equipment configuration. Similar results were obtained for the two investigated capsule formulations. One product might fail current USP disintegration requirements if the large beaker was used, but might pass the disintegration requirements when the small beaker was used. Hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose capsules were mostly influenced if sodium instead of a potassium buffer was used as the immersion medium. The results demonstrate that the current harmonized ICH specifications for the disintegration test are insufficient to make the disintegration test into reliable test for dietary supplements.
Informatic Tools and Approaches in Postmarketing Pharmacovigilance Used by FDA
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2008
Joyce Weaver, Mary E. Willy, Mark Avigan
Evaluation of the Humoral Response to Adeno-Associated Virus-Based Gene Therapy Modalities Using Total Antibody Assays
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 23 - Trang 1-17 - 2021
Boris Gorovits, Mitra Azadeh, George Buchlis, Travis Harrison, Mike Havert, Vibha Jawa, Brian Long, Jim McNally, Mark Milton, Robert Nelson, Mark O’Dell, Karen Richards, Christian Vettermann, Bonnie Wu
The number of viral vector-based gene therapies (GTx) continues to grow with two products (Zolgensma® and Luxturna®) approved in the USA as of March 2021. To date, the most commonly used vectors are adeno-associated virus-based (AAV). The pre-existing humoral immunity against AAV (anti-AAV antibodies) has been well described and is expected as a consequence of prior AAV exposure. Anti-AAV antibodies may present an immune barrier to successful AAV transduction and hence negatively impact clinical efficacy and may also result in adverse events (AEs) due to the formation of large immune complexes. Patients may be screened for the presence of anti-AAV antibodies, including neutralizing (NAb) and total binding antibodies (TAb) prior to treatment with the GTx. Recommendations for the development and validation of anti-AAV NAb detection methods have been presented elsewhere. This manuscript covers considerations related to anti-AAV TAb-detecting protocols, including the advantages of the use of TAb methods, selection of assay controls and reagents, and parameters critical to monitoring assay performance. This manuscript was authored by a group of scientists involved in GTx development representing eleven organizations. It is our intent to provide recommendations and guidance to industry sponsors, academic laboratories, and regulatory agencies working on AAV-based GTx viral vector modalities with the goal of achieving a more consistent approach to anti-AAV TAb assessment.
Evaluation of Cellular Immune Response to Adeno-Associated Virus-Based Gene Therapy
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 25 - Trang 1-25 - 2023
Boris Gorovits, Mitra Azadeh, George Buchlis, Michele Fiscella, Travis Harrison, Mike Havert, Sylvia Janetzki, Vibha Jawa, Brian Long, Yolanda D. Mahnke, Andrew McDermott, Mark Milton, Robert Nelson, Christian Vettermann, Bonnie Wu
The number of approved or investigational late phase viral vector gene therapies (GTx) has been rapidly growing. The adeno-associated virus vector (AAV) technology continues to be the most used GTx platform of choice. The presence of pre-existing anti-AAV immunity has been firmly established and is broadly viewed as a potential deterrent for successful AAV transduction with a possibility of negative impact on clinical efficacy and a connection to adverse events. Recommendations for the evaluation of humoral, including neutralizing and total antibody based, anti-AAV immune response have been presented elsewhere. This manuscript aims to cover considerations related to the assessment of anti-AAV cellular immune response, including review of correlations between humoral and cellular responses, potential value of cellular immunogenicity assessment, and commonly used analytical methodologies and parameters critical for monitoring assay performance. This manuscript was authored by a group of scientists involved in GTx development who represent several pharma and contract research organizations. It is our intent to provide recommendations and guidance to the industry sponsors, academic laboratories, and regulatory agencies working on AAV-based GTx viral vector modalities with the goal of achieving a more consistent approach to anti-AAV cellular immune response assessment.
Mechanistic Pharmacokinetic/Target Engagement/Pharmacodynamic (PK/TE/PD) Modeling in Deciphering Interplay Between a Monoclonal Antibody and Its Soluble Target in Cynomolgus Monkeys
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 16 - Trang 129-139 - 2013
Weirong Wang, Xiaofeng Wang, Rajitha Doddareddy, Damien Fink, Thomas McIntosh, Hugh M. Davis, Honghui Zhou
For therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against soluble ligands, the free ligand level can, theoretically, be used as a surrogate for efficacy. However, it can be extremely challenging technically to measure free ligand level in the presence of an excessive amount of antibody–ligand complex. The interplay among such mAbs, ligands, and the downstream pharmacodynamic (PD) effects has not been well defined. Using siltuximab and interleukin-6 (IL-6) as model compounds, a pharmacokinetic (PK)/target engagement (TE) model was established via simultaneous fitting of total siltuximab, total IL-6, and free IL-6 concentration profiles following a low dose of siltuximab in cynomolgus monkeys. The model adequately captured the observed data and provided estimation of model parameters with good precision. The PK/TE model was used to predict free IL-6 profiles at higher siltuximab doses, where the accurate determination of free IL-6 concentration became technically too difficult. The measured free IL-6 levels from the low-dose groups and PK/TE model-predicted free IL-6 levels from the high-dose groups were used to drive an indirect response TE/PD model to describe the concentration–effect relationship between free IL-6 and C-reactive protein (CRP). The TE/PD model adequately captured both CRP elevation and CRP suppression in response to free IL-6 concentration change from baseline with a linear stimulation function, providing direct evidence that the PK/TE model-predicted free IL-6 levels from the high-dose groups were accurate. Overall, the results provided an integrated PK/TE/PD modeling and bioanalytical framework for prediction of efficacious dose levels and duration of action for mAbs against soluble ligands with rapid turnover.
Recent Advances in Musculoskeletal Tissue Regeneration
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 19 - Trang 1253-1254 - 2017
Aliasger K. Salem
Validation of a Ligand Binding Assay Using Dried Blood Spot Sampling
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 15 - Trang 123-131 - 2012
Daniel Burns, Laura Brunner, Surendran Rajendran, Beth Johnson, Mark Ma, Jin Wang
Dried blood spots (DBS) technology has been introduced as a microsampling alternative to traditional plasma or serum sampling for pharmacokinetics or toxicokinetics evaluation. The application of DBS has been established for many small molecule drugs at discovery, nonclinical, and clinical stages. However, the application of DBS for large molecule therapeutics development is not yet well-established. This article describes the method validation of a ligand binding assay (LBA) for DBS sampling of a therapeutic monoclonal antibody—AMG 162 (Denosumab). The original serum LBA was modified for the DBS method. A fit-for-purpose method validation was performed to evaluate accuracy and precision, selectivity, dilutional linearity, and stability. In addition, the parameters relevant to DBS, such as spot volume, extraction recovery, whole blood stability, and hematocrit effects, were evaluated. The validation results demonstrated assay robustness with inter-assay precision of ≤19%, inter-assay accuracy of ≤9%, and total error of ≤24%. Selectivity, extraction recovery, dilutional linearity, and stability were demonstrated. The validation results revealed some limitations of the possible effect of blood hematocrit on therapeutic concentration measurements and the caution required using whole blood for standards and quality controls preparation. This is the first article to describe a thorough method validation of an LBA using DBS for a therapeutic monoclonal antibody. The lessons learned can serve as a model process for future method validation of other LBAs for large molecule therapeutics or biomarkers using the DBS sampling method.
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