PLoS Computational Biology




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Modeling and SimulationComputational Theory and MathematicsCellular and Molecular NeuroscienceEcologyGeneticsEcology, Evolution, Behavior and SystematicsMolecular Biology

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PLOS Computational Biology features works of exceptional significance that further our understanding of living systems at all scales—from molecules and cells, to patient populations and ecosystems—through the application of computational methods. Readers include life and computational scientists, who can take the important findings presented here to the next level of discovery. Research articles must be declared as belonging to a relevant section. More information about the sections can be found in the submission guidelines. Research articles should model aspects of biological systems, demonstrate both methodological and scientific novelty, and provide profound new biological insights. Generally, reliability and significance of biological discovery through computation should be validated and enriched by experimental studies. Inclusion of experimental validation is not required for publication, but should be referenced where possible. Inclusion of experimental validation of a modest biological discovery through computation does not render a manuscript suitable for PLOS Computational Biology. Research articles specifically designated as Methods papers should describe outstanding methods of exceptional importance that have been shown, or have the promise to provide new biological insights. The method must already be widely adopted, or have the promise of wide adoption by a broad community of users. Enhancements to existing published methods will only be considered if those enhancements bring exceptional new capabilities.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Robust Models for Optic Flow Coding in Natural Scenes Inspired by Insect Biology
Tập 5 Số 11 - Trang e1000555
Russell S. A. Brinkworth, David C. O’Carroll
Hypertrophy and/or Hyperplasia: Dynamics of Adipose Tissue Growth
Tập 5 Số 3 - Trang e1000324
Junghyo Jo, Oksana Gavrilova, Stephanie Pack, William Jou, Shawn Mullen, Anne E. Sumner, Samuel W. Cushman, Vipul Periwal
Unicycler: Resolving bacterial genome assemblies from short and long sequencing reads
Tập 13 Số 6 - Trang e1005595
Ryan R. Wick, Louise M. Judd, Claire L. Gorrie, Kathryn E. Holt
Performance Limitations of Relay Neurons
Tập 8 Số 8 - Trang e1002626
Rahul Agarwal, Sridevi V. Sarma
What Is Stochastic Resonance? Definitions, Misconceptions, Debates, and Its Relevance to Biology
Tập 5 Số 5 - Trang e1000348
Mark D. McDonnell, Derek Abbott
Cortically-Controlled Population Stochastic Facilitation as a Plausible Substrate for Guiding Sensory Transfer across the Thalamic Gateway
Tập 9 Số 12 - Trang e1003401
Sébastien Béhuret, Charlotte Deleuze, Leonel Gómez-Sena, Yves Frégnac, Thierry Bal
Predictive Feedback Can Account for Biphasic Responses in the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
Tập 5 Số 5 - Trang e1000373
Janneke Jehee, Dana H. Ballard
Intrinsic Disorder in Protein Interactions: Insights From a Comprehensive Structural Analysis
Tập 5 Số 3 - Trang e1000316
Jessica H. Fong, Benjamin A. Shoemaker, Sergiy O. Garbuzynskiy, Michail Yu. Lobanov, Oxana V. Galzitskaya, Anna R. Panchenko
Identification of the Proliferation/Differentiation Switch in the Cellular Network of Multicellular Organisms
Tập 2 Số 11 - Trang e145 - 2006
Kai Xia, Huiling Xue, Dong Dong, Shanshan Zhu, Jiamu Wang, Qingpeng Zhang, Lei Hou, Hua Chen, Ran Tao, Zheng Huang, Zheng Fu, Ye‐Guang Chen, Jing‐Dong J. Han
Chapter 12: Human Microbiome Analysis
Tập 8 Số 12 - Trang e1002808
Xochitl C. Morgan, Curtis Huttenhower