Khám Phá Các Bất Biến Có Thể Có Trong Hệ Thống Giao Dịch Phân Tán Để Quản Lý Hệ Thống Tự Động Dịch bởi AI Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2006
Guofei Jiang, Haifeng Chen, Kenji Yoshihira
Số lượng lớn dữ liệu giám sát có thể được thu thập từ các hệ thống phân tán như là các quan sát để phân tích hành vi của hệ thống. Tuy nhiên, nếu không có các mô hình hợp lý để đặc trưng hóa các hệ thống, chúng ta khó có thể diễn giải dữ liệu giám sát một cách hiệu quả cho việc quản lý hệ thống. Trong bài báo này, một khái niệm mới mang tên cường độ dòng chảy (flow intensity) được giới thiệu để đo lường cường độ mà dữ liệu giám sát nội bộ phản ứng với khối lượng yêu cầu của người dùng trong các hệ thống giao dịch phân tán. Chúng tôi đề xuất một phương pháp mới để tự động mô hình hóa và tìm kiếm mối quan hệ giữa các cường độ dòng chảy được đo lường tại nhiều điểm khác nhau trong hệ thống. Nếu các mối quan hệ được mô hình hóa luôn đúng, chúng được coi là các bất biến của hệ thống cơ bản. Kết quả thực nghiệm từ một hệ thống thực tế cho thấy các bất biến như vậy tồn tại rộng rãi trong các hệ thống giao dịch phân tán. Hơn nữa, chúng tôi thảo luận về cách các bất biến này có thể được sử dụng để đặc trưng hóa các hệ thống phức tạp và hỗ trợ quản lý hệ thống tự động.
#Hệ thống giao dịch phân tán #cường độ dòng chảy #bất biến #quản lý hệ thống tự động #mô hình hóa.
Enhancing constrained application protocol using message options for internet of thingsSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 26 - Trang 1917-1934 - 2022
Sharu Bansal, Dilip Kumar
The request-response model for constrained devices and networks has been achieved via RESTful architecture of Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) in the Internet of Things (IoT). The latency in messages is significant in constrained networks. These latencies can be managed by introducing a mechanism for updating the client/server and network status in CoAP. This mechanism would benefit in optimizing network communication. This paper proposes a mechanism to update any latency from client/server nodes amending the existing CoAP messaging model. A few options have been proposed to the CoAP message in terms of latency-state indicator, IN/OUT timestamps, and priority, which helps implement the proposed model. These options would additionally help in improving network and client/server performance. The network performance improves as the void messages in the network would reduce. The simulation of the implemented algorithm has shown a significant improvement in terms of the network’s latency, message priority, and node status.
Performance of spectrum sharing cognitive radio network based on MIMO MC-CDMA system for medical image transmissionSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 22 - Trang 7705-7712 - 2017
B. Rammyaa, K. S. Vishvaksenan, Sumathi Poobal
Cognitive radio (CR) is a futuristic technology which efficiently uses the underutilized TV band spectrum for mobile communication. The spectrum scarcity issue, mobile traffic due to ever-increasing number of clients utilizing the same spectrum and interference problems will be efficiently handled by CR networks. In this paper, we employ CR spectrum for safe transmission of medical reports consisting of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanned images. An effective image encryption algorithm named Arnold cat-map (ACM) transform is used in order to prevent unauthorized alterations in the MRI scanned image by any un-authenticated personnel. Further, we upgrade the resolution of the MRI scanned image by super-resoluting it by SPARSE super-resolution technique. Furthermore, we analyze the transmission of MRI scanned image by considering turbo code as channel encoder. We incorporate space time block code (STBC) as multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) profile due to its supremacy in spatial diversity and code division multiple access (CDMA) for simultaneous data transmission to numerous users, for transmission of the MRI scanned report. We utilize CR sub-band frequency to realize multi-carrier (MC) communication and to generate orthogonal spread-spectrum. Furthermore, we also analyse the error rate performance of the system for various Stanford University Interim (SUI) channel models. Finally, from the simulations we divulge that CR defined MIMO MC-CDMA system obtain MRI image with enhanced resolution and upgraded privacy when communicating through realistic channel model specifications.
