Sedimentary Geology

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Sắp xếp:  
Ediacaran stromatolites and intertidal phosphorite of the Salitre Formation, Brazil: Phosphogenesis during the Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event
Sedimentary Geology - Tập 350 - Trang 55-71 - 2017
R.A. Caird, P.K. Pufahl, E.E. Hiatt, M.B. Abram, A.J.D. Rocha, T.K. Kyser
Aeolian dune interactions preserved in the ancient rock record
Sedimentary Geology - Tập 358 - Trang 187-196 - 2017
Mackenzie Day, Gary Kocurek
Depositional model and stratigraphic architecture of rift climax Gilbert-type fan deltas (Gulf of Corinth, Greece)
Sedimentary Geology - Tập 210 - Trang 132-145 - 2008
Sébastien Rohais, Rémi Eschard, François Guillocheau
Clay sedimentation in the Japan Sea since the Early Miocene: influence of source-rock and hydrothermal activity
Sedimentary Geology - Tập 80 - Trang 27-40 - 1992
N. Fagel, L. André, H. Chamley, P. Debrabant, L. Jolivet
Tectonic control on fluvial styles: the Balfour Formation of the Karoo Basin, South Africa
Sedimentary Geology - Tập 140 - Trang 291-313 - 2001
Octavian Catuneanu, Henry N Elango
Re-examining models of shallow-water deltas: Insights from tank experiments and field examples
Sedimentary Geology - Tập 421 - Trang 105962 - 2021
Jutta Winsemann, Jörg Lang, Juan J. Fedele, Carlos Zavala, David C.J.D. Hoyal
Signatures of climate vs. sea-level change within incised valley-fill successions: Quaternary examples from the Texas GULF Coast
Sedimentary Geology - Tập 190 - Trang 177-211 - 2006
Michael D. Blum, Andres Aslan
The Table Rocks Sandstone: A fluvial, friction-dominated lobate mouth bar sandbody in the Westphalian B Coal Measures, NE England
Sedimentary Geology - Tập 190 - Trang 97-119 - 2006
Brian R. Turner, Gillian N. Tester
The magnetic fabric of the Ždánice thrust sheet of the flysch belt of the west Carpathians: Sedimentological and tectonic implications
Sedimentary Geology - Tập 45 - Trang 125-145 - 1985
František Hrouda, Zdeněk Stráník
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