Plant Molecular Biology

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Nuclear protein factors binding to a class I patatin promoter region are tuber-specific and sucrose-inducible
Plant Molecular Biology - Tập 26 - Trang 603-615 - 1994
Soo Young Kim, Gregory D. May, William D. Park
Genes encoding patatin, the major storage protein of the potato tuber, are generally divided into two classes, class I and class II. The expression of the class I patatin genes is normally tuber-specific, but can be induced in leaves by high concentrations of sucrose. By employing electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA), we have identified nuclear protein factors that interact specifically with the proximal portion of the class I patatin promoter that is required for tuber-specific and sucrose-inducible expression. The factors were detected in nuclear extracts prepared from potato tubers and sucrose-induced leaves, but not in extracts from leaves of normal potato plants. Four putative transcription factor-binding sites were localized using DNase I footprinting. Competitive EMSA was employed to show that the same protein factor binds to at least two of the sites (boxes D and M). Interestingly, these two binding sites are highly homologous to light-responsive elements present in genes for theribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase small subunit.
Proteins homologous to leaf glycoproteins are abundant in stems of dark-grown soybean seedlings. Analysis of proteins and cDNAs
Plant Molecular Biology - Tập 11 - Trang 845-856 - 1988
Hugh S. Mason, Felix D. Guerrero, John S. Boyer, John E. Mullet
We report here the cloning and sequence analysis of cDNAs for a pair of closely related proteins from soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv. Williams 82) stems. Both proteins are abundant in soluble extracts of seedling stems but not of roots. One of these proteins (M r=28 kDa) is also foundd in the cell wall fraction of stems and actumulates there when seedlings are exposed to mild water deficit for 48 h. The mRNA for these proteins is most abundant in the stem region which contains dividing cells, less abundant in elongating and mature stem cells, and rare in roots. Using antiserum against the 28 kDa protein, we isolated cDNA clones encoding it and an antigenically related 31 kDa protein. The two cDNAs are 80% homologous in nucleotide and amino acid coding sequence. The predicted proteins have similar hydropathy profiles, and contain putative NH2-terminal signal sequences and a single putative N-linked glycosylation site. The two proteins differ significantly in calculated pI (28 kDa=8.6; 31 kDa=5.8), and the charge difference is demonstrated on two-dimensional gels. The proteins described here may function as somatic storage proteins during early seedling development, and are closely related to glycoproteins which accumulate in vacuoles of paraveinal mesophyll cells of fully expanded soybean leaves when plants are depodded.
Arabidopsis thaliana Atvsp is homologous to soybean VspA and VspB, genes encoding vegetative storage protein acid phosphatases, and is regulated similarly by methyl jasmonate, wounding, sugars, light and phosphate
Plant Molecular Biology - Tập 27 - Trang 933-942 - 1995
Susanne Berger, Erin Bell, Avi Sadka, John E. Mullet
The soybean vegetative storage proteins, VSPα and VSPβ, are acid phosphatases that accumulate to very high levels in hypocotyls, young leaves and flowers and pods. The genes encoding the soybean VSP are activated by jasmonate, wounding, sugars and light and down regulated by phosphate and auxin. In this study, expression of an Arabidopsis thaliana gene (Atvsp) encoding a protein homologous to soybean Vspα and Vspβ, was examined and compared to expression of the soybean Vsp genes. Atvsp mRNA was present at high levels in flowers and buds and at low levels in roots, stems, leaves and siliques. Expression of Atvsp in leaves could be induced by wounding or by treatment of illuminated plants with methyl jasmonate and sucrose. Roots of plants with wounded leaves also accumulated Atvsp mRNA indicating that this gene can be regulated by a transmissible wound signal. Phosphate partially inhibited expression of Atvsp. Arabidopsis proteins of 29 and 30 kDa crossreacted with antibodies against soybean VSP. These proteins were very abundant in flowers and the proteins accumulated in leaves and roots of plants treated with methyl jasmonate. The level of these proteins in flowers was similar to the levels of soybean VSP in young soybean leaves. Overall, these data indicate that Arabidopsis Atvsp and soybean VspA/B genes are regulated similarly and that in both plants, the gene products can accumulate to high levels. This suggests that genes homologous to VspA/B may be of greater general significance than previously recognized.
