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Sự khác biệt hình thái - giải phẫu giữa các loài Afrothismia mycoheterotrophic (Thismiaceae) cho thấy sự tiến hóa hướng tới lợi ích từ mycorrhiza được cải thiện Dịch bởi AI
Mycorrhiza - Tập 30 - Trang 397-405 - 2020
Stephan Imhof, Benjamin Feller, Anna Heser
Các loài thực vật không chứa diệp lục, mycoheterotrophic phụ thuộc vào nấm rễ của chúng để cung cấp 100% carbon. Do đó, có áp lực tiến hóa mạnh mẽ hướng tới một chức năng tổ chức tốt từ góc độ của thực vật. Các thành viên của chi mycoheterotrophic Afrothismia đã tiến hóa những mô hình xâm chiếm nấm phức tạp cho phép hưởng lợi lâu dài từ các sự kiện xâm nhập bên ngoài của nấm. Dựa trên những chi tiết giải phẫu của hệ thống rễ - thân của A. korupensis và A. hydra, chúng tôi làm rõ một sự tiến triển tiến hóa giữa mô hình mycorrhiza đơn giản tương đối ở A. gesnerioides và mycorrhiza phức tạp nhất cho đến nay ở A. saingei. Chúng tôi phát hiện hai sự tiến bộ lớn: (1) hai loài, A. korupensis và A. saingei, sử dụng chính nấm như một kho trữ năng lượng, thay thế cho các sự tích trữ tinh bột được sử dụng bởi A. gesnerioides và A. hydra, và (2) độ phức tạp hình thái của các dạng sợi nấm trong các mô thực vật tăng dần từ A. gesnerioides đến A. saingei. Chúng tôi thảo luận về sự bỏ qua trao đổi chất tinh bột cũng như những khác biệt morfo-anatomical như là một sự điều chỉnh tiến hóa tinh tế của tổ chức mycorrhiza theo từng phần trong Afrothismia. Kết quả của chúng tôi hỗ trợ ý tưởng về sự phân tách thuế học giữa Afrothismia và các loài Thismiaceae khác.
#mycoheterotrophic #mycorrhiza #Afrothismia #tiến hóa #hình thái - giải phẫu
The mycorrhizal status of Phragmites australis in several polluted soils and sediments of an industrialised region of Northern Portugal
Mycorrhiza - Tập 10 - Trang 241-247 - 2001
R.S. Oliveira, J. C. Dodd, P. M. L. Castro
Roots of Phragmites australis from three polluted soils and sediments (a periodically flooded stream bank containing organic pollutants, a high-pH drying sedimentation pond and an acidic, periodically flooded sand polluted by industrial effluents) were sampled over a 1-year cycle of plant growth to assess the degree of colonisation by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). At the dry sedimentation pond, root samples of Juncus effusus and Salix atrocinerea were also taken to assess the presence of AMF throughout the year. Root colonisation was low (<5% root length colonised) but arbuscule presence peaked in P. australis during the spring and autumn prior to flowering. These changes in arbuscule abundance were also seen in a parallel greenhouse trial using seed taken from one of the sites. Roots of J. effusus contained mainly vesicular colonisation but arbuscule activity peaked during the winter months (December–March). S. atrocinerea roots were found to be ectomycorrhizal throughout the year but the fine feeder roots were colonised by AMF. The results confirm that semi-aquatics, like P. australis, can become arbuscular mycorrhizal but that this status changes during the year depending on soil moisture content and plant phenology. The influence of AMF in these polluted soils is uncertain but the potential exists to establish a more diverse plant ecosystem during the landscaping of these areas (phytostabilisation) by management of adapted plant and AMF ecotypes.
Inoculation of containerized Pinus pinea L. seedlings with seven ectomycorrhizal fungi
Mycorrhiza - Tập 11 - Trang 265-271 - 2001
Ana Rincón, Isabel F. Alvarez, Joan Pera
Containerized Pinus pinea L. seedlings are commonly used for reforestation in the Mediterranean area. While there is an increasing knowledge of the potential ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with Pinus pinea, few studies exist of inoculation techniques with selected ectomycorrhizal fungi. We tested seven ectomycorrhizal fungi for their effectiveness with containerized Pinus pinea seedlings. Hebeloma crustuliniforme, Laccaria laccata and Pisolithus tinctorius were applied as vegetative inocula while Melanogaster ambiguus, Pisolithus tinctorius, Rhizopogon luteolus, Rhizopogon roseolus and Scleroderma verrucosum were tested as spore inocula. The inoculum of each fungus was tested at several application rates. Among the fungi tested as vegetative inocula, the highest percentages of ectomycorrhizas were obtained with H. crustuliniforme at all rates tested. The ectomycorrhizas formed by L. laccata varied from 11% to 40% depending on the inoculum rate applied. Vegetative inoculum of Pisolithus tinctorius was only effective at the highest inoculum rates and gave mycorrhization percentages around 60%. Pisolithus tinctorius applied as a spore inoculum formed ectomycorrhizas at a frequency of about 50% at the effective inoculum rates. The rest of the fungi applied as spore inocula produced more than 50% of ectomycorrhizas at the effective spore concentrations. These included the highest percentages of ectomycorrhizas (>80%) obtained with both Rhizopogon species. Differences in growth due to inoculation with the different fungi were not detected and in some cases inoculation even reduced the total biomass accumulated by seedlings. All seedlings reached a size suitable for transplantation.
