Nature Cell Biology



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Cơ quản chủ quản:  NATURE PORTFOLIO , Nature Publishing Group

Lĩnh vực:
Cell Biology

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Thông tin về tạp chí


Nature Cell Biology publishes papers of the highest quality from all areas of cell biology, encouraging those that shed light on the mechanisms underlying fundamental cell biological processes. The journal's scope is broad and specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to: -Autophagy -Cancer biology -Cell adhesion and migration -Cell cycle and growth -Cell death -Chromatin and epigenetics -Cytoskeletal dynamics -Developmental biology -DNA replication and repair -Mechanisms of human disease -Mechanobiology -Membrane traffic and dynamics -Metabolism -Nuclear organization and dynamics -Organelle biology -Proteolysis and quality control -RNA biology -Signal transduction -Stem cell biology

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

The molecular motor dynein is involved in targeting Swallow and bicoid RNA to the anterior pole of Drosophila oocytes
Tập 2 Số 4 - Trang 185-190 - 2000
Frank Schnorrer, Kerstin Bohmann, Christiane Nüsslein‐Volhard
Root gravitropism requires lateral root cap and epidermal cells for transport and response to a mobile auxin signal
Tập 7 Số 11 - Trang 1057-1065 - 2005
Ranjan Swarup, Eric M. Kramer, Paula Perry, Kirsten Knox, Ottoline Leyser, Jim Haseloff, Gerrit T.S. Beemster, Rishikesh P. Bhalerao, Malcolm J. Bennett
Auxin transport through non-hair cells sustains root-hair development
Tập 11 Số 1 - Trang 78-84 - 2009
Angharad Jones, Eric M. Kramer, Kirsten Knox, Ranjan Swarup, Malcolm J. Bennett, Colin M. Lazarus, Ottoline Leyser, Claire Grierson
Virus entry by macropinocytosis
Tập 11 Số 5 - Trang 510-520 - 2009
Jason Mercer, Ari Helenius
V-ATPase: a potential pH sensor
Tập 8 Số 2 - Trang 107-109 - 2006
Chiara Recchi, Philippe Chavrier
Cdk and APC activities limit the spindle-stabilizing function of Fin1 to anaphase
Tập 9 Số 1 - Trang 106-112 - 2007
Erika L. Woodbury, David O. Morgan
Deregulated human Cdc14A phosphatase disrupts centrosome separation and chromosome segregation
Tập 4 Số 4 - Trang 318-322 - 2002
Niels Mailand, Claudia Lukas, Brett K. Kaiser, Peter K. Jackson, Jiří Bártek, Jiří Lukáš
A non-proteolytic function of separase links the onset of anaphase to mitotic exit
Tập 5 Số 3 - Trang 249-254 - 2003
Matt Sullivan, Frank Uhlmann
The CDC-14 phosphatase controls developmental cell-cycle arrest in C. elegans
Tập 6 Số 8 - Trang 777-783 - 2004
R. Mako Saito, Audrey Perreault, Bethan Peach, John S. Satterlee, Sander van den Heuvel
Cohesin cleavage and Cdk inhibition trigger formation of daughter nuclei
Tập 12 Số 2 - Trang 185-192 - 2010
Raquel A. Oliveira, Russell S. Hamilton, Andrea Pauli, Ilan Davis, Kim Nasmyth