Operations Management Research
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Động lực lan tỏa của một nền tảng điện tử hỗ trợ dịch vụ Logistics Thành phố Dịch bởi AI
Operations Management Research - Tập 12 - Trang 182-198 - 2019
Khái niệm Logistics Thành phố (CL) đã nổi lên nhằm giảm thiểu tác động xã hội, kinh tế và môi trường của việc phân phối hàng hóa trong đô thị, đặc biệt là ở giai đoạn phân phối cuối cùng. Bài báo này trình bày trường hợp của một nền tảng ICT sáng tạo cho quản lý CL, cùng với một mô hình Động lực Hệ thống được phát triển để khám phá động lực lan tỏa của sáng kiến này trong ba nhóm người dùng, cụ thể là, các chính quyền địa phương, các đơn vị vận tải tự thực hiện và các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ logistics. Cấu trúc và các tham số của mô hình được hình thành dựa trên các mô hình lan tỏa có sẵn trong tài liệu cũng như các phiên họp nhóm tập trung có sự tham gia của các bên liên quan. Đặc biệt, trong các phiên họp nhóm tập trung, các bên liên quan đã sử dụng các khối xây dựng của Business Model Canvas để xác định các giá trị mà nền tảng mang lại. Kết quả cho thấy rằng hiệu quả định tuyến, các ưu đãi cho các nhà điều hành tư nhân với các hành vi bền vững, và các chiến dịch quảng cáo để kích thích tác động chéo giữa các bên liên quan có thể thúc đẩy sự lan tỏa của dịch vụ này. Những kết quả này nhấn mạnh nhu cầu mạnh mẽ của các bên liên quan trong CL đối với các dịch vụ ICT giúp hỗ trợ các hoạt động logistics đô thị hiệu quả hơn, mặc dù cũng xác nhận sự cần thiết của sự hỗ trợ công cộng cho việc lan tỏa của chúng.
#Logistics Thành phố #mô hình động lực hệ thống #nền tảng ICT #hành vi bền vững #Business Model Canvas
Sustainability in multiple stages of the food supply chain in Italy: practices, performance and reputation
Operations Management Research - Tập 12 Số 1 - Trang 40-61 - 2019
This study’s purposes are threefold. First, to identify the sustainability practices and the motivation behind their implementation across different stages in the chain. Second, to understand the relationship between the sustainability practices in a particular supply chain stage with its operational performances, in the same stage and in other stages. Third, to identify the link between sustainability practices implemented in a particular supply chain stage and reputation in the same stage and in other stages. The study is grounded on the institutional theory and involves multiple cases in four different food supply chain (FSC) stages, in Italy. Findings indicate a varied practice implementation in different stages in the chain, motivated by different institutional pressures, which is in turn related to the company’s performance and reputation aims. This multi-stage study provides a more holistic interpretation of sustainability in the FSC, recognizing the importance of setting appropriate sustainability strategies and goals in each stage.
The impact of supply chain agility on business performance in a high level customization environment
Operations Management Research - - 2017
Analyzing the business models for circular economy implementation: a fuzzy TOPSIS approach
Operations Management Research - - 2021
The concept of the circular economy has acquired importance in the academic world. The corporate firms and governments believe that the pressure on the environment can be reduced by implementing the circular economic system. The switching of a linear economy to a circular economy requires to build new business models that overcome the limitations of the linear model of the economy. This paper aims to rank the business models for the successful adoption of the circular economy through the criteria by employing an appropriate multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) method. Fuzzy Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (Fuzzy TOPSIS) has been used in this study. Eleven Business Models have been identified through literature review and analyzed based on nine criteria for the business model to be successful. The ranking of results indicates that the product and process design is the most important business models for the implementation of the circular economy. The findings of this research enhance the understanding about the relative importance of the several business models based on which the management can formulate an effective strategy to systematically adopt an appropriate business model for successful implementation of an economic system.
