
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)




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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Cyclopropylmethyl compounds as probes of the mechanism of hydrogen transfer by NAD(H) and alcohol dehydrogenase
Số 2 - Trang 121 - 1982
Iain MacInnes, D. C. Nonhebel, Stefan T. Orszulik, Colin J. Suckling
Iminium ion route to azomethine yields from primary and secondary amines
Số 8 - Trang 602 - 1986
Harriet Ardill, Ronald Grigg, Visuvanathar Sridharan, Sivaguanasundram Surendrakumar, S. THIANPATANAGUL, Saratoon Kanajun
The decarboxylative route to azomethine ylides. Mechanism of 1,3-dipole formation
Số 2 - Trang 49 - 1987
Ronald Grigg, Jonathan Idle, Peter McMeekin, David Vipond
The decarboxylative route to azomethine ylides. Stereochemistry of 1,3-dipole formation
Số 2 - Trang 47 - 1987
Ronald Grigg, Sivagnanasundram Surendrakumar, S. THIANPATANAGUL, David Vipond
Cycloaddition reaction relevant to the mechanism of the ninhydrin reaction. X-Ray crystal structure of protonated Ruhemann's purple, a stable 1,3-dipole
Số 5 - Trang 421 - 1986
Ronald Grigg, John F. Malone, Theeravat Mongkolaussavaratana, S. THIANPATANAGUL
Intramolecular alkoxycobaltation: a novel route to the cobalt–carbon bond in a coenzyme B<sub>12</sub>model
Số 10 - Trang 832-834
Irene E. Kingma, Marten Wiersma, J. L. VAN DER BAAN, S. Balt, F. Matthias Bickelhaupt, M. W. G. De Bolster, G. W. Klumpp, Anthony L. Spek
Detection of superacidity on solid superacids; a new approach
Số 20 - Trang 1479 - 1992
Chun‐Ping Lin, Chao‐Yang Hsu