Hybrid SFLA-GA algorithm for an optimal resource allocation in cloudSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2018
S. Kayalvili, M. Selvam
The cloud computing is a type of computing model which in the recent years has acquired attention due to its varied application and ease of use. It is a convenient and quick way of accessing shared resources at any time and at any place by means of using internet which is realized effectively for sharing of software and hardware resources. For managing the cloud resource and dynamic configuration for all types of underlying hardware resources that are comprised in virtualization technology to provide services to users with virtual machines (VM) as the basic unit, a key role is played by virtualization technology. Optimizing the objective in satisfying the constraint, the purpose of deploying VM is to realize the ideal outcome by altering the layout as well as the placement of all the VM. The allocation of the cloud resources to that of the user based on the request is a problem that is NP Hard. Heuristic methods are utilized for optimizing the resource allocation. The shuffled frog leaping algorithm (SFLA) has the benefit of easier implementation and high speed convergence with the capability of having global optimization and are used widely in various areas. The Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are the iterative stochastic optimization based methods that are based on the natural selection principles and their evolution. For this work, there is a hybrid SFLA-GA used for obtaining the allocation of optimal resources in the cloud computing.
An efficient cloud resource exchange model based on the double auction and evolutionary game theorySpringer Science and Business Media LLC - - Trang 1-17 - 2023
Mohammad Hossein Ghasemian Koochaksaraei, Abolfazl Toroghi Haghighat, Mohammad Hossein Rezvani
One of the most well-known ways for cloud service providers (CSPs) to satisfy customers and reduce SLA violations is to offer resources through an auction market. In previous research based on classical games, the CSP has been considered as a player. A drawback of this type of modeling is that it is not scalable as the number of CSPs increases. In this paper, we use the combination of barter and evolutionary game theory to model the exchange of VM instances among CSPs. First, each CSP estimates the free and used resources. Then, according to the estimated valuation, the CSP announces its bid as a strategy to the auctioneer. We use evolutionary game theory to update the strategy of CSPs and increase their winning probability. The proposed method does not require any monetary exchange or registration of separate contracts between CSPs. In case of an SLA violation, a CSP can reclaim its rented resources from the other party. Moreover, since the violation of the agreement is costly for the violating party, the motivation for cooperation between CSPs increases. The simulation results show that the proposed model can lead to a 5% improvement in social welfare compared to the state-of-the-art barter double auction methods. Moreover, in addition to increasing the payoff of CSPs, it reduces the number of contracts by 3%.
Security aware dynamic scheduling algorithm (SADSA) for real-time applications on gridSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 23 - Trang 989-1005 - 2019
Surendra Singh, Suvadip Batabyal, Sachin Tripathi
Security is a major concern of modern real-time applications, besides requiring stringent latency bound. However, encryption algorithms are computation intensive task which impacts the timeliness of the real-time applications. Therefore, there exists a trade-off between the desired level of security and the service guarantee. In this paper, we propose a security-aware dynamic scheduling algorithm (SADSA) using a grid of computational elements (CEs) which performs this trade-off and tries to maximize the instantaneous average security level of the packets besides providing a guaranteed service. As packets arrive, we first assign them to the CEs based on the utilization value of a CE, which is the ratio of completion time and a deadline of the last packet in a CE. The security level of all the packets is then dynamically adjusted to meet the minimum required security level while maximizing the average security level of all the packets in that CE. We first show that the proposed assignment algorithm is NP-hard, is 2-competitive to the optimal solution, and that the proposed algorithm provides a sub-optimal solution. Further, using extensive simulation, we show that the proposed SADSA algorithm performs better in terms of guarantee ratio, average security level and overall performance compared to the existing algorithms.
