Software & Systems Modeling




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Springer Verlag , Springer Heidelberg

Lĩnh vực:
SoftwareModeling and Simulation

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Model-driven optimal resource scaling in cloud
Tập 17 - Trang 509-526 - 2017
Anshul Gandhi, Parijat Dube, Alexei Karve, Andrzej Kochut, Li Zhang
Cloud computing offers the flexibility to dynamically size the infrastructure in response to changes in workload demand. While both horizontal scaling and vertical scaling of infrastructure are supported by major cloud providers, these scaling options differ significantly in terms of their cost, provisioning time, and their impact on workload performance. Importantly, the efficacy of horizontal and vertical scaling critically depends on the workload characteristics, such as the workload’s parallelizability and its core scalability. In today’s cloud systems, the scaling decision is left to the users, requiring them to fully understand the trade-offs associated with the different scaling options. In this paper, we present our solution for optimizing the resource scaling of cloud deployments via implementation in OpenStack. The key component of our solution is the modeling engine that characterizes the workload and then quantitatively evaluates different scaling options for that workload. Our modeling engine leverages Amdahl’s Law to model service timescaling in scale-up environments and queueing-theoretic concepts to model performance scaling in scale-out environments. We further employ Kalman filtering to account for inaccuracies in the model-based methodology and to dynamically track changes in the workload and cloud environment.
The evolution of modeling research challenges
Tập 12 - Trang 223-225 - 2013
Robert France, Bernhard Rumpe
Foundations of information technology based on Bunge’s systemist philosophy of reality
Tập 20 - Trang 921-938 - 2021
Roman Lukyanenko, Veda C. Storey, Oscar Pastor
General ontology is a prominent theoretical foundation for information technology analysis, design, and development. Ontology is a branch of philosophy which studies what exists in reality. A widely used ontology in information systems, especially for conceptual modeling, is the BWW (Bunge–Wand–Weber), which is based on ideas of the philosopher and physicist Mario Bunge, as synthesized by Wand and Weber. The ontology was founded on an early subset of Bunge’s philosophy; however, many of Bunge’s ideas have evolved since then. An important question, therefore, is: do the more recent ideas expressed by Bunge call for a new ontology? In this paper, we conduct an analysis of Bunge’s earlier and more recent works to address this question. We present a new ontology based on Bunge’s later and broader works, which we refer to as Bunge’s Systemist Ontology (BSO). We then compare BSO to the constructs of BWW. The comparison reveals both considerable overlap between BSO and BWW, as well as substantial differences. From this comparison and the initial exposition of BSO, we provide suggestions for further ontology studies and identify research questions that could provide a fruitful agenda for future scholarship in conceptual modeling and other areas of information technology.
Counterexample classification
- Trang 1-18 - 2023
Cole Vick, Eunsuk Kang, Stavros Tripakis
In model checking, when a model fails to satisfy the desired specification, a typical model checker provides a counterexample that illustrates how the violation occurs. In general, there exist many diverse counterexamples that exhibit distinct violating behaviors, which the user may wish to examine before deciding how to repair the model. Unfortunately, (1) the number of counterexamples may be too large to enumerate one by one, and (2) many of these counterexamples are redundant, in that they describe the same type of violating behavior. In this paper, we propose a technique called counterexample classification. The goal of classification is to cover the space of all counterexamples into a finite set of counterexample classes, each of which describes a distinct type of violating behavior for the given specification. These classes are then presented as a summary of possible violating behaviors in the system, freeing the user from manually having to inspect or analyze numerous counterexamples to extract the same information. We have implemented a prototype of our technique on top of an existing formal modeling and verification tool, the Alloy Analyzer, and evaluated the effectiveness of the technique on case studies involving the well-known Needham–Schroeder and TCP protocols with promising results.
Tradeoffs in modeling performance of highly configurable software systems
- 2019
Sergiy S. Kolesnikov, Norbert Siegmund, Christian Kästner, Alexander Grebhahn, Sven Apel
Personal programming and the object computer
Tập 19 Số 4 - Trang 787-824 - 2020
Trygve Reenskaug
AbstractMy objective is to create an intuitive computer for laypeople who want to go beyond ready-made apps and create programs to control their electronic environment. I submit Loke, a new kind of computer that is a universe of objects and nothing but objects. I call it an object computer. Loke is implemented in Squeak, a variant of Smalltalk, and is an extensible, conceptual model for execution, inspection, and exploration. It was first used to demonstrate how Ellen, a novice, programs a smart alarm clock through a GUI adapted to her competence, needs, and preferences. Informal demonstrations indicated that laypeople immediately grasp the idea of communicating objects that represent real things in their environment. They also wanted to use it for their own purposes. They were creative in identifying personal opportunities for Loke and in sketching out their implementations. Interestingly, expert programmers who attended the demonstration did not see the point of Loke. I have completed the programming of Loke qua conceptual model. The model underpins its potential security and privacy and sustains its object and message models. The Loke qua programming environment is still in its infancy, and its inherent security and privacy properties are still not realized in practice. A future Loke device will be accessible from anywhere and embedded in its own hardware to achieve them. The Loke IDE rests on Data–Context–Interaction (DCI), a new programming paradigm that leads to readable code with a clear architecture. I submit Loke for the pleasure of personal programming.
Experience with model-based performance, reliability, and adaptability assessment of a complex industrial architecture
Tập 12 - Trang 765-787 - 2012
Daniel Dominguez Gouvêa, Cyro de A. Assis D. Muniz, Gilson A. Pinto, Alberto Avritzer, Rosa Maria Meri Leão, Edmundo de Souza e Silva, Morganna Carmem Diniz, Vittorio Cortellessa, Luca Berardinelli, Julius C. B. Leite, Daniel Mossé, Yuanfang Cai, Michael Dalton, Lucia Happe, Anne Koziolek
In this paper, we report on our experience with the application of validated models to assess performance, reliability, and adaptability of a complex mission critical system that is being developed to dynamically monitor and control the position of an oil-drilling platform. We present real-time modeling results that show that all tasks are schedulable. We performed stochastic analysis of the distribution of task execution time as a function of the number of system interfaces. We report on the variability of task execution times for the expected system configurations. In addition, we have executed a system library for an important task inside the performance model simulator. We report on the measured algorithm convergence as a function of the number of vessel thrusters. We have also studied the system architecture adaptability by comparing the documented system architecture and the implemented source code. We report on the adaptability findings and the recommendations we were able to provide to the system’s architect. Finally, we have developed models of hardware and software reliability. We report on hardware and software reliability results based on the evaluation of the system architecture.
Editorial to the theme issue on model-driven service engineering
Tập 13 - Trang 459-460 - 2013
Juan Manuel Vara, Mike Papazoglou, Il-Yeol Song
Research software engineering and the importance of scientific models
Tập 22 - Trang 1081-1083 - 2023
Benoit Combemale, Jeff Gray, Bernhard Rumpe
CMMN evaluation: the modelers’ perceptions of the main notation elements
- 2021
Ioannis Routis, Cleopatra Bardaki, Γεωργία Δέδε, Μάρα Νικολαϊδου, Thomas Kamalakis, Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos