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Computational MathematicsApplied Mathematics

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Numerical exterior algebra and the compound matrix method
Tập 92 Số 2 - Trang 197-232 - 2002
Leanne Allen, Thomas J. Bridges
Une méthode d'approximation mixte des équations des fluides non newtoniens de troisième grade
Tập 53 - Trang 315-349 - 1988
Chérif Amrouche, Vivette Girault
L'objet de cet article consiste en une approximation d'une variante des équations de mouvement stationnaire d'un fluide incompressible de troisième grade, en dimension 2: $$\begin{gathered} - v\Delta u + rot(u - \alpha _1 \Delta u) \wedge u - (\alpha _1 + \alpha _2 )(A\Delta u + 2 div(\nabla u\nabla u^T )) \hfill \\ - \beta div(|A|^2 A) + \nabla p + \varepsilon \Delta ^2 u = f, \hfill \\ divu = 0, \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$ qui sont une généralisation des équations de Navier-Stokes. Dans une première partie, on donne une caractérisation fondamentale de l'espaceV [Hm(Ω)]n , oùV={υ∈[D(Ω)] n ], div υ=0}. On étudie ensuite, dans une seconde partie, une approximation mixte du problème linéaire associé: $$\begin{gathered} - v\Delta u + \varepsilon \Delta ^2 u + \nabla p = f, \hfill \\ div u = 0. \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$ Les résultats obtenus sont utilisés dans la dernière partie consacrée à une méthode d'approximation mixte de notre problème. La méthode de Taylor-Hood nous permet enfin d'obtenir des applications aux éléments finis de degré 2.
Linear acceleration of Picard-Lindelöf iteration
Tập 57 Số 1 - Trang 147-156 - 1990
Nevanlinna, Olavi
The possibility to accelerate the Picard-Lindelöf process by taking linear combinations of the iterates is discussed. The convergence is studied on infinitely long intervals.
Local convergence analysis for partitioned quasi-Newton updates
Tập 39 - Trang 429-448 - 1982
A. Griewank, Ph. L. Toint
This paper considers local convergence properties of inexact partitioned quasi-Newton algorithms for the solution of certain non-linear equations and, in particular, the optimization of partially separable objective functions. Using the bounded deterioration principle, one obtains local and linear convergence, which impliesQ-superlinear convergence under the usual conditions on the quasi-Newton updates. For the optimization case, these conditions are shown to be satisfied by any sequence of updates within the convex Broyden class, even if some Hessians are singular at the minimizer. Finally, local andQ-superlinear convergence is established for an inexact partitioned variable metric method under mild assumptions on the initial Hessian approximations.
Convergent numerical approximations of the thermomechanical phase transitions in shape memory alloys
Tập 58 - Trang 759-778 - 1990
Marek Niezgódka, Jürgen Sprekels
Discrete approximations are constructed to a nonlinear evolutionary system of partial differential equations arising from modelling the dynamics of solid-state phase transitions of thermomechenical nature in the case of one space dimension. The class of problems considered includes the so-called shape memory alloys, in particular. It is shown that the obtained discrete solutions converge to the solution of the original problem, and numerical simulations for the shape memory alloy Au23Cu30Zn47 demonstrate the quality of the discrete model.
On a theorem of Stein-Rosenberg type in interval analysis
Tập 50 - Trang 17-26 - 1986
Günter Mayer
In classical numerical analysis the asymptotic convergence factor (R 1-factor) of an iterative processx m+1=Axm+b coincides with the spectral radius of then×n iteration matrixA. Thus the famous Theorem of Stein and Rosenberg can at least be partly reformulated in terms of asymptotic convergence factor. Forn×n interval matricesA with irreducible upper bound and nonnegative lower bound we compare the asymptotic convergence factor (α T ) of the total step method in interval analysis with the factorα S of the corresponding single step method. We derive a result similar to that of the Theorem of Stein and Rosenberg. Furthermore we show thatα S can be less than the spectral radius of the real single step matrix corresponding to the total step matrix |A| where |A| is the absolute value ofA. This answers an old question in interval analysis.
The application of Rosenbrock-Wanner type methods with stepsize control in differential-algebraic equations
Tập 55 - Trang 545-563 - 1989
P. Rentrop, M. Roche, G. Steinebach
Two Rosenbrock-Wanner type methods for the numerical treatment of differential-algebraic equations are presented. Both methods possess a stepsize control and an index-1 monitor. The first method DAE34 is of order (3)4 and uses a full semi-implicit Rosenbrock-Wanner scheme. The second method RKF4DA is derived from the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg 4(5)-pair, where a semi-implicit Rosenbrock-Wanner method is embedded, in order to solve the nonlinear equations. The performance of both methods is discussed in artificial test problems and in technical applications.
Error estimates for interpolatory quadrature formulae
Tập 37 Số 3 - Trang 371-386 - 1981
Helmut Braß, Gerhard Schmeißer
Approximation by finite differences of the propagation of acoustic waves in stratified media
Tập 54 - Trang 655-702 - 1989
J. C. Guillot, P. Joly
In this paper, we analyze the approximation of acoustic waves in a two layered media by a finite diffrences variational scheme. We examine in particular the approximation of the guided waves. We point out the existence of purely numerical parasitic phenomena and quantify the numerical dispersion relative to guided waves.