Vir-115 gene product is required to stabilize D1 translation intermediates in chloroplasts
Plant Molecular Biology - Tập 25 - Trang 459-467 - 1994
Jungmook Kim, Patricia Gamble Klein, John E. Mullet
The nuclear gene mutant of barley, vir-115, shows a developmentally induced loss of D1 synthesis that results in inactivation of Photosystem II. Translation in plastids isolated from 1 h illuminated vir-115 seedlings is similar to wild type. In wild-type barley, illumination of plants for 16 to 72 h results in increased radiolabel incorporation into the D1 translation intermediates of 15–24 kDa. In contrast, these D1 translation intermediates were not observed in vir-115 plastids isolated from plants illuminated for 16–72 h. In addition, after 72 h of illumination, radiolabel incorporation into D1 was undetectable in vir-115 plastids. The level and distribution ofpsbA mRNA in membrane-associated polysomes was similar in wild-type and vir-115 mutant plastids isolated from plants illuminated for 16–72 h. Toeprint analysis showed similar levels of translation initiation complexes onpsbA mRNA in vir-115 and wild-type plastids. These results indicate that translation initiation and elongation of D1 is not significantly altered in the mutant plastids. Ribosome pausing onpsbA mRNA was observed in wild-type and vir-115 mutant plastids. Therefore, the absence of D1 translation intermediates in mutant plastids is not due to a lack of ribosome pausing onpsbA mRNA. Based on these results, it is proposed that vir-115 lacks or contains a modified nuclear-encoded gene product which normally stabilizes the D1 translation intermediates. In wild-type plastids, ribosome pausing and stabilization of D1 translation intermediates is proposed to facilitate assembly of cofactors such as chlorophyll will D1 allowing continued D1 synthesis and accumulation in mature chloroplasts.
Analysis of barley chloroplast psbD light-responsive promoter elements in transplastomic tobacco
Plant Molecular Biology - Tập 47 - Trang 353-366 - 2001
Karen E. Thum, Minkyun Kim, Daryl T. Morishige, Christian Eibl, Hans-Ulrich Koop, John E. Mullet
The plastid gene psbD encodes D2, a photosystem II reaction center chlorophyll-binding protein. psbD is transcribed from a conserved chloroplast promoter that is activated by blue, white, or UV-A light. In this study, various forms of the barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) chloroplast psbD-LRP were fused to the uidA reporter gene and introduced into the tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plastid genome through homologous recombination. Primer extension analysis of transcripts from the psbD-LRP-uidA construct showed that the barley psbD-LRP was activated in tobacco by blue or white light. Transcription from this construct was also regulated by circadian cycling indicating that the barley psbD-LRP could respond to light modulated regulatory pathways in tobacco. Mutation of the psbD-LRP prokaryotic −10 promoter element reduced transcription to very low levels in all light regimes. In contrast, mutation of a prokaryotic −35 promoter element had no effect on transcription from the psbD-LRP. Deletion or mutation of an upstream activating element, the AAG-box (−36 to −64), also reduced transcription from the construct to very low levels. In contrast, deletion of the upstream PGT-box (−71 to −100) did not alter promoter activation by blue light, or responsiveness to circadian cycling. These in vivo studies confirm the importance of the psbD-LRP −10 promoter element and AAG-box in light regulation and demonstrate that these elements are sufficient to mediate circadian cycling of the barley psbD promoter.
Developmental expression of a turgor-responsive gene that encodes an intrinsic membrane protein
Plant Molecular Biology - Tập 28 - Trang 983-996 - 1995
Jennifer T. Jones, John E. Mullet
We previously reported that the pea (Pisum sativum) gene, Trg31, shows increased transcription and elevated mRNA levels in plant tissues which are dehydrated and lose turgor. The protein encoded by Trg31 is homologous to members of the MIP intrinsic membrane protein superfamily. Expression of Trg31 was characterized during pea seedling development and in transgenic tobacco using Trg31 promoter::Gus fusions. In pea, Trg31 mRNA abundance was highest in roots followed by flowers, stems and leaves. In roots, Trg31 mRNA levels were highest in non-elongating regions and low in root tips. In dark-grown seedlings, Trg31 mRNA levels were high in stems and illumination caused mRNA abundance in stems to decrease. Histochemical analysis of transgenic tobacco expressing Trg31 promoter::Gus constructs showed high GUS activity in root to shoot and hypocotyl to cotyledon junctions and cotyledons in germinating seedlings. High activity was also observed in the leaf marginal meristem and trichomes. In more mature seedlings, Trg31 promoter activity was observed in the non-elongating portion of the root and in stems especially in the vascular tissue. A gradient of expression was noted in leaf to stem junction zones with highest expression in the younger tissues. Very high expression was observed in stems of flowers and other floral tissues including the calyx, corolla, style, ovules, pods and pollen. This expression pattern suggests that the Trg31 gene product may facilitate transport from sources, through transmitting tissues to sinks.
