Polymer Engineering and Science





Cơ quản chủ quản:  WILEY , John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Lĩnh vực:
Polymers and PlasticsMaterials ChemistryChemistry (miscellaneous)

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

The Halpin‐Tsai equations: A review
Tập 16 Số 5 - Trang 344-352 - 1976
J. C. Halpin Affdl, J. L. Kardos

The Halpin‐Tsai equations are based upon the “self‐consistent micromechanics method” developed by Hill. Hermans employed this model to obtain a solution in terms of Hill's “reduced moduli”. Halpin and Tsai have reduced Hermans' solution to a simpler analytical form and extended its use for a variety of filament geometries. The development of these micromechanic's relationships, which form the operational bases for the coniposite analogy of Halpin and Kardos for semi‐crystalline polymers, are reviewed herein.

A method for estimating both the solubility parameters and molar volumes of liquids
Tập 14 Số 2 - Trang 147-154 - 1974
R. F. Fedors

The solubility parameters and molar volumes of substances can be used, in conjunction with suitable theory, to provide estimates of the thermodynamic properties of solutions; the solubility characteristics of polymer‐solvent systems and the estimation of the equilibrium uptake of liquids by polymers are examples of the type of practical problems that are amenable to treatment.

For low molecular weight liquids, the solubility parameter, δ, is conveniently calculated using the expression δ = (ΔEv/V)½, where ΔEv is the energy of vaporization at a given temperature and V is the corresponding molar volume which is calculated from the known values of molecular weight and density.

For high molecular weight polymers, the volatility is much too low for ΔEv to be obtained directly and hence recourse must be made to indirect methods for estimating δ for these materials. One such widely used method is based on Small's additive group “molar‐attraction constants” which when summed allow the estimation of δ from a knowledge of the structural formula of the material; however, the density must still be determined experimentally.

The proposed method of estimating δ, also based on group additive constants is believed to be superior to Small's method for two reasons: (1) the contribution of a much larger number of functional groups have been evaluated, and (2) the method requires only a knowledge of the structural formula of the compound.

On the characterization of nonlinear viscoelastic materials
Tập 9 Số 4 - Trang 295-310 - 1969
R. A. Schapery

Starting with specific constitutive equations, methods of evaluating material properties from experimental data are outlined and then illustrated for some polymeric materials; these equations have been derived from thermodynamic principles, and are very similar to the Boltzmann superposition integral form of linear theory. The experimental basis for two equations under uniaxial loading and the influence of environmental factors on the properties are first examined. It is then shown that creep and recovery data can be conveiently used to evaluate properties in one equation, while two‐step relaxation data serve the same purpose for the second equation. Methods of reducing data to accomplish this characterization and to determine the accuracy of the theory are illustrated using existing data on nitrocellulose film, fiber‐reinforced phenolic resin, and polyisobutylene. Finally, a set of three‐dimensional constitutive equations is proposed which is consistent with nonlinear behavior of some metals and plastics, and which enables all properties to be evaluated from uniaxial creep and recovery data.

Nonisothermal melt and cold crystallization kinetics of poly(aryl ether ether ketone ketone)
Tập 37 Số 3 - Trang 568-575 - 1997
Tianxi Liu, Zhishen Mo, Shanger Wang, Hongfang Zhang

Analysis of the nonisothermal melt and cold crystallization kinetics of poly(aryl ether ether ketone ketone) (PEEKK) was performed by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The Avrami equation modified by Jeziorny could describe only the primary stage of nonisothermal crystallization of PEEKK. And, the Ozawa analysis, when applied to this polymer system, failed to describe its nonisothermal crystallization behavior. A new and convenient approach for the nonisothermal crystallization was proposed by combining the Avrami equation with the Ozawa equation. By evaluating the kinetic parameters in this approach, the crystallization behavior of PEEKK was analyzed. According to the Kissinger method, the activation energies were determined to be 189 and 328 kJ/mol for nonisothermal melt and cold crystallization, respectively.

Thermoset characterization for moldability analysis
Tập 14 Số 3 - Trang 231-239 - 1974
Musa R. Kamal

The injection molding of thermosetting compounds involves complex interactions between material parameters and molding conditions, on one hand, and moldability and the ultimate properties of molded parts, on the other hand. The main role of the molding variables may be related to their effects on the cure time and temperature and on the flow and thermal phenomena that affect orientation and residual stresses. These effects are manifested in the ultimate mechanical properties and shrinkage of the molded articles. Only scattered empirical data are available on the effects of material parameters, like the basic kinetic, thermal, rheological, and pressure‐volume‐temperature properties of thermosetting compounds. The lack of useful information in this area may be related to the unavailability of sufficient, satisfactory data on the above properties. This situation has also resulted in limitations on meaningful work towards the mathematical modelling of the molding process, which would be useful for the optimization of production rates and product quality. The paper summarizes the status of work in this area with emphasis on recent results relating to kinetic, thermal, and rheological characterization of thermosetting molding compounds.