Energy efficient offloading scheme for MEC-based augmented reality systemSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 26 - Trang 789-806 - 2023
Abdelhamied A. Ateya, Ammar Muthanna, Andrey Koucheryavy, Yassine Maleh, Ahmed A. Abd El-Latif
Augmented reality (AR) is a recent communication paradigm that is considered one of the primary functions of the fifth-generation cellular system (5G). AR is one of the ultra-reliable low latency communications since it requires a total delay of about 5 ms for AR applications. Since mobile devices are battery-operated and have many limitations in computing resources, i.e., processing, storage, and energy, computing tasks associated with mobile AR applications have to be offloaded to nearby devices with sufficient computing resources. To this end, this paper provides a system structure for mobile AR and web-based AR applications; based on the modified multi-level mobile edge computing system (MM-MEC). Furthermore, the required offloading algorithms for managing data offloading from mobile devices to edge servers are introduced. The algorithms are latency and energy-aware, as the selection of the executing device for the AR computing tasks achieves the highest energy and latency efficiency. The proposed structure and offloading techniques have been validated through simulation processes. The developed framework and the proposed offloading schemes have been simulated over a reliable environment for various simulation The suggested system and its offloading methods were simulated in a dependable environment for a number of simulation situations.
Cluster-based distributed architecture for prediction of student’s performance in higher educationSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 22 - Trang 1329-1344 - 2018
L. Ramanathan, G. Parthasarathy, K. Vijayakumar, L. Lakshmanan, S. Ramani
Educational data mining (EDM) has emerged as a research area in recent years for researchers all over the world from different and related research areas. The EDM obtained knowledge can be used to offer suggestions to the academic planners in higher education institutes to enhance their decision-making process. Literature has suggested various prediction models for predicting the student’s performance. This work proposes the cluster based distributed architecture for predicting the student’s performance. The proposed cluster-based distributed architecture performs the prediction with clustering through Bayesian fuzzy clustering, feature extraction through Kernel-based principal component analysis, and prediction through the proposed Lion–Wolf based deep belief network (LW-DBN). The proposed architecture uses the LW algorithm to find the optimal weights for the DBN. The experimentation of the proposed work is done by collecting a real-time database and measuring the prediction performance through the mean square error (MSE) and root MSE (RMSE). The proposed LW-DBN model has achieved lower error performance than other models with MSE and RMSE values of 0.222606 and 0.050435, for the database.
Transforming online voting: a novel system utilizing blockchain and biometric verification for enhanced security, privacy, and transparencySpringer Science and Business Media LLC -
Md Jobair Hossain Faruk, Fazlul Alam, Mazharul Islam, Akond Rahman
AbstractAs a cornerstone of democratic governance, elections hold unparalleled significance, shaping a nation’s trajectory. However, the prevailing ballot-paper based voting systems continue to face trust issues among significant populations. As a result, e-Voting has emerged as an appealing alternative, with numerous countries opting for its implementation globally. While e-Voting systems offer several advantages, they also come with their own set of challenges. Even a minor vulnerability can lead to massive manipulations in voting results. In recent years, there have been efforts to revolutionize the e-Voting paradigm by harnessing the potential of emerging technologies such as biometrics and blockchain. This paper proposes a Internet-based voting that adopts blockchain technology and biometric identification techniques. We use biometric modalities, such as fingerprint and facial recognition, for voter authentication while leveraging Hyperledger Fabric framework as blockchain network and ensuring a secure, transparent, and tamper-evident voting record. We demonstrate the proposed system with 100 participants in a preset environment where we collect the biometrics data. The results indicate that 87% of participants successfully registered with biometrics, while 88% cast their votes with a combination of either voter ID and fingerprint or voter ID with facial recognition. Our findings suggest that the proposed system allows voters to access the system seamlessly and automate identity verification procedures while ensuring a secure, decentralized, and distributed database network that maintains transparency. Future research shall be carried out in collaboration with election officials and voters to improve the system in real-world scenarios.