Sorghum bicolor’s Transcriptome Response to Dehydration, High Salinity and ABA
Plant Molecular Biology - Tập 58 - Trang 699-720 - 2005
Christina D. Buchanan, Sanghyun Lim, Ron A. Salzman, Ioannis Kagiampakis, Daryl T. Morishige, Brock D. Weers, Robert R. Klein, Lee H. Pratt, Marie-Michèle Cordonnier-Pratt, Patricia E. Klein, John E. Mullet
Genome wide changes in gene expression were monitored in the drought tolerant C4 cereal Sorghum bicolor, following exposure of seedlings to high salinity (150 mM NaCl), osmotic stress (20% polyethylene glycol) or abscisic acid (125 μM ABA). A sorghum cDNA microarray providing data on 12 982 unique gene clusters was used to examine gene expression in roots and shoots at 3- and 27-h post-treatment. Expression of ~2200 genes, including 174 genes with currently unknown functions, of which a subset appear unique to monocots and/or sorghum, was altered in response to dehydration, high salinity or ABA. The modulated sorghum genes had homology to proteins involved in regulation, growth, transport, membrane/protein turnover/repair, metabolism, dehydration protection, reactive oxygen scavenging, and plant defense. Real-time PCR was used to quantify changes in relative mRNA abundance for 333 genes that responded to ABA, NaCl or osmotic stress. Osmotic stress inducible sorghum genes identified for the first time included a beta-expansin expressed in shoots, actin depolymerization factor, inositol-3-phosphate synthase, a non-C4 NADP-malic enzyme, oleosin, and three genes homologous to 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase that may be involved in ABA biosynthesis. Analysis of response profiles demonstrated the existence of a complex gene regulatory network that differentially modulates gene expression in a tissue- and kinetic-specific manner in response to ABA, high salinity and water deficit. Modulation of genes involved in signal transduction, chromatin structure, transcription, translation and RNA metabolism contributes to sorghum’s overlapping but nonetheless distinct responses to ABA, high salinity, and osmotic stress. Overall, this study provides a foundation of information on sorghum’s osmotic stress responsive gene complement that will accelerate follow up biochemical, QTL and comparative studies
Characterization and expression of rpoC2 in CMS and fertile lines of sorghum
Plant Molecular Biology - Tập 28 - Trang 799-809 - 1995
Zengjian Chen, Keith F. Schertz, John E. Mullet, Arnold DuBell, Gary E. Hart
A 165 bp deletion in the middle of rpoC2, the plastid gene which encodes the RNA polymerase β″ subunit, was identified in the small-anthered types of CMS sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.). Moench, containing A1, A2, A5, and A6 cytoplasms. It was previously shown that the amino acid sequence deleted in these CMS lines is in a monocot-specific region that contains several protein motifs that are characteristic of several transcription factors. Using primers flanking the deletion in PCR analyses, various types of CMS lines, some of which are used in hybrid sorghum production, were classified into two groups. CMS lines containing A1, A2, A5, A6 cytoplasms display the deletion in rpoC2. These lines have small anthers in which pollen development is arrested at an early stage and in which usually only empty exines are found. CMS lines containing A3, A4, and 9E cytoplasms do not possess the deletion. These lines have large anthers in which pollen degenerates at a later stage. Run-on transcription assays using 15 chloroplast genes showed that chloroplast gene transcription rates are similar in CMS and fertile (maintainer and restorer) lines and F1 in seedling leaves. Analyses of RNA blots indicated that rbcL, rpoB and rpoC2 transcripts are accumulated mainly in the leaves and low in the inflorescence tissues and pollen. These data document plastid gene expression in leaves and non-photosynthetic tissues from CMS and fertile lines of sorghum.
Regulatory activity exerted by the SAUR-AC1 promoter region in transgenic plants
Plant Molecular Biology - Tập 34 Số 5 - Trang 803-808 - 1997
Gil, Pedro, Green, Pamela J.
SAUR-AC1 is a small-auxin-up-RNA (SAUR) gene of Arabidopsis. Here we demonstrate that the SAUR-AC1 promoter region induces accumulation of a reporter transcript upon treatment with auxin and is preferentially active in elongating hypocotyls and certain other organs and tissues of transgenic Arabidopsis and tobacco plants. This study extends the utility of the SAUR-AC1 gene by providing a foundation for comparative analyses of SAUR promoter activity in auxin-responsive mutants of Arabidopsis.
Chloroplast transcription is required to express the nuclear genes rbcS and cab. Plastid DNA copy number is regulated independently
Plant Molecular Biology - Tập 17 - Trang 813-823 - 1991
Jeffrey C. Rapp, John E. Mullet
RbcL and rbcS mRNA levels and plastid transcription activity are low in the basal meristematic region of barley primary leaves and increase coordinately during leaf cell development with a similar time course in dark-grown or illuminated seedlings. The capacity of light to cause cab mRNA accumulation shows a similar dependence on leaf cell development. These results indicate that the initial activation of chloroplast gene expression and the expression of some nuclear genes encoding plastid proteins are coupled to leaf cell development. RbcL and rbcS mRNA levels and plastid transcription activity decline in older leaf sections of dark-grown or illuminated barley. The decreases in plastid transcription and rbcS and rbcL mRNA levels in older dark-grown seedlings could be reversed by plant illumination. Therefore, while the initial activation of plastid transcription and accumulation of rbcS mRNA are largely light-independent, these events become light-dependent in older leaves of dark-grown barley. If the initial increase in plastid transcription which occurs early in leaf cell development is prevented by tagetitoxin, a specific inhibitor of the plastid RNA polymerase, rbcS mRNA does not accumulate and cab mRNA accumulation cannot be induced by light. The effect of tagetitoxin is selective because this compound does not inhibit barley leaf growth, or the normal accumulation of nuclear-encoded actin and BN3 transcripts and plastid DNA which occurs during chloroplast development. Furthermore, a barley pigment-deficient mutant, alb-f 17, and plants containing photo-oxidized plastids show parallel reductions in plastid transcription activity and levels of rbcS and cab mRNA. This suggests that the activation of plastid transcription during the early stages of chloroplast biogenesis is necessary for the expression of rbcS and cab.
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