Organization Studies

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Chasing Shadows: Control, Virtuality and the Production of Trust
Organization Studies - Tập 22 Số 2 - Trang 311-336 - 2001
David Knights, Faith Noble, Theo Vurdubakis, Hugh Willmott
In recent years, the topic of trust has become the focus of renewed attention in organizational theory and research and, in particular, where electronic distribution and associated `virtual' forms of organizing are prevalent. The question of trust, always an issue in financial transactions, is exacerbated the more the physical element is removed. The paper focuses on the issue of trust as it currently appears in the newest of these distribution channels, online and Internet financial services, and smart cards. In both theory and practice, notions of trust are often opposed to concepts such as power or control, and are deployed as part of a dualistic either/or proposition. Drawing on ongoing research in the financial services sector, the paper attempts a more nuanced exploration by focusing on attempts to `manage' trust, the problems such attempts encounter, the various techniques employed in their resolution and the power relations in which they are embedded
Movements as Political Conditions for Diffusion: Anti-Corporate Movements and the Spread of Cooperative Forms in American Capitalism
Organization Studies - Tập 34 Số 5-6 - Trang 653-682 - 2013
Marc Schneiberg
Addressing the spread of cooperatives in the early 20th-century US economy, this study analyzes the role of anti-corporate movements in the diffusion of politically contested organizational innovations. It finds that institutional change can rest fundamentally on the combination of standard diffusion processes and collective mobilization in support of new practices. Specifically, it finds that the Grange, a leading anti-corporate social movement, was a political condition for the diffusion of cooperative alternatives to corporations in American capitalism. Cooperatives evoked fierce opposition by corporate forces, suppressing the diffusion of cooperative forms. When the Grange was weak or absent, cooperative organization in states or sectors had weak or no effects on cooperative organization in other states or sectors. But when the Grange was present and increased in strength, it amplified and even made possible the diffusion of cooperatives across states and industries. These findings shed new light on the contentious transactions between movements, corporations, and non-governmental organizations, expanding existing work on the trajectories, tactics, and organizational effects of anti-corporate movements.
Managing the Rivalry of Competing Institutional Logics
Organization Studies - Tập 30 Số 6 - Trang 629-652 - 2009
Trish Reay, C. R. Hinings
We investigated an organizational field where competing institutional logics existed for a lengthy period of time. We identified four mechanisms for managing the rivalry of competing logics that facilitated and strengthened the separate identities of key actors, thus providing a way for competing logics to co-exist and separately guide the behaviour of different actors. We contribute to the institutional literature by showing that competing logics can co-exist and rivalry between logics can be managed through the development of collaborative relationships.
Manufacturing the Past: Loss and Absence in Organizational Change
Organization Studies - Tập 18 Số 4 - Trang 623-654 - 1997
Julie Wolfram Cox
This paper describes different conceptions of the past presented in a retrospect ive analysis of organizational change. One day in 1993, an Australian subsidi ary of a United States manufacturing organization introduced changes includ ing product-based production teams, a three-shift factory operation, and employee redundancy packages. Eighteen months later, the teams were dis solved. In this paper, talk about change is interpreted through the concept of loss; loss as regret for what has been in the past, return to the past and loss of what might have been, loss as relief to move on to what can be in the future, and loss as release from constraints of the past. It is suggested that analysis of loss and absence can increase the complexity of representations of emotion in situations of organizational change, and that there are additional senses of loss which can supplement those associated with death and mourning. The association between loss and resistance is discussed, and a comparison is made between 'loss of' as a retrospective analytical frame and 'resistance to' as more prospective and modernist in orientation.
A Strategy for the Analysis of Idea Innovation Networks and Institutions
Organization Studies - Tập 21 Số 5 - Trang 971-1004 - 2000
Jerald Hage, J. Rogers Hollingsworth
The perspective of this paper is that variation in commercially successful radical product/process innovations among science-based industrial sectors can be explored by focusing on idea innovation networks. Idea innovation networks have six arenas reflecting research basic research, applied research, product development research, production research, quality control research, and commercialization/ marketing research. The paper develops two interrelated hypotheses. The first is that the greater the diversity of competencies or knowledges that are connected with frequent and intense communication within an arena and the greater the size of the arena, and the greater the likelihood that radical innovations will emerge. The second hypothesis involves the same kind of logic: if radical solutions are to occur in more than one arena, there must be intense and frequent communication among the different arenas involving radically new ways of thinking. Radical research solutions in one arena usually involve tacit knowledge and to be effectively communicated to another arena, both tacit knowledge and codified knowledge must be communicated across arenas. However, the communication of tacit knowledge is more likely to occur when there is frequent and intense communication across arenas. In analyzing connectedness, the authors draw on the literatures about organizational innovation and organizational learning. In addition, they recognize that institutional environments shape the size of research arenas and the connectedness within and among them. The suggestion is that the more similarity there is across sectors, in patterns of research arena size and connectedness, the greater the support for a national system of innovation interpretation. Contrariwise, less similarity of network arena characteristics across sectors may mean more support for the strong role of globalization forces in affecting innovation.