UTASTAR method and its application in multi-criteria warehouse location selection
Operations Management Research - - 2021
Towards white revolution 2.0: challenges and opportunities for the industry 4.0 technologies in Indian dairy industry
Operations Management Research - - 2024
The world has encountered numerous global crises, including epidemics, military conflicts, and economic collapse. Innovative digital technologies, such as Industry 4.0 (I4.0), can undoubtedly help improve industries’ operations during critical times. The dairy industry has seen an increment in technological adoption in the last few years. Adopting cutting-edge technologies is regarded as more feasible as compared to existing practices. The advancements achieved through the white revolution became game changers for the Indian dairy industry, establishing it as a top producer. The key challenges faced by the Indian dairy industry include safety, quality, transparency, and sustainability. The Indian dairy sector needs a revolution to address these challenges, and digital technologies can play a big role. This study critically demonstrates the emergence of technological transformations in the Indian dairy industry. A conceptual framework, White Revolution 2.0, which indicates the digital revolution, is introduced. This proposed framework presents the three dimensions of White Revolution 2.0, i.e., technological dimension, external factors, and applications of I4.0. The proposed framework will significantly improve dairy operations by effectively addressing the identified challenges throughout every aspect of the dairy industry. The findings indicate that adopting the proposed concept can ensure effective supply chain integration and a sustainable future for the dairy industry by integrating all the stakeholders. Practical implementation of this concept includes improvements in food safety, security, and quality sustainably. This study will assist practitioners and researchers in understanding the fundamentals and necessity of the White Revolution 2.0 and can serve as a roadmap for integrated dairy digitalization.
The impact of forecasting on operational performance: Mediation effects through flexibility enablers
Operations Management Research - Tập 3 - Trang 129-137 - 2010
Literature has devoted increasing attention to the problem of supply and demand management in uncertain contexts. Only limited contributions, however, can be found regarding the interaction between forecasting and flexibility enablers to manage demand as well as regarding the flexibility enablers’ effect on company performance. We will discuss the impacts of flexibility and forecasting on dynamic interactions. The aim of this work is to study the mediation effect of forecasting through flexibility enablers on company performance, i.e., customer satisfaction and cost efficiency. Our results provide evidence that the relationship between forecasting and customer satisfaction is mainly due to process flow management, while the relationship with cost efficiency is mainly due to layout.
An assessment of the impact of corporate social responsibility on organizational quality performance: Empirical evidence from the petroleum industry
Operations Management Research - Tập 14 - Trang 138-151 - 2021
As more organizations are emphasizing their roles and responsibilities to society, there is a need to examine the impact of an organization’s social and environmental practices on firm performance. In this paper, we use the perspective of quality management to examine the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on improving organizational quality performance. Data was collected from 31 managers in the oil and gas industry in Iran. We examined the effect of CSR on organizational quality outcomes using structural equation modeling. We then conducted robustness checks using multivariate regression analysis, directly observed variables, and bootstrapping methods. The findings suggest that CSR has a positive impact on internal quality results; however, the effect of CSR on external quality results is not statistically significant. The results suggest a mediating role for internal quality results in the relationship between CSR and external quality results. The findings also provide new insights into the relationship between CSR and organizational quality performance at two levels.
An integrated fuzzy decision model for prioritization of barriers affecting sustainability adoption within supply chains under unknown weight context
Operations Management Research - Tập 15 - Trang 1010-1027 - 2022
Industry 4.0 and the emergence of the circular economy have inspired industries to rigorously concentrate on digital technologies (DTs). There is an excellent appetite for DTs in developing countries like India, and initiatives such as Digital India have transformed business to a more sustainable dimension. Encouraged to adopt DTs, industries identify practical barriers at the social, environmental and economic levels. Although the literature provides discussion on these barriers, a rational prioritization is lacking. To circumvent the problem, a fuzzy decision model is put forward. Firstly, the barriers affecting DT adoption are reviewed and industry experts can rate the barriers after that. Owing to the diversification/heterogeneity of the experts, biased weights are determined by the fuzzy-attitudinal-CRiteria Importance Through Inter-criteria Correlation (CRITIC) technique. Furthermore, the barriers are prioritized by proposing the interactive COomplex PRoportional ASsessment (COPRAS) algorithm. Finally, a case example from the food industry is exemplified so as to understand the usefulness of the model, and a comparison with the other models is made so as to realize the benefits and the shortcomings.
Knowledge-based supply chains and economies: the relation with the emergent technologies and other current issues
Operations Management Research - Tập 16 - Trang 1057-1058 - 2023
Tổng số: 314
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