A process for making microcellular thermoplastic parts
Tập 30 Số 20 - Trang 1323-1329 - 1990
Vipin Kumar, Nam P. Suh

A novel process to produce microcellular thermoplastic parts is described. This is achieved by integrating the deformation process in the foaming cycle in such a way that the cell nucleation and growth processes are effectively uncoupled from deformation. The nitrogen‐polystyrene system is studied and the relationships between the essential process parameters are established. It is experimentally shown that the pressures associated with deformation do not reduce the number of bubbles nucleated. The process synthesized is demonstrated by making a microcellular polystyrene container.

Physical aging in plastics and other glassy materials
Tập 17 Số 3 - Trang 165-173 - 1977
L.C.E. Struik

This paper surveys the basic aspects of physical aging. It shows that aging i s a general and important phenomenon found in all organic and inorganic glasses and in some metals as well. Moreover, the behavior of all these materials is very similar. It further shows that aging cannot be ignored in the testing of plastics, particularly in the prediction of their long‐term behavior.

Mixed matrix membrane materials with glassy polymers. Part 1
Tập 42 Số 7 - Trang 1420-1431 - 2002
Rajiv Mahajan, William J. Koros

Mixed matrix materials comprising molecular sieve entities embedded in a polymer matrix can economically increase membrane permselectivity, thereby addressing a key challenge hindering the widespread use of membrane‐based gas separations. Prior work has clarified the importance of proper selection of the dispersed sieve phase and the continuous matrix phase based on their intrinsic transport properties. Proper material selection for the two components, while necessary, is not sufficient since the interfacial contact zone appears to be equally important to achieve optimum transport properties. Specifically, it was found that chemical coupling of the sieve to the polymer can lead to better macroscopic adhesion but to even poorer transport properties than in the absence of the adhesion promoter. This counterintuitive behavior may be attributed to a nanometric region of disturbed packing at the polymer sieve interphase. The poor properties are believed to result from “leakage” of gas molecules along this nanometric interface. The Maxwell model was modified to take into account these complexities and to provide a first order quantification of the nanometric interphase. The analysis indicates that optimization of the transport properties of the interfacial region is key to the formation of ideal mixed matrix materials. This approach is used in the second part of this paper to form successful mixed matrix membrane materials.

The determination of the fracture parameters for polymers in impact
Tập 15 Số 6 - Trang 470-477 - 1975
E. Plati, J. G. Williams

A method of analysis is given by which the critical strain energy release rate Gc for impact tests may be deduced for both Charpy and Izod tests from normal energy measurements. Suitable calibration factors are determined and the method is applied to a range of polymers. Very close agreement is achieved between the Charpy and Izod results except for highly ductile materials for which it was necessary to use a fully plastic analysis. The method is extended to blunt notches and it is shown that the use of a strain energy per unit volume to yielding, together with a blunt notch stress analysis, gives a good description of the results.

Dielectric and piezoelectric properties of PVDF/PZT composites: A review
Tập 55 Số 7 - Trang 1589-1616 - 2015
Anjana Jain, K. J. Prashanth, Asheesh Kumar Sharma, Arpit Jain, Rashmi P.N

Smart materials, which exhibit piezoelectricity, find an eclectic range of applications in the industry. The direct piezoelectric effect has been widely used in sensor design, and the inverse piezoelectric effect has been applied in actuator design. Ever since 1954, PZT and BaTiO3 were widely used for sensor and actuator applications despite their toxicity, brittleness, inflexibility, etc. With the discovery of PVDF in 1969, followed by development of copolymers, a flexible, easy to process, nontoxic, high density alternate with high piezoelectric voltage coefficient was available. In the past 20 years, heterostructural materials like polymer ceramic composites, have received lot of attention, since these materials combine the excellent pyroelectric and piezoelectric properties of ceramics with the flexibility, processing facility, and strength of the polymers resulting in relatively high dielectric permittivity and breakdown strength, which are not attainable in a single phase piezoelectric material. The current review article is an attempt to provide a compendium of all the work carried out with reference to PVDF‐PZT composites. The review article evaluates the effect of grain size, content and other factors under the purview of dielectric and piezoelectric properties while evaluating the sensitivity of the material for sensor application. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 55:1589–1616, 2015. © 2015 Society of Plastics Engineers