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A strong true-score theory, with applications
Psychometrika - Tập 30 - Trang 239-270 - 1965
Frederic M. Lord
A “strong” mathematical model for the relation between observed scores and true scores is developed. This model can be used The model has been tested empirically, using it to estimate bivariate distributions from univariate distributions, with good results, as checked by chi-square tests.
The relation of the reliability of multiple-choice tests to the distribution of item difficulties
Psychometrika - Tập 17 - Trang 181-194 - 1952
Frederic M. Lord
Under certain assumptions an expression, in terms of item difficulties and intercorrelations, is derived for the curvilinear correlation of test score on the “ability underlying the test,” this ability being defined as the common factor of the item tetrachoric intercorrelations corrected for guessing. It is shown that this curvilinear correlation is equal to the square root of the test reliability. Numerical values for these curvilinear correlations are presented for a number of hypothetical tests, defined in terms of their item parameters. These numerical results indicate that the reliability and the curvilinear correlation will be maximized by (1) minimizing the variability of item difficulty and (2) making the level of item difficulty somewhat easier than the halfway point between a chance percentage of correct answers and 100 per cent correct answers.
The unique correspondence of the item response function and item category response functions in polytomously scored item response models
Psychometrika - Tập 59 Số 3 - Trang 391-404 - 1994
Hua‐Hua Chang, John Mazzeo
A Restricted Four-Parameter IRT Model: The Dyad Four-Parameter Normal Ogive (Dyad-4PNO) Model
Psychometrika - Tập 85 Số 3 - Trang 575-599 - 2020
Justin L. Kern, Steven Andrew Culpepper
The Heterogeneous P-Median Problem for Categorization Based Clustering
Psychometrika - Tập 77 - Trang 741-762 - 2012
Simon J. Blanchard, Daniel Aloise, Wayne S. DeSarbo
The p-median offers an alternative to centroid-based clustering algorithms for identifying unobserved categories. However, existing p-median formulations typically require data aggregation into a single proximity matrix, resulting in masked respondent heterogeneity. A proposed three-way formulation of the p-median problem explicitly considers heterogeneity by identifying groups of individual respondents that perceive similar category structures. Three proposed heuristics for the heterogeneous p-median (HPM) are developed and then illustrated in a consumer psychology context using a sample of undergraduate students who performed a sorting task of major U.S. retailers, as well as a through Monte Carlo analysis.
An empirical study of the effect of heterogeneous within-groups variance upon certainF-tests of significance in analysis of variance
Psychometrika - Tập 5 - Trang 263-274 - 1940
R. H. Godard, E. F. Lindquist
In the application of the analysis of variance to data obtained in educational methods experiments which involve several classes of several schools, one assumption is that of homogeneity in the variances of pupil scores from school to school. It is shown that such variances on representative educational achievement tests are heterogeneous. The effects of this heterogeneity upon theF-tests of significance commonly employed in methods experiments are investigated by comparing the actual distribution ofF values for a large number of “experiments” involving marked heterogeneity with a theoretical distribution based on the assumption of homogeneity. Although the findings, which vary somewhat with the type of variance ratio, are not entirely conclusive, they apparently demonstrate that departure from homogeneity does not invalidate the use of the customaryF-tests for evaluating results of the typical methods experiment.
An Exact Method for Partitioning Dichotomous Items Within the Framework of the Monotone Homogeneity Model
Psychometrika - Tập 80 - Trang 949-967 - 2015
Michael J. Brusco, Hans-Friedrich Köhn, Douglas Steinley
The monotone homogeneity model (MHM—also known as the unidimensional monotone latent variable model) is a nonparametric IRT formulation that provides the underpinning for partitioning a collection of dichotomous items to form scales. Ellis (Psychometrika 79:303–316, 2014, doi: 10.1007/s11336-013-9341-5 ) has recently derived inequalities that are implied by the MHM, yet require only the bivariate (inter-item) correlations. In this paper, we incorporate these inequalities within a mathematical programming formulation for partitioning a set of dichotomous scale items. The objective criterion of the partitioning model is to produce clusters of maximum cardinality. The formulation is a binary integer linear program that can be solved exactly using commercial mathematical programming software. However, we have also developed a standalone branch-and-bound algorithm that produces globally optimal solutions. Simulation results and a numerical example are provided to demonstrate the proposed method.
A new algorithm for the least-squares solution in factor analysis
Psychometrika - Tập 48 - Trang 597-605 - 1983
Masashi Okamoto, Masamori Ihara
A new algorithm to obtain the least-squares or MINRES solution in common factor analysis is presented. It is based on the up-and-down Marquardt algorithm developed by the present authors for a general nonlinear least-squares problem. Experiments with some numerical models and some empirical data sets showed that the algorithm worked nicely and that SMC (Squared Multiple Correlation) performed best among four sets of initial values for common variances but that the solution might sometimes be very sensitive to fluctuations in the sample covariance matrix.
Program of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society
Psychometrika - Tập 62 - Trang 599-602 - 1997
An alternating least squares method for the weighted approximation of a symmetric matrix
Psychometrika - Tập 58 - Trang 115-118 - 1993
Jos M. F. Berge, Henk A. L. Kiers
Bailey and Gower examined the least squares approximationC to a symmetric matrixB, when the squared discrepancies for diagonal elements receive specific nonunit weights. They focussed on mathematical properties of the optimalC, in constrained and unconstrained cases, rather than on how to obtainC for any givenB. In the present paper a computational solution is given for the case whereC is constrained to be positive semidefinite and of a fixed rankr or less. The solution is based on weakly constrained linear regression analysis.
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