The role of mycorrhiza in plant populations and communities
Mycorrhiza - Tập 1 - Trang 123-125 - 1992
I. C. Tommerup
There is a large body of literature concerning the value of mycorrhiza to plant growth. Recent emphasis on the potential benefits of the fungi to natural ecosystems conservation and productive agriculture has focused attention on the roles and underlying mechanisms of the association. In parallel, recognition that isolates/ species of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi have variable life-history traits has resulted in investigations focused on the symbiotic fungi rather than the host, a perspective which may reflect the fungal evolutionary strategies. This paper discusses progress in understanding interactions amongst hyphae, which in one form or another are a major component of mycorrhiza and each phase of the life-history.
Clonal spore populations in sporocarps of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Mycorrhiza - Tập 32 - Trang 373-385 - 2022
Masahide Yamato, Hiroki Yamada, Taro Maeda, Kohei Yamamoto, Ryota Kusakabe, Takamichi Orihara
Some arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal species known to form sporocarps (i.e., aggregations of spores) are polyphyletic in two orders, Glomerales and Diversisporales. Spore clusters (sporocarp-like structures) often formed in pot cultures or in vitro conditions are supposed to be clonal populations, while sporocarps in natural habitats with a fungal peridium are morphologically similar to those of epigeous sexual (zygosporic) sporocarps of Endogone species. Thus, in this study, we explored the genetics of sporocarpic spores of two AM fungi with a view to possibilities of clonal or sexual reproduction during sporocarps formation. To examine these possibilities, we investigated single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in reduced genomic libraries of spores isolated from sporocarps molecularly identified as Rhizophagus irregularis and Diversispora epigaea. In addition, partial sequences of the MAT locus HD2 gene of R. irregularis were phylogenetically analyzed to determine the nuclear status of the spores. We found that most SNPs were shared among the spores isolated from each sporocarp in both species. Furthermore, all HD2 sequences from spores isolated from three R. irregularis sporocarps were identical. These results indicate that those sporocarps comprise clonal spores. Therefore, sporocarps with clonal spores may have different functions than sexual reproduction, such as massive spore production or spore dispersal via mycophagy.
A plea for a concerted nomenclature for AM fungal genes
Mycorrhiza - Tập 12 - Trang 319-319 - 2002
Taxi drivers: the role of animals in transporting mycorrhizal fungi
Mycorrhiza - Tập 29 - Trang 413-434 - 2019
Martina Vašutová, Piotr Mleczko, Alvaro López-García, Irena Maček, Gergely Boros, Jan Ševčík, Saori Fujii, Davorka Hackenberger, Ivan H. Tuf, Elisabeth Hornung, Barna Páll-Gergely, Rasmus Kjøller
Dispersal of mycorrhizal fungi via animals and the importance for the interacting partners’ life history as well as for ecosystems is an understudied topic. In this review, we describe the available evidence and the most important knowledge gaps and finally suggest ways to gain the missing information. So far, 33 articles have been published proving a successful transfer of mycorrhizal propagules by animals. The vast majority of research on invertebrates was focused on arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, whereas papers on vertebrates (mainly rodents and artiodactyls) equally addressed ectomycorrhizal (ECM) and AM fungi. Effective dispersal has been mostly shown by the successful inoculation of bait plants and less commonly by spore staining or germination tests. Based on the available data and general knowledge on animal lifestyles, collembolans and oribatid mites may be important in transporting ECM fungal propagules by ectozoochory, whereas earthworms, isopods, and millipedes could mainly transfer AM fungal spores in their gut systems. ECM fungal distribution may be affected by mycophagous dipterans and their hymenopteran parasitoids, while slugs, snails, and beetles could transport both mycorrhizal groups. Vertebrates feeding on fruit bodies were shown to disperse mainly ECM fungi, while AM fungi are transported mostly accidentally by herbivores. The important knowledge gaps include insufficient information on dispersal of fungal propagules other than spores, the role of invertebrates in the dispersal of mycorrhizal fungi, the way in which propagules pass through food webs, and the spatial distances reached by different dispersal mechanisms both horizontally and vertically.
