Publications Mathématiques de l'Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques

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On Stably Free Modules over Affine Algebras
Publications Mathématiques de l'Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques - Tập 116 - Trang 223-243 - 2012
J. Fasel, R. A. Rao, R. G. Swan
If X is a smooth affine variety of dimension d over an algebraically closed field k, and if (d−1)!∈k × then any stably trivial vector bundle of rank (d−1) over X is trivial. The hypothesis that X is smooth can be weakened to X is normal if d≥4.
Singularities of solutions of time dependent Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Applications to Riemannian geometry
Publications Mathématiques de l'Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques - Tập 133 - Trang 327-366 - 2021
Piermarco Cannarsa, Wei Cheng, Albert Fathi
If $U:[0,+\infty [\times M$ is a uniformly continuous viscosity solution of the evolution Hamilton-Jacobi equation $$ \partial _{t}U+ H(x,\partial _{x}U)=0, $$ where $M$ is a not necessarily compact manifold, and $H$ is a Tonelli Hamiltonian, we prove the set $\Sigma (U)$ , of points in $]0,+\infty [\times M$ where $U$ is not differentiable, is locally contractible. Moreover, we study the homotopy type of $\Sigma (U)$ . We also give an application to the singularities of the distance function to a closed subset of a complete Riemannian manifold.
Cohomology of finite groups of lie type, I
Publications Mathématiques de l'Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques - - 1975
Edward Cline, Brian Parshall, Leonard L. Scott
Erratum to: Carleman estimates for the laplace-beltrami equation on complex manifolds
Publications Mathématiques de l'Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques - Tập 27 - Trang 153-155 - 1965
Aldo Andreotti, Edoardo Vesentini
The chameleon groups of Richard J. Thompson: Automorphisms and dynamics
Publications Mathématiques de l'Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques - Tập 84 Số 1 - Trang 5-33 - 1996
Matthew G. Brin
Transformation De Fourier Constantes D’Équations Fonctionnelles Et Conjecture De Weil
Publications Mathématiques de l'Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques - Tập 65 - Trang 131-210 - 1987
G. Laumon
Periods of integrals on algebraic manifolds, III (some global differential-geometric properties of the period mapping)
Publications Mathématiques de l'Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques - Tập 38 - Trang 125-180 - 1970
Phillip A. Griffiths
Reduced power operations in motivic cohomology
Publications Mathématiques de l'Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques - Tập 98 - Trang 1-57 - 2003
Vladimir Voevodsky
Résumé du Mémoire Précédent
Publications Mathématiques de l'Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques - Tập 18 - Trang 93-95 - 1963
Algebraic K-theory and crystalline cohomology
Publications Mathématiques de l'Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques - Tập 47 - Trang 188-268 - 1977
Spencer Bloch
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