Porter's (1980) Generic Strategies and Performance: An Empirical Examination with American Data
Organization Studies - Tập 7 Số 1 - Trang 37-55 - 1986
Danny Miller, Peter H. Friesen
Porter's (1980) three generic strategies have received a great deal of attention recently in the literature on strategic management. In this, the first of two papers, we employ methods of taxonomy on the PIMS data base of consumer durable business units to determine whether Porter's differentiation, cost leadership and focus types occur with any degree of regularity. Then, in a sequel paper to appear in O.S. we examine whether the types differ among each other and between types not displaying differentiation or cost leadership in their growth and ROI performance.
Porter's (1980) Generic Strategies and Performance: An Empirical Examination with American Data
Organization Studies - Tập 7 Số 3 - Trang 255-261 - 1986
Danny Miller, Peter H. Friesen
In Part I of this paper, published in O.S. 7/1, we compared the strategic clusters that emerged from a taxonomy of consumer durable businesses to three strategies suggested by Porter (1980). We discovered clusters that pursued combinations of Porter's differentiation and cost leadership strategies, and also those that did not. The purpose of this paper is to compare the performance of these groups of clusters, discuss the differences in strategic behaviour among them that may explain performance, and elicit some normative implications.
Temporary Organizing and Institutional Change
Organization Studies - Tập 37 Số 12 - Trang 1819-1840 - 2016
Sampo Tukiainen, Nina Granqvist
The relationship between the temporary and the permanent is a central issue in studies of temporary organizing. Recent research highlights that projects, as key forms of temporary organizations, both constitute and are constituted by their wider institutional contexts. However, there is still a lack of more detailed understanding of the actors and their activities through which projects produce and advance institutional change. To address this issue, we draw on extensive fieldwork to study the activities that constitute establishment of the Innovation University. This endeavour gained the status of a spearhead project and advanced nationwide university reform in one northern European country. Our central contribution is two-fold. We sediment a more robust approach to institutions within project literature by defining them as widely shared beliefs and practices that actors enact and (re)produce through their various activities. On this basis, we develop a model of an institutional project for regulative change and show that it is more parallel and multiplex and less sequential in nature than existing studies might convey. Our model also creates new understanding of the role of the ‘lock-ins’ shaped by projects to promote regulative change and casts light on the temporal linkages and temporal boundary objects in institutional projects. In closing, we discuss several future avenues for research in both project literature and institutional theory.
Discovering Healthcare Cognition: The Use of Cognitive Artifacts to Reveal Cognitive Work
Organization Studies - Tập 27 Số 7 - Trang 1011-1035 - 2006
Christopher Nemeth, Michael OʼConnor, P. Allan Klock, Richard I. Cook
Healthcare systems, especially hospital operating room suites, have properties that make them ideal for the study of the cognitive work using the naturalistic decision-making (NDM) approach. This variable, complex, high-tempo setting provides a unique opportunity to examine the ways that clinicians plan, monitor, and cope with the irreducible uncertainty that underlies this work domain. As frontline managers, anesthesia coordinators plan and manage anesthesia assignments for surgical procedures. As frontline managers, coordinators develop and use cognitive artifacts to distribute cognition across time and among members of the acute care staff. Examination of these cognitive artifacts and their use reveals the hidden subtleties of the coordinators’ work. The use of NDM methods including cognitive artifact analysis to understand cognitive work generates insights that extend beyond the operator level to the study of team-level cognition. Results can be used to create computer-based artifacts that aid individual and team cognition.
Governmentality Matters: Designing an Alliance Culture of Inter-Organizational Collaboration for Managing Projects
Organization Studies - Tập 23 Số 3 - Trang 317-337 - 2002
Stewart Clegg, Tyrone S. Pitsis, Thekla Rura‐Polley, Marton Marosszeky
The concept of governmentality was developed by Michel Foucault to address the specificity of contemporary neo-liberal forms of governance — premised on the active consent and subjugation of subjects, rather than their oppression, domination or external control. These neo-liberal forms of governance are evident in new forms of alliance contracting in the construction industry. We review the major innovations in organization form in the sector, before considering the specific management practices of surveillance and control that are typically associated with governance in these projects. Project management has been a historically evolving field. This paper reports on an example of governmentality applied to the practice of project management. While governmentality refers to the design of project governance as an activity, the management of projects as a mode of organization, irrespective of the mode of governance, is highly complex and uncertain. These themes have already been widely addressed in organization theory. Here, we draw on recent treatments of them that combine transaction costs and resource dependence perspectives. Moreover, we argue that projects also display an acute sense of temporality, as Schutzian-influenced approaches have explored. In the context of governmentality, complexity, uncertainty and temporality are addressed in a specific and highly innovative project management. The research methods used in the ethnography are spelt out, as well as the methods used in constructing the interpretation of the case. Economies in authoritative surveillance have been sought through building collaborative commitment and transparency into the moral fibre of a project. The governmental tools used to do this are a strong project culture, monetized key performance indicators, and a stake-holder conception of the project to bind different organizational stakeholders together. The case does not record an unqualifiedly successful project: the governmentality that was constructed had limits, as the case spells out. The failure indicates some issues that the stakeholder theory of the firm will need to address. We conclude that governmentality projects premised on stakeholder conceptions are particularly susceptible to discrepancies between ambition and outcome. In such a context, the constant injunction to improve may itself be an integral part of the governmental method. Hence, governmentality is particularly appropriate for understanding quality management issues.
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