Elevated CO2 and O3 effects on ectomycorrhizal fungal root tip communities in consideration of a post-agricultural soil nutrient gradient legacy
Mycorrhiza - Tập 24 - Trang 581-593 - 2014
Carrie Andrew, Erik A. Lilleskov
Despite the critical role of EMF in nutrient and carbon (C) dynamics, combined effects of global atmospheric pollutants on ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) are unclear. Here, we present research on EMF root-level community responses to elevated CO2 and O3. We discovered that belowground EMF community richness and similarity were both negatively affected by CO2 and O3, but the effects of CO2 and O3 on EMF communities were contingent on a site soil pH and cation availability gradient. These results contrast with our previous work showing a strong direct effect of CO2 and O3 on sporocarp community dynamics and production. We discuss the possible role of carbon demand and allocation by EMF taxa in the discrepancy of these results. EMF communities were structured by a legacy of spatially defined soil properties, changing atmospheric chemistry and temporal dynamics. It is therefore necessary to understand global change impacts across multiple environmental gradients and spatiotemporal scales.
Tuber wenchuanense, a holarctic truffle with a wide range of host plants and description of its ectomycorrhiza with spruce
Mycorrhiza - Tập 33 Số 1 - Trang 45-58 - 2023
Mleczko, Piotr, Hilszczańska, Dorota, Karpowicz, Filip, Kozak, Maciej, Leonardi, Marco, Rosa-Gruszecka, Aleksandra, Tereba, Anna, Pacioni, Giovanni
Tuber wenchuanense ascomata (Ascomycota, Pezizales), a species originally described from Sichuan (China), were found in the Tatra Mountains in southern Poland. The purpose of this work was to (i) report and assess the first case of the holarctic natural distribution of a Tuber species, (ii) amend the original description of the species, (iii) summarize data on its host plants and (iv) describe its ectomycorrhiza. Specimens of Tuber wenchuanense from the Tatra Mountains were studied morphologically and molecularly. The ectomycorrhiza of this truffle with Picea abies was described for the first time. The distribution of T. wenchuanense, which is reconstructed based on sequences deposited in the publicly available nucleotide sequence databases, makes it the first holarctic Tuber species and the one with the northernmost habitat. In fact, its habitat is confined mainly to mountain coniferous forests and alpine and arctic tundra; although, according to known observations, the fruiting bodies of T. wenchuanense can be produced only under conifers. Based on the sequences of the internal transcribed spacer, this species appears to have low genetic variability over the entire distribution range. The phylogenetic tree showed that some of the unidentified phylotypes from the Rufum clade found by other researchers belong to T. wenchuanense. The ecological implications of these findings are discussed.
Characteristic responses of three tropical legumes to the inoculation of two species of VAM fungi in Andosol soils with different fertilities
Mycorrhiza - Tập 5 - Trang 63-70 - 1994
B. D. Ahiabor, H. Hirata
The growth and mineral nutrition responses were evaluated of three tropical legumes, cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. cv Kuromame), pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan L. (Millsp.) cv ICPL 86009] and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea cv Nakateyutaka) inoculated with two different species of VAM fungi, Glomus sp. (Glomus etunicatum-like species) and Gigaspora margarita, and grown in Andosols with different fertilities [Bray II-P: topsoil (72 ppm), subsoil (<0.1 ppm)]. Percent fungal root colonization was high in cowpea and groundnut but relatively low in pigeonpea in both soil types. Despite the low rate of root infection, significant growth responses were produced, especially in the inoculated pigeonpea plant. In all legumes, shoot dry matter production was favoured by the inoculations. Increases in shoot biomass due to mycorrhizae were greater in the subsoil than in the topsoil. Mycorrhization raised shoot concentrations of P and Ca (in cowpea and groundnut) and P and K (in pigeonpea) in the topsoil. Whereas the P concentration in shoots in the subsoil was not positively affected by VAM fungi, particularly in cowpea and pigeonpea, the concentration of K in such plants was significantly increased by VAM treatment. The results also showed that mycorrhizal enhancement of shoot micronutrient concentrations was very rare in all plants, with negative effects observed in certain cases. Cu concentration, in particular, was not affected by VAM formation in any of the plants, and Mn and Fe in pigeonpea and groundnut, respectively, remained the same whether plants were mycorrhizal or not. In both soils the three legumes responded to Glomus sp. better than to Gigaspora margarita, and the effects of the VAM fungi on each of the crops relative to the controls were greater in the subsoil than in the topsoil. However, shoot growth of groundnut was not affected as much as cowpea and pigeonpea by the type of soil used. In spite of the relatively low infection of its root, pigeonpea was generally the most responsive of the three legume species in terms of mycorrhizal/nonmycorrhizal ratios.
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