
Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences




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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Net ecosystem CO2 exchange and controlling factors in a steppe—Kobresia meadow on the Tibetan Plateau
Tập 49 Số S2 - Trang 207-218 - 2006
Peili Shi, Xiaomin Sun, Lingling Xu, Xianzhou Zhang, Yongtao He, Dongqiu Zhang, Guirui Yu
Zircon Senstive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) study of granitoid intrusions in Zhaoye Gold Belt of Shandong Province and its implication
Tập 40 Số 4 - Trang 361-369 - 1997
Laicheng Miao, Zhenkuan Luo, Jiazhan Huang, Kang Guan, G. L. Wang, J. N. Mcnaughton, I. D. Groves
LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating and phenocryst EPMA of dikes, Guocheng, Jiaodong Peninsula: Implications for North China Craton lithosphere evolution
Tập 51 Số 10 - Trang 1483-1500 - 2008
Jun Jie Tan, Junhao Wei, Lingli Guo, Keqing Zhang, Chunliang Yao, LU Jian-pei, Hongmei Li
The lacustrine sedimentary records of coal-burning atmospheric pollution
Tập 48 - Trang 1740-1746 - 2005
Yunfei Wang, Shouyun Hu, Yuxin Zhu, Yu Yin, Wangping Zhou, E. Appel, V. Hoffmann
Based on the studies on diatom, ostracods and magnetism on a core acquired from lacustrine sediments, as well as correlation analysis between concentration of acid diatom and the instantaneous lowest pH value, the processes of environment evolution in Lake Yangzonghai were reconstructed. The lacustrine environment was favorable in the 1950s, and began to be polluted by a coal-burning power plant since 1960. During 1965–1980, the instantaneous lowest pH value of lake water decreased to 5–6 when heavily polluted. There was a decrease trend in the pollution from 1983 to 1999, but coal-burning atmospheric pollution was still a main problem for environmental retrieving. As acid precipitated, acid-tolerant species overspread, and shellfish disappeared, as well as ferromagnetic particulates dissolved because of the consequent change of pH-Eh values in the interface of water and soil, which results in the change of environmental proxies versus depth. Thus, the environmental evolution of Lake Yangzonghai is reconstructed in this paper based on the inferences mentioned above.
Lithology, kinematics and geochronology related to Late Mesozoic basin-mountain evolution in the Nanxiong-Zhuguang area, South China
Tập 47 - Trang 673-688 - 2004
Liangshu Shu, Ping Deng, Bin Wang, Zhengzhong Tan, Xinqi Yu, Yan Sun
The Nanxiong red-bed basin and its adjacent Zhuguang granite form a distinctive basin-mountain landform in the Nanling region, South China. Research results suggest that the Zhuguang granite is a polyphase composite pluton developed on the metamorphic basement of the paleo-Tethys-paleo-Asian tectonic regime and possesses geometrical and kinematic features of hot-doming extensional tectonics at the middle-upper crustal level, which is considered as a magmatic complex that resulted from the collision-orogeny during the Indosinian Period, the subduction-consuming during the Early Yanshanian Period and the intra-continental basaltic underplating and deep-seated geodynamics during the Late Yanshanian Period. The Nanxiong basin is a Late Cretaceous-Paleogene asymmetric faulted basin that is characterized by a fault boundary on the northern side and an uncomformable boundary on the southern side, its deposit center was migrated gradually from south to north. Structural kinematic results on the basin-mountain coupled zone demonstrate that the ductile and the brittle rheological layers show a quite coincident sense of shear, implying that it is a continuous process from the ductile extensional deformation followed by locally sinistral strike-slip shear at a middle-crustal level to the brittle tensional deformation at a upper-crustal level during formation of granitic doming extensional tectonics. The Zhuguang granite and the Nanxiong faulted basin constructed a semi-graben tectonic system. Lithological and geochemical results suggest that the Late Triassic to Jurassic granitic bodies in the Zhuguang have some similar features: high SiO2, Al2O3, K2O contents, alkalinity index > 2.8, ANKC value > 1.1, LREE-enriched pattern with high REE contents, marked negative Eu anomalies, enrichment in Rb and Th, depletion in Ba and Nb, showing a K-rich and Al-rich calc-alkaline affinity, which suggest a continuous magmatic evolution from Late Triassic to Jurassic. Formation of Nanxiong basin and evolution of basin-mountain system were controlled both by the Zhuguang granitic-doming and the regional extensional tectonics. Development of the olivine basalt in the basin suggests that tension action was very strong during lava eruption. The magma-type zircon grains of basalt from the Nanxiong basin yielded the SHRIMP age of 96±1Ma, providing reliable geochronological constraint on the tectono-thermal event and basin-mountain evolution in the Nanling region, South China.
Potential effect of sedimentary iron-phosphorus accumulation on frequent algal bloom in the Pearl River Estuary
Tập 50 - Trang 453-461 - 2007
HuanXin Weng, XiangWei Sun, JingFeng Chen, JianFang Chen, LiHong Chen, XiangHua Chen, YaChao Qin
Based on laboratory culture of harmful alga on iron and phosphorus uptake, and the study of accumulation of iron-phosphorus in cores and release of iron and phosphorus from surficial sediments collected in the Pearl River Estuary, the reasons of the high frequency of phytoplankton bloom therein are discussed. The results show that Fe starvation can make algal growth rate slow down and the peak of cell number decrease. Fe and P contents in algal cell bear a significant correlation and the molar ratio of P:Fe is ∼356:1, suggesting that algal uptake of Fe and P is synergistic. Total Fe and total P in sediments are positively correlated and Fe-P is the main species of inorganic sedimentary P. Through continuous leaching with agitation, 34.26%–80.21% of exchangeable P and 4.04%–22.52% of exchangeable Fe are released from surficial sediments, implying that the accumulation of Fe-P in sediments is available for providing nutrients (P and essential Fe) for the demand of phytoplankton bloom. These factors might be responsible for a higher frequency of red tides than other marine regions.
Strontium isotope geochemistry of the Lemachang independent silver ore deposit, northeastern Yunnan, China
Tập 43 Số 4 - Trang 337-346 - 2000
Hui‐Xiong Deng, Chaoyang Li, Guangzhi Tu, Yang Zhang, Chongwu Wang
Conduit system and formation mechanism of heat fluids in diapiric belt of Yinggehai basin, China
Tập 42 - Trang 561-571 - 1999
Xinong Xie, Sitian Li, Xiangyun Hu, Weiliang Dong, Minqiang Zhang
The conduit system of heat fluids in diapiric belt of Yinggehai basin is dominantly vertical faults and fractures. Detailed research on the formation mechanism and their occurrence features shows that the faults and fractures can be classified into three types: intrastratal dispersive hydrofracture, puncturing fault and upwarping-extensional fault. The development of the fault and fracture system not only resulted in the changes of the temperature and pressure fields in the basin, but also affected the hydrocarbon migration in the overpressured system. These faults and fractures constituted the main pathways for vertical hydrocarbon migration, and opening and closing intermittently led to episodic expulsion of overpressured fluid compartment. Thus there formed the pool-forming model of multi-source mixing and ploy-stage migration and accumulation for hydrocarbons in the Yinggehai basin.