
Photosynthesis Research




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Springer Netherlands , SPRINGER

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Medicine (miscellaneous)Cell BiologyBiochemistryPlant Science

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Comparison of PsbQ and Psb27 in photosystem II provides insight into their roles
Tập 152 - Trang 177-191 - 2022
Christopher J. Gisriel, Gary W. Brudvig
Photosystem II (PSII) catalyzes the oxidation of water at its active site that harbors a high-valent inorganic Mn4CaOx cluster called the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC). Extrinsic subunits generally serve to protect the OEC from reductants and stabilize the structure, but diversity in the extrinsic subunits exists between phototrophs. Recent cryo-electron microscopy experiments have provided new molecular structures of PSII with varied extrinsic subunits. We focus on the extrinsic subunit PsbQ, that binds to the mature PSII complex, and on Psb27, an extrinsic subunit involved in PSII biogenesis. PsbQ and Psb27 share a similar binding site and have a four-helix bundle tertiary structure, suggesting they are related. Here, we use sequence alignments, structural analyses, and binding simulations to compare PsbQ and Psb27 from different organisms. We find no evidence that PsbQ and Psb27 are related despite their similar structures and binding sites. Evolutionary divergence within PsbQ homologs from different lineages is high, probably due to their interactions with other extrinsic subunits that themselves exhibit vast diversity between lineages. This may result in functional variation as exemplified by large differences in their calculated binding energies. Psb27 homologs generally exhibit less divergence, which may be due to stronger evolutionary selection for certain residues that maintain its function during PSII biogenesis and this is consistent with their more similar calculated binding energies between organisms. Previous experimental inconsistencies, low confidence binding simulations, and recent structural data suggest that Psb27 is likely to exhibit flexibility that may be an important characteristic of its activity. The analysis provides insight into the functions and evolution of PsbQ and Psb27, and an unusual example of proteins with similar tertiary structures and binding sites that probably serve different roles.
Pea chloroplast tRNALys (UUU) gene: transcription and analysis of an intron-containing gene
Tập 17 - Trang 7-22 - 1988
Scott K. Boyer, John E. Mullet
The pea chloroplast trnK gene which encodes tRNALys (UUU) was sequenced. TrnK is located 210 bp upstream from the promoter of psbA and immediately downstream from the 3′-end of rbcL. The gene is transcribed from the same DNA strand as psbA and rbcL. A 2447 bp intron with class II features is located in the trnK anticodon loop. The intron contains a 506 amino acid open reading frame which could encode an RNA maturase. The primary transcript of trnK is 2.9 kb long; its 5′-end was identified as a site of transcription initiation by in vitro transcription experiments. The 5′-terminus is adjacent to DNA sequences previously identified as transcription promoter elements. The most abundant trnK transcript is 2.5 kb long with termini corresponding to the 5′ and 3′ ends of the trnK exons. Intron specific RNAs were not detected. This suggests that RNA processing which produces tRNALys leads to rapid degradation of intron sequences.
Light-induced biogenesis of the light-harvesting complexes of Photosystems I and II
Tập 44 - Trang 183-190 - 1995
Daryl T. Morishige, Susanne Preiss
The light-harvesting complexes of Photosystems I and II contain multiple chlorophyll-carotenoid-binding proteins. The stoichiometry and topology of the LHCs is precisely defined to optimally funnel captured light energy to the reaction center. The manner in which this exact arrangement is accomplished is not known. As an initial means to understand the mechanisms involved in establishing a functional LHC, the influence of light on LHC gene expression and protein accumulation was studied during the light-induced greening of etiolated wild type and chlorophyll b-less mutant barley seedlings. Light, involving phytochrome, promotes the expression of all LHC genes with the same relative kinetics. LHC protein accumulation closely parallels the increases observed in transcript levels. Differential accumulation of LHC transcripts or protein was not evident in wild type seedlings. Post-translational factors are likely to be involved in fine tuning the position and stoichiometry of the individual LHCs around the reaction center.
Book reviews
Tập 5 - Trang 199-201 - 1984
Distinct roles of CpcG1-phycobilisome and CpcG2-phycobilisome in state transitions in a cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Tập 99 Số 3 - Trang 217-225 - 2009
Kumiko Kondo, Conrad W. Mullineaux, Masahiko Ikeuchi
Excited state properties of chlorophyll f in organic solvents at ambient and cryogenic temperatures
Tập 121 - Trang 25-34 - 2014
Dariusz M. Niedzwiedzki, Haijun Liu, Min Chen, Robert E. Blankenship
Chlorophyll f is a photosynthetic pigment that was discovered in 2010. In this study, we present investigations on spectral and dynamic characteristics of singlet-excited and triplet states of Chl f with the application of ultrafast time-resolved absorption and fluorescence spectroscopies. The pigment was studied at room temperature in two organic solvents: pyridine and diethyl ether that have different characters of coordination of the chlorophyll magnesium (Mg) atom (hexa- and penta-coordination, respectively). Cryogenic measurements (77 K) were performed in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran (hexa-coordination). The singlet-excited state lifetime was measured to be 5.6 ns at room temperature regardless of Mg coordination and 8.1 ns at 77 K. The fluorescence quantum yield of Chl f was also determined in pyridine to be 0.16. The triplet state lifetime was studied in detail in pyridine at room temperature, and the inherent lifetime was estimated to ~150 μs. Selective measurements at 77 K demonstrated that the metastability of the triplet state greatly enhances, and its lifetime increases by a factor of more than three.
Genomic perspective on the photobiology of Halobacterium species NRC-1, a phototrophic, phototactic, and UV-tolerant haloarchaeon
Tập 70 - Trang 3-17 - 2001
Shiladitya DasSarma, Sean P. Kennedy, Brian Berquist, Wailap Victor Ng, Nitin S. Baliga, John L. Spudich, Mark P. Krebs, Jonathan A. Eisen, Carl H. Johnson, Leroy Hood
Halobacterium species display a variety of responses to light, including phototrophic growth, phototactic behavior, and photoprotective mechanisms. The complete genome sequence of Halobacterium species NRC-1 (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 97: 12176–12181, 2000), coupled with the availability of a battery of methods for its analysis makes this an ideal model system for studying photobiology among the archaea. Here, we review: (1) the structure of the 2.57 Mbp Halobacterium NRC-1 genome, including a large chromosome, two minichromosomes, and 91 transposable IS elements; (2) the purple membrane regulon, which programs the accumulation of large quantities of the light-driven proton pump, bacteriorhodopsin, and allows for a period of phototrophic growth; (3) components of the sophisticated pathways for color-sensitive phototaxis; (4) the gas vesicle gene cluster, which codes for cell buoyancy organelles; (5) pathways for the production of carotenoid pigments and retinal, (6) processes for the repair of DNA damage; and (7) putative homologs of circadian rhythm regulators. We conclude with a discussion of the power of systems biology for comprehensive understanding of Halobacterium NRC-1 photobiology.
Continuous recording of photochemical and non-photochemical chlorophyll fluorescence quenching with a new type of modulation fluorometer
Tập 10 Số 1-2 - Trang 51-62 - 1986
Ulrich Schreiber, Ulrich Schliwa, Wolfgang Bilger
Enhanced fluorescence of photosynthetic pigments through conjugation with carbon quantum dots
Tập 147 - Trang 1-10 - 2020
Esranur Budak, Duğçar Erdoğan, Caner Ünlü
Light harvesting in photosynthesis is currently an issue on-debate and studied widely in all over the world. Studies on light harvesting mainly focus on enlightening molecular mechanism of the process and enhancing absorption capacity of light harvesting complexes (LHCs). Enhancement of absorption capacity of LHCs can be done either by natural methods or by synthetic methods. Quantum dots (QDs), fluorescent semiconductor nanocrystals, are important constituents of inorganic–organic hybrid structures which are built to enhance absorption capacity of LHCs through synthetic methods. In this study, we synthesized carbon and heteroatom doped carbon QDs through a microwave assisted synthesis method. Each QD had unique photophysical and structural properties. Photosynthetic pigments (PP) (isolated from spinach leaves) were mixed with each QD separately to build a QD–PP hybrid structure. Our results revealed that significant amount of energy is transferred from carbon QDs to PPs and therefore chlorophyll fluorescence capacity of PPs enhanced significantly in 360–420 nm excitation wavelength interval. Our results suggested that non-toxic, inexpensive and easily synthesized carbon QDs can be an important constituent for hybrid structures to enhance absorption capacity of LHCs in highly energetic region of visible spectrum.