Netherlands Journal of Medicine



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Cơ quản chủ quản:  Van Zuiden Communications BV

Lĩnh vực:
Internal MedicineMedicine (miscellaneous)

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Diagnosis, pathogenesis and treatment of the myeloproliferative disorders essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia vera and essential megakaryocytic granulocytic metaplasia and myelofibrosis
Tập 54 - Trang 46-62 - 1999
J.J. Michiels, J. Kutti, P. Stark, M. Bazzan, L. Gugliotta, R. Marchioli, M. Griesshammer, P.J.J. van Genderen, J. Brière, J.J. Kiladjian, T. Barbui, G. Finazzi, N.I. Berlin, T.C. Pearson, A.C. Green, S.M. Fruchtmann, R.T. Silver, E. Hansmann, A. Wehmeier, E. Lengfelder
Severe hyponatraemia in an amiloride/hydrochlorothiazide-treated patient
Tập 54 - Trang 108-113 - 1999
S van Assen, A.H Mudde
Nephroptosis: a considerable cause of renovascular hypertension
Tập 47 - Trang 61-65 - 1995
M. Temizkan, L.F.A. Wijmenga, A.F.G.V.M. Ypma, H.J.A. Hazenberg
Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex DNA in pericardial fluid, bone marrow and peripheral blood in a patient with pericardial tuberculosis: A case report
Tập 59 - Trang 177-180 - 2001
Dimitrios Tzoanopoulos, Dimitrios Stakos, Dimitrios Hatseras, Konstantinos Ritis, Georgios Kartalis
Early detection and treatment of oesophageal and gastric cancer
Tập 47 - Trang 76-80 - 1995
P.D. Siersema, J. Dees, H.W. Tilanus, T.C. Kok, M.L. Hordijk, M. von Blankenstein
Regional enteritis complicating malignant lymphoma
Tập 49 - Trang 82-85 - 1996
W. Veldman, M. van Beek, J.J. Keuning, W.M.M. Driessen
Hyperhomocysteinaemia: a role in the accelerated atherogenesis of chronic renal failure?
Tập 46 - Trang 244-251 - 1995
M.J.F.M. Janssen, M. van den Berg, C.D.A. Stehouwer, G.H.J. Boers
Subacute Budd–Chiari syndrome associated with polycythemia vera and factor V Leiden mutation
Tập 57 - Trang 62-67 - 2000
S Simsek, R.V Verheesen, E.B Haagsma, J Lourens