Pediatric Research

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Sắp xếp:  
Sodium pyruvate reduces hypoxic–ischemic injury to neonatal rat brain
Pediatric Research - Tập 72 Số 5 - Trang 479-489 - 2012
Ying Xu, Zhihui Rong, Yun She, Yuan Cao, Li-Wen Chang, Wei-Hua Lee
Iron Is Not Required in the Lactoferrin Stimulation of Thymidine Incorporation into the DNA of Rat Crypt Enterocytes
Pediatric Research - Tập 27 Số 5 - Trang 525-528 - 1990
B L Nichols, Kathryn S. McKee, H A Huebers
Neurologic Condition of Healthy Term Infants at 18 Months: Positive Association With Venous Umbilical DHA Status and Negative Association With Umbilical Trans-fatty Acids
Pediatric Research - Tập 60 Số 3 - Trang 334-339 - 2006
Hylco Bouwstra, D.A. Janneke Dijck‐Brouwer, Peter Rzehak, Günther Boehm, E R Boersma, Frits A.J. Muskiet, Mijna Hadders‐Algra
Relationship Between Umbilical Cord Essential Fatty Acid Content and the Quality of General Movements of Healthy Term Infants at 3 Months
Pediatric Research - Tập 59 Số 5 - Trang 717-722 - 2006
Hylco Bouwstra, D.A. Janneke Dijck‐Brouwer, Peter Rzehak, Günther Boehm, E R Boersma, Frits A.J. Muskiet, Mijna Hadders–Algra
A Missense Mutation in the Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene in a Revisited Case with Histiocytoid Cardiomyopathy
Pediatric Research - Tập 48 Số 3 - Trang 311-314 - 2000
Antoni L. Andreu, Nicoletta Checcarelli, So Iwata, Sara Shanske, Salvatore DiMauro
NO Inhibits Hyperoxia-Induced NF-κB Activation in Neonatal Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cells
Pediatric Research - Tập 68 Số 6 - Trang 484-489 - 2010
Clyde J. Wright, Fadeke A. Agboke, Fengming Chen, Ping La, Guang Yang, Phyllis A. Dennery
Control Mechanisms of Lung Alveolar Development and Their Disorders in Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Pediatric Research - Tập 57 Số 5 Part 2 - Trang 38R-46R - 2005
Jacques R. Bourbon, Olivier Boucherat, Bernadette Chailley‐Heu, Christophe Delacourt
Serum Prolactin Levels in Humans from Birth to Adult Life
Pediatric Research - Tập 7 Số 5 - Trang 534-540 - 1973
H. Guyda, Henry G. Friesen
On Carnitine Content of the Human Breast Milk
Pediatric Research - Tập 16 Số 2 - Trang 89-91 - 1982
Attila Sándor, Katalin Pecsuvac, János Kerner, I Alkonyi
Maternal thyroid function in pregnancy may program offspring blood pressure, but not adiposity at 20 y of age
Pediatric Research - Tập 80 Số 1 - Trang 7-13 - 2016
Dorte Rytter, Stine Linding Andersen, Bodil Hammer Bech, Þórhallur I. Halldórsson, Tine Brink Henriksen, Peter Laurberg, Sjúrđur F